
近世 東亞細亞 西洋語 資料叢書

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近世 東亞細亞 西洋語 資料叢書

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西洋語資料叢書編纂委員會 編輯
景仁文化社 ; 2000-
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ChinaLeave the NDL website. Corea : the hermit nationLeave the NDL website. The flowery kingdom and the land of the MikadoLeave the NDL website. The path of empire . Japan inside outLeave the NDL website. Land utilization and rural economy in Korea . Administrative reforms in Korea ; The Korean independence agitationLeave the NDL website. Cassell's history of the Russo-Japanese WarLeave the NDL website. Northeastern Asia : a selected bibliographyLeave the NDL website. The new Far EastLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the Korean spoken languageLeave the NDL website. The church in Corea . A corn of wheatLeave the NDL website. History of the Korea missionLeave the NDL website. Corea or Cho-sen . Quaint KoreaLeave the NDL website. China and her neighboursLeave the NDL website. Village life in Korea . Our Korean friendsLeave the NDL website. Bellum tartaricum . 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Journal of three voyages along the coast of ChinaLeave the NDL website. Öst-Asien i våra dagarLeave the NDL website. Irma and the Hermit : my life in Korea . Tales told in KoreaLeave the NDL website. The truce in the East and its aftermathLeave the NDL website. The passing of KoreaLeave the NDL website. Cases on international law during the Chino-Japanese War . China and the present crisisLeave the NDL website. On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago . A little history of China and a Chinese storyLeave the NDL website. Tagebuchblätter aus Siberien, Japan, Hinter-Indien, Australien, China, KoreaLeave the NDL website. Korea and the old orders in Eastern Asia . Virtuous womenLeave the NDL website. A concise history of the war between Japan and China . The problem of Asia and its effect upon international policies . The Japan-China War : on the regent's sword . The Japan-China War : the naval battle of HaiyangLeave the NDL website. The civilizations of the East : JapanLeave the NDL website. The catholic church in Korea . Mgr Ridel : eveque de Philippopolis vicaire apostolique de CoreeLeave the NDL website. A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific OceanLeave the NDL website. KoreaLeave the NDL website. Retreat of the West : the white man's adventure in Eastern Asia ; Chinaman's chanceLeave the NDL website. The call of Korea . Modern education in KoreaLeave the NDL website. La Corée contemporaine . Au Japon par Java, la Chine, la Corée . Pauvre et douce CoréeLeave the NDL website. Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. SamarangLeave the NDL website. Wandering in Northern ChinaLeave the NDL website. Chosen in pictures . Pictorial Chosen and ManchuriaLeave the NDL website. AsienLeave the NDL website. The Korean Church and the Nevius methods ; Religions of old KoreaLeave the NDL website. Cassell's history of the Russo-Japanese War, vol. 5 . Sketches of Manchurian battle-fields . Korea : treaties and agreementsLeave the NDL website. Aus den Waldungen des fernen Ostens . In Korean wilds and villagesLeave the NDL website. Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to ChinaLeave the NDL website. Authentic history of the war between Russia and JapanLeave the NDL website. Daybreak in Korea . Stewardship in Korea . The Nevius plan for mission work, illustrated in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Door Amerika, Japan en Korea naar China . Neu-JapanLeave the NDL website. ChosenLeave the NDL website. An eye-witness in Manchuria . With Russian, Japanese and ChunchuseLeave the NDL website. Fairy tales of old Korea . The soul of the Far EastLeave the NDL website. A directory for the navigation of the Indian Archipelago, China, and JapanLeave the NDL website. Terry's Japanese EmpireLeave the NDL website. Visions d'Extrême-Orient . Étapes asiatiques : Indochine, Chine, Mandchourie, CoréeLeave the NDL website. With Tommy Tompkins in Korea . The religions of Eastern AsiaLeave the NDL website. The Eastern seas . A traveller's notesLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of the Japanese EmpireLeave the NDL website. Life in Corea . A forbidden LandLeave the NDL website. The story of KoreaLeave the NDL website. The rebirth of Korea . First fruits in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Empire of the East, or, Japan and Russia at war, 1904-5Leave the NDL website. Ostasiatische Fragen : China, Japan, Korea . Land und Leute in Korea . Korea : Land--Volk--SchicksalLeave the NDL website. Notes and sketches from the wild coasts of NiponLeave the NDL website. Within the gateLeave the NDL website. Symbols of 'the way' Far East and West . Games of the Orient : Korea, China, Japan ; Chinese games with diceLeave the NDL website. Travels in the Far EastLeave the NDL website. NipponLeave the NDL website. Old Korea . Village life in Korea . When I was a boy in KoreaLeave the NDL website. ChinaLeave the NDL website. Empires of the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Catalogue des livres chinois, coreens, japonais, etc.Leave the NDL website. Korea today ; The Yi dynasty annals of Korea ; The romanization of the Korean languageLeave the NDL website. To-morrow in the Far East . The Challenge of the EastLeave the NDL website. Our Korean friends . Étapes asiatiques : Indochine, Chine, Mandchourie, CoréeLeave the NDL website. A modern pioneer in Korea ; Corea, without and withinLeave the NDL website. In the uttermost EastLeave the NDL website. Heroic Japan : a history of the war between China & JapanLeave the NDL website. Korean games with notes on the corresponding games of China and Japan ; Games of the Orient : Korea, China, Japan ; Chinese games with diceLeave the NDL website. Korean Buddhism . A history of Korean artLeave the NDL website. Korea : Schilderungen von Dr. Siegfried Genthe . Koreanische MarchenLeave the NDL website. The history of Protestant missions in KoreaLeave the NDL website. History of European botanical discoveries in ChinaLeave the NDL website. The West in the East from an American point of viewLeave the NDL website. China, the Orient and the yellow manLeave the NDL website. War between Japan and RussiaLeave the NDL website. Japan and her colonies . Korea of the JapaneseLeave the NDL website. Undiplomatic memories . God, mammon and the JapaneseLeave the NDL website. A cycle of CathayLeave the NDL website. The civilizations of the East : ChinaLeave the NDL website. Korea ; Korea, das Land des MorgenrotsLeave the NDL website. International law applied to the Russo-Japanese WarLeave the NDL website. Bibliographie coreeneLeave the NDL website. The Corean government : constitutional changes . Corea and the powers . The Far Eastern questionLeave the NDL website. The coming struggle in Eastern AsiaLeave the NDL website. Every-day life in Korea . A diplomat's helpmate . The winning of the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Im Osten Asiens . Korea : Marchen und LegendenLeave the NDL website. Korea . KoreaLeave the NDL website. The story of China and her neighborsLeave the NDL website. Repertoire historique de l'administration coreeneLeave the NDL website. Glimpses of the OrientLeave the NDL website. An enumeration of plants hitherto known from CoreaLeave the NDL website. Wanderings & wonderingsLeave the NDL website. The Russo-Japanese War on land . The north Pacific : a story of the Russo-Japanese WarLeave the NDL website. The re-shaping of the Far EastLeave the NDL website. The Oriental policy of the United States ; The Russians came to KoreaLeave the NDL website. The face of Manchuria . The truth about China and JapanLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of the fishes of JapanLeave the NDL website. Historia de las missiones que han hecho los religiosos de la Compa [nia de Iesus]Leave the NDL website. Things Korean ; Korea : fact and fancy . The Horace Allen manuscript collectionLeave the NDL website. Empires and emperors of Russia, China, Korea, and JapanLeave the NDL website. History of KoreaLeave the NDL website. The peoples and politics of the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Korean folk tales : imps, ghosts and fairies . Korean grammatical formsLeave the NDL website. Dreiunddreissig jahre in Ost-AsienLeave the NDL website. The case of Korea . Korean treatiesLeave the NDL website. History of CoreaLeave the NDL website. Nippon VII ; Manners and customs of the JapaneseLeave the NDL website. Story of China and JapanLeave the NDL website. Korea, Land und Volk . In den Diamantbergen KoreasLeave the NDL website. Problems of the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Underwood of KoreaLeave the NDL website. The China pilotLeave the NDL website. Democracy and mission education in Korea . James Noble Mackenzie : missionary to the New Hebrides and Korea, an autobiography . Church growth in KoreaLeave the NDL website. A brief review of the work of the Bank of Chosen ; Economic history of Chosen . The new administration in Chosen . The Chosen Industrial BankLeave the NDL website. Journeys in north ChinaLeave the NDL website. The Korean conspiracy trial . Report on currency adjustment in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Far Eastern impressions . A winter in North ChinaLeave the NDL website. Manchuria and Korea . Through Oriental gatesLeave the NDL website. Expenditures of the Sino-Japanese War . The fall of Wei-hai-weiLeave the NDL website. A concise dictionary of the Korean languageLeave the NDL website. The earth and its inhabitants : AsiaLeave the NDL website. Fifteen years among the top-knots : life in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Korea & her neighboursLeave the NDL website. China's story in myth ; America in the EastLeave the NDL website. The middle kingdomLeave the NDL website. Butterflies from China, Japan, and CoreaLeave the NDL website. Europe and the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Korea's fight for freedom ; The tragedy of Korea ; The colonial policy of Japan in KoreaLeave the NDL website. A scamper through the Far East . Waifs and strays from the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Japan, Korea, China . Funkelnder Ferner OstenLeave the NDL website. Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea, 1894-1904 ; China's intercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895Leave the NDL website. Reconnaissance in the Russo-Japanese War . A modern campaign, or, War and wireless telegraphy in the Far EastLeave the NDL website. Korea and the sacred White Mountain . Koreans at home . Korea : the old and the newLeave the NDL website. The life of Isabella BirdLeave the NDL website. Travels of a naturalist in Japan and Manchuria . On Lepidoptera Heterocera from China, Japan, and CoreaLeave the NDL website. The Far East revisited . The renaissance of KoreaLeave the NDL website. An American cruiser in the EastLeave the NDL website. The vanguard, a tale of Korea ; A history of the Korean peopleLeave the NDL website. Korea : its history, its people and its commerceLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • China

  • Corea : the hermit nation

  • The flowery kingdom and the land of the Mikado

  • The path of empire . Japan inside out

  • Land utilization and rural economy in Korea . Administrative reforms in Korea ; The Korean independence agitation

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西洋語資料叢書編纂委員會 編輯
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근세 동아세아 서양어 자료 총서
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