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Riemannian geometry and geometric analysisLeave the NDL website. From vectors to tensorsLeave the NDL website. Understanding and using linear programmingLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of hopf algebrasLeave the NDL website. P-adic numbers : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Advanced analysis on the real lineLeave the NDL website. Riemannian geometry and geometric analysisLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the Mori ProgramLeave the NDL website. FORTRAN programming : a supplement for calculus coursesLeave the NDL website. A geometrical picture bookLeave the NDL website. Analytic and differential functions, manifolds and Riemann surfacesLeave the NDL website. A textbook of graph theoryLeave the NDL website. A course in topological combinatoricsLeave the NDL website. Potential theoryLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to algebraLeave the NDL website. Sphere packingsLeave the NDL website. Frontiers in numerical analysisLeave the NDL website. Galois theoryLeave the NDL website. Mechanizing hypothesis formation : mathematical foundations for a general theoryLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of functional analysisLeave the NDL website. Number fieldsLeave the NDL website. The theory of differential equations : classical and qualitativeLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of real analysisLeave the NDL website. Graphs and matricesLeave the NDL website. Complex dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Natural function algebrasLeave the NDL website. Class field theoryLeave the NDL website. Plane and solid geometryLeave the NDL website. Real analysis : measures, integrals and applicationsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to infinite-dimensional analysisLeave the NDL website. Sets and numbers, graphs and algebra, logic and machines, linear geometryLeave the NDL website. Geometry of surfacesLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Markov decision processes with applications to financeLeave the NDL website. Statistics of financial markets : an introductionLeave the NDL website. An introduction to Riemannian geometry : with applications to mechanics and relativityLeave the NDL website. Algebraic function fields and codesLeave the NDL website. Elementary theory of metric spaces : a course in constructing mathematical proofsLeave the NDL website. Logical number theoryLeave the NDL website. Techniques of constructive analysisLeave the NDL website. Matrix theory : basic results and techniquesLeave the NDL website. GeometryLeave the NDL website. Ergodic theory, hyperbolic dynamics and dimension theoryLeave the NDL website. Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Matrix groupsLeave the NDL website. Finite möbius groups, minimal immersions of spheres, and moduliLeave the NDL website. Differential forms and applicationsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to manifoldsLeave the NDL website. Statistics of financial markets : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Introduction to robust and quasi-robust statistical methodsLeave the NDL website. Matrix groupsLeave the NDL website. An invitation to Morse theoryLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Analysis : From concepts to applicationsLeave the NDL website. Galois theoryLeave the NDL website. Stochastic partial differential equations : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals and advanced techniques in derivatives hedgingLeave the NDL website. An invitation to algebraic geometryLeave the NDL website. An introduction to sequential dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Complex analysisLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Algebraic topology from a homotopical viewpointLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Graph theory applicationsLeave the NDL website. A basic course in probability theoryLeave the NDL website. Introduction to nonlinear dispersive equationsLeave the NDL website. The special theory of relativity : a mathematical expositionLeave the NDL website. Lectures on number theoryLeave the NDL website. Compact Riemann surfaces : an introduction to contemporary mathematicsLeave the NDL website. GeometryLeave the NDL website. Mathematical gauge theory : with applications to the standard model of particle physicsLeave the NDL website. Cohomology of sheavesLeave the NDL website. Motivic homotopy theory : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, August 2002Leave the NDL website. Applied stochastic control of jump diffusionsLeave the NDL website. A first course in discrete dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Singularities and topology of hypersurfacesLeave the NDL website. Introduction to homotopy theoryLeave the NDL website. Lectures on analysis on metric spacesLeave the NDL website. Mathematical analysisLeave the NDL website. A taste of Jordan algebrasLeave the NDL website. Mathematical analysisLeave the NDL website. Informal introduction to stochastic processes with MapleLeave the NDL website. Dynamical systems on surfacesLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Distributions, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysisLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of contemporary set theoryLeave the NDL website. Principles of harmonic analysisLeave the NDL website. Weyl transformsLeave the NDL website. Riemannian geometry and geometric analysisLeave the NDL website. Introductory lectures on fluctuations of Lévy processes with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Notes on geometryLeave the NDL website. Linear chaosLeave the NDL website. Numerical solution of SDE through computer experimentsLeave the NDL website. Measures of symmetry for convex sets and stabilityLeave the NDL website. An invitation to algebraic geometryLeave the NDL website. Stochastic modelingLeave the NDL website. Probability theoryLeave the NDL website. Statistics of financial markets : an introductionLeave the NDL website. An invitation to Morse theoryLeave the NDL website. Complex geometry : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Linear functional analysis : an application-oriented introductionLeave the NDL website. Stochastic partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Sets and numbers, graphs and algebra, logic and machines, linear geometryLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. Classical theory of algebraic numbersLeave the NDL website. Orthogonality and spacetime geometryLeave the NDL website. Postmodern analysisLeave the NDL website. Quantum calculusLeave the NDL website. 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Algebraic geometry over the complex numbersLeave the NDL website. Compact Riemann surfaces : an introduction to contemporary mathematicsLeave the NDL website. A short course on operator semigroupsLeave the NDL website. Linear programming duality : an introduction to oriented matroidsLeave the NDL website. Surfaces in classical geometries : a treatment by moving framesLeave the NDL website. A course in constructive algebraLeave the NDL website. Functional spaces for the theory of elliptic partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Foundations and integral representationsLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Numerical solution of SDE through computer experimentsLeave the NDL website. Convex and stochastic optimizationLeave the NDL website. Qualitative theory of planar differential systemsLeave the NDL website. 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Non-life insurance mathematics : an introduction with the Poisson processLeave the NDL website. Hyperbolic partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamic network analysis of biological systemsLeave the NDL website. Tools for computational financeLeave the NDL website. The calculus of variationsLeave the NDL website. Calculus and ODEs, splines, probability, Fourier and wavelet theory, fractals and neural networks, categories and Lambda calculusLeave the NDL website. Calculus of variationsLeave the NDL website. Calculus on normed vector spacesLeave the NDL website. Principles of harmonic analysisLeave the NDL website. Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes with applications to financeLeave the NDL website. A taste of topologyLeave the NDL website. A textbook of graph theoryLeave the NDL website. The quantum caseLeave the NDL website. Introduction to hyperbolic geometryLeave the NDL website. Algebraic combinatorics : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003Leave the NDL website. Fourier analysis and stochastic processesLeave the NDL website. Graphs and matricesLeave the NDL website. Continuity, integration and Fourier theoryLeave the NDL website. Introduction to matrix analysis and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Submanifold theory : beyond an introductionLeave the NDL website. A course in functional analysis and measure theoryLeave the NDL website. Hypergeometric summation : an algorithmic approach to summation and special function identitiesLeave the NDL website. A course in formal languages, automata and groupsLeave the NDL website. Strange phenomena in convex and discrete geometryLeave the NDL website. Riemannian geometry and geometric analysisLeave the NDL website. Second course in ordinary differential equations for scientists and engineersLeave the NDL website. Problems from the discrete to the continuous : probability, number theory, graph theory, and combinatoricsLeave the NDL website. GeometryLeave the NDL website. Polyhedral and algebraic methods in computational geometryLeave the NDL website. Valuation theoryLeave the NDL website. Logic, sets and numbersLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. Theory of probability and random processesLeave the NDL website. GeometryLeave the NDL website. Isomonodromic deformations and Frobenius manifolds : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Functional analytic methodsLeave the NDL website. Partial differential equations in action : from modelling to theoryLeave the NDL website. Representation theory of finite groups : a guidebookLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. Tools for computational financeLeave the NDL website. Ordinary and partial differential equations : with special functions, Fourier series, and boundary value problemsLeave the NDL website. A concise introduction to mathematical logicLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of quasi-stable dissipative systemsLeave the NDL website. Numerical optimization : theoretical and practical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Probability essentialsLeave the NDL website. An introductory course in functional analysisLeave the NDL website. Compact Riemann surfaces : an introduction to contemporary mathematicsLeave the NDL website. Ergodic theory and dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Notes on geometryLeave the NDL website. Postmodern analysisLeave the NDL website. Probability theory : a comprehensive courseLeave the NDL website. Complex analysisLeave the NDL website. Introduction to nonlinear dispersive equationsLeave the NDL website. Beginner's course in topology : geometric chaptersLeave the NDL website. Algebraic surfaces and holomorphic vector bundlesLeave the NDL website. Symbolic dynamics : one-sided, two-sided and countable state Markov shiftsLeave the NDL website. A polynomial approach to linear algebraLeave the NDL website. Spectra of graphsLeave the NDL website. Tools for computational financeLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Geometric invariant theory : over the real and complex numbersLeave the NDL website. Programming for mathematiciansLeave the NDL website. Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Fourier and wavelet analysisLeave the NDL website. Aspects of Brownian motionLeave the NDL website. Catalan's conjectureLeave the NDL website. Essential mathematics for applied fieldsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Dynamical systems : examples of complex behaviourLeave the NDL website. Algebraic theory of quadratic numbersLeave the NDL website. Banach latticesLeave the NDL website. Lie sphere geometry : with applications to submanifoldsLeave the NDL website. A short course in ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Nonstandard methods in fixed point theoryLeave the NDL website. Statistics of financial markets : exercises and solutionsLeave the NDL website. Numerical treatment of partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Local bifurcations, center manifolds, and normal forms in infinite-dimensional dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Distributions, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysisLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the theory of large deviationsLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. The analysis and geometry of Hardy's inequalityLeave the NDL website. Sheaves in geometry and logic : a first introduction to topos theoryLeave the NDL website. Lectures on partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Postmodern analysisLeave the NDL website. Block error-correcting codes : a computational primerLeave the NDL website. An introduction to ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Riemannian geometryLeave the NDL website. Knots and primes : an introduction to arithmetic topologyLeave the NDL website. Introduction to large truncated Toeplitz matricesLeave the NDL website. Automorphic formsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic optimization : deterministic and stochastic modelsLeave the NDL website. Probability theory : an advanced courseLeave the NDL website. Sheaves in topologyLeave the NDL website. Algebraic surfacesLeave the NDL website. Calabi-Yau manifolds and related geometries : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2001Leave the NDL website. Optimization methodsLeave the NDL website. The 1-2-3 of modular forms : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, NorwayLeave the NDL website. Partial differential equations in action : from modelling to theoryLeave the NDL website. Linear optimization and extensions : problems and solutionsLeave the NDL website. Probability and statistical inferenceLeave the NDL website. An invitation to algebraic geometryLeave the NDL website. The theory of finite groups : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Algebra for computer scienceLeave the NDL website. Linear algebra and linear modelsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the theory of (non-symmetric) Dirichlet formsLeave the NDL website. Higher-dimensional algebraic geometryLeave the NDL website. Basic theory of ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Hamiltonian structures and generating familiesLeave the NDL website. Groups and symmetries : from finite groups to Lie groupsLeave the NDL website. Topics in complex analysisLeave the NDL website. Convergence, elementary functionsLeave the NDL website. Functional analytic methodsLeave the NDL website. A course in model theory : an introduction to contemporary mathematical logicLeave the NDL website. Lectures on advances in combinatoricsLeave the NDL website. Degenerate parabolic equationsLeave the NDL website. Approximation methods in probability theoryLeave the NDL website. Multilinear algebraLeave the NDL website. A course on mathematical logicLeave the NDL website. Stochastic calculus : an introduction through theory and exercisesLeave the NDL website. An invitation to algebraic geometryLeave the NDL website. Lie sphere geometry : with applications to submanifoldsLeave the NDL website. Variational methods in theoretical mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. Lectures on functional analysis and the Lebesgue integralLeave the NDL website. Foliations on Riemannian manifoldsLeave the NDL website. Holomorphic function theory in several variables : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Morse theory and Floer homologyLeave the NDL website. Lie groupsLeave the NDL website. Notes on geometryLeave the NDL website. Introduction to mathematical logicLeave the NDL website. Mathematical foundations of game theoryLeave the NDL website. Non-life insurance mathematics : an introduction with stochastic processesLeave the NDL website. A classical invitation to algebraic numbers and class fieldsLeave the NDL website. Notes on Lie algebrasLeave the NDL website. Fields with structure, algebras and advanced topicsLeave the NDL website. Potential theoryLeave the NDL website. Riemannian geometryLeave the NDL website. Lattices and ordered algebraic structuresLeave the NDL website. Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes with applications to financeLeave the NDL website. Representation theory of finite groups : an introductory approachLeave the NDL website. Mathematical modeling in epidemiologyLeave the NDL website. Complex analysis : a functional analysis approachLeave the NDL website. A course on mathematical logicLeave the NDL website. Singularity theory and an introduction to catastrophe theoryLeave the NDL website. A course in credibility theory and its applicationsLeave the NDL website. Statistics of financial markets : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Probability theory : a comprehensive courseLeave the NDL website. Integration and spectral theory, harmonic analysis, the garden of modular delightsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to manifoldsLeave the NDL website. Sheaves in geometry and logic : a first introduction to topos theoryLeave the NDL website. Introduction to arithmetical functionsLeave the NDL website. Abstract linear algebraLeave the NDL website. Geodesic and horocyclic trajectoriesLeave the NDL website. Complex manifolds without potential theory : with an appendix on the geometry of characteristic classesLeave the NDL website. The non-Euclidean hyperbolic plane : its structure and consistencyLeave the NDL website. Numerical optimization : theoretical and practical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Foundations and integral representationsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to étale cohomologyLeave the NDL website. Galois theoryLeave the NDL website. Functional analysis : an introductory courseLeave the NDL website. Tools for computational financeLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. P-adic numbers : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Applied stochastic control of jump diffusionsLeave the NDL website. A taste of topologyLeave the NDL website. Mathematical modeling for the life sciencesLeave the NDL website. An invitation to von Neumann algebrasLeave the NDL website. Formal power series and linear systems of meromorphic ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Topological dimension and dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Proof theory : the first step into impredicativityLeave the NDL website. A fixed-point farragoLeave the NDL website. Classical tessellations and three-manifoldsLeave the NDL website. Tools for computational financeLeave the NDL website. A first course in group theoryLeave the NDL website. The mathematical theory of turbulenceLeave the NDL website. Mathematical analysisLeave the NDL website. GeometryLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the theory of Lie groupsLeave the NDL website. Modern geometry with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical methods in biology and neurobiologyLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Measures and probabilitiesLeave the NDL website. A critical approach to elementary analysisLeave the NDL website. Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Statistics of financial markets : exercises and solutionsLeave the NDL website. P-adic numbers : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Stochastic partial differential equations : a modeling, white noise functional approachLeave the NDL website. Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Theory and numerics of differential equations : Durham 2000Leave the NDL website. The pillars of computation theory : state, encoding, nondeterminismLeave the NDL website. Entire and meromorphic functionsLeave the NDL website. A first course in discrete dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. Topics in hyperplane arrangements, polytopes and box-splinesLeave the NDL website. Differential forms : a heuristic introductionLeave the NDL website. Logic and structureLeave the NDL website. Discrete stochastic processes and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Introductory problem courses in analysis and topologyLeave the NDL website. Variational methods in theoretical mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic analysis for finance with simulationsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to semiclassical and microlocal analysisLeave the NDL website. A short course on operator semigroupsLeave the NDL website. Riemannian geometry and geometric analysisLeave the NDL website. Intuitive combinatorial topologyLeave the NDL website. Fields and Galois theoryLeave the NDL website. Quadratic algebras, Clifford algebras, and arithmetic Witt groupsLeave the NDL website. Algebraic geometry and commutative algebraLeave the NDL website. Geometric group theory : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Excursions into combinatorial geometryLeave the NDL website. Galois theoryLeave the NDL website. Vitushkin's conjecture for removable setsLeave the NDL website. Lie groups : an approach through invariants and representationsLeave the NDL website. Space-filling curvesLeave the NDL website. Algebraic geometry : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Composition operators and classical function theoryLeave the NDL website. Nonsmooth analysisLeave the NDL website. Semilinear elliptic equations for beginners : existence results via the variational approachLeave the NDL website. Discourses on algebraLeave the NDL website. A course on finite groupsLeave the NDL website. Set theory : exploring independence and truthLeave the NDL website. Non-commutative Gelfand theories : a tool-kit for operator theorists and numerical analystsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to stochastic financeLeave the NDL website. Vector analysis versus vector calculusLeave the NDL website. The homotopy index and partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. A concise introduction to mathematical logicLeave the NDL website. Representation theory of finite monoidsLeave the NDL website. Topological methods in the study of boundary value problemsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to partial differential equationsLeave the NDL website. A basic course in probability theoryLeave the NDL website. The mathematics of networks of linear systemsLeave the NDL website. The spectrum of hyperbolic surfacesLeave the NDL website. Mod two homology and cohomologyLeave the NDL website. On the theory of Maass wave formsLeave the NDL website. P-adic numbers : an introductionLeave the NDL website. Real Analysis : FoundationsLeave the NDL website. Around the unit circle : Mahler measure, integer matrices and roots of unityLeave the NDL website. A primer on spectral theoryLeave the NDL website. Probability : an introduction through theory and exercisesLeave the NDL website. Knots and primes : an introduction to arithmetic topologyLeave the NDL website. Basic Oka theory in several complex variablesLeave the NDL website. Notes on geometry and arithmeticLeave the NDL website. A course on tug-of-war games with random noise : introduction and basic constructionsLeave the NDL website. Groups and symmetries : from finite groups to Lie groupsLeave the NDL website. Real algebra : a first courseLeave the NDL website. A course in the calculus of variations : optimization, regularity, and modelingLeave the NDL website. A course on rough paths : with an introduction to regularity structuresLeave the NDL website. Algebraic curves, the brill and Noether wayLeave the NDL website. Functional analysis for the applied sciencesLeave the NDL website. Probability theory and stochastic processesLeave the NDL website. Tools and Problems in Partial Differential EquationsLeave the NDL website. A fixed-point farragoLeave the NDL website. A short course in ordinary differential equationsLeave the NDL website. Topological, differential and conformal geometry of surfacesLeave the NDL website. Algebraic geometry and commutative algebraLeave the NDL website. Cryptography for secure encryptionLeave the NDL website. Introduction to IsospectralityLeave the NDL website. Gaussian measures in finite and infinite dimensionsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical analysisLeave the NDL website. A first course in category theoryLeave the NDL website. Bilinear maps and tensor products in operator theoryLeave the NDL website. Lattices and ordered algebraic structuresLeave the NDL website. Sturm-Liouville equationsLeave the NDL website. Foliations on Riemannian manifoldsLeave the NDL website.

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Alternative Title
Universitext : tracts in mathematics
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Publisher varies: Springer
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Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
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The classical case
Introduction to noncommutative algebra
Optimal decisions under uncertainty : methods, models, and management
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Ordinary differential equations
Singularities of integrals : homology, hyperfunctions and microlocal analysis
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Algebraic geometry over the complex numbers
Compact Riemann surfaces : an introduction to contemporary mathematics
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Linear programming duality : an introduction to oriented matroids
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Convex and stochastic optimization
Qualitative theory of planar differential systems
Bifurcations and catastrophes : geometry of solutions to nonlinear problems
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Mirrors and reflections : the geometry of finite reflection groups
Power series from a computational point of view
Applied stochastic control of jump diffusions
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From elementary probability to stochastic differential equations with Maple
Simultaneous triangularization
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Algebras of linear transformations
A journey through representation theory : from finite groups to quivers via algebras
Monomial ideals and their decompositions
Normal families
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
Fluctuations of Lévy processes with applications : introductory lectures
Riemannian geometry
Matrix theory : basic results and techniques
Non-abelian harmonic analysis : applications of SL (2,R)
Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics
Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis
Numerical range : the field of values of linear operators and matrices
Idempotent matrices over complex group algebras
Number fields
Logic and structure
Riemann surfaces, several complex variables, abelian functions, higher modular functions
Stochastic calculus in manifolds
Geometries and groups
Harmonic analysis of operators on Hilbert space
Geometric and analytic number theory
Using the Borsuk-Ulam theorem : lectures on topological methods in combinatorics and geometry
Lebesgue integration
Bieberbach groups and flat manifolds
A polynomial approach to linear algebra
A primer on spectral theory
Probability essentials
Using the Borsuk-Ulam theorem : lectures on topological methods in combinatorics and geometry
An introduction to homological algebra
Numerical solution of SDE through computer experiments
Number theory : an introduction to mathematics
Discrete mathematics
A first course in harmonic analysis
Graphs and cubes
Number fields
A first course in harmonic analysis
Applied stochastic processes
An invitation to general algebra and universal constructions
Linear algebra and linear models
Introduction to Siegel modular forms and Dirichlet series
Probability essentials
Hyperplane arrangements : an introduction
The classical decision problem
Galois cohomology and class field theory
Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics
Probability theory : a comprehensive course
Arithmetic tales
(Mostly) commutative algebra
Markov chains on metric spaces : a short course
A course on Hopf algebras
Lectures in knot theory : an exploration of contemporary topics
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis
Complex abelian varieties and theta functions
Abstract algebra and famous impossibilities
Statistics of financial markets : an introduction
Nevanlinna theory, normal families, and algebraic differential equations
Arithmetic tales
Non-life insurance mathematics : an introduction with the Poisson process
Hyperbolic partial differential equations
Thermodynamic network analysis of biological systems
Tools for computational finance
The calculus of variations
Calculus and ODEs, splines, probability, Fourier and wavelet theory, fractals and neural networks, categories and Lambda calculus
Calculus of variations
Calculus on normed vector spaces
Principles of harmonic analysis
Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes with applications to finance
A taste of topology
A textbook of graph theory
The quantum case
Introduction to hyperbolic geometry
Algebraic combinatorics : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2003
Fourier analysis and stochastic processes
Graphs and matrices
Continuity, integration and Fourier theory
Introduction to matrix analysis and applications
Submanifold theory : beyond an introduction
A course in functional analysis and measure theory
Hypergeometric summation : an algorithmic approach to summation and special function identities
A course in formal languages, automata and groups
Strange phenomena in convex and discrete geometry
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis
Second course in ordinary differential equations for scientists and engineers
Problems from the discrete to the continuous : probability, number theory, graph theory, and combinatorics
Polyhedral and algebraic methods in computational geometry
Valuation theory
Logic, sets and numbers
Logic and structure
Theory of probability and random processes
Isomonodromic deformations and Frobenius manifolds : an introduction
Functional analytic methods
Partial differential equations in action : from modelling to theory
Representation theory of finite groups : a guidebook
Logic and structure
Tools for computational finance
Ordinary and partial differential equations : with special functions, Fourier series, and boundary value problems
A concise introduction to mathematical logic
Dynamics of quasi-stable dissipative systems
Numerical optimization : theoretical and practical aspects
Probability essentials
An introductory course in functional analysis
Compact Riemann surfaces : an introduction to contemporary mathematics
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems
Notes on geometry
Postmodern analysis
Probability theory : a comprehensive course
Complex analysis
Introduction to nonlinear dispersive equations
Beginner's course in topology : geometric chapters
Algebraic surfaces and holomorphic vector bundles
Symbolic dynamics : one-sided, two-sided and countable state Markov shifts
A polynomial approach to linear algebra
Spectra of graphs
Tools for computational finance
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
Geometric invariant theory : over the real and complex numbers
Programming for mathematicians
Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and partial differential equations
Fourier and wavelet analysis
Aspects of Brownian motion
Catalan's conjecture
Essential mathematics for applied fields
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
Dynamical systems : examples of complex behaviour
Algebraic theory of quadratic numbers
Banach lattices
Lie sphere geometry : with applications to submanifolds
A short course in ordinary differential equations
Nonstandard methods in fixed point theory
Statistics of financial markets : exercises and solutions
Numerical treatment of partial differential equations
Local bifurcations, center manifolds, and normal forms in infinite-dimensional dynamical systems
Distributions, partial differential equations, and harmonic analysis
An introduction to the theory of large deviations
Logic and structure
The analysis and geometry of Hardy's inequality
Sheaves in geometry and logic : a first introduction to topos theory
Lectures on partial differential equations
Postmodern analysis
Block error-correcting codes : a computational primer
An introduction to ordinary differential equations
Riemannian geometry
Knots and primes : an introduction to arithmetic topology
Introduction to large truncated Toeplitz matrices
Automorphic forms
Dynamic optimization : deterministic and stochastic models
Probability theory : an advanced course
Sheaves in topology
Algebraic surfaces
Calabi-Yau manifolds and related geometries : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, June 2001
Optimization methods
The 1-2-3 of modular forms : lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway
Partial differential equations in action : from modelling to theory
Linear optimization and extensions : problems and solutions
Probability and statistical inference
An invitation to algebraic geometry
The theory of finite groups : an introduction
Algebra for computer science
Linear algebra and linear models
Introduction to the theory of (non-symmetric) Dirichlet forms
Higher-dimensional algebraic geometry
Basic theory of ordinary differential equations
Hamiltonian structures and generating families
Groups and symmetries : from finite groups to Lie groups
Topics in complex analysis
Convergence, elementary functions
Functional analytic methods
A course in model theory : an introduction to contemporary mathematical logic
Lectures on advances in combinatorics
Degenerate parabolic equations
Approximation methods in probability theory
Multilinear algebra
A course on mathematical logic
Stochastic calculus : an introduction through theory and exercises
An invitation to algebraic geometry
Lie sphere geometry : with applications to submanifolds
Variational methods in theoretical mechanics
Logic and structure
Lectures on functional analysis and the Lebesgue integral
Foliations on Riemannian manifolds
Holomorphic function theory in several variables : an introduction
Morse theory and Floer homology
Lie groups
Notes on geometry
Introduction to mathematical logic
Mathematical foundations of game theory
Non-life insurance mathematics : an introduction with stochastic processes
A classical invitation to algebraic numbers and class fields
Notes on Lie algebras
Fields with structure, algebras and advanced topics
Potential theory
Riemannian geometry
Lattices and ordered algebraic structures
Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes with applications to finance
Representation theory of finite groups : an introductory approach
Mathematical modeling in epidemiology
Complex analysis : a functional analysis approach
A course on mathematical logic
Singularity theory and an introduction to catastrophe theory
A course in credibility theory and its applications
Statistics of financial markets : an introduction
Probability theory : a comprehensive course
Integration and spectral theory, harmonic analysis, the garden of modular delights
An introduction to manifolds
Sheaves in geometry and logic : a first introduction to topos theory
Introduction to arithmetical functions
Abstract linear algebra
Geodesic and horocyclic trajectories
Complex manifolds without potential theory : with an appendix on the geometry of characteristic classes
The non-Euclidean hyperbolic plane : its structure and consistency
Numerical optimization : theoretical and practical aspects
Foundations and integral representations
Introduction to étale cohomology
Galois theory
Functional analysis : an introductory course
Tools for computational finance
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
P-adic numbers : an introduction
Applied stochastic control of jump diffusions
A taste of topology
Mathematical modeling for the life sciences
An invitation to von Neumann algebras
Formal power series and linear systems of meromorphic ordinary differential equations
Topological dimension and dynamical systems
Proof theory : the first step into impredicativity
A fixed-point farrago
Classical tessellations and three-manifolds
Tools for computational finance
A first course in group theory
The mathematical theory of turbulence
Mathematical analysis
Introduction to the theory of Lie groups
Modern geometry with applications
Mathematical methods in biology and neurobiology
Logic and structure
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
Measures and probabilities
A critical approach to elementary analysis
Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics
Statistics of financial markets : exercises and solutions
P-adic numbers : an introduction
Stochastic partial differential equations : a modeling, white noise functional approach
Stochastic differential equations : an introduction with applications
Theory and numerics of differential equations : Durham 2000
The pillars of computation theory : state, encoding, nondeterminism
Entire and meromorphic functions
A first course in discrete dynamical systems
Topics in hyperplane arrangements, polytopes and box-splines
Differential forms : a heuristic introduction
Logic and structure
Discrete stochastic processes and applications
Introductory problem courses in analysis and topology
Variational methods in theoretical mechanics
Stochastic analysis for finance with simulations
An introduction to semiclassical and microlocal analysis
A short course on operator semigroups
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis
Intuitive combinatorial topology
Fields and Galois theory
Quadratic algebras, Clifford algebras, and arithmetic Witt groups
Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
Geometric group theory : an introduction
Excursions into combinatorial geometry
Galois theory
Vitushkin's conjecture for removable sets
Lie groups : an approach through invariants and representations
Space-filling curves
Algebraic geometry : an introduction
Composition operators and classical function theory
Nonsmooth analysis
Semilinear elliptic equations for beginners : existence results via the variational approach
Discourses on algebra
A course on finite groups
Set theory : exploring independence and truth
Non-commutative Gelfand theories : a tool-kit for operator theorists and numerical analysts
Introduction to stochastic finance
Vector analysis versus vector calculus
The homotopy index and partial differential equations
A concise introduction to mathematical logic
Representation theory of finite monoids
Topological methods in the study of boundary value problems
Introduction to partial differential equations
A basic course in probability theory
The mathematics of networks of linear systems
The spectrum of hyperbolic surfaces
Mod two homology and cohomology
On the theory of Maass wave forms
P-adic numbers : an introduction
Real Analysis : Foundations
Around the unit circle : Mahler measure, integer matrices and roots of unity
A primer on spectral theory
Probability : an introduction through theory and exercises
Knots and primes : an introduction to arithmetic topology
Basic Oka theory in several complex variables
Notes on geometry and arithmetic
A course on tug-of-war games with random noise : introduction and basic constructions
Groups and symmetries : from finite groups to Lie groups
Real algebra : a first course
A course in the calculus of variations : optimization, regularity, and modeling
A course on rough paths : with an introduction to regularity structures
Algebraic curves, the brill and Noether way
Functional analysis for the applied sciences
Probability theory and stochastic processes
Tools and Problems in Partial Differential Equations
A fixed-point farrago
A short course in ordinary differential equations
Topological, differential and conformal geometry of surfaces
Algebraic geometry and commutative algebra
Cryptography for secure encryption
Introduction to Isospectrality
Gaussian measures in finite and infinite dimensions
Mathematical analysis
A first course in category theory
Bilinear maps and tensor products in operator theory
Lattices and ordered algebraic structures
Sturm-Liouville equations
Foliations on Riemannian manifolds
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research