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- 図書
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- Universitext : tracts in mathematicsUTX
- Place of Publication (Country Code)
- gw
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- 一般
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- Publisher varies: Springer
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- Riemannian geometry and geometric analysisFrom vectors to tensorsUnderstanding and using linear programmingFundamentals of hopf algebrasP-adic numbers : an introductionAdvanced analysis on the real lineRiemannian geometry and geometric analysisIntroduction to the Mori ProgramFORTRAN programming : a supplement for calculus coursesA geometrical picture bookAnalytic and differential functions, manifolds and Riemann surfacesA textbook of graph theoryA course in topological combinatoricsPotential theoryStochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsIntroduction to algebraSphere packingsFrontiers in numerical analysisGalois theoryMechanizing hypothesis formation : mathematical foundations for a general theoryFundamentals of functional analysisNumber fieldsThe theory of differential equations : classical and qualitativeFundamentals of real analysisGraphs and matricesComplex dynamicsNatural function algebrasClass field theoryPlane and solid geometryReal analysis : 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statistical inferenceAn invitation to algebraic geometryThe theory of finite groups : an introductionAlgebra for computer scienceLinear algebra and linear modelsIntroduction to the theory of (non-symmetric) Dirichlet formsHigher-dimensional algebraic geometryBasic theory of ordinary differential equationsHamiltonian structures and generating familiesGroups and symmetries : from finite groups to Lie groupsTopics in complex analysisConvergence, elementary functionsFunctional analytic methodsA course in model theory : an introduction to contemporary mathematical logicLectures on advances in combinatoricsDegenerate parabolic equationsApproximation methods in probability theoryMultilinear algebraA course on mathematical logicStochastic calculus : an introduction through theory and exercisesAn invitation to algebraic geometryLie sphere geometry : with applications to submanifoldsVariational methods in theoretical mechanicsLogic and structureLectures on functional analysis and the Lebesgue integralFoliations on Riemannian manifoldsHolomorphic function theory in several variables : an introductionMorse theory and Floer homologyLie groupsNotes on geometryIntroduction to mathematical logicMathematical foundations of game theoryNon-life insurance mathematics : an introduction with stochastic processesA classical invitation to algebraic numbers and class fieldsNotes on Lie algebrasFields with structure, algebras and advanced topicsPotential theoryRiemannian geometryLattices and ordered algebraic structuresMalliavin calculus for Lévy processes with applications to financeRepresentation theory of finite groups : an introductory approachMathematical modeling in epidemiologyComplex analysis : a functional analysis approachA course on mathematical logicSingularity theory and an introduction to catastrophe theoryA course in credibility theory and its applicationsStatistics of financial markets : an introductionProbability theory : a comprehensive courseIntegration and spectral theory, harmonic analysis, the garden of modular delightsAn introduction to manifoldsSheaves in geometry and logic : a first introduction to topos theoryIntroduction to arithmetical functionsAbstract linear algebraGeodesic and horocyclic trajectoriesComplex manifolds without potential theory : with an appendix on the geometry of characteristic classesThe non-Euclidean hyperbolic plane : its structure and consistencyNumerical optimization : theoretical and practical aspectsFoundations and integral representationsIntroduction to étale cohomologyGalois theoryFunctional analysis : an introductory courseTools for computational financeStochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsP-adic numbers : an introductionApplied stochastic control of jump diffusionsA taste of topologyMathematical modeling for the life sciencesAn invitation to von Neumann algebrasFormal power series and linear systems of meromorphic ordinary differential equationsTopological dimension and dynamical systemsProof theory : the first step into impredicativityA fixed-point farragoClassical tessellations and three-manifoldsTools for computational financeA first course in group theoryThe mathematical theory of turbulenceMathematical analysisGeometryIntroduction to the theory of Lie groupsModern geometry with applicationsMathematical methods in biology and neurobiologyLogic and structureStochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsMeasures and probabilitiesA critical approach to elementary analysisMathematical concepts of quantum mechanicsStatistics of financial markets : exercises and solutionsP-adic numbers : an introductionStochastic partial differential equations : a modeling, white noise functional approachStochastic differential equations : an introduction with applicationsTheory and numerics of differential equations : Durham 2000The pillars of computation theory : state, encoding, nondeterminismEntire and meromorphic functionsA first course in discrete dynamical systemsTopics in hyperplane arrangements, polytopes and box-splinesDifferential forms : a heuristic introductionLogic and structureDiscrete stochastic processes and applicationsIntroductory problem courses in analysis and topologyVariational methods in theoretical mechanicsStochastic analysis for finance with simulationsAn introduction to semiclassical and microlocal analysisA short course on operator semigroupsRiemannian geometry and geometric analysisIntuitive combinatorial topologyFields and Galois theoryQuadratic algebras, Clifford algebras, and arithmetic Witt groupsAlgebraic geometry and commutative algebraGeometric group theory : an introductionExcursions into combinatorial geometryGalois theoryVitushkin's conjecture for removable setsLie groups : an approach through invariants and representationsSpace-filling curvesAlgebraic geometry : an introductionComposition operators and classical function theoryNonsmooth analysisSemilinear elliptic equations for beginners : existence results via the variational approachDiscourses on algebraA course on finite groupsSet theory : exploring independence and truthNon-commutative Gelfand theories : a tool-kit for operator theorists and numerical analystsIntroduction to stochastic financeVector analysis versus vector calculusThe homotopy index and partial differential equationsA concise introduction to mathematical logicRepresentation theory of finite monoidsTopological methods in the study of boundary value problemsIntroduction to partial differential equationsA basic course in probability theoryThe mathematics of networks of linear systemsThe spectrum of hyperbolic surfacesMod two homology and cohomologyOn the theory of Maass wave formsP-adic numbers : an introductionReal Analysis : FoundationsAround the unit circle : Mahler measure, integer matrices and roots of unityA primer on spectral theoryProbability : an introduction through theory and exercisesKnots and primes : an introduction to arithmetic topologyBasic Oka theory in several complex variablesNotes on geometry and arithmeticA course on tug-of-war games with random noise : introduction and basic constructionsGroups and symmetries : from finite groups to Lie groupsReal algebra : a first courseA course in the calculus of variations : optimization, regularity, and modelingA course on rough paths : with an introduction to regularity structuresAlgebraic curves, the brill and Noether wayFunctional analysis for the applied sciencesProbability theory and stochastic processesTools and Problems in Partial Differential EquationsA fixed-point farragoA short course in ordinary differential equationsTopological, differential and conformal geometry of surfacesAlgebraic geometry and commutative algebraCryptography for secure encryptionIntroduction to IsospectralityGaussian measures in finite and infinite dimensionsMathematical analysisA first course in category theoryBilinear maps and tensor products in operator theoryLattices and ordered algebraic structuresSturm-Liouville equationsFoliations on Riemannian manifolds
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