
Merry readymade (to whom it may concern) : the official readymade Christmas album

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Merry readymade (to whom it may concern) : the official readymade Christmas album

Material type
Lindsay, M.ほか
Sony Music Entertainment
Publication date
p1994, c1994
Material Format
Recording Media
Capacity, size, etc.
4 3/4 in.
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Compact disc日本語解説書1冊"Readymade livingroom spectacular series 7472"...

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Recording Media

Material Type
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Publication Date
p1994, c1994
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
4 3/4 in.
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Compact disc
"Readymade livingroom spectacular series 7472"
Paul Revere and The Raiders, NEBQ, Tex Beneke, Roy Eberle & The Modernaires (with Paula Kelly), Les Brown and his orchestra, The Dave Brubeck Quartet, Miles Davis (Bob Dorough, vocal), Lambert Hendricks & Ross, Joey Defrancesco & Dwight Sills, The Roy Meriwether Trio, Arthur Lyman, Lionel Hampton, The New Christy Minstrels, Johnny Mathis, Wendy Carlos