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所得分布と不平等尺度の計量分析 : PPIDの開発Leave the NDL website. Stock markets volatility spillovers during financial crises : a DCC-MGARCH with Skew-t approachLeave the NDL website. 市場的手段の効果と環境イノベーションに関する一考察Leave the NDL website. Empirical analysis on the economic effects of foreign aidLeave the NDL website. 両大戦間期における三池炭の販売動向Leave the NDL website. ソフトな予算制約とスピルオーバー効果Leave the NDL website. 制度とは何かLeave the NDL website. The first East Asia Summit (EAS) and intra-ASEAN economic cooperationLeave the NDL website. 市場化テストの競争促進効果Leave the NDL website. 大都市所在信用金庫の営業地盤Leave the NDL website. Pricing interest rate derivatives with model riskLeave the NDL website. Productivity analysis for the selected Asian countries : Krugman critique revisitedLeave the NDL website. Does the mixed policy always have the superiority?Leave the NDL website. 軍港都市佐世保におけるエネルギー需給 : 石炭を中心としてLeave the NDL website. Secret collusion and collusion-proof mechanism in public biddingLeave the NDL website. 「心拍再開」の内生性を考慮したウツタイン統計データによる救命曲線の推定Leave the NDL website. Measuring the partial causality in the frequency domainLeave the NDL website. Time series properties of expectation biasesLeave the NDL website. 制度・政策転換と生産システム : 反ケインズ政策と組織間フィールドの変容Leave the NDL website. Mean-variance hedging with model riskLeave the NDL website. 合理的バブルの検定の検出力についてLeave the NDL website. 東アジアにおける成長会計分析の再考Leave the NDL website. The increasing fluidity of employment re-examinedLeave the NDL website. 医療サービスの質に関する競争と診療報酬制度Leave the NDL website. Partial measures of time-series interdependenceLeave the NDL website. Internalization of externalities and local goverment consolidation : empirical evidence from japanLeave the NDL website. 公共入札における総合評価落札方式Leave the NDL website. 企業活性化に向けたイノベーションの検討 : 自動車の環境技術開発の事例よりLeave the NDL website. 資産請負中心観への変化の検討 : 会計観の変化と会計処理Leave the NDL website. 医療機関の競争と最適リスク調整 : Jack(2006)モデルの再検討Leave the NDL website. PFIを活用した公立病院の経営改革に関する経済分析 : 医療・介護の連携にシナジー効果が存在するケースLeave the NDL website. Hedging derivatives with model riskLeave the NDL website. 東アジアの所得配分と平等性の再検証Leave the NDL website. Tail VaR measures in a multi-period settingLeave the NDL website. Realization of a self-enforcing international environmental agreement by matching schemesLeave the NDL website. Nearest route problemLeave the NDL website. The accounting ecology and change frameworks : the case of japanLeave the NDL website. 国・都道府県レベルにおける歳入・歳出構造についてLeave the NDL website. 長期公共契約の経済分析 : コミットメント、ラッチェット効果および再交渉の問題Leave the NDL website. Optimal growth rate with liquidity riskLeave the NDL website. Impact of the financial crisis on household perception : the case of Japan and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. イギリスにおけるニュー・リベラリズムの経済思想 : ひとつの学説的接近Leave the NDL website. アメリカンオプション価格の上方境界の改善Leave the NDL website. Estimation of the fiscal impact on Japanese governments of the anticipated Nankai Trough Megathrust EarthquakeLeave the NDL website. 環境税の分権的政策決定と民営化Leave the NDL website. Simulation studies of multiple portmanteau testsLeave the NDL website. D.ヒュームにおける社会秩序論の展開 : 『政治論集』における租税・公債論との関連でLeave the NDL website. 制度経済学のエッセンスは何かLeave the NDL website. Game of pollution reduction investment under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. On multiple portmanteau testsLeave the NDL website. 内発的動機とダイナミックなエージェンシー契約Leave the NDL website. 経営戦略論における資源アプローチの理論研究 : 経営資源・能力論の展開Leave the NDL website. Dynamic programming and mean-variance hedging with partial execution riskLeave the NDL website. ASEAN域内経済協力と生産ネットワーク : ASEAN自動車部品補完とIMVプロジェクトを中心にLeave the NDL website. 地域金融機関の不良債権問題Leave the NDL website. Economic development and income distribution : survey and regional empirical analysisLeave the NDL website. Is cooperation needed? : the effectiveness of noncooperation in technology adoptionLeave the NDL website. 外国への全般的な肯定的態度の結果要素 : 帰納的推論に基づく基礎理論的研究Leave the NDL website. イギリス・メジャー政権の公共政策 : 「評価」を通したガバナンスの構想Leave the NDL website. 不完全競争市場における不確実性を伴う最適な環境政策手段Leave the NDL website. Portfolio insurance with liquidity riskLeave the NDL website. Estimating the mitigation effect of Tokai Earthquake measures on housing damage : a counterfactual approachLeave the NDL website. Hedging derivatives on two assets with model riskLeave the NDL website. Employment issues involving Japanese banks : a case study of Shinsei BankLeave the NDL website. Municipal consolidation, cost reduction, and economies of secale : evidence from japanLeave the NDL website. Transformation of the Japanese corporate system and possibilities of the "new J-type firm" re-examinedLeave the NDL website. 金融政策の有効性と貸出行動Leave the NDL website. ネットワーク外部性下での逐次的価格競争と最適特許戦略Leave the NDL website. Mean-variance hedging in random discrete trade timeLeave the NDL website. British health policy and the major governmentLeave the NDL website. Nonparametric confidence intervals based on asymptotic expansionsLeave the NDL website. 東アジアの地域経済協力とFTA : ASEAN域内経済協力の深化と東アジアへの拡大Leave the NDL website. 異なる行動規範と機能を有する病院間の競争Leave the NDL website. 日本のODA政策と経済効果 : 民主主義と経済発展におけるアジア地域とサブサハラ・アフリカ地域の比較分析Leave the NDL website. Learning procedure for a partially observable Markov process and its applicationsLeave the NDL website. 医療・介護サービスの連携と最適包括報酬Leave the NDL website. 産業連関分析 : IOMetricsの開発Leave the NDL website. 信用格付を用いた不良債権規模の推計Leave the NDL website. Portmanteau likelihood ratio tests for model selectionLeave the NDL website. 日本ODAの再考 : 国際資本フローと主要援助国の動向に関するデータからの考察Leave the NDL website. East Asian regional economic cooperation and FTA : deepening of intra-ASEAN economic cooperation and expansion into East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Some thoughts on a job search problem on a partially observable Markov chainLeave the NDL website. 医療機関の競争と連携 : 重複検査が存在するケースLeave the NDL website. 環境クズネッツ曲線の検証 : 国際データによるクロスカントリー分析Leave the NDL website. Can the local allocation tax break free of the doldrums? : Japan's development of and difficulties with fiscal equalizationLeave the NDL website. The ASEAN Charter and regional economic cooperationLeave the NDL website. Option replication in discrete time with illiquidityLeave the NDL website. Simple improvement method for upper bound of american optionLeave the NDL website. Boundaries between economic and accounting perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Decomposition of redistributive effects of Japanese personal income tax, 1984-2009Leave the NDL website. The International Differences in the Relationship between Public Financial Reports and Bond Markets : A Comparison between Japanese Local Governments and U.S. StatesLeave the NDL website. Empirical analysis of time poverty and daily recreational activities in JapanLeave the NDL website. ASEAN and the structural change of the world economyLeave the NDL website. Design of international environmental agreements under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Pricing derivatives on two assets with model riskLeave the NDL website. Estimating the elasticity of taxable income : evidence from top Japanese taxpayersLeave the NDL website. Who should decide the corporation tax rate?Leave the NDL website. A numerical method for factorizing the rational spectral density matrixLeave the NDL website. Four forms of present value method : from the standpoint of income measurementLeave the NDL website. Economic analysis of the "credit crunch" in the late 1990sLeave the NDL website. 企業組織への契約論アプローチと能力論アプローチ : 知識・制度・組織能力Leave the NDL website. 信用金庫の営業地盤分析Leave the NDL website. Credit rating and nonperforming loansLeave the NDL website. Japan's revenue-expenditure nexusLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy and problem loansLeave the NDL website. 市場の階層化と貿易構造Leave the NDL website. 組織能力の構築メカニズムとリーダーシップの役割 : インドにおけるスズキの国際戦略を事例としてLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 所得分布と不平等尺度の計量分析 : PPIDの開発

  • Stock markets volatility spillovers during financial crises : a DCC-MGARCH with Skew-t approach

  • 市場的手段の効果と環境イノベーションに関する一考察

  • Empirical analysis on the economic effects of foreign aid

  • 両大戦間期における三池炭の販売動向

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Related Material
所得分布と不平等尺度の計量分析 : PPIDの開発
Stock markets volatility spillovers during financial crises : a DCC-MGARCH with Skew-t approach
Empirical analysis on the economic effects of foreign aid
The first East Asia Summit (EAS) and intra-ASEAN economic cooperation
Pricing interest rate derivatives with model risk
Productivity analysis for the selected Asian countries : Krugman critique revisited
Does the mixed policy always have the superiority?
軍港都市佐世保におけるエネルギー需給 : 石炭を中心として
Secret collusion and collusion-proof mechanism in public bidding
Measuring the partial causality in the frequency domain
Time series properties of expectation biases
制度・政策転換と生産システム : 反ケインズ政策と組織間フィールドの変容
Mean-variance hedging with model risk
The increasing fluidity of employment re-examined
Partial measures of time-series interdependence
Internalization of externalities and local goverment consolidation : empirical evidence from japan
企業活性化に向けたイノベーションの検討 : 自動車の環境技術開発の事例より
資産請負中心観への変化の検討 : 会計観の変化と会計処理
医療機関の競争と最適リスク調整 : Jack(2006)モデルの再検討
PFIを活用した公立病院の経営改革に関する経済分析 : 医療・介護の連携にシナジー効果が存在するケース
Hedging derivatives with model risk
Tail VaR measures in a multi-period setting
Realization of a self-enforcing international environmental agreement by matching schemes
Nearest route problem
The accounting ecology and change frameworks : the case of japan
長期公共契約の経済分析 : コミットメント、ラッチェット効果および再交渉の問題
Optimal growth rate with liquidity risk
Impact of the financial crisis on household perception : the case of Japan and the United States
イギリスにおけるニュー・リベラリズムの経済思想 : ひとつの学説的接近
Estimation of the fiscal impact on Japanese governments of the anticipated Nankai Trough Megathrust Earthquake
Simulation studies of multiple portmanteau tests
D.ヒュームにおける社会秩序論の展開 : 『政治論集』における租税・公債論との関連で
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On multiple portmanteau tests
経営戦略論における資源アプローチの理論研究 : 経営資源・能力論の展開
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Economic development and income distribution : survey and regional empirical analysis
Is cooperation needed? : the effectiveness of noncooperation in technology adoption
外国への全般的な肯定的態度の結果要素 : 帰納的推論に基づく基礎理論的研究
イギリス・メジャー政権の公共政策 : 「評価」を通したガバナンスの構想
Portfolio insurance with liquidity risk
Estimating the mitigation effect of Tokai Earthquake measures on housing damage : a counterfactual approach
Hedging derivatives on two assets with model risk
Employment issues involving Japanese banks : a case study of Shinsei Bank
Municipal consolidation, cost reduction, and economies of secale : evidence from japan
Transformation of the Japanese corporate system and possibilities of the "new J-type firm" re-examined
Mean-variance hedging in random discrete trade time
British health policy and the major government
Nonparametric confidence intervals based on asymptotic expansions
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日本のODA政策と経済効果 : 民主主義と経済発展におけるアジア地域とサブサハラ・アフリカ地域の比較分析
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産業連関分析 : IOMetricsの開発
Portmanteau likelihood ratio tests for model selection
日本ODAの再考 : 国際資本フローと主要援助国の動向に関するデータからの考察
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Some thoughts on a job search problem on a partially observable Markov chain
医療機関の競争と連携 : 重複検査が存在するケース
環境クズネッツ曲線の検証 : 国際データによるクロスカントリー分析
Can the local allocation tax break free of the doldrums? : Japan's development of and difficulties with fiscal equalization
The ASEAN Charter and regional economic cooperation
Option replication in discrete time with illiquidity
Simple improvement method for upper bound of american option
Boundaries between economic and accounting perspectives
Decomposition of redistributive effects of Japanese personal income tax, 1984-2009
The International Differences in the Relationship between Public Financial Reports and Bond Markets : A Comparison between Japanese Local Governments and U.S. States
Empirical analysis of time poverty and daily recreational activities in Japan
ASEAN and the structural change of the world economy
Design of international environmental agreements under uncertainty
Pricing derivatives on two assets with model risk
Estimating the elasticity of taxable income : evidence from top Japanese taxpayers
Who should decide the corporation tax rate?
A numerical method for factorizing the rational spectral density matrix
Four forms of present value method : from the standpoint of income measurement
Economic analysis of the "credit crunch" in the late 1990s
企業組織への契約論アプローチと能力論アプローチ : 知識・制度・組織能力
Credit rating and nonperforming loans
Japan's revenue-expenditure nexus
Monetary policy and problem loans
組織能力の構築メカニズムとリーダーシップの役割 : インドにおけるスズキの国際戦略を事例として
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