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Evolution, racial and habitudinalLeave the NDL website. Researches on the performance of the screw propellerLeave the NDL website. A preliminary study of the ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, MexicoLeave the NDL website. Guide to materials for the history of the United States in the principal archives of MexicoLeave the NDL website. Anasazi basketry, basket maker II through pueblo III : a study based on specimens from the San Juan River CountryLeave the NDL website. A bicycle ergometer with an electric brakeLeave the NDL website. The physiology of the elephantLeave the NDL website. Displacement interferometry by the aid of the achromatic fringesLeave the NDL website. Guide to materials for American history in Russian archivesLeave the NDL website. The pleistocene of the western region of North America and its vertebrated animalsLeave the NDL website. Ulugh Beg's catalogue of stars : revised from all Persian manuscripts existing in Great Britain, with a vocabulary of Persian and Arabic wordsLeave the NDL website. Condensation of vapor as induced by nuclei and ionsLeave the NDL website. Systematic description : in two partsLeave the NDL website. Documents illustrative of the history of the slave trade to AmericaLeave the NDL website. Gonadectomy in relation to the secondary sexual characters of some domestic birdsLeave the NDL website. Anthropometry of adult Maya Indians : a study of their physical and physiological characteristicsLeave the NDL website. A biometric study of basal metabolism in manLeave the NDL website. Conductivity and viscosity in mixed solvents : a study of the conductivity and viscosity of solutions of certain electrolytes in water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone; and in binary mixtures of these solventsLeave the NDL website. The compressibilities of the elements and their periodic relationsLeave the NDL website. A biochemic basis for the study of problems of taxonomy, heredity, evolution, etc., with especial reference to the starches and tissues of parent-stocks and hybrid-stocks and the starches and hemoglobins of varieties, species, and generaLeave the NDL website. Papers concerning the palaeontology of California, Nevada and OregonLeave the NDL website. The mechanism of evolution in LeptinotarsaLeave the NDL website. KinematicsLeave the NDL website. Geochemical transport and kinetics : papers presented at a conference at Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, June 1973Leave the NDL website. An investigation of evolution in chrysomelid beetles of the genus LeptinotarsaLeave the NDL website. Petrography and zoology . Syllabary of Chinese soundsLeave the NDL website. Cases from the Courts of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and LouisianaLeave the NDL website. Plant competition : an analysis of community functionsLeave the NDL website. Ocean magnetic observations 1905-1916 and reports on special researchesLeave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for United States history in Canadian archivesLeave the NDL website. High temperature gas thermometryLeave the NDL website. The freezing-point lowering, conductivity, and viscosity of solutions of certain electrolytes in water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohl, acetone, and glycerol, and in mixtures of these solvents with one anotherLeave the NDL website. Gorillas in a native habitat : report of the joint expedition of 1929-30 of Yale University and Carnegie Institution of Washington for psychobiological study of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Parc National Albert, Belgian Congo, AfricaLeave the NDL website. Interpolation tables, or, Multiplication tables of decimal fractions : giving the products to the nearest unit of all numbers from 1 to 100 by 0.01 to 0.99 and from 1 to 1000 by 0.001 to 0.999Leave the NDL website. The electrical conductivity, dissociation, and temperature coefficients of conductivity from zero to sixty-five degrees of aqueous solutions of a number of salts and organic acidsLeave the NDL website. Determinations of atomic weightsLeave the NDL website. Anatomical texts of the earlier Middle Ages : a study in the transmission of culture, with a revised Latin text of Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four textsLeave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for American history in Swiss and Austrian archivesLeave the NDL website. Desert botanical laboratory of the Carnegie InstitutionLeave the NDL website. The establishment of varieties in Coleus by the selection of somatic variationsLeave the NDL website. Plant habits and habitats in the arid portions of South AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Cenozoic Gravigrade edentates of western North America : with special reference to the Pleistocene Megalonychinae and Mylodontidae of Rancho La BreaLeave the NDL website. Studies of Cenozoic vertebrates of western North America and of fossil primatesLeave the NDL website. Plumbate : a Mesoamerican trade wareLeave the NDL website. History, ethnology, and anthropology of the AleutLeave the NDL website. The Vesuvius Eruption of 1906 : study of a volcanic cycleLeave the NDL website. The genus Haplopappus : a phylogenetic study in the compositaeLeave the NDL website. Observations and results in physical oceanographyLeave the NDL website. Dynamic meteorology and hydrography : platesLeave the NDL website. A revised Shapley-Ames catalog of bright galaxies : containing data on magnitudes, types, and redshifts for galaxies in the original Harvard survey, updated to summer 1986, also contains a selection of photographs illustrating the luminosity classification and a list of additional galaxies that satisfy the magnitude limit of the original catalogLeave the NDL website. Studies in the development of crinoidsLeave the NDL website. The genetic and the operative evidence relating to secondary sexual charactersLeave the NDL website. Archaeological investigations in the Aleutian IslandsLeave the NDL website. The genus YoungiaLeave the NDL website. Modern Maya houses : a study of their archæological significanceLeave the NDL website. Fossil floras of Yellowstone National Park and southeastern OregonLeave the NDL website. Maya hieroglyphic writing : introductionLeave the NDL website. Lestoire del Saint GraalLeave the NDL website. Historical documents relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya, and approaches thereto, to 1773Leave the NDL website. Contributions to the genetics of certain chromosome anomalies in Drosophila melanogasterLeave the NDL website. Hibernation and marmot physiologyLeave the NDL website. Preliminary general catalogue of 6188 stars for the epoch 1900 : including those visible to the naked eye and other well-determined starsLeave the NDL website. Index to United States documents relating to foreign affairs, 1828-1861 in three partsLeave the NDL website. Studies of biosynthesis in escherichia coliLeave the NDL website. Land magnetic observationsLeave the NDL website. Excavations at San Jose, British HondurasLeave the NDL website. The cenotes of Yucatan : a zoological and hydrographic surveyLeave the NDL website. Marine mammalsLeave the NDL website. Piebald rats and selection : an experimental test of the effectiveness of selection and of the theory of gametic purity in Mendelian crossesLeave the NDL website. The conquest and colonization of Honduras, 1502-1550Leave the NDL website. Guide to the manuscript materials relating to American history in the German state archivesLeave the NDL website. Biosystematics, genetics, and physiological ecology of the Erythranthe section of MimulusLeave the NDL website. A revision of the Cotylosauria of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Taxonomy of the Amebas : with descriptions of thirty-nine new marine and freshwater speciesLeave the NDL website. Naval officers, their heredity and developmentLeave the NDL website. The infinitive in Anglo-SaxonLeave the NDL website. The ScyphomedusaeLeave the NDL website. The absorption spectra of solutions as affected by temperature and by dilution : a quantitative study of absorption spectra by means of the radiomicrometerLeave the NDL website. Leonardo da Vinci : the anatomist (1452-1519)Leave the NDL website. Letters of members of the Continental CongressLeave the NDL website. The pleistocene of North America and its vertebrated animals from the states east of the Mississippi River and from the Canadian provinces east of longitude 95[。]Leave the NDL website. The behavior of stomataLeave the NDL website. History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860Leave the NDL website. The physiology of large reptiles : with special reference to the heat production of snakes, tortoises, lizards and alligatorsLeave the NDL website. Studies of evaporation and transpiration under controlled conditionsLeave the NDL website. Anatomical texts of the earlier Middle Ages : a study in the transmission of culture, with a revised Latin text of Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four textsLeave the NDL website. Nutritional physiology of the adult ruminantLeave the NDL website. Metabolism in diabetes mellitusLeave the NDL website. The collected mathematical works of George William HillLeave the NDL website. Mayapan, Yucatan, MexicoLeave the NDL website. Proceedings and debates of the British parliaments respecting North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Papers concerning the palaeontology of the Cretaceous and later Tertiary of Oregon, of the Pliocene of northwestern Nevada, and of the late Miocene and Pleistocene of CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Interferometer experiments in acoustics and gravitationLeave the NDL website. Undernutrition in steers : its relation to metabolism, digestion, and subsequent realimentationLeave the NDL website. A new type of hereditary brachyphalangy in manLeave the NDL website. Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus Partula : the species inhabiting TahitiLeave the NDL website. East African Plateaus and Rift ValleysLeave the NDL website. The Hubble atlas of galaxiesLeave the NDL website. A montane rain-forest : a contribution to the physiological plant geography of JamaicaLeave the NDL website. Research in China 1903-1904 : geographical and geologial mapLeave the NDL website. History, ethnology and anthropology of the AleutLeave the NDL website. The Polynesian wanderings : tracks of the migration deduced from an examination of the Proto-Samoan content of Efaté and other languages of MelanesiaLeave the NDL website. Diophantine analysisLeave the NDL website. A study of metabolism in severe diabetesLeave the NDL website. Fluorescence of the uranyl saltsLeave the NDL website. Acidity and gas interchange in cactiLeave the NDL website. Studies in luminescenceLeave the NDL website. The vegetation of a desert mountain range as conditioned by climatic factorsLeave the NDL website. Lestoire de MerlinLeave the NDL website. The permo-carboniferous red beds of North America and their vertebrate faunaLeave the NDL website. Studies on the fossil flora and fauna of the western United StatesLeave the NDL website. History, general considerations, vascular diseasesLeave the NDL website. Basket Maker II sites near Durango, ColoradoLeave the NDL website. The inscriptions of PetenLeave the NDL website. Endocrines and constitution in doves and pigeonsLeave the NDL website. Descriptive catalogue of the documents relating to the history of the United States in the Papeles procedentes de Cuba deposited in the Archivo general de Indias at SevilleLeave the NDL website. The Colorado deltaLeave the NDL website. A study of cyclesLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer and to the Romaunt of the roseLeave the NDL website. An investigation into ths elastic constants of rocks, more especially with reference to cubic compressibilityLeave the NDL website. Methods of work and general literature of bacteriology exclusive of plant diseasesLeave the NDL website. Reversion in Guinea-pigs and its explanation . Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in miceLeave the NDL website. Heredity of coat characters in Guinea-pigs and rabbitsLeave the NDL website. Correspondence of Andrew JacksonLeave the NDL website. The solar spectrum, λ6600 to λ13495Leave the NDL website. Papers concerning the palæontology of California, Arizona, and IdahoLeave the NDL website. New general catalogue of double stars : within 120° of the North PoleLeave the NDL website. The daily march of transpiration in a desert perennialLeave the NDL website. Delta, estuary, and lower portion the channel of the Colorado River 1933 to 1935Leave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for the history of the United States in the principal archives of MexicoLeave the NDL website. Hot springs of the yellowstone national parkLeave the NDL website. The gases in rocksLeave the NDL website. Papers concerning the palaeontology of the pleistocene of California and the tertiary of OregonLeave the NDL website. Reports upon the present condition and future needs of the science of anthropologyLeave the NDL website. The waterlilies : a monograph of the genus nymphaeaLeave the NDL website. Selection in cladocera on the basis of a physiological characterLeave the NDL website. Psychological effects of alcohol : an experimental investigation of the effects of moderate doses of ethyl alcohol on a related group of neuro-muscular processes in manLeave the NDL website. The environment and history of the Toroweap and Kaibab formations of northern Arizona and southern UtahLeave the NDL website. The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West IndiesLeave the NDL website. Studies in tree-growth by the dendrographic methodLeave the NDL website. Guayule (Parthenium argentatum gray) : a rubber-plant of the Chihuahuan desertLeave the NDL website. The Goshen flora of west central OregonLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of bacterial populations maintained in the chemostatLeave the NDL website. Electrochemical investigation of liquid amalgams of thallium, indium, tin, zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, and lithiumLeave the NDL website. Cases from the Courts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and TennesseeLeave the NDL website. Science and learning in the fourteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Studies of the Pliocene paleobotany of CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Vegetation of the Sonoran DesertLeave the NDL website. The ecological relations of rootsLeave the NDL website. The Subanu : studies of a sub-Visayan mountain folk of MindanaoLeave the NDL website. A miocene flora from the western border of the Mohave desertLeave the NDL website. The marine algæ of Florida with special reference to the Dry TortugasLeave the NDL website. Club types of nuclear PolynesiaLeave the NDL website. Selection and cross-breeding in relation to the inheritance of coat-pigments and coat-patterns in rats and guinea-pigsLeave the NDL website. Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and CambridgeLeave the NDL website. Flora of the Hermit Shale, Grand Canyon, ArizonaLeave the NDL website. The Cerro Cuadrado petrified forestLeave the NDL website. The copepods of the plankton gathered during the last cruise of the CarnegieLeave the NDL website. North American anura : life-histories of the anura of Ithaca, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Duration of the several mitotic stages in the dividing root-tip cells of the common onionLeave the NDL website. The differentiation and specificity of starches in relation to genera, species, etc. : stereochemistry applied to protoplasmic processes and products, and as a strictly scientific basis for the classification of plants and animalsLeave the NDL website. The echinoderm fauna of Torres Strait : its composition and its originLeave the NDL website. A statistical inquiry into the probability of causes of the production of sex in human offspringLeave the NDL website. The rotation period of the Sun : as determined from the motions of the calcium flocculiLeave the NDL website. The genetical factor in endemic goiterLeave the NDL website. The third-chromosome group of mutant characters of Drosophila melanogasterLeave the NDL website. Experimental pollination : an outline of the ecology of flowers and insectsLeave the NDL website. A study of the annual rings of trees in relation to climate and solar activityLeave the NDL website. Studies of Cenozoic vertebrates of western North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Periodic orbitsLeave the NDL website. A medical survey of the Republic of GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. The cactaceae : descriptions and illustrations of plants of the cactus familyLeave the NDL website. Atlas of solar magnetic fields, August 1959-June 1966Leave the NDL website. The water-balance of succulent plantsLeave the NDL website. A study of prolonged fastingLeave the NDL website. Leodicidae of the West Indian regionLeave the NDL website. Inventory of unpublished material for American religious history in Protestant church archives and other repositoriesLeave the NDL website. A miocene flora from Shantung province, ChinaLeave the NDL website. Maya Indians of YucatanLeave the NDL website. Studies in the morphology, taxonomy, and ecology of the peridinialesLeave the NDL website. Uaxactun, Guatemala : Group E, 1926-1931Leave the NDL website. The distribution of vegetation in the United States, as related to climatic conditionsLeave the NDL website. StaticsLeave the NDL website. The coral siderastrea radians and its postlarval developmentLeave the NDL website. Explorations in Turkestan : expedition of 1904 : prehistoric civilizations of Anau : origins, growth, and influence of environmentLeave the NDL website. Chemical investigations of the tobacco plantLeave the NDL website. Diabetic metabolism with high and low dietsLeave the NDL website. Steam wells and other thermal activity at "The Geysers" CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. The analytical expression of the results of the theory of space-groupsLeave the NDL website. The structure and life-history of the hay-scented fernLeave the NDL website. Guide to the archives of the government of the United States in WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Homing and related activities of birds . The aquisition of skill in archeryLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamic relations in multi-component systemsLeave the NDL website. Variation and correlation in the crayfish : with special reference to the influence of differentiation and homology of partsLeave the NDL website. Algal culture : from laboratory to pilot plantLeave the NDL website. Archaeological reconnaissance in central GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. Atlas of absorption spectraLeave the NDL website. Cathodo-luminescence and the luminescence of incandescent solidsLeave the NDL website. Lydgate's Fall of princesLeave the NDL website. Chapters in the history of social legislation in the United States to 1860Leave the NDL website. Researches upon the atomic weights of cadmium, manganese, bromine, lead, arsenic, iodine, silver chromium, and phosphorusLeave the NDL website. Papers concerning the palaeontology of the Pleistocene of California and the Pliocene of OregonLeave the NDL website. Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Food ingestion and energy transformations : with special reference to the stimulating effect of nutrientsLeave the NDL website. Archæological investigations in KamchatkaLeave the NDL website. Root behavior and crop yield under irrigationLeave the NDL website. Ionospheric research at Huancayo Observatory, Peru, January, 1938-June, 1946Leave the NDL website. Rhythmical pulsation in scyphomedusæLeave the NDL website. The electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions : a reportLeave the NDL website. The comparative anatomy of extra-chromosomal types in datura stramoniumLeave the NDL website. Ceramics for the archaeologistLeave the NDL website. Aeration and air-content : the rôle of oxygen in root activityLeave the NDL website. Studies of mammalian ecology in southwestern North America with special attention to the colors of desert mammalsLeave the NDL website. The work of the Carnegie and suggestions for future scientific cruisesLeave the NDL website. Studies of Tertiary and Quaternary mammals of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The physiology of stomataLeave the NDL website. Biological results of the last cruise of the CarnegieLeave the NDL website. Sexual reproduction and the organization of the nucleus in certain mildewsLeave the NDL website. Quadratic and higher formsLeave the NDL website. The Oceanic Tintinnoina of the plankton gathered during the last cruise of the CarnegieLeave the NDL website. The caracol at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, MexicoLeave the NDL website. A Sylow factor table of the first twelve thousand numbers : giving the possible number of Sylow sub-groups of a group of given order between the limits of 0 and 12000Leave the NDL website. Factors and functions in coastal dunesLeave the NDL website. Heredity and social fitness : a study of differential mating in a Pennsylvania familyLeave the NDL website. Mental effort in relation to gaseous exchange, heart rate, and mechanics of respirationLeave the NDL website. The Hydromedusae. Vol. 1-2 ; The ScyphomedusaeLeave the NDL website. Inheritance in canariesLeave the NDL website. Mount Wilson catalogue of photographic magnitudes in selected areas 1-139Leave the NDL website. The root habits of desert plantsLeave the NDL website. History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860Leave the NDL website. Egyptological researches : results of a journey in ...Leave the NDL website. The climatic factor as illustrated in arid AmericaLeave the NDL website. The geology of Crater Lake National Park, Oregon : with a reconnaissance of the cascade range southward to mount shastaLeave the NDL website. Leaf xanthophyllsLeave the NDL website. The action of snake venom upon cold-blooded animalsLeave the NDL website. The influence of a magnetic field upon the spark spectra of iron and titaniumLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of temperature fluctuations in different parts of the human bodyLeave the NDL website. Environmental responses of climatic races of AchilleaLeave the NDL website. The pneumatic system of plants, especially treesLeave the NDL website. The mosquitoes of the AmericasLeave the NDL website. Metabolism and growth from birth to pubertyLeave the NDL website. Divisibility and primalityLeave the NDL website. Bonampak, Chiapas, MexicoLeave the NDL website. Public health administration and the natural history of disease in Baltimore, Maryland, 1797-1920Leave the NDL website. Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and CambridgeLeave the NDL website. Guide to British West Indian archive materials, in London and in the Islands, for the history of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Investigations of infra-red spectraLeave the NDL website. The coal measures amphibia of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Vascular diseases (continued)Leave the NDL website. Studies of inheritance in rabbitsLeave the NDL website. Fossil plants of the Florissant beds, ColoradoLeave the NDL website. Fecundation in plantsLeave the NDL website. New reptiles and stegocephalians from the upper Triassic of Western TexasLeave the NDL website. Le livre de Lancelot del LacLeave the NDL website. The inscriptions at CopanLeave the NDL website. Uaxactun, Guatemala : excavations of 1931-1937Leave the NDL website. Contributions to the genetics, taxonomy, and ecology of drosophila pseudoobscura and its relativesLeave the NDL website. Vital energetics : a study in comparative basal metabolismLeave the NDL website. Studies in heredity as illustrated by the Trichomes of species and hybrids of Juglans, Oenothera, Papaver, and SolanumLeave the NDL website. The relation of desert plants to soil moisture and to evaporationLeave the NDL website. Revision of the pelycosauria of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The proteins of the wheat kernelLeave the NDL website. A new method of estimating stream-flow : based upon a new evaporation formulaLeave the NDL website. Climatic cycles and tree-growth : a study of the annual rings of trees in relation to climate and solar activityLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the poems of John KeatsLeave the NDL website. The Salton Sea : a study of the geography, the geology, the floristics, and the ecology of a desert basinLeave the NDL website. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States : Pennsylvania, 1790-1904Leave the NDL website. Contributions to the genetics of Drosophila melanogasterLeave the NDL website. Upper Cretaceous floras of the Rocky mountain regionLeave the NDL website. Report on the diplomatic archives of the Department of State, 1789-1840Leave the NDL website. The defenses of Spanish Florida 1565 to 1763Leave the NDL website. The hydrostatic system of treesLeave the NDL website. Studies on carbohydrate and fat metabolism : with especial reference to the pigeonLeave the NDL website. Vertebrate animals of Point Lobos Reserve, 1934-35Leave the NDL website. History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860Leave the NDL website. Eocene flora of western AmericaLeave the NDL website. Determinate evolution in the color-pattern of the lady-beetlesLeave the NDL website. Magnetic observations of sunspots 1917-24Leave the NDL website. The variation and correlations of certain taxonomic characters of GryllusLeave the NDL website. Development and activities of roots of crop plants : a study in crop ecologyLeave the NDL website. Letters of members of the Continental CongressLeave the NDL website. The metabolism and energy transformations of healthy man during restLeave the NDL website. The political organization of BoliviaLeave the NDL website. Alcohol and human efficiency : experiments with moderate quantities and dilute solutions of ethyl alcohol on human subjectsLeave the NDL website. A geological comparison of South America with South AfricaLeave the NDL website. The fossil turtles of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The Pawnee mythology : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Energy transformations during horizontal walkingLeave the NDL website. The maturation of the egg of the mouseLeave the NDL website. The behavior of pigeonsLeave the NDL website. Contributions to embryologyLeave the NDL website. The distribution of vegetation in the United States, as related to climatic conditionsLeave the NDL website. Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus partula : the species inhabiting MooreaLeave the NDL website. Earthquake conditions in ChileLeave the NDL website. The diffusion of gases through liquids and allied experimentsLeave the NDL website. The absorption spectra of solutions of comparatively rare salts : including those of gadolinium, dysprosium, and samarium the spectrophotography of certain chemical reactions and the effect of high temperature on the absorption spectra of non-aqueous solutionsLeave the NDL website. The symmetric function tables of the fifteenthic : including, an historical summary of symmetric functions as relating to symmetric function tablesLeave the NDL website. The American species of crepis : their interrelationships and distribution as affected by polyploidy and apomixisLeave the NDL website. Additions to the tertiary history of the pelagic mammals on the Pacific coast of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Eagles and eagle-like vultures of the pleistocene of Rancho La BreaLeave the NDL website. Second bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The phytometer method in ecology : the plant and community as instrumentsLeave the NDL website. Genetic studies with bacteriaLeave the NDL website. Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of the United States since 1783Leave the NDL website. Ceramics for the archaeologistLeave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for the history of the United States in Spanish archives (Simancas, the Archivo historico nacional, and Seville)Leave the NDL website. Bibliographical index of North American fungiLeave the NDL website. The venom of helodermaLeave the NDL website. The Carnegie atlas of galaxiesLeave the NDL website. American SamoaLeave the NDL website. The absorption spectra of solutions as studied by means of the radiomicrometer ; The conductivities, dissociations, and viscosities of solutions of electrolytes in aqueous, non-aqueous, and mixed solventsLeave the NDL website. Environment of tetrapod life in the late paleozoic of regions other than North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The fossil turtles of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Tables, factors, and formulas for computing respiratory exchange and biological transformations of energyLeave the NDL website. Genetic studies of rabbits and ratsLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the works of HoraceLeave the NDL website. Lipogenesis in the animal body, with special reference to the physiology of the gooseLeave the NDL website. Studies on solution in its relation to light absorption, conductivity, viscosity, and hydrolysis : a report upon a number of experimental investigations carried out in the laboratory of the late Professor Henry C. JonesLeave the NDL website. Additions to the tertiary history of the pelagic mammals on the Pacific coast of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The gaseous metabolism of infants : with special reference to its relation to pulserate and muscular activityLeave the NDL website. The fauna of Mayfield's caveLeave the NDL website. Distribution and movements of desert plantsLeave the NDL website. Hydration and growthLeave the NDL website. Coloration in polistesLeave the NDL website. Handbook of learned societies and institutions: AmericaLeave the NDL website. Rio Mayo plants : a study of the flora and vegetation of the valley of the Rio Mayo, SonoraLeave the NDL website. Inheritance, fertility, and the dominance of sex and color in hybrids of wild species of pigeonsLeave the NDL website. General catalogue of stellar radial velocities : prepared at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Human vitality and efficiency under prolonged restricted dietLeave the NDL website. The tidal and other problemsLeave the NDL website. Experiments with the displacement interferometerLeave the NDL website. European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependenciesLeave the NDL website. Mutations, variations, and relationships of the oenotherasLeave the NDL website. Chan Kom : a Maya villageLeave the NDL website. Tulum : an archaeological study of the east coast of YucatanLeave the NDL website. Index of names and places to volumes to I-VIILeave the NDL website. Growth in treesLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the poems of Edmund SpenserLeave the NDL website. Studies on the germ cells of aphidsLeave the NDL website. A concordance to the poems of Edmund SpenserLeave the NDL website. Traditions of the Caddo : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. I. Marine bottom samples collected in the Pacific Ocean by the Carnegie on Its seventh cruise . II. Radium content of ocean-bottom sedimentsLeave the NDL website. Albany zone catalogues for the epoch 1900 : prepared at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Les aventures ou la queste del Saint Graal . La mort le roi ArtusLeave the NDL website. Ocean magnetic and electric observations, 1915-1921Leave the NDL website. Studies of macromolecular biosynthesisLeave the NDL website. Round structures of aboriginal middle AmericaLeave the NDL website. A physical study of the fireflyLeave the NDL website. High steam-pressures in locomotive serviceLeave the NDL website. Albany catalogue of 20811 stars for the epoch 1910Leave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for American history in Roman and other Italian archivesLeave the NDL website. Revision of the Amphibia and pisces of the Permian of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. A new type of hereditary brachyphalangy in manLeave the NDL website. The phylogenetic method in taxonomy : the North American species of Artemisia, Chrysothamnus, and AtriplexLeave the NDL website. Observations in the 21-cm Neutral Hydrogen Line = Observaciones en la Lĺnea de 21 cm del Hidrógeno NeutroLeave the NDL website. Effects of winds and of barometric pressures on the great lakesLeave the NDL website. The influence of Grenville on Pitt's foreign policy, 1787-1798Leave the NDL website. Miocene floras of the Columbia PlateauLeave the NDL website. Middle Cenozoic floras of western North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The temple of the warriors at Chichen Itza, YucatanLeave the NDL website. Experiments in the breeding of CerionsLeave the NDL website. Hydrates in aqueous solution : evidence for the existence of hydrates in solution, their approximate composition, and certain spectroscopic investigations bearing upon the hydrate problemLeave the NDL website. Tables, factors, and formulas for computing respiratory exchange and biological transformations of energyLeave the NDL website. Contributions to pre-Cambrian geology of western North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The relation of plants to tide-levels : a study of factors affecting the distribution of marine plantsLeave the NDL website. Acoustic experiments with the pin-hole probe and the interferometer u-gageLeave the NDL website. Condensed collections of thermodynamic formulas for one-component and binary systems of unit and variable massLeave the NDL website. The Jukes in 1915Leave the NDL website. The Maya Chontal Indians of Acalan-Tixchel : a contribution to the history and ethnography of the Yucatan PeninsulaLeave the NDL website. The conditions of parasitism in plantsLeave the NDL website. The genus Ceratium in the Pacific and North Atlantic OceansLeave the NDL website. Gaseous exchange and physiological requirements for level and grade walkingLeave the NDL website. Ctenophores of the Atlantic coast of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The Maya of east central Quintana RooLeave the NDL website. A reconstruction of the nuclear masses in the lower portion of the human brain-stemLeave the NDL website. The volcanic activity and hot springs of lassen peakLeave the NDL website. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. A revision of the atomic weights of sodium and chlorineLeave the NDL website. The water-relation between plant and soil . The water-supplying power of the soil as indicated by osmometersLeave the NDL website. Displacement interferometry applied to acoustics and to gravitationLeave the NDL website. The carbohydrate economy of cactiLeave the NDL website. Meteorological results of cruise VII of the Carnegie, 1928-1929Leave the NDL website. Index to United States documents relating to foreign affairs, 1828-1861 in three partsLeave the NDL website. Variation and differentiation in CeratophyllumLeave the NDL website. Size inheritance in rabbits . With a prefatory note and appendixLeave the NDL website. The North American species of DrosophilaLeave the NDL website. Atlas of the historical geography of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The volcano-seismic crisis at Montserrat, 1933-1937Leave the NDL website. Experimental vegetation : the relation of climaxes to climatesLeave the NDL website. Studies of heredity in rabbits, rats, and miceLeave the NDL website. Quaternary climatesLeave the NDL website. Anthokinetics : the physiology and ecology of floral movementsLeave the NDL website. History of transportation in the United States before 1860Leave the NDL website. The nucleation of the uncontaminated atmosphereLeave the NDL website. History of agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860Leave the NDL website. Chimæroid fishes and their developmentLeave the NDL website. The mythology of the Wichita : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Further researches on North American acridiidæLeave the NDL website. Effect of varied environments on western North American plantsLeave the NDL website. Systematic catalogue of the fishes of tortugas, Florida : with observations on color, habits, and local distributionLeave the NDL website. Diametral changes in tree trunksLeave the NDL website. Samoan ForaminiferaLeave the NDL website. Volcanological ObservationsLeave the NDL website. The metabolism of the fasting steerLeave the NDL website. Further researches concerning atomic weights of potassium, silver, chlorine, bromine, nitrogen, and sulphurLeave the NDL website. Ocean atmospheric-electric resultsLeave the NDL website. From Rabbi ben Ezra to Roger BaconLeave the NDL website. A comparison of methods for determining the respiratory exchange of manLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the genetics of the domestic rabbitLeave the NDL website. The physiology of the new-born infant : character and amount of the katabolismLeave the NDL website. Sissano : movements of migration within and through MelanesiaLeave the NDL website. Feeding experiments with isolated food-substancesLeave the NDL website. The hydrostatic-pneumatic system of certain trees : movements of liquids and gasesLeave the NDL website. Researches in experimental phonetics : the study of speech curvesLeave the NDL website. Respiration calorimeters for studying the respiratory exchange and energy transformations of manLeave the NDL website. History of domestic and foreign commerce of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Explosion studies of continental structure : University of Wisconsin, 1956-1959Leave the NDL website. The Upper triassic flora of ArizonaLeave the NDL website. An analysis of rainfall in the Sonoran Desert and and adjacent territoryLeave the NDL website. Permo-carboniferous vertebrates from New MexicoLeave the NDL website. Superheated steam in locomotive serviceLeave the NDL website. Upper-wind observations and results obtained on cruise VII of the CarnegieLeave the NDL website. A discussion of the sponge fauna of the Dry Tortugas in particular and the West Indies in general, with material for a revision of the families and orders of the PoriferaLeave the NDL website. Some corals from American Samoa and the Fiji IslandsLeave the NDL website. A photographic atlas of selected regions of the milky wayLeave the NDL website. Contributions to embryologyLeave the NDL website. Researches on Waring's problemLeave the NDL website. Additions to the palaeontology of the Pacific coast and great basin regions on North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Studies on the ice age in India and associated human culturesLeave the NDL website. Muscular work : a metabolic study with special reference to the efficiency of the human body as a machineLeave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for American history, to 1783, in the Public Record Office of Great BritainLeave the NDL website. From Homer to Omar KhayyamLeave the NDL website. Factor table for the first ten millions : containing the smallest factor of every number not divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 7 between the limits O and 10017000Leave the NDL website. Contributions to palaeontology from Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. A respiration calorimeter with appliances for the direct determination of oxygenLeave the NDL website. The influence of inanition on metabolismLeave the NDL website. Experimental studies on species relationships in ceanothusLeave the NDL website. Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in miceLeave the NDL website. The conquest and colonization of Yucatan, 1517-1550Leave the NDL website. The Eusporangiatae : the comparative morphology of the Ophioglossaceae & MarattiaceaeLeave the NDL website. Supplement : Le livre d'Artus, with glossaryLeave the NDL website. Syllabary of Chinese soundsLeave the NDL website. Revision of Rowland's preliminary table of solar spectrum wave-lengths : with an extension to the present limit of the infra-redLeave the NDL website. Shallow-water Foraminifera of the Tortugas regionLeave the NDL website. Plant competition : an analysis of community functionsLeave the NDL website. The pleistocene of the middle region of North America and its vertebrated animalsLeave the NDL website. A review of the ArchaeocetiLeave the NDL website. Excavations at Kaminaljuyu, GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. Studies on the Physiology, Genetics, and Evolution of some CladoceraLeave the NDL website. The feebly inhibited : nomadism, or the wandering impulse, with special reference to heredity : inheritance of temperamentLeave the NDL website. The interferometry of reversed and non-reversed spectraLeave the NDL website. A cytological and biochemical study of the ovaries of the sea-urchin echinometra lucunterLeave the NDL website. Miocene and pliocene floras of western North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Equatorial electrojet in PeruLeave the NDL website. On germinal transplantation in vertebratesLeave the NDL website. Energy changes involved in the dilution of zinc and cadmium amalgamsLeave the NDL website. Published papers and addresses of John Campbell MerriamLeave the NDL website. Conductivities and viscosities in pure and in mixed solvents : radiometric measurements of the ionization constants of indicators, etcLeave the NDL website. Chemical results of the last cruise of the CarnegieLeave the NDL website. Body-build and its inheritanceLeave the NDL website. The Cambrian faunas of China . A report on Ordovician fossils collected in Eastern Asia in 1903-04 . A report on upper Paleozoic fossils collected in China in 1903-04Leave the NDL website. A comparative study of the heterochromosomes in certain species of coleoptera, hemiptera and lepidoptera, with especial reference to sex determinationLeave the NDL website. Madison catalogue of 2786 stars for the epoch 1910Leave the NDL website. The HydromedusaeLeave the NDL website. The eruption of Mt. Pelée, 1929-1932Leave the NDL website. Guide to the archives of the government of the United States in WashingtonLeave the NDL website. The analytical expression of the results of the theory of space groupsLeave the NDL website. Fatty acid antibacterials from plantsLeave the NDL website. A revised Shapley-Ames catalog of bright galaxies : containing data on magnitudes, types, and redshifts for galaxies in the original Harvard survey, updated to summer 1980, also contains a selection of photographs illustrating the luminosity classification and a list of additional galaxies that satisfy the magnitude limit of the original catalogLeave the NDL website. List of prime numbers from 1 to 10,006,721Leave the NDL website. Writings on American history, 1903 : a bibliography of books and articles on United States history published during the year 1903, with some memoranda on other portions of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Growth in trees and massive organs of plantsLeave the NDL website. Studies of Cenozoic vertebrates and stratigraphy of western North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The absorption spectra of solutions of certain salts of cobalt, nickel, copper, iron, chromium, neodymium, praseodymium, and erbium in water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone, and in mixtures of water with the other solventsLeave the NDL website. Guide book to the ruins of QuiriguaLeave the NDL website. The osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions : report on investigations made in the Chemical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins university during the years 1899-1913Leave the NDL website. Velocity structures in hydrogen profiles : a sky atlas of neutral hydrogen emissionLeave the NDL website. Easter Island, the Rapanui speech, and the peopling of southeast PolynesiaLeave the NDL website. Inheritance in poultryLeave the NDL website. The titles of EbtunLeave the NDL website. Atlas of maps and seismograms accompanying the report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission upon the California Earthquake of April 18, 1906Leave the NDL website. The topography of the chlorophyll apparatus in desert plants . The induction, development, and heritability of fasciationsLeave the NDL website. A general catalogue of double stars : within 121° of the North poleLeave the NDL website. A new method of estimating streamflow, based upon a new evaporation formulaLeave the NDL website. A general consideration of mosquitoes, their habits, and their relations to the human speciesLeave the NDL website. Synopsis of linear associative algebra : a report on its natural developmet and results reached up to the present timeLeave the NDL website. Fossil echini of the West Indies . Stratigraphic significance of the species of West Indian fossil echiniLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the genetics of drosophila simulans and drosophila melanogasterLeave the NDL website. Bursa bursa-pastoris and bursa heegeri : biotypes and hybridsLeave the NDL website. Ten years' work of a mountain observatory : a brief account of the Mount Wilson Solar observatory of the Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. The mechanics of the earthquakeLeave the NDL website. Dictionary and grammar of the language of Saʿa and Ulawa, Solomon Islands : with appendicesLeave the NDL website. Dynamic meteorology and weather forecastingLeave the NDL website. Cambrain history of the Grand Canyon regionLeave the NDL website. Olympic victor monuments and Greek athletic artLeave the NDL website. The federal system of the Argentine RepublicLeave the NDL website. The vegetation of Petén : with an appendix, studies of Mexican and Central American plants, ILeave the NDL website. Botany of the Maya areaLeave the NDL website. Plant indicators : the relation of plant communities to process and practiceLeave the NDL website. Periodic orbitsLeave the NDL website. Magnitudes and colors of stars north of +80°Leave the NDL website. A sixth-century fragment of the letters of Pliny the Younger : a study of six leaves of an uncial manuscript preserved in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Fossil anthropoids of the Yale-Cambridge India Expedition of 1935Leave the NDL website. Studies of inheritance in guinea-pigs and ratsLeave the NDL website. Human metabolism with enemata of alcohol, dextrose, and levuloseLeave the NDL website. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning evolutionLeave the NDL website. Papers concerning the palaeontology of California, Oregon and the northern Great basin provinceLeave the NDL website. Effect of alcohol on psycho-physiological functionsLeave the NDL website. The seal cylinders of Western AsiaLeave the NDL website. Ptolemy's catalogue of stars : a revision of the almagestLeave the NDL website. Determination of the solar parallax from photographs of Eros made with the Crossley reflector of the Lick observatory, University of CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Pliocene floras of California and OregonLeave the NDL website. A memorial to Alfred Goldsborough Mayor : some posthumous papers of A.G. Mayor relating to his work at Tutuila Island and adjacent regions : together with reports of R.A. Daly, R.T. Chamberlin, and C.B. Lipman on their work in the some connectionLeave the NDL website. A study of the absorption spectra of solutions of certain salts of potassium, cobalt, nickerl, copper, chromium, erbium, praseodymium, neodymium, and uranium as affected by chemical agents and by temperatureLeave the NDL website. Systematic geologyLeave the NDL website. Botanical features of the Algerian SaharaLeave the NDL website. Snake venoms : an investigation of venomous snakes with special reference to the phenomena of their venomsLeave the NDL website. Studies of the Pleistocene palaeobotany of CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Cases from the Courts of States north of Ohio and west of the Mississippi Rivers Canada and JamaicaLeave the NDL website. The American species of crepis : their interrelationships and distribution as affected by polyploidy and apomixisLeave the NDL website. Genetic Studies on a Cavy Species CrossLeave the NDL website. The isomorphism and thermal properties of the feldsparsLeave the NDL website. Stages in the development of Sium cicutaefoliumLeave the NDL website. Atlas de hidrógeno neutro galáctico para la región 270[0] [less than or equal to] 1 [less than or equal to] 310[0] : -7[0] [less than or equal to] β [less than or equal to] 2[0]Leave the NDL website. Heredity of hair-length in guinea-pigs and its bearing on the theory of pure gametesLeave the NDL website. Mutants and hybrids of the oenotherasLeave the NDL website. Explorations in Turkestan : with an account of the basin of eastern Persia and Sistan : expedition of 1903, under the direction of Raphael PumpellyLeave the NDL website. The book of Chilam Balam of ChumayelLeave the NDL website. The echinoderm fauna of Australia : its composition and its originLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the study of the behavior of lower organismsLeave the NDL website. Studies in spermatogenesis with especial reference to the "accessory chromosome"Leave the NDL website. The differentiation and specificity of corresponding proteins and other vital substances in relation to biological classification and organic evolution : the crystallography of hemoglobinsLeave the NDL website. Guide to materials for American historyin the libraries and archives of ParisLeave the NDL website. Descriptive topography and geologyLeave the NDL website. The Peninsula of Yucatan : medical, biological, meteorological and sociological studiesLeave the NDL website. Root development in the grassland formation : a correlation of the root systems of native vegetation and crop plantsLeave the NDL website. Heliographic positions of sun-spots observed at Hamilton College from 1860 to 1870Leave the NDL website. Rubber-content of North American plantsLeave the NDL website. Studies in plant respiration and photosynthesisLeave the NDL website. The mutants of Drosophila melanogaster : classified according to body parts affectedLeave the NDL website. Copan ceramics : a study of Southeastern Maya potteryLeave the NDL website. Botanical features of North American desertsLeave the NDL website. The California Earthquake of April 18, 1906 : report of the State Earthquake Investigation CommissionLeave the NDL website. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, JamaicaLeave the NDL website. Rainfall and tree growth in the Great BasinLeave the NDL website. Volcanic geology, hot springs, and geysers of IcelandLeave the NDL website. Genetic variations of Drosophila melanogasterLeave the NDL website. Principles and methods of tree-ring analysisLeave the NDL website. Cave vertebrates of America : a study in degenerative evolutionLeave the NDL website. The artifacts of Uaxactun, GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. The composition of the atmosphere : with special reference to its oxygen contentLeave the NDL website. Genetic studies on drosophila virilis : with considerations on the genetics of other species of drosophilaLeave the NDL website. Plant evolution through amphiploidy and autoploidy, with examples from the MadiinaeLeave the NDL website. The building of the Roman aqueductsLeave the NDL website. The Roman comagmatic regionLeave the NDL website. Archaeological studies in the La Plata district : southwestern Colorado and northwestern New MexicoLeave the NDL website. Traditions of the Arikara : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Contributions to a knowledge of inheritance in mammalsLeave the NDL website. A study of classic Maya sculptureLeave the NDL website. Archaeological investigations in the Aleutian IslandsLeave the NDL website. The production of elliptic interferences in relation to interferometryLeave the NDL website. History of transportation in the United States before 1860Leave the NDL website. Developmental stages in human embryos : including a revision of Streeter's "Horizons" and a survey of the Carnegie collectionLeave the NDL website. Contributions to the geology and paleontology of the West IndiesLeave the NDL website. Archaeological Reconnaissance in Campeche, Quintana Roo, and PetenLeave the NDL website. Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus partula : the species of the Mariana Islands, Guam and SaipanLeave the NDL website. The electromotive force of iron under varying conditions, and the effect of occluded hydrogenLeave the NDL website. Atitlan : an archÆological study of ancient remains on the borders of Lake Atitlan, GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. Land magnetic and electric observations, 1918-1926Leave the NDL website. Plant succession : an analysis of the development of vegetationLeave the NDL website. Some tertiary mammals and birds from North AmericaLeave the NDL website. San Luis catalogue of 15333 stars for the epoch 1910 : prepared at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, New YorkLeave the NDL website. The broad-sclerophyll vegetation of California : an ecological study of the Chaparral and its related communitiesLeave the NDL website. On the position of the galactic and other principal planes toward which the stars tend to crowdLeave the NDL website. The atrium vestaeLeave the NDL website. Orthogenetic evolution in pigeonsLeave the NDL website. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, JamaicaLeave the NDL website. Cases from the Courts of England, Virginia, West Virginia, and KentuckyLeave the NDL website. Race crossing in JamaicaLeave the NDL website. American fossil cycadsLeave the NDL website. An analysis of the effects of selectionLeave the NDL website. Proceedings and debates of the British parliaments respecting North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Sex-linked inheritance in DrosophilaLeave the NDL website. The mutants of drosophila melanogasterLeave the NDL website. Excavations at Nebaj, GuatemalaLeave the NDL website. The old yellow book : source of Browning's The ring and the book : in complete photo-reproductionLeave the NDL website. History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860Leave the NDL website. Cases from the Courts of New England, the Middle States, and the District of ColumbiaLeave the NDL website. Pierre du Ryer dramatistLeave the NDL website. The atomic weights of boron and fluorineLeave the NDL website. General and physiological features of the vegetation of the more arid portions of Southern Africa, with notes on the climatic environmentLeave the NDL website. The Felidæ of Rancho La BreaLeave the NDL website. The fruit of Opuntia fulgida : a study perennation and proliferation in the fruits of certain cactaceæLeave the NDL website. The governmental system of PeruLeave the NDL website. Inheritance of characteristics in domestic fowlLeave the NDL website. Fauna of the caves of YucatanLeave the NDL website. Researches on North American Acridiidæ/ by Albert Pitts MorseLeave the NDL website. Physiological features of roots, with especial reference to the relation of roots to aeration of the soilLeave the NDL website. Zacualpa, a study of ancient Quiché artifactsLeave the NDL website. Heredity of skin color in negro-white crosses : with appendix, being abridgement of field-notes, chiefly of Florence H. Danielson, field worker, Eugenics Record OfficeLeave the NDL website. Chichen Itza : architectural notes and plansLeave the NDL website. Correspondence of Andrew JacksonLeave the NDL website. Calendar of papers in Washington archives relating to the territories of the United States (to 1873)Leave the NDL website. The color sensitivity of the peripheral retinaLeave the NDL website. List of documents in Spanish archives relating to the history of the Unite States, which have been printed or of which transcripts are preserved in American librariesLeave the NDL website. Lines of the chemical elements in astronomical spectraLeave the NDL website. A Middle Eocene flora from the Central Sierra NevadaLeave the NDL website. The heroic age of science : the conception, ideals, and methods of science among the ancient GreeksLeave the NDL website. History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860Leave the NDL website. An investigation of the rotation period of the sun by spectroscopic methodsLeave the NDL website. Reversible variations in volume, pressure, and movements of sap in treesLeave the NDL website. The environment of vertebrate life in the late paleozoic in North America : a paleogeographic studyLeave the NDL website. Guide to the materials for American history in Cuban archivesLeave the NDL website. A general catalogue of double stars : within 121° of the North PoleLeave the NDL website. A general catalogue of double stars : within 121° of the North PoleLeave the NDL website. New general catalogue of double stars within 120° of the North PoleLeave the NDL website. Studies of biosynthesis in escherichia coliLeave the NDL website. The California earthquake of April 18, 1906 : report of the State earthquake investigation commissionLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamic relations in open systemsLeave the NDL website. New general catalogue of double stars within 120° of the North PoleLeave the NDL website.

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Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnegie Inst. of Wash. Pub
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Related Material
Evolution, racial and habitudinal
Researches on the performance of the screw propeller
A preliminary study of the ruins of Cobá, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Guide to materials for the history of the United States in the principal archives of Mexico
Anasazi basketry, basket maker II through pueblo III : a study based on specimens from the San Juan River Country
A bicycle ergometer with an electric brake
The physiology of the elephant
Displacement interferometry by the aid of the achromatic fringes
Guide to materials for American history in Russian archives
The pleistocene of the western region of North America and its vertebrated animals
Ulugh Beg's catalogue of stars : revised from all Persian manuscripts existing in Great Britain, with a vocabulary of Persian and Arabic words
Condensation of vapor as induced by nuclei and ions
Systematic description : in two parts
Documents illustrative of the history of the slave trade to America
Gonadectomy in relation to the secondary sexual characters of some domestic birds
Anthropometry of adult Maya Indians : a study of their physical and physiological characteristics
A biometric study of basal metabolism in man
Conductivity and viscosity in mixed solvents : a study of the conductivity and viscosity of solutions of certain electrolytes in water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone; and in binary mixtures of these solvents
The compressibilities of the elements and their periodic relations
A biochemic basis for the study of problems of taxonomy, heredity, evolution, etc., with especial reference to the starches and tissues of parent-stocks and hybrid-stocks and the starches and hemoglobins of varieties, species, and genera
Papers concerning the palaeontology of California, Nevada and Oregon
The mechanism of evolution in Leptinotarsa
Geochemical transport and kinetics : papers presented at a conference at Airlie House, Warrenton, Virginia, June 1973
An investigation of evolution in chrysomelid beetles of the genus Leptinotarsa
Petrography and zoology . Syllabary of Chinese sounds
Cases from the Courts of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana
Plant competition : an analysis of community functions
Ocean magnetic observations 1905-1916 and reports on special researches
Guide to the materials for United States history in Canadian archives
High temperature gas thermometry
The freezing-point lowering, conductivity, and viscosity of solutions of certain electrolytes in water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohl, acetone, and glycerol, and in mixtures of these solvents with one another
Gorillas in a native habitat : report of the joint expedition of 1929-30 of Yale University and Carnegie Institution of Washington for psychobiological study of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Parc National Albert, Belgian Congo, Africa
Interpolation tables, or, Multiplication tables of decimal fractions : giving the products to the nearest unit of all numbers from 1 to 100 by 0.01 to 0.99 and from 1 to 1000 by 0.001 to 0.999
The electrical conductivity, dissociation, and temperature coefficients of conductivity from zero to sixty-five degrees of aqueous solutions of a number of salts and organic acids
Determinations of atomic weights
Anatomical texts of the earlier Middle Ages : a study in the transmission of culture, with a revised Latin text of Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four texts
Guide to the materials for American history in Swiss and Austrian archives
Desert botanical laboratory of the Carnegie Institution
The establishment of varieties in Coleus by the selection of somatic variations
Plant habits and habitats in the arid portions of South Australia
Cenozoic Gravigrade edentates of western North America : with special reference to the Pleistocene Megalonychinae and Mylodontidae of Rancho La Brea
Studies of Cenozoic vertebrates of western North America and of fossil primates
Plumbate : a Mesoamerican trade ware
History, ethnology, and anthropology of the Aleut
The Vesuvius Eruption of 1906 : study of a volcanic cycle
The genus Haplopappus : a phylogenetic study in the compositae
Observations and results in physical oceanography
Dynamic meteorology and hydrography : plates
A revised Shapley-Ames catalog of bright galaxies : containing data on magnitudes, types, and redshifts for galaxies in the original Harvard survey, updated to summer 1986, also contains a selection of photographs illustrating the luminosity classification and a list of additional galaxies that satisfy the magnitude limit of the original catalog
Studies in the development of crinoids
The genetic and the operative evidence relating to secondary sexual characters
Archaeological investigations in the Aleutian Islands
The genus Youngia
Modern Maya houses : a study of their archæological significance
Fossil floras of Yellowstone National Park and southeastern Oregon
Maya hieroglyphic writing : introduction
Lestoire del Saint Graal
Historical documents relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya, and approaches thereto, to 1773
Contributions to the genetics of certain chromosome anomalies in Drosophila melanogaster
Hibernation and marmot physiology
Preliminary general catalogue of 6188 stars for the epoch 1900 : including those visible to the naked eye and other well-determined stars
Index to United States documents relating to foreign affairs, 1828-1861 in three parts
Studies of biosynthesis in escherichia coli
Land magnetic observations
Excavations at San Jose, British Honduras
The cenotes of Yucatan : a zoological and hydrographic survey
Marine mammals
Piebald rats and selection : an experimental test of the effectiveness of selection and of the theory of gametic purity in Mendelian crosses
The conquest and colonization of Honduras, 1502-1550
Guide to the manuscript materials relating to American history in the German state archives
Biosystematics, genetics, and physiological ecology of the Erythranthe section of Mimulus
A revision of the Cotylosauria of North America
Taxonomy of the Amebas : with descriptions of thirty-nine new marine and freshwater species
Naval officers, their heredity and development
The infinitive in Anglo-Saxon
The Scyphomedusae
The absorption spectra of solutions as affected by temperature and by dilution : a quantitative study of absorption spectra by means of the radiomicrometer
Leonardo da Vinci : the anatomist (1452-1519)
Letters of members of the Continental Congress
The pleistocene of North America and its vertebrated animals from the states east of the Mississippi River and from the Canadian provinces east of longitude 95[。]
The behavior of stomata
History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860
The physiology of large reptiles : with special reference to the heat production of snakes, tortoises, lizards and alligators
Studies of evaporation and transpiration under controlled conditions
Anatomical texts of the earlier Middle Ages : a study in the transmission of culture, with a revised Latin text of Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four texts
Nutritional physiology of the adult ruminant
Metabolism in diabetes mellitus
The collected mathematical works of George William Hill
Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico
Proceedings and debates of the British parliaments respecting North America
Papers concerning the palaeontology of the Cretaceous and later Tertiary of Oregon, of the Pliocene of northwestern Nevada, and of the late Miocene and Pleistocene of California
Interferometer experiments in acoustics and gravitation
Undernutrition in steers : its relation to metabolism, digestion, and subsequent realimentation
A new type of hereditary brachyphalangy in man
Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus Partula : the species inhabiting Tahiti
East African Plateaus and Rift Valleys
The Hubble atlas of galaxies
A montane rain-forest : a contribution to the physiological plant geography of Jamaica
Research in China 1903-1904 : geographical and geologial map
History, ethnology and anthropology of the Aleut
The Polynesian wanderings : tracks of the migration deduced from an examination of the Proto-Samoan content of Efaté and other languages of Melanesia
Diophantine analysis
A study of metabolism in severe diabetes
Fluorescence of the uranyl salts
Acidity and gas interchange in cacti
Studies in luminescence
The vegetation of a desert mountain range as conditioned by climatic factors
Lestoire de Merlin
The permo-carboniferous red beds of North America and their vertebrate fauna
Studies on the fossil flora and fauna of the western United States
History, general considerations, vascular diseases
Basket Maker II sites near Durango, Colorado
The inscriptions of Peten
Endocrines and constitution in doves and pigeons
Descriptive catalogue of the documents relating to the history of the United States in the Papeles procedentes de Cuba deposited in the Archivo general de Indias at Seville
The Colorado delta
A study of cycles
A concordance to the complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer and to the Romaunt of the rose
An investigation into ths elastic constants of rocks, more especially with reference to cubic compressibility
Methods of work and general literature of bacteriology exclusive of plant diseases
Reversion in Guinea-pigs and its explanation . Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in mice
Heredity of coat characters in Guinea-pigs and rabbits
Correspondence of Andrew Jackson
The solar spectrum, λ6600 to λ13495
Papers concerning the palæontology of California, Arizona, and Idaho
New general catalogue of double stars : within 120° of the North Pole
The daily march of transpiration in a desert perennial
Delta, estuary, and lower portion the channel of the Colorado River 1933 to 1935
Guide to the materials for the history of the United States in the principal archives of Mexico
Hot springs of the yellowstone national park
The gases in rocks
Papers concerning the palaeontology of the pleistocene of California and the tertiary of Oregon
Reports upon the present condition and future needs of the science of anthropology
The waterlilies : a monograph of the genus nymphaea
Selection in cladocera on the basis of a physiological character
Psychological effects of alcohol : an experimental investigation of the effects of moderate doses of ethyl alcohol on a related group of neuro-muscular processes in man
The environment and history of the Toroweap and Kaibab formations of northern Arizona and southern Utah
The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies
Studies in tree-growth by the dendrographic method
Guayule (Parthenium argentatum gray) : a rubber-plant of the Chihuahuan desert
The Goshen flora of west central Oregon
The dynamics of bacterial populations maintained in the chemostat
Electrochemical investigation of liquid amalgams of thallium, indium, tin, zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, and lithium
Cases from the Courts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee
Science and learning in the fourteenth century
Studies of the Pliocene paleobotany of California
Vegetation of the Sonoran Desert
The ecological relations of roots
The Subanu : studies of a sub-Visayan mountain folk of Mindanao
A miocene flora from the western border of the Mohave desert
The marine algæ of Florida with special reference to the Dry Tortugas
Club types of nuclear Polynesia
Selection and cross-breeding in relation to the inheritance of coat-pigments and coat-patterns in rats and guinea-pigs
Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge
Flora of the Hermit Shale, Grand Canyon, Arizona
The Cerro Cuadrado petrified forest
The copepods of the plankton gathered during the last cruise of the Carnegie
North American anura : life-histories of the anura of Ithaca, New York
Duration of the several mitotic stages in the dividing root-tip cells of the common onion
The differentiation and specificity of starches in relation to genera, species, etc. : stereochemistry applied to protoplasmic processes and products, and as a strictly scientific basis for the classification of plants and animals
The echinoderm fauna of Torres Strait : its composition and its origin
A statistical inquiry into the probability of causes of the production of sex in human offspring
The rotation period of the Sun : as determined from the motions of the calcium flocculi
The genetical factor in endemic goiter
The third-chromosome group of mutant characters of Drosophila melanogaster
Experimental pollination : an outline of the ecology of flowers and insects
A study of the annual rings of trees in relation to climate and solar activity
Studies of Cenozoic vertebrates of western North America
Periodic orbits
A medical survey of the Republic of Guatemala
The cactaceae : descriptions and illustrations of plants of the cactus family
Atlas of solar magnetic fields, August 1959-June 1966
The water-balance of succulent plants
A study of prolonged fasting
Leodicidae of the West Indian region
Inventory of unpublished material for American religious history in Protestant church archives and other repositories
A miocene flora from Shantung province, China
Maya Indians of Yucatan
Studies in the morphology, taxonomy, and ecology of the peridiniales
Uaxactun, Guatemala : Group E, 1926-1931
The distribution of vegetation in the United States, as related to climatic conditions
The coral siderastrea radians and its postlarval development
Explorations in Turkestan : expedition of 1904 : prehistoric civilizations of Anau : origins, growth, and influence of environment
Chemical investigations of the tobacco plant
Diabetic metabolism with high and low diets
Steam wells and other thermal activity at "The Geysers" California
The analytical expression of the results of the theory of space-groups
The structure and life-history of the hay-scented fern
Guide to the archives of the government of the United States in Washington
Homing and related activities of birds . The aquisition of skill in archery
Thermodynamic relations in multi-component systems
Variation and correlation in the crayfish : with special reference to the influence of differentiation and homology of parts
Algal culture : from laboratory to pilot plant
Archaeological reconnaissance in central Guatemala
Atlas of absorption spectra
Cathodo-luminescence and the luminescence of incandescent solids
Lydgate's Fall of princes
Chapters in the history of social legislation in the United States to 1860
Researches upon the atomic weights of cadmium, manganese, bromine, lead, arsenic, iodine, silver chromium, and phosphorus
Papers concerning the palaeontology of the Pleistocene of California and the Pliocene of Oregon
Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
Food ingestion and energy transformations : with special reference to the stimulating effect of nutrients
Archæological investigations in Kamchatka
Root behavior and crop yield under irrigation
Ionospheric research at Huancayo Observatory, Peru, January, 1938-June, 1946
Rhythmical pulsation in scyphomedusæ
The electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions : a report
The comparative anatomy of extra-chromosomal types in datura stramonium
Ceramics for the archaeologist
Aeration and air-content : the rôle of oxygen in root activity
Studies of mammalian ecology in southwestern North America with special attention to the colors of desert mammals
The work of the Carnegie and suggestions for future scientific cruises
Studies of Tertiary and Quaternary mammals of North America
The physiology of stomata
Biological results of the last cruise of the Carnegie
Sexual reproduction and the organization of the nucleus in certain mildews
Quadratic and higher forms
The Oceanic Tintinnoina of the plankton gathered during the last cruise of the Carnegie
The caracol at Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
A Sylow factor table of the first twelve thousand numbers : giving the possible number of Sylow sub-groups of a group of given order between the limits of 0 and 12000
Factors and functions in coastal dunes
Heredity and social fitness : a study of differential mating in a Pennsylvania family
Mental effort in relation to gaseous exchange, heart rate, and mechanics of respiration
The Hydromedusae. Vol. 1-2 ; The Scyphomedusae
Inheritance in canaries
Mount Wilson catalogue of photographic magnitudes in selected areas 1-139
The root habits of desert plants
History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860
Egyptological researches : results of a journey in ...
The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America
The geology of Crater Lake National Park, Oregon : with a reconnaissance of the cascade range southward to mount shasta
Leaf xanthophylls
The action of snake venom upon cold-blooded animals
The influence of a magnetic field upon the spark spectra of iron and titanium
A comparative study of temperature fluctuations in different parts of the human body
Environmental responses of climatic races of Achillea
The pneumatic system of plants, especially trees
The mosquitoes of the Americas
Metabolism and growth from birth to puberty
Divisibility and primality
Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico
Public health administration and the natural history of disease in Baltimore, Maryland, 1797-1920
Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge
Guide to British West Indian archive materials, in London and in the Islands, for the history of the United States
Investigations of infra-red spectra
The coal measures amphibia of North America
Vascular diseases (continued)
Studies of inheritance in rabbits
Fossil plants of the Florissant beds, Colorado
Fecundation in plants
New reptiles and stegocephalians from the upper Triassic of Western Texas
Le livre de Lancelot del Lac
The inscriptions at Copan
Uaxactun, Guatemala : excavations of 1931-1937
Contributions to the genetics, taxonomy, and ecology of drosophila pseudoobscura and its relatives
Vital energetics : a study in comparative basal metabolism
Studies in heredity as illustrated by the Trichomes of species and hybrids of Juglans, Oenothera, Papaver, and Solanum
The relation of desert plants to soil moisture and to evaporation
Revision of the pelycosauria of North America
The proteins of the wheat kernel
A new method of estimating stream-flow : based upon a new evaporation formula
Climatic cycles and tree-growth : a study of the annual rings of trees in relation to climate and solar activity
A concordance to the poems of John Keats
The Salton Sea : a study of the geography, the geology, the floristics, and the ecology of a desert basin
Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States : Pennsylvania, 1790-1904
Contributions to the genetics of Drosophila melanogaster
Upper Cretaceous floras of the Rocky mountain region
Report on the diplomatic archives of the Department of State, 1789-1840
The defenses of Spanish Florida 1565 to 1763
The hydrostatic system of trees
Studies on carbohydrate and fat metabolism : with especial reference to the pigeon
Vertebrate animals of Point Lobos Reserve, 1934-35
History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860
Eocene flora of western America
Determinate evolution in the color-pattern of the lady-beetles
Magnetic observations of sunspots 1917-24
The variation and correlations of certain taxonomic characters of Gryllus
Development and activities of roots of crop plants : a study in crop ecology
Letters of members of the Continental Congress
The metabolism and energy transformations of healthy man during rest
The political organization of Bolivia
Alcohol and human efficiency : experiments with moderate quantities and dilute solutions of ethyl alcohol on human subjects
A geological comparison of South America with South Africa
The fossil turtles of North America
The Pawnee mythology : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
Energy transformations during horizontal walking
The maturation of the egg of the mouse
The behavior of pigeons
Contributions to embryology
The distribution of vegetation in the United States, as related to climatic conditions
Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus partula : the species inhabiting Moorea
Earthquake conditions in Chile
The diffusion of gases through liquids and allied experiments
The absorption spectra of solutions of comparatively rare salts : including those of gadolinium, dysprosium, and samarium the spectrophotography of certain chemical reactions and the effect of high temperature on the absorption spectra of non-aqueous solutions
The symmetric function tables of the fifteenthic : including, an historical summary of symmetric functions as relating to symmetric function tables
The American species of crepis : their interrelationships and distribution as affected by polyploidy and apomixis
Additions to the tertiary history of the pelagic mammals on the Pacific coast of North America
Eagles and eagle-like vultures of the pleistocene of Rancho La Brea
Second bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America
The phytometer method in ecology : the plant and community as instruments
Genetic studies with bacteria
Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of the United States since 1783
Ceramics for the archaeologist
Guide to the materials for the history of the United States in Spanish archives (Simancas, the Archivo historico nacional, and Seville)
Bibliographical index of North American fungi
The venom of heloderma
The Carnegie atlas of galaxies
American Samoa
The absorption spectra of solutions as studied by means of the radiomicrometer ; The conductivities, dissociations, and viscosities of solutions of electrolytes in aqueous, non-aqueous, and mixed solvents
Environment of tetrapod life in the late paleozoic of regions other than North America
The fossil turtles of North America
Tables, factors, and formulas for computing respiratory exchange and biological transformations of energy
Genetic studies of rabbits and rats
A concordance to the works of Horace
Lipogenesis in the animal body, with special reference to the physiology of the goose
Studies on solution in its relation to light absorption, conductivity, viscosity, and hydrolysis : a report upon a number of experimental investigations carried out in the laboratory of the late Professor Henry C. Jones
Additions to the tertiary history of the pelagic mammals on the Pacific coast of North America
The gaseous metabolism of infants : with special reference to its relation to pulserate and muscular activity
The fauna of Mayfield's cave
Distribution and movements of desert plants
Hydration and growth
Coloration in polistes
Handbook of learned societies and institutions: America
Rio Mayo plants : a study of the flora and vegetation of the valley of the Rio Mayo, Sonora
Inheritance, fertility, and the dominance of sex and color in hybrids of wild species of pigeons
General catalogue of stellar radial velocities : prepared at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, California
Human vitality and efficiency under prolonged restricted diet
The tidal and other problems
Experiments with the displacement interferometer
European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies
Mutations, variations, and relationships of the oenotheras
Chan Kom : a Maya village
Tulum : an archaeological study of the east coast of Yucatan
Index of names and places to volumes to I-VII
Growth in trees
A concordance to the poems of Edmund Spenser
Studies on the germ cells of aphids
A concordance to the poems of Edmund Spenser
Traditions of the Caddo : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
I. Marine bottom samples collected in the Pacific Ocean by the Carnegie on Its seventh cruise . II. Radium content of ocean-bottom sediments
Albany zone catalogues for the epoch 1900 : prepared at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York
Les aventures ou la queste del Saint Graal . La mort le roi Artus
Ocean magnetic and electric observations, 1915-1921
Studies of macromolecular biosynthesis
Round structures of aboriginal middle America
A physical study of the firefly
High steam-pressures in locomotive service
Albany catalogue of 20811 stars for the epoch 1910
Guide to the materials for American history in Roman and other Italian archives
Revision of the Amphibia and pisces of the Permian of North America
A new type of hereditary brachyphalangy in man
The phylogenetic method in taxonomy : the North American species of Artemisia, Chrysothamnus, and Atriplex
Observations in the 21-cm Neutral Hydrogen Line = Observaciones en la Lĺnea de 21 cm del Hidrógeno Neutro
Effects of winds and of barometric pressures on the great lakes
The influence of Grenville on Pitt's foreign policy, 1787-1798
Miocene floras of the Columbia Plateau
Middle Cenozoic floras of western North America
The temple of the warriors at Chichen Itza, Yucatan
Experiments in the breeding of Cerions
Hydrates in aqueous solution : evidence for the existence of hydrates in solution, their approximate composition, and certain spectroscopic investigations bearing upon the hydrate problem
Tables, factors, and formulas for computing respiratory exchange and biological transformations of energy
Contributions to pre-Cambrian geology of western North America
The relation of plants to tide-levels : a study of factors affecting the distribution of marine plants
Acoustic experiments with the pin-hole probe and the interferometer u-gage
Condensed collections of thermodynamic formulas for one-component and binary systems of unit and variable mass
The Jukes in 1915
The Maya Chontal Indians of Acalan-Tixchel : a contribution to the history and ethnography of the Yucatan Peninsula
The conditions of parasitism in plants
The genus Ceratium in the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans
Gaseous exchange and physiological requirements for level and grade walking
Ctenophores of the Atlantic coast of North America
The Maya of east central Quintana Roo
A reconstruction of the nuclear masses in the lower portion of the human brain-stem
The volcanic activity and hot springs of lassen peak
Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States
A revision of the atomic weights of sodium and chlorine
The water-relation between plant and soil . The water-supplying power of the soil as indicated by osmometers
Displacement interferometry applied to acoustics and to gravitation
The carbohydrate economy of cacti
Meteorological results of cruise VII of the Carnegie, 1928-1929
Index to United States documents relating to foreign affairs, 1828-1861 in three parts
Variation and differentiation in Ceratophyllum
Size inheritance in rabbits . With a prefatory note and appendix
The North American species of Drosophila
Atlas of the historical geography of the United States
The volcano-seismic crisis at Montserrat, 1933-1937
Experimental vegetation : the relation of climaxes to climates
Studies of heredity in rabbits, rats, and mice
Quaternary climates
Anthokinetics : the physiology and ecology of floral movements
History of transportation in the United States before 1860
The nucleation of the uncontaminated atmosphere
History of agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860
Chimæroid fishes and their development
The mythology of the Wichita : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
Further researches on North American acridiidæ
Effect of varied environments on western North American plants
Systematic catalogue of the fishes of tortugas, Florida : with observations on color, habits, and local distribution
Diametral changes in tree trunks
Samoan Foraminifera
Volcanological Observations
The metabolism of the fasting steer
Further researches concerning atomic weights of potassium, silver, chlorine, bromine, nitrogen, and sulphur
Ocean atmospheric-electric results
From Rabbi ben Ezra to Roger Bacon
A comparison of methods for determining the respiratory exchange of man
Contributions to the genetics of the domestic rabbit
The physiology of the new-born infant : character and amount of the katabolism
Sissano : movements of migration within and through Melanesia
Feeding experiments with isolated food-substances
The hydrostatic-pneumatic system of certain trees : movements of liquids and gases
Researches in experimental phonetics : the study of speech curves
Respiration calorimeters for studying the respiratory exchange and energy transformations of man
History of domestic and foreign commerce of the United States
Explosion studies of continental structure : University of Wisconsin, 1956-1959
The Upper triassic flora of Arizona
An analysis of rainfall in the Sonoran Desert and and adjacent territory
Permo-carboniferous vertebrates from New Mexico
Superheated steam in locomotive service
Upper-wind observations and results obtained on cruise VII of the Carnegie
A discussion of the sponge fauna of the Dry Tortugas in particular and the West Indies in general, with material for a revision of the families and orders of the Porifera
Some corals from American Samoa and the Fiji Islands
A photographic atlas of selected regions of the milky way
Contributions to embryology
Researches on Waring's problem
Additions to the palaeontology of the Pacific coast and great basin regions on North America
Studies on the ice age in India and associated human cultures
Muscular work : a metabolic study with special reference to the efficiency of the human body as a machine
Guide to the materials for American history, to 1783, in the Public Record Office of Great Britain
From Homer to Omar Khayyam
Factor table for the first ten millions : containing the smallest factor of every number not divisible by 2, 3, 5, or 7 between the limits O and 10017000
Contributions to palaeontology from Carnegie Institution of Washington
A respiration calorimeter with appliances for the direct determination of oxygen
The influence of inanition on metabolism
Experimental studies on species relationships in ceanothus
Experimental studies of the inheritance of color in mice
The conquest and colonization of Yucatan, 1517-1550
The Eusporangiatae : the comparative morphology of the Ophioglossaceae & Marattiaceae
Supplement : Le livre d'Artus, with glossary
Syllabary of Chinese sounds
Revision of Rowland's preliminary table of solar spectrum wave-lengths : with an extension to the present limit of the infra-red
Shallow-water Foraminifera of the Tortugas region
Plant competition : an analysis of community functions
The pleistocene of the middle region of North America and its vertebrated animals
A review of the Archaeoceti
Excavations at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala
Studies on the Physiology, Genetics, and Evolution of some Cladocera
The feebly inhibited : nomadism, or the wandering impulse, with special reference to heredity : inheritance of temperament
The interferometry of reversed and non-reversed spectra
A cytological and biochemical study of the ovaries of the sea-urchin echinometra lucunter
Miocene and pliocene floras of western North America
Equatorial electrojet in Peru
On germinal transplantation in vertebrates
Energy changes involved in the dilution of zinc and cadmium amalgams
Published papers and addresses of John Campbell Merriam
Conductivities and viscosities in pure and in mixed solvents : radiometric measurements of the ionization constants of indicators, etc
Chemical results of the last cruise of the Carnegie
Body-build and its inheritance
The Cambrian faunas of China . A report on Ordovician fossils collected in Eastern Asia in 1903-04 . A report on upper Paleozoic fossils collected in China in 1903-04
A comparative study of the heterochromosomes in certain species of coleoptera, hemiptera and lepidoptera, with especial reference to sex determination
Madison catalogue of 2786 stars for the epoch 1910
The Hydromedusae
The eruption of Mt. Pelée, 1929-1932
Guide to the archives of the government of the United States in Washington
The analytical expression of the results of the theory of space groups
Fatty acid antibacterials from plants
A revised Shapley-Ames catalog of bright galaxies : containing data on magnitudes, types, and redshifts for galaxies in the original Harvard survey, updated to summer 1980, also contains a selection of photographs illustrating the luminosity classification and a list of additional galaxies that satisfy the magnitude limit of the original catalog
List of prime numbers from 1 to 10,006,721
Writings on American history, 1903 : a bibliography of books and articles on United States history published during the year 1903, with some memoranda on other portions of America
Growth in trees and massive organs of plants
Studies of Cenozoic vertebrates and stratigraphy of western North America
The absorption spectra of solutions of certain salts of cobalt, nickel, copper, iron, chromium, neodymium, praseodymium, and erbium in water, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone, and in mixtures of water with the other solvents
Guide book to the ruins of Quirigua
The osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions : report on investigations made in the Chemical laboratory of the Johns Hopkins university during the years 1899-1913
Velocity structures in hydrogen profiles : a sky atlas of neutral hydrogen emission
Easter Island, the Rapanui speech, and the peopling of southeast Polynesia
Inheritance in poultry
The titles of Ebtun
Atlas of maps and seismograms accompanying the report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission upon the California Earthquake of April 18, 1906
The topography of the chlorophyll apparatus in desert plants . The induction, development, and heritability of fasciations
A general catalogue of double stars : within 121° of the North pole
A new method of estimating streamflow, based upon a new evaporation formula
A general consideration of mosquitoes, their habits, and their relations to the human species
Synopsis of linear associative algebra : a report on its natural developmet and results reached up to the present time
Fossil echini of the West Indies . Stratigraphic significance of the species of West Indian fossil echini
Contributions to the genetics of drosophila simulans and drosophila melanogaster
Bursa bursa-pastoris and bursa heegeri : biotypes and hybrids
Ten years' work of a mountain observatory : a brief account of the Mount Wilson Solar observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
The mechanics of the earthquake
Dictionary and grammar of the language of Saʿa and Ulawa, Solomon Islands : with appendices
Dynamic meteorology and weather forecasting
Cambrain history of the Grand Canyon region
Olympic victor monuments and Greek athletic art
The federal system of the Argentine Republic
The vegetation of Petén : with an appendix, studies of Mexican and Central American plants, I
Botany of the Maya area
Plant indicators : the relation of plant communities to process and practice
Periodic orbits
Magnitudes and colors of stars north of +80°
A sixth-century fragment of the letters of Pliny the Younger : a study of six leaves of an uncial manuscript preserved in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
Fossil anthropoids of the Yale-Cambridge India Expedition of 1935
Studies of inheritance in guinea-pigs and rats
Human metabolism with enemata of alcohol, dextrose, and levulose
Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning evolution
Papers concerning the palaeontology of California, Oregon and the northern Great basin province
Effect of alcohol on psycho-physiological functions
The seal cylinders of Western Asia
Ptolemy's catalogue of stars : a revision of the almagest
Determination of the solar parallax from photographs of Eros made with the Crossley reflector of the Lick observatory, University of California
Pliocene floras of California and Oregon
A memorial to Alfred Goldsborough Mayor : some posthumous papers of A.G. Mayor relating to his work at Tutuila Island and adjacent regions : together with reports of R.A. Daly, R.T. Chamberlin, and C.B. Lipman on their work in the some connection
A study of the absorption spectra of solutions of certain salts of potassium, cobalt, nickerl, copper, chromium, erbium, praseodymium, neodymium, and uranium as affected by chemical agents and by temperature
Systematic geology
Botanical features of the Algerian Sahara
Snake venoms : an investigation of venomous snakes with special reference to the phenomena of their venoms
Studies of the Pleistocene palaeobotany of California
Cases from the Courts of States north of Ohio and west of the Mississippi Rivers Canada and Jamaica
The American species of crepis : their interrelationships and distribution as affected by polyploidy and apomixis
Genetic Studies on a Cavy Species Cross
The isomorphism and thermal properties of the feldspars
Stages in the development of Sium cicutaefolium
Atlas de hidrógeno neutro galáctico para la región 270[0] [less than or equal to] 1 [less than or equal to] 310[0] : -7[0] [less than or equal to] β [less than or equal to] 2[0]
Heredity of hair-length in guinea-pigs and its bearing on the theory of pure gametes
Mutants and hybrids of the oenotheras
Explorations in Turkestan : with an account of the basin of eastern Persia and Sistan : expedition of 1903, under the direction of Raphael Pumpelly
The book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel
The echinoderm fauna of Australia : its composition and its origin
Contributions to the study of the behavior of lower organisms
Studies in spermatogenesis with especial reference to the "accessory chromosome"
The differentiation and specificity of corresponding proteins and other vital substances in relation to biological classification and organic evolution : the crystallography of hemoglobins
Guide to materials for American historyin the libraries and archives of Paris
Descriptive topography and geology
The Peninsula of Yucatan : medical, biological, meteorological and sociological studies
Root development in the grassland formation : a correlation of the root systems of native vegetation and crop plants
Heliographic positions of sun-spots observed at Hamilton College from 1860 to 1870
Rubber-content of North American plants
Studies in plant respiration and photosynthesis
The mutants of Drosophila melanogaster : classified according to body parts affected
Copan ceramics : a study of Southeastern Maya pottery
Botanical features of North American deserts
The California Earthquake of April 18, 1906 : report of the State Earthquake Investigation Commission
Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica
Rainfall and tree growth in the Great Basin
Volcanic geology, hot springs, and geysers of Iceland
Genetic variations of Drosophila melanogaster
Principles and methods of tree-ring analysis
Cave vertebrates of America : a study in degenerative evolution
The artifacts of Uaxactun, Guatemala
The composition of the atmosphere : with special reference to its oxygen content
Genetic studies on drosophila virilis : with considerations on the genetics of other species of drosophila
Plant evolution through amphiploidy and autoploidy, with examples from the Madiinae
The building of the Roman aqueducts
The Roman comagmatic region
Archaeological studies in the La Plata district : southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico
Traditions of the Arikara : collected under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
Contributions to a knowledge of inheritance in mammals
A study of classic Maya sculpture
Archaeological investigations in the Aleutian Islands
The production of elliptic interferences in relation to interferometry
History of transportation in the United States before 1860
Developmental stages in human embryos : including a revision of Streeter's "Horizons" and a survey of the Carnegie collection
Contributions to the geology and paleontology of the West Indies
Archaeological Reconnaissance in Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Peten
Studies on the variation, distribution, and evolution of the genus partula : the species of the Mariana Islands, Guam and Saipan
The electromotive force of iron under varying conditions, and the effect of occluded hydrogen
Atitlan : an archÆological study of ancient remains on the borders of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Land magnetic and electric observations, 1918-1926
Plant succession : an analysis of the development of vegetation
Some tertiary mammals and birds from North America
San Luis catalogue of 15333 stars for the epoch 1910 : prepared at the Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York
The broad-sclerophyll vegetation of California : an ecological study of the Chaparral and its related communities
On the position of the galactic and other principal planes toward which the stars tend to crowd
The atrium vestae
Orthogenetic evolution in pigeons
Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica
Cases from the Courts of England, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky
Race crossing in Jamaica
American fossil cycads
An analysis of the effects of selection
Proceedings and debates of the British parliaments respecting North America
Sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila
The mutants of drosophila melanogaster
Excavations at Nebaj, Guatemala
The old yellow book : source of Browning's The ring and the book : in complete photo-reproduction
History of agriculture in the southern United States to 1860
Cases from the Courts of New England, the Middle States, and the District of Columbia
Pierre du Ryer dramatist
The atomic weights of boron and fluorine
General and physiological features of the vegetation of the more arid portions of Southern Africa, with notes on the climatic environment
The Felidæ of Rancho La Brea
The fruit of Opuntia fulgida : a study perennation and proliferation in the fruits of certain cactaceæ
The governmental system of Peru
Inheritance of characteristics in domestic fowl
Fauna of the caves of Yucatan
Researches on North American Acridiidæ/ by Albert Pitts Morse
Physiological features of roots, with especial reference to the relation of roots to aeration of the soil
Zacualpa, a study of ancient Quiché artifacts
Heredity of skin color in negro-white crosses : with appendix, being abridgement of field-notes, chiefly of Florence H. Danielson, field worker, Eugenics Record Office
Chichen Itza : architectural notes and plans
Correspondence of Andrew Jackson
Calendar of papers in Washington archives relating to the territories of the United States (to 1873)
The color sensitivity of the peripheral retina
List of documents in Spanish archives relating to the history of the Unite States, which have been printed or of which transcripts are preserved in American libraries
Lines of the chemical elements in astronomical spectra
A Middle Eocene flora from the Central Sierra Nevada
The heroic age of science : the conception, ideals, and methods of science among the ancient Greeks
History of agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860
An investigation of the rotation period of the sun by spectroscopic methods
Reversible variations in volume, pressure, and movements of sap in trees
The environment of vertebrate life in the late paleozoic in North America : a paleogeographic study
Guide to the materials for American history in Cuban archives
A general catalogue of double stars : within 121° of the North Pole
A general catalogue of double stars : within 121° of the North Pole
New general catalogue of double stars within 120° of the North Pole
Studies of biosynthesis in escherichia coli
The California earthquake of April 18, 1906 : report of the State earthquake investigation commission
Thermodynamic relations in open systems
New general catalogue of double stars within 120° of the North Pole
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