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War Department education manual

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War Department education manual

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Published for the United States Armed Forces Institute by the Macmillan
Publication date
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21 cm
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Note (General):

Various publishers: Odyssey Press, McGraw-Hill, Harper, D.C. Heath, Collegiate Press [of the Iowa State College], WileyVarious publishers: Harcourt Br...

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

A practical course in successful sellingLeave the NDL website. Civilization past and presentLeave the NDL website. Mediaeval historyLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : what is farming? : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Progressive methods of teaching in secondary schoolsLeave the NDL website. A first course in algebra : a self-teaching course, based on a first course in algebraLeave the NDL website. Investigations in industries and resources to accompany economic geographyLeave the NDL website. Merchandising techniquesLeave the NDL website. Fundamental constructions, proof, triangles, parallelograms, and circles : a self-teaching course based on Modern-School GeometryLeave the NDL website. Psychology applied to life and workLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a drug store : based on drug store managementLeave the NDL website. Mathematics essential to electricity and radio : with answersLeave the NDL website. Psychology and life : a study of the thinking, feeling, and doing of people, including a section on physiological backgroundsLeave the NDL website. Fundamental principles : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accountingLeave the NDL website. SociologyLeave the NDL website. Spoken Spanish : basic course : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Medieval historyLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : first year algebra : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of carpentryLeave the NDL website. Plane and spherical trigonometry with tablesLeave the NDL website. Cost accounting : principles and practiceLeave the NDL website. Art todayLeave the NDL website. Accounting principlesLeave the NDL website. Outlines of physical geologyLeave the NDL website. Economic geography : industries and resources of the commercial worldLeave the NDL website. Appreciation of art : to be used with EM 630 and EM 631 as a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. The industrialization of America from colonial times to the presentLeave the NDL website. Successful poultry managementLeave the NDL website. Adventures in readingLeave the NDL website. For a mercatile business : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accountingLeave the NDL website. American HistoryLeave the NDL website. How to listen to music : a self-teahing, course, based on the apprecation of musicLeave the NDL website. College physicsLeave the NDL website. The physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline credits and collections : college courseLeave the NDL website. Analytic geometryLeave the NDL website. Read and ReportLeave the NDL website. The world's historyLeave the NDL website. Machine tool operationLeave the NDL website. The small businessLeave the NDL website. Exploring biologyLeave the NDL website. Elements of healthful livingLeave the NDL website. Wholesaling : principles and practiceLeave the NDL website. Freehand drawing manualLeave the NDL website. American institutions : a self-teaching study guide to accompany "American political and social history"Leave the NDL website. Labor problems in American industryLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline Insurance : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline engineering drawing : technical courseLeave the NDL website. The vegetable growing businessLeave the NDL website. Gregg shorthand manual simplified : functional methodLeave the NDL website. Basic military recordsLeave the NDL website. Essentials of American governmentLeave the NDL website. Outlines of physical geologyLeave the NDL website. Textbook of office managementLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : English composition : college courseLeave the NDL website. American historyLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline modern poetry : college courseLeave the NDL website. Credits and collectionsLeave the NDL website. Essentials of business arithmetic : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline physical geology : college courseLeave the NDL website. Livestock farming : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. American political and social historyLeave the NDL website. Principles and types of speechLeave the NDL website. Guide's manual for spoken Japanese : basic course units 1-30Leave the NDL website. Electricity for beginners : a self-teaching course, a special edition of basic electricityLeave the NDL website. Educational psychologyLeave the NDL website. Elements of geography : physical and culturalLeave the NDL website. The earth and the stateLeave the NDL website. Shakespeare : twenty-three plays and the sonnetsLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a beauty shopLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating an automobile repair shopLeave the NDL website. Outlines of physical chemistryLeave the NDL website. Business economic problemsLeave the NDL website. English grammar : a self-teaching course, based on Functional grammar edited by CarletonWashburneLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline organic chemistry : college courseLeave the NDL website. A course in the slide rule and logarithmsLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of advertisingLeave the NDL website. Growing tree and small fruitsLeave the NDL website. Pork productionLeave the NDL website. Adventures in appreciationLeave the NDL website. Drilling, planing, milling, grindingLeave the NDL website. Building good sentences : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. The engine : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive serviceLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of typewriting : a self-teaching course : military material prepared with the assistance of the adjutant general's school by direction of the adjutant generalLeave the NDL website. Foundations of American governmentLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline vegetable gardening : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : elements of geography : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : dairy farming : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Blueprint reading at workLeave the NDL website. Corporations and manufacturing : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accountingLeave the NDL website. Business filing : practice outfit : envelopes 1-7Leave the NDL website. Workbook for Auditing : theory and procedureLeave the NDL website. Farm shop practiceLeave the NDL website. Principles of applied psychologyLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline historical geology : college courseLeave the NDL website. The American Federal GovernmentLeave the NDL website. CarpentryLeave the NDL website. Successful poultry managementLeave the NDL website. The physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Spoken Russian : basic courseLeave the NDL website. How to sing and read musicLeave the NDL website. Personnel management and industrial relations : in two volumesLeave the NDL website. Personal and community health : a self-teaching study guideLeave the NDL website. AstronomyLeave the NDL website. Modern business EnglishLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline, Principles of life insurance : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline cost accounting : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : advanced Pitman shorthand : college courseLeave the NDL website. Industrial electricityLeave the NDL website. HarmonyLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a real estate and insurance brokerage businessLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a service stationLeave the NDL website. What is farming?Leave the NDL website. Electricity and magnetismLeave the NDL website. Machine tool operationLeave the NDL website. Farm recordsLeave the NDL website. Principles of abnormal psychologyLeave the NDL website. A history of musicLeave the NDL website. Psychology applied to life and workLeave the NDL website. Elementary meteorologyLeave the NDL website. Modern American and British poetryLeave the NDL website. Industrial psychologyLeave the NDL website. Basic mathematics : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Elementary meteorologyLeave the NDL website. American economic problemsLeave the NDL website. The fundamentals of public school administrationLeave the NDL website. Lathe, Bench, ForgeLeave the NDL website. Mathematics for technical and vocational schools : with answersLeave the NDL website. A study of rural societyLeave the NDL website. A history of the Far East in modern timesLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a retail bakeryLeave the NDL website. Mechanical drawing : a text with problem layoutsLeave the NDL website. Animal sanitation and disease controlLeave the NDL website. Marketing of farm productsLeave the NDL website. Principles of business law : in two volumesLeave the NDL website. Merchandising techniquesLeave the NDL website. Farm buildingsLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a painting and decorating contracting businessLeave the NDL website. Automotive electricity : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive serviceLeave the NDL website. Passes to pleasant readingLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a metal working shopLeave the NDL website. Decimals, per cents and applications of arithmetic : a self-teaching course based on daily-life arithmeticsLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline money and banking : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline school administration : college courseLeave the NDL website. Economic geographyLeave the NDL website. Key to investigations in industries and resources to accompany economic geographyLeave the NDL website. Gregg shorthand workbook : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : review arithmetic : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Biological science : a self-teaching study guide to accompany The human organism and the world of life by Clarence W. Young, G. Ledyard Stebbins, and Clarence John HylanderLeave the NDL website. Gregg shorthand textbook : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Introduction to American public educationLeave the NDL website. Constructions, locus, ratio and proportion, polygons, and geometry in aeronautics : a self-teaching course based on Modern-School GeometryLeave the NDL website. Problems of American life, to be used with EM283 as a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Life insuranceLeave the NDL website. The people and politics of Latin America : in two volumesLeave the NDL website. A history of RussiaLeave the NDL website. Study guide to America in literature : a self-teaching course based on the anthology, America in literatureLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : building good sentences : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Our modern banking and monetary system : in two volumesLeave the NDL website. From Beowulf to Thomas HardyLeave the NDL website. The mathematics of investmentLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline farm mechanics : high school of freshman college courseLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of physical science : an introduction to the physical sciencesLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : survey of English literature : college courseLeave the NDL website. Spoken Dutch : basic courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline Logic : college courseLeave the NDL website. Measurement and evaluation in the secondary schoolLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : air conditioning, heating and ventilating : technical courseLeave the NDL website. Workbook for use with Fundamentals of sellingLeave the NDL website. An introduction to modern philosophy : in six philosophical problemsLeave the NDL website. Radio for beginners : a self-teaching course, based on Elements of radioLeave the NDL website. World historyLeave the NDL website. Elementary quantitative analysisLeave the NDL website. Absolute government and democratic revolutionLeave the NDL website. Personnel management and industrial relationsLeave the NDL website. SurveyingLeave the NDL website. Modern Far Eastern international relationsLeave the NDL website. Crop management and soil conservationLeave the NDL website. Plane trigonometry : a self-teaching course based on Essentials of trigonometry with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Blueprint reading at workLeave the NDL website. Diseases and parasites of poultryLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : general chemistry : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a painting and decorating contracting businessLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a grocery storeLeave the NDL website. Chemistry for the new ageLeave the NDL website. Civilization past and presentLeave the NDL website. Basic military recordsLeave the NDL website. Foundations of American governmentLeave the NDL website. Principles of marketingLeave the NDL website. Solid geometry : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Government finance and foreign policy . Rights and duties of the citizenLeave the NDL website. Air conditioning, heating and ventilatingLeave the NDL website. Investigations in industries and resources to accompany economic geographyLeave the NDL website. Mechanical drawingLeave the NDL website. Economic geography : industries and resources of the commercial worldLeave the NDL website. Plane trigonometry : a self-teaching course based on Essentials of trigonometry with applicationsLeave the NDL website. Outlines of historical geologyLeave the NDL website. The physical sciences : a self-teaching study guide to accompany Fundamentals of physical scienceLeave the NDL website. Twenty-three plays and the sonnetsLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : introduction to education :college courseLeave the NDL website. Elementary photographyLeave the NDL website. Progressive methods of teaching in secondary schoolsLeave the NDL website. Principles and practice of radio servicingLeave the NDL website. A history of the Far East in modern timesLeave the NDL website. Manuel du guide : spoken French : basic courseLeave the NDL website. Real estate selling and leasingLeave the NDL website. Army typewriting : a self-teaching course, based on 20th century typewritingLeave the NDL website. Business typewriting : a self-teaching course, based on 20th century typewritingLeave the NDL website. EnglishLeave the NDL website. Whole numbers and fractions : a self-teaching course based on daily-life arithmeticsLeave the NDL website. Pitman shorthand speed drills and keyLeave the NDL website. An introduction to logic and scientific methodLeave the NDL website. Better foremanshipLeave the NDL website. American political and social historyLeave the NDL website. Human nature and conductLeave the NDL website. Governments of continental EuropeLeave the NDL website. Workbook for basic military recordsLeave the NDL website. Poultry farming : a self-teaching course, based on "Successful poultry management" by Morley A. JullLeave the NDL website. Turkey managementLeave the NDL website. Imperialism and world conflictLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating a small sawmill businessLeave the NDL website. Discovering music : a course in music appreciationLeave the NDL website. Office machines courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : American history : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Advanced shorthand : a self-teaching course, based on Gregg speed buildingLeave the NDL website. Read and ReportLeave the NDL website. Physics : a self-teaching course, adapted from Modern physicsLeave the NDL website. Business English workbookLeave the NDL website. The machinery of the bodyLeave the NDL website. The human organism and the world of life : a survey in biological scienceLeave the NDL website. Outlines of physical geologyLeave the NDL website. CottonLeave the NDL website. Workbook for use with Business economic problemsLeave the NDL website. The psychology of adjustment : an objective approach to mental hygieneLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : business psychology :college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : forestry : college courseLeave the NDL website. Dairy cattle : selection, feeding, and managementLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : physics : textbook and workbook : high school courseLeave the NDL website. A Study of Rural SocietyLeave the NDL website. A survey of European civilizationLeave the NDL website. AstronomyLeave the NDL website. Teacher's manual for psychology applied to life and workLeave the NDL website. Spoken French : basic courseLeave the NDL website. A political and cultural history of modern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Prison work as a career : a course of study based on the work and objectives of the Federal Prison SystemLeave the NDL website. Establishing and operating an electrical appliance and radio shopLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : Salesmanship : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Advanced principles illustrated through a retail store system : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accountingLeave the NDL website. Spoken Chinese : basic courseLeave the NDL website. Foundations of modern educationLeave the NDL website. Chassis units : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive serviceLeave the NDL website. Meet private Pete : a soldier's readerLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : mechanical drawing : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of sellingLeave the NDL website. Partnerships : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accountingLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : refrigeration, maintenance and repair : mechanical courseLeave the NDL website. Introduction to business law : a self-teaching course, based on Introduction to business law, New editionLeave the NDL website. Elements of the differential and integral calculusLeave the NDL website. Retailing : principles and practicesLeave the NDL website. America : its history and peopleLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : auto-mechanics : mechanical courseLeave the NDL website. Introduction to social scienceLeave the NDL website. History of Modern Europe, based on Modern HistoryLeave the NDL website. Language skills : advanced course : textbook for advanced compositionLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : animal sanitation : college courseLeave the NDL website. Dairy farming : a self-teaching course : based on "Dairy cattle and milk production"Leave the NDL website. Democracy, nationalism, and the Industrial RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : American government and politics : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : ethics : college courseLeave the NDL website. History of China : a self-teaching course, based on "A short history of the Chinese people"Leave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : retail merchandising : college courseLeave the NDL website. Outlines of historical geologyLeave the NDL website. Art through the ages : an introduction to its history and significanceLeave the NDL website. Pork productionLeave the NDL website. Twenty-three plays and the sonnetsLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline vegetable gardening : college courseLeave the NDL website. Card file and correspondence file : practice outfit for business filingLeave the NDL website. Retailing : principles and practicesLeave the NDL website. Auditing : theory and procedureLeave the NDL website. Art today : an introduction to the fine and functional artsLeave the NDL website. Spoken Malay : basic courseLeave the NDL website. Forestry in farm managementLeave the NDL website. Learning to read : a practice bookLeave the NDL website. Beef cattle : their feeding and management in the corn belt statesLeave the NDL website. Improving your reading : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Writer's guide and index to EnglishLeave the NDL website. InsuranceLeave the NDL website. The power flow : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive serviceLeave the NDL website. The rise of American democracy, 1492-1840Leave the NDL website. Preface to philosophy : textbook : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. American life in literatureLeave the NDL website. Auditing : theory and procedureLeave the NDL website. America in literatureLeave the NDL website. Machine shop mathematics : with answersLeave the NDL website. Foundations of biology : in two volumesLeave the NDL website. Life insuranceLeave the NDL website. A treasury of art masterpiecesLeave the NDL website. American historyLeave the NDL website. Instructor's manual secretarial practiceLeave the NDL website. Modern secondary educationLeave the NDL website. Managing a farm : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. A textbook of general botanyLeave the NDL website. Twenty-three plays and the sonnetsLeave the NDL website. Elements of aeronauticsLeave the NDL website. The mechanics of English punctuation, spelling, and letter writing : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Crops : a self-teaching course, based on Crop management and soil conservation, edited by P. Alston WaringLeave the NDL website. Spoken Portuguese : basic course : units 1-12 : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Introductory college chemistryLeave the NDL website. Building good sentences : a self-teaching courseLeave the NDL website. Workbook for fundamentals of advertisingLeave the NDL website. Business filingLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : American economic problems : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : general livestock farming : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Government in actionLeave the NDL website. Decimals, percentage, and arithmetic in daily life : a self-teaching course based on learning to compute book twoLeave the NDL website. Your post-war careerLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : principles of economics : college courseLeave the NDL website. How to design and install plumbingLeave the NDL website. Spoken Burmese : basic course, units 1-12Leave the NDL website. College algebraLeave the NDL website. Dairy farming : a self-teaching course : based on "dairy cattle and milk production"Leave the NDL website. A history of RussiaLeave the NDL website. Arithmetic for everyday lifeLeave the NDL website. Modern American and British poetryLeave the NDL website. An introduction to statistical analysisLeave the NDL website. Electric wiringLeave the NDL website. General anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : managing a farm : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Animal biologyLeave the NDL website. Credits and collectionsLeave the NDL website. Principles of criminologyLeave the NDL website. InsuranceLeave the NDL website. SurveyingLeave the NDL website. Spoken French : Basic courseLeave the NDL website. Livestock productionLeave the NDL website. The chemistry of organic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Credits and collectionsLeave the NDL website. Automotive electrical equipment : its operation and maintenanceLeave the NDL website. Commercial artLeave the NDL website. Adventures in apreadingLeave the NDL website. Twenty-three plays and the sonnetsLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline Shakespeare : college courseLeave the NDL website. Foremanship and supervisionLeave the NDL website. Democracy's coming of age, 1840-1942Leave the NDL website. Life insuranceLeave the NDL website. Modern business EnglishLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : livestock farming : high school courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : plane geometryLeave the NDL website. Cooling, lubrication and fuel systems : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive serviceLeave the NDL website. Whole numbers and fractions : a self-teaching course based on learning to compute book twoLeave the NDL website. Workbook for use with fundamentals of sellingLeave the NDL website. Spoken German : basic courseLeave the NDL website. Carpentry mathematics : with answersLeave the NDL website. Electric wiringLeave the NDL website. Better foremanshipLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : general shop mathematics : high school courseLeave the NDL website. History of Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Engineering drawingLeave the NDL website. A survey of ancient history to the death of ConstantineLeave the NDL website. Economics : principles and problemsLeave the NDL website. Spoken Japanese : basic courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : beef production : college courseLeave the NDL website. Instructor's course outline : Turkey husbandry : college courseLeave the NDL website. Drilling, Planing, Milling, GrindingLeave the NDL website. Spoken Turkish : basic courseLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
21 cm
Alternative Title
Education manual
Educational manual
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Various publishers: Odyssey Press, McGraw-Hill, Harper, D.C. Heath, Collegiate Press [of the Iowa State College], Wiley
Various publishers: Harcourt Brace, Longmans Green, S. Burdett, Oxford Book, W.W. Norton & Co., Ginn and Company, H. Holt, Dept. of Justice. Bureau of Prisons
Related Material
A practical course in successful selling
Civilization past and present
Mediaeval history
Instructor's course outline : what is farming? : high school course
Progressive methods of teaching in secondary schools
A first course in algebra : a self-teaching course, based on a first course in algebra
Investigations in industries and resources to accompany economic geography
Merchandising techniques
Fundamental constructions, proof, triangles, parallelograms, and circles : a self-teaching course based on Modern-School Geometry
Psychology applied to life and work
Establishing and operating a drug store : based on drug store management
Mathematics essential to electricity and radio : with answers
Psychology and life : a study of the thinking, feeling, and doing of people, including a section on physiological backgrounds
Fundamental principles : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accounting
Spoken Spanish : basic course : a self-teaching course
Medieval history
Instructor's course outline : first year algebra : high school course
Fundamentals of carpentry
Plane and spherical trigonometry with tables
Cost accounting : principles and practice
Art today
Accounting principles
Outlines of physical geology
Economic geography : industries and resources of the commercial world
Appreciation of art : to be used with EM 630 and EM 631 as a self-teaching course
The industrialization of America from colonial times to the present
Successful poultry management
Adventures in reading
For a mercatile business : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accounting
American History
How to listen to music : a self-teahing, course, based on the apprecation of music
College physics
The physical sciences
Instructor's course outline credits and collections : college course
Analytic geometry
Read and Report
The world's history
Machine tool operation
The small business
Exploring biology
Elements of healthful living
Wholesaling : principles and practice
Freehand drawing manual
American institutions : a self-teaching study guide to accompany "American political and social history"
Labor problems in American industry
Instructor's course outline Insurance : college course
Instructor's course outline engineering drawing : technical course
The vegetable growing business
Gregg shorthand manual simplified : functional method
Basic military records
Essentials of American government
Outlines of physical geology
Textbook of office management
Instructor's course outline : English composition : college course
American history
Instructor's course outline modern poetry : college course
Credits and collections
Essentials of business arithmetic : a self-teaching course
Instructor's course outline physical geology : college course
Livestock farming : a self-teaching course
American political and social history
Principles and types of speech
Guide's manual for spoken Japanese : basic course units 1-30
Electricity for beginners : a self-teaching course, a special edition of basic electricity
Educational psychology
Elements of geography : physical and cultural
The earth and the state
Shakespeare : twenty-three plays and the sonnets
Establishing and operating a beauty shop
Establishing and operating an automobile repair shop
Outlines of physical chemistry
Business economic problems
English grammar : a self-teaching course, based on Functional grammar edited by CarletonWashburne
Instructor's course outline organic chemistry : college course
A course in the slide rule and logarithms
Fundamentals of advertising
Growing tree and small fruits
Pork production
Adventures in appreciation
Drilling, planing, milling, grinding
Building good sentences : a self-teaching course
The engine : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive service
Fundamentals of typewriting : a self-teaching course : military material prepared with the assistance of the adjutant general's school by direction of the adjutant general
Foundations of American government
Instructor's course outline vegetable gardening : college course
Instructor's course outline : elements of geography : college course
Instructor's course outline : dairy farming : high school course
Blueprint reading at work
Corporations and manufacturing : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accounting
Business filing : practice outfit : envelopes 1-7
Workbook for Auditing : theory and procedure
Farm shop practice
Principles of applied psychology
Instructor's course outline historical geology : college course
The American Federal Government
Successful poultry management
The physical sciences
Spoken Russian : basic course
How to sing and read music
Personnel management and industrial relations : in two volumes
Personal and community health : a self-teaching study guide
Modern business English
Instructor's course outline, Principles of life insurance : college course
Instructor's course outline cost accounting : college course
Instructor's course outline : advanced Pitman shorthand : college course
Industrial electricity
Establishing and operating a real estate and insurance brokerage business
Establishing and operating a service station
What is farming?
Electricity and magnetism
Machine tool operation
Farm records
Principles of abnormal psychology
A history of music
Psychology applied to life and work
Elementary meteorology
Modern American and British poetry
Industrial psychology
Basic mathematics : a self-teaching course
Elementary meteorology
American economic problems
The fundamentals of public school administration
Lathe, Bench, Forge
Mathematics for technical and vocational schools : with answers
A study of rural society
A history of the Far East in modern times
Establishing and operating a retail bakery
Mechanical drawing : a text with problem layouts
Animal sanitation and disease control
Marketing of farm products
Principles of business law : in two volumes
Merchandising techniques
Farm buildings
Establishing and operating a painting and decorating contracting business
Automotive electricity : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive service
Passes to pleasant reading
Establishing and operating a metal working shop
Decimals, per cents and applications of arithmetic : a self-teaching course based on daily-life arithmetics
Instructor's course outline money and banking : college course
Instructor's course outline school administration : college course
Economic geography
Key to investigations in industries and resources to accompany economic geography
Gregg shorthand workbook : a self-teaching course
Instructor's course outline : review arithmetic : high school course
Biological science : a self-teaching study guide to accompany The human organism and the world of life by Clarence W. Young, G. Ledyard Stebbins, and Clarence John Hylander
Gregg shorthand textbook : a self-teaching course
Introduction to American public education
Constructions, locus, ratio and proportion, polygons, and geometry in aeronautics : a self-teaching course based on Modern-School Geometry
Problems of American life, to be used with EM283 as a self-teaching course
Life insurance
The people and politics of Latin America : in two volumes
A history of Russia
Study guide to America in literature : a self-teaching course based on the anthology, America in literature
Instructor's course outline : building good sentences : high school course
Our modern banking and monetary system : in two volumes
From Beowulf to Thomas Hardy
The mathematics of investment
Instructor's course outline farm mechanics : high school of freshman college course
Fundamentals of physical science : an introduction to the physical sciences
Instructor's course outline : survey of English literature : college course
Spoken Dutch : basic course
Instructor's course outline Logic : college course
Measurement and evaluation in the secondary school
Instructor's course outline : air conditioning, heating and ventilating : technical course
Workbook for use with Fundamentals of selling
An introduction to modern philosophy : in six philosophical problems
Radio for beginners : a self-teaching course, based on Elements of radio
World history
Elementary quantitative analysis
Absolute government and democratic revolution
Personnel management and industrial relations
Modern Far Eastern international relations
Crop management and soil conservation
Plane trigonometry : a self-teaching course based on Essentials of trigonometry with applications
Blueprint reading at work
Diseases and parasites of poultry
Instructor's course outline : general chemistry : high school course
Establishing and operating a painting and decorating contracting business
Establishing and operating a grocery store
Chemistry for the new age
Civilization past and present
Basic military records
Foundations of American government
Principles of marketing
Solid geometry : a self-teaching course
Government finance and foreign policy . Rights and duties of the citizen
Air conditioning, heating and ventilating
Investigations in industries and resources to accompany economic geography
Mechanical drawing
Economic geography : industries and resources of the commercial world
Plane trigonometry : a self-teaching course based on Essentials of trigonometry with applications
Outlines of historical geology
The physical sciences : a self-teaching study guide to accompany Fundamentals of physical science
Twenty-three plays and the sonnets
Instructor's course outline : introduction to education :college course
Elementary photography
Progressive methods of teaching in secondary schools
Principles and practice of radio servicing
A history of the Far East in modern times
Manuel du guide : spoken French : basic course
Real estate selling and leasing
Army typewriting : a self-teaching course, based on 20th century typewriting
Business typewriting : a self-teaching course, based on 20th century typewriting
Whole numbers and fractions : a self-teaching course based on daily-life arithmetics
Pitman shorthand speed drills and key
An introduction to logic and scientific method
Better foremanship
American political and social history
Human nature and conduct
Governments of continental Europe
Workbook for basic military records
Poultry farming : a self-teaching course, based on "Successful poultry management" by Morley A. Jull
Turkey management
Imperialism and world conflict
Establishing and operating a small sawmill business
Discovering music : a course in music appreciation
Office machines course
Instructor's course outline : American history : high school course
Advanced shorthand : a self-teaching course, based on Gregg speed building
Read and Report
Physics : a self-teaching course, adapted from Modern physics
Business English workbook
The machinery of the body
The human organism and the world of life : a survey in biological science
Outlines of physical geology
Workbook for use with Business economic problems
The psychology of adjustment : an objective approach to mental hygiene
Instructor's course outline : business psychology :college course
Instructor's course outline : forestry : college course
Dairy cattle : selection, feeding, and management
Instructor's course outline : physics : textbook and workbook : high school course
A Study of Rural Society
A survey of European civilization
Teacher's manual for psychology applied to life and work
Spoken French : basic course
A political and cultural history of modern Europe
Prison work as a career : a course of study based on the work and objectives of the Federal Prison System
Establishing and operating an electrical appliance and radio shop
Instructor's course outline : Salesmanship : high school course
Advanced principles illustrated through a retail store system : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accounting
Spoken Chinese : basic course
Foundations of modern education
Chassis units : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive service
Meet private Pete : a soldier's reader
Instructor's course outline : mechanical drawing : high school course
Fundamentals of selling
Partnerships : a self-teaching course based on 20th century bookkeeping and accounting
Instructor's course outline : refrigeration, maintenance and repair : mechanical course
Introduction to business law : a self-teaching course, based on Introduction to business law, New edition
Elements of the differential and integral calculus
Retailing : principles and practices
America : its history and people
Instructor's course outline : auto-mechanics : mechanical course
Introduction to social science
History of Modern Europe, based on Modern History
Language skills : advanced course : textbook for advanced composition
Instructor's course outline : animal sanitation : college course
Dairy farming : a self-teaching course : based on "Dairy cattle and milk production"
Democracy, nationalism, and the Industrial Revolution
Instructor's course outline : American government and politics : college course
Instructor's course outline : ethics : college course
History of China : a self-teaching course, based on "A short history of the Chinese people"
Instructor's course outline : retail merchandising : college course
Outlines of historical geology
Art through the ages : an introduction to its history and significance
Pork production
Twenty-three plays and the sonnets
Instructor's course outline vegetable gardening : college course
Card file and correspondence file : practice outfit for business filing
Retailing : principles and practices
Auditing : theory and procedure
Art today : an introduction to the fine and functional arts
Spoken Malay : basic course
Forestry in farm management
Learning to read : a practice book
Beef cattle : their feeding and management in the corn belt states
Improving your reading : a self-teaching course
Writer's guide and index to English
The power flow : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive service
The rise of American democracy, 1492-1840
Preface to philosophy : textbook : a self-teaching course
American life in literature
Auditing : theory and procedure
America in literature
Machine shop mathematics : with answers
Foundations of biology : in two volumes
Life insurance
A treasury of art masterpieces
American history
Instructor's manual secretarial practice
Modern secondary education
Managing a farm : a self-teaching course
A textbook of general botany
Twenty-three plays and the sonnets
Elements of aeronautics
The mechanics of English punctuation, spelling, and letter writing : a self-teaching course
Crops : a self-teaching course, based on Crop management and soil conservation, edited by P. Alston Waring
Spoken Portuguese : basic course : units 1-12 : a self-teaching course
Introductory college chemistry
Building good sentences : a self-teaching course
Workbook for fundamentals of advertising
Business filing
Instructor's course outline : American economic problems : high school course
Instructor's course outline : general livestock farming : high school course
Government in action
Decimals, percentage, and arithmetic in daily life : a self-teaching course based on learning to compute book two
Your post-war career
Instructor's course outline : principles of economics : college course
How to design and install plumbing
Spoken Burmese : basic course, units 1-12
College algebra
Dairy farming : a self-teaching course : based on "dairy cattle and milk production"
A history of Russia
Arithmetic for everyday life
Modern American and British poetry
An introduction to statistical analysis
Electric wiring
General anthropology
Instructor's course outline : managing a farm : high school course
Animal biology
Credits and collections
Principles of criminology
Spoken French : Basic course
Livestock production
The chemistry of organic compounds
Credits and collections
Automotive electrical equipment : its operation and maintenance
Commercial art
Adventures in apreading
Twenty-three plays and the sonnets
Instructor's course outline Shakespeare : college course
Foremanship and supervision
Democracy's coming of age, 1840-1942
Life insurance
Modern business English
Instructor's course outline : livestock farming : high school course
Instructor's course outline : plane geometry
Cooling, lubrication and fuel systems : a self-teaching course, based on automotive essentials and automotive service
Whole numbers and fractions : a self-teaching course based on learning to compute book two
Workbook for use with fundamentals of selling
Spoken German : basic course
Carpentry mathematics : with answers
Electric wiring
Better foremanship
Instructor's course outline : general shop mathematics : high school course
History of Latin America
Engineering drawing
A survey of ancient history to the death of Constantine
Economics : principles and problems
Spoken Japanese : basic course
Instructor's course outline : beef production : college course
Instructor's course outline : Turkey husbandry : college course
Drilling, Planing, Milling, Grinding
Spoken Turkish : basic course