
Studies on the photosynthesis and respiration of some horticultural crop plants grown in the sand field

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Studies on the photosynthesis and respiration of some horticultural crop plants grown in the sand field

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[Japanese Society for Horticultural Science]
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Table of Contents

  • Photosynthesis and respiration of grapevines in a plastic greenhouse

  • Meteorological conditions in a large scale plastic greenhouse in which grape vines were cultivated

  • Variations in the CO2 concentration of the atomosphere of melon plants (cucumis melo L.) grown in plastic tunnels

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Added title from summary in Japanese
Extract from: The journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Related Material
Photosynthesis and respiration of grapevines in a plastic greenhouse
Meteorological conditions in a large scale plastic greenhouse in which grape vines were cultivated
Variations in the CO2 concentration of the atomosphere of melon plants (cucumis melo L.) grown in plastic tunnels
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research