
जयकृष्णदास आयुर्वेद ग्रन्थमाला

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जयकृष्णदास आयुर्वेद ग्रन्थमाला

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चौखम्भा ओरियन्टालिया
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PUB: Varanasi : Chaukhambha Orientalia

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शार्ङ्गधरसंहिता : "जीवनप्रदा" सविमर्शहिन्दी व्याख्या सहिताLeave the NDL website. SuśrutasaṃhitāLeave the NDL website. रसप्रकाशसुधाकरः : "सिद्धिप्रदा" हिन्दीव्याख्या सहितःLeave the NDL website. द्रव्यगुणसंग्रहःLeave the NDL website. अष्टाङ्गहृदयम् : श्रीमदरुणदत्तविरचितया सर्वाङ्गसुन्दराख्यया व्याख्यया, हेमाद्रिप्रणीतया आयुर्वेदरसायनाह्वया टीकया च समुल्लसितम्Leave the NDL website. रसेन्द्र मङ्गलम्Leave the NDL website. कैयदेवनिघण्टुः : पथ्यापथ्यविबोधकःLeave the NDL website. शार्ङ्गधरसंहिता : भिषग्वराढमल्लविरचितदीपिका-पण्डितकाशिरामवैद्यविरचित-गूढार्थदीपिकाभ्यां टीकाभ्यां संवलिताLeave the NDL website. Śārṅgadhar-saṃhitā : a treatise of ĀyurvedaLeave the NDL website. अष्टाङ्गहृदयम् (सूत्रस्थानम्) : श्रीमदरुणदत्तकृत-सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरा-श्रीमदत्रिदेवकृत-विद्योतिनीहिन्दीटीकासंवलितम्Leave the NDL website. महर्षिणा सुश्रुतेन विरचिता सुश्रुतसंहिता : श्रीडल्हणाचार्यविरचितया निबन्धसंग्रहाख्यव्याख्यया निदानस्थानस्य श्रीगयदासाचार्यविरचितया न्यायचन्द्रिकाख्यपञ्जिकाव्याख्यया च समुल्लसिताLeave the NDL website. शार्ङ्गधरसंहिता : भिषग्वराढमल्लविरचितदीपिका-पण्डितकाशिरामवैद्यविरचित-गूढार्थदीपिकाभ्यां टीकाभ्यां संवलिताLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dr̥ḍhabala : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. धन्वन्तरिनिघण्टुःLeave the NDL website. Astāñga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes and indexLeave the NDL website. चिकित्साकलिका : विशालप्रदा "गन्धप्रसारिणी" हिन्दीव्याख्यासहितःLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : critical notes : incorporating the commentaries of Jejjaṭa, Cakrapāṇi, Gaṅgadhara and YogindranāthaLeave the NDL website. Luminaries of Indian medicine : from the earliest times to the present dayLeave the NDL website. Fruits and vegetables in ancient IndiaLeave the NDL website. Vājīkaraṇatantra : reproductive medicine in āyurveda = वाजीकरणतन्त्रम् : शुक्रार्तवविज्ञानं एवं वृष्य प्रजास्थापनविज्ञानं चLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dr̥ḍhabala : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. वैद्यक-शब्दसिन्धुः : आयुर्वेदीय-शब्दौषध-नामनिर्णायको बृहद्कोष [i.e. बृहत्कोष] ग्रन्थःLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dṛḍhabala : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. Mādhava Nidānam (Roga Viniscaya) of Madhavakara (A treatise on Āyurveda) ; Text with English Translation, Critical Introduction and AppendicesLeave the NDL website. Illustrated Suśruta saṁhitā : text, English translation, notes, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. चिकित्साकलिका : श्रीविशालप्रदा "गन्धप्रसारिणी" हिन्दीव्याख्यासहितःLeave the NDL website. Mādhava Nidānam (Roga Viniscaya) of Madhavakara (a treatise on Āyurveda) : text with English translation, critical introduction and appendicesLeave the NDL website. शार्ङ्गधरसंहिता : अधमल्लविरचितदीपिका-काशिरामविरचितगूढार्थदीपिकाभ्यां टीकाभ्यां संवलिताLeave the NDL website. Aṣṭāṅga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes and indexLeave the NDL website. रसकामधेनुःLeave the NDL website. वैद्यक-शब्दसिन्धुः : आयुर्वेदीय-शब्दौषध-नामनिर्णायको बृहद्कोष [i.e. बृहत्कोष] ग्रन्थःLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dṛḍhabala : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. Aṣṭāṅga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes, indeces [sic] etc.Leave the NDL website. Illustrated Suśruta saṁhitā : text, English translation, notes, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. MādhavanidānaLeave the NDL website. Astāñga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes and indexLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : critical notes : incorporating the commentaries of Jejjaṭa, Cakrapāṇi, Gaṅgadhara and YogindranāthaLeave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dṛḍhabala : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. Aṣṭāṅga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes, indeces [sic] etc.Leave the NDL website. Sarngadhar-saṃhitā : a treatise of ĀyurvedaLeave the NDL website. Aṣṭāñga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes, indeces [sic] etc.Leave the NDL website. धन्वन्तरिनिघण्टुःLeave the NDL website. Śārṅgadhar-saṃhitā : a treatise of ĀyurvedaLeave the NDL website. Illustrated Madanapāla Nighaṇṭu (मदनपाल निघण्टु)Leave the NDL website. Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dṛḍhabala : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. Parahita saṁhita : great Ayurveda treatise written by the great Vaidy Śrīnātha Paṇḍita, belonging to Andhra Pradesh : first publication of text with editing and English translation : prathama adhikara-Dravyanischaya adhikāra (vividha auṣadhi varga)-Svasthavṛttādhikara-Kāyacikitsa sūtrādhikāra-Sarvaroga samadāyaka Prāyaschittadhikāraha belonging to SādhāraṇakāṇḍaLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • शार्ङ्गधरसंहिता : "जीवनप्रदा" सविमर्शहिन्दी व्याख्या सहिता

  • Suśrutasaṃhitā

  • रसप्रकाशसुधाकरः : "सिद्धिप्रदा" हिन्दीव्याख्या सहितः

  • द्रव्यगुणसंग्रहः

  • अष्टाङ्गहृदयम् : श्रीमदरुणदत्तविरचितया सर्वाङ्गसुन्दराख्यया व्याख्यया, हेमाद्रिप्रणीतया आयुर्वेदरसायनाह्वया टीकया च समुल्लसितम्

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Material Type
Title Transcription
जयकृष्णदास आयुर्वेद ग्रन्थ माला
Alternative Title
Jayakr̥ṣṇadāsa Āyurveda granthamālā
जयकृष्णदास आयुर्वेद ग्रन्थ माला
Jaikrishnadas Ayurveda series
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
PUB: Varanasi : Chaukhambha Orientalia
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Caraka-saṃhitā : critical notes : incorporating the commentaries of Jejjaṭa, Cakrapāṇi, Gaṅgadhara and Yogindranātha
Luminaries of Indian medicine : from the earliest times to the present day
Fruits and vegetables in ancient India
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Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dr̥ḍhabala : text with English translation
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Caraka-saṃhitā : Agniveśa's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Dṛḍhabala : text with English translation
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Aṣṭāñga samgraha of Vāgbhaṭa : text, English translation, notes, indeces [sic] etc.
Śārṅgadhar-saṃhitā : a treatise of Āyurveda
Illustrated Madanapāla Nighaṇṭu (मदनपाल निघण्टु)
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