
そらのめぐりのめあて = Song of meandering stars

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そらのめぐりのめあて = Song of meandering stars

Material type
Takashi Fujii
Kassiopeia Records
Publication date
Material Format
Recording Media
Capacity, size, etc.
4 3/4 in.
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Note (General):

藤島啓子 (1st work), 廣瀬智香子 (2nd), 木内栄 (3rd, 4th), 藤井喬梓 (3rd, 4th), pianos ; グリーン・ユース・オーケストラ/合唱団 (1st) ; 京都中央少年少女合唱隊 (2nd) ; 山下一史 (1st), 森岡雄二 (2nd), conduc...

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Recording Media

Material Type
Title Transcription
ソラ ノ メグリ ノ メアテ
Takashi Fujii
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Publication Date
4 3/4 in.
Alternative Title
そらのめぐりのめあて : 藤井喬梓作品集 = Song of meandering stars : works by Takashi Fujii
そらのめぐりのめあて : 宮沢賢治の童話にもとづく藤井喬梓作品集 / Works by Takashi Fujii
Place of Publication (Country Code)