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Holdings of Libraries in Japan

This page shows libraries in Japan other than the National Diet Library that hold the material.

Please contact your local library for information on how to use materials or whether it is possible to request materials from the holding libraries.


  • CiNii Research

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Title Transcription
サッカ シンエイ
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朱自清 : 背影匆匆 = Zhu Ziqing : quickly fading into the distance
曹禺 : 雷雨背後的舞臺 = Cao Yu : the story behind the thunderstorm
導論 = Introduction
周作人 : 隱士與叛徒 = Zhou Zuoren : recluse and traitor
郁逹夫 : 零餘者的呔息 = Yu Dafu : sigh of a marginal man
巴金 : 人間三部曲 = Ba Jin : trilogy of life
老舍 : 朝聖者的自沉 = Lao She : death of a pilgrim
蕭乾 : 不帶地圖的旅人 = Xian Qian : traveler without a map
沈從文 : 邊城文魄 = Shen Congwen : literary soul in a border town
張愛玲 : 孤島上的閃光 = Zhang Ailing : a flash of light on a lonely island
徐志摩 : 揮別偶然 = Xu Zhimo : bidding farewell to coincidence
魯迅 : 鐵屋外的吶喊 = Lu Xun : a shout from outside the iron house
冰心 : 關於女人 = Bing Xin : concerning women
Data Provider (Database)
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
Original Data Provider (Database)
CiNii Books