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Technical bulletin

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United States Department of Agriculture
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Cost of producing extracted honey in CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Macrocentrus gifuensis ashmead, a polyembryonic braconid parasite in the European corn borerLeave the NDL website. The chemical and physical properties of dry-land soils and of their colloidsLeave the NDL website. Alteration of Muscovite and biotite in the soilLeave the NDL website. Comparative strength properties of woods grown in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The Hessian fly in the Pacific NorthwestLeave the NDL website. Oat identification and classificationLeave the NDL website. The flow of water in flumesLeave the NDL website. The tenure status of farmworkers in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Cotton improvement through type selection, with special reference to the acala varietyLeave the NDL website. Economic factors affecting the beef-cattle industry of VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Distinctive effects of the deficiency of certain essential elements on the growth of tobacco plants in solution culturesLeave the NDL website. Biology of the Indian-meal moth on dried fruits in CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Effect of artificially drying seed cotton before ginning on certain quality elements of the lint and seed and on the operation of the gin standLeave the NDL website. Marketing American cotton on the Continent of EuropeLeave the NDL website. Irrigation districts, their organization, operation and financingLeave the NDL website. The marketing and distribution of fruits and vegetables by motor truckLeave the NDL website. Respiration of sorghum grainsLeave the NDL website. Slash disposal in the western yellow pine forests of Oregon and WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Forest types in the Southwest as determined by climate and soilLeave the NDL website. The combined harvester-thresher in the Great PlainsLeave the NDL website. The demand and price structure for corn and total feed concentratesLeave the NDL website. Studies of fluorine compounds for controlling the codling mothLeave the NDL website. The demand and price structure for selected vegetablesLeave the NDL website. A simple method for determining the oil content of seeds and other oil-bearing materialsLeave the NDL website. Biology of some Japanese and Chosenese grub parasites (Scoliidae)Leave the NDL website. Evaporation from free water surfacesLeave the NDL website. Commercial possibilities of Japanese mint in the United States as a source of natural mentholLeave the NDL website. Shrinkage and cooking time of rib roasts of beef of different grades as influenced by style of cutting and method of roastingLeave the NDL website. Rumania, Bulgaria, and YugoslaviaLeave the NDL website. Some results of inbreeding grade Guernsey and grade Holstein-Friesian cattleLeave the NDL website. The public domain of Nevada and factors affecting its useLeave the NDL website. Studies of the culture and certain varieties of the Jerusalem artichokeLeave the NDL website. Fungous diseases of the cultivated cranberryLeave the NDL website. Effect of solid and gaseous carbon dioxide upon transit diseases of certain fruits and vegetablesLeave the NDL website. Origin and distribution of the commercial potato cropLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting the price of peaches in the New York City marketLeave the NDL website. An economic study of the pecan industryLeave the NDL website. Wood veneer : log selection, cutting, and dryingLeave the NDL website. Beef from calves fed grain before and after weaningLeave the NDL website. Decay and other losses in Douglas fir in western Oregon and WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Temperatures and related conditions in Wisconsin farmhousesLeave the NDL website. Factors influencing the yield of apples in the Cumberland-Shenandoah Region of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Causes of brashness in woodLeave the NDL website. Timber growing and logging practice in the coast redwood region of CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. The canning quality of certain commercially important eastern peachesLeave the NDL website. Production and consumption of manufactured dairy productsLeave the NDL website. Forest fire insurance in the northeastern statesLeave the NDL website. Life history and habits of the plum curculio in the Georgia peach beltLeave the NDL website. The yield of Douglas fir in the Pacific northwestLeave the NDL website. Deterioration of chestnut in the Southern AppalachiansLeave the NDL website. Life history of the Angoumois grain moth in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Red rot of sugarcaneLeave the NDL website. Oil crops in American farmingLeave the NDL website. Genetic growth differentiation in guinea pigsLeave the NDL website. Taxation of farm propertyLeave the NDL website. Investigations on harvesting and handling fall and winter pearsLeave the NDL website. Wholesale marketing of live poultry in New York CityLeave the NDL website. Flow of water through 6-inch pipe bendsLeave the NDL website. HungaryLeave the NDL website. The bacterial spot disease of the peach and other stone fruitsLeave the NDL website. Meristems, growth, and development in woody plants : an analytical review of anatomical, physiological, and morphogenic aspectsLeave the NDL website. Farmers' response to price in hog production and marketingLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of agricultural hydrology by monolith lysimeters, 1944-55Leave the NDL website. Timber growing and logging and turpentining practices in the southern pine region ; measures necessary to keep forest land productive and to produce full timber cropsLeave the NDL website. An objective method of sampling wheat fields to estimate production and quality of wheatLeave the NDL website. Flour for pretzelsLeave the NDL website. Genus Vicia with notes about tribe Vicieae (Fabaceae) in Mexico and Central AmericaLeave the NDL website. The inheritance of colored scutellums in maizeLeave the NDL website. Chemical and physical properties of certain soils developed from granitic materials in New England and the piedmont, and of their colloidsLeave the NDL website. A classification of North American Agallian leaf hoppersLeave the NDL website. Experiments with insecticides for codling-moth controlLeave the NDL website. Timber growing and logging practice in the southern Appalachian regionLeave the NDL website. SwitzerlandLeave the NDL website. The biology and control of the blueberry maggot in Washington county, MaineLeave the NDL website. The citrus rust mite and its controlLeave the NDL website. Cooperative marketing of grain in Western CanadaLeave the NDL website. Legume (Fabaceae) nomenclature in the USDA germplasm systemLeave the NDL website. Susceptibility and resistance of berberis and related genera to Puccinia graminisLeave the NDL website. The effect of different colloidal soil materials on the efficiency of superphosphateLeave the NDL website. Boron in irrigation watersLeave the NDL website. Physiological studies of Jerusalem-artichoke tubers with special reference to the rest periodLeave the NDL website. The strength and related properties of redwoodLeave the NDL website. Consumption and production of tabacco in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Composition and properties of goat's milk as compared with cow's milkLeave the NDL website. Serviceability of sheets composed wholly or in part of cotton and viscose staple rayonLeave the NDL website. The decomposition of hydrolytic peat products including ammoniated peatLeave the NDL website. Some principles of accelerated stream and valley sedimentationLeave the NDL website. The visual spectrophotometry of dyesLeave the NDL website. A nomenclator of Gossypium : the botanical names of cottonLeave the NDL website. Some factors affecting the viscosityof creamLeave the NDL website. Physical and chemical characteristics of the soils from the erosion experiment stationsLeave the NDL website. Forest fire insurance in the Pacific Coast StatesLeave the NDL website. Utilization and cost of power on corn belt farmsLeave the NDL website. Bark structure of North American conifersLeave the NDL website. Changes in American textile industry : competition, structure, facilities, costsLeave the NDL website. U.S. farm numbers, sizes, and related structural dimensions : projections to year 2000Leave the NDL website. Marketina American cotton in EnglandLeave the NDL website. Hot water as an insecticide for the Japanese beetle in soil and its effect on the roots of nursery plantsLeave the NDL website. Wood-Liquid relationsLeave the NDL website. An economic study of livestock possibilities in the southeastern coastal plainLeave the NDL website. Breaking strength, elongation, and folding endurance of films of starches and gelatin used in textile sizingLeave the NDL website. Properties of western larch and their relation to the uses of the woodLeave the NDL website. A critical laboratory review of methods of determining organic matter and carbonates in soilLeave the NDL website. Decay following fire in young Mississippi Delta hardwoodsLeave the NDL website. Gross farm income and indices of farm production and prices in the United States, 1869-1937Leave the NDL website. Susceptibility of barley to leaf rust (Puccinia anomala) and to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis Hordei)Leave the NDL website. Alkaloid-bearing plants and their contained alkaloidsLeave the NDL website. Farm-mortgage creditLeave the NDL website. The silt load of Texas streamsLeave the NDL website. Effects of gin-saw speed and seed-roll density on quality of cotton lint and operation of gin standsLeave the NDL website. The Southern pine beetleLeave the NDL website. Bruising and freezing of apples in storage and transitLeave the NDL website. Costs and methods of fattening beef cattle in the Corn Belt, 1919-1923Leave the NDL website. Sizes of farms in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Wages of agricultural labor in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The effect of concentration on the toxicity of chemicals to living organismsLeave the NDL website. Farm-management problems in shifting from sack to bulk handling of grain in the Pacific NorthwestLeave the NDL website. The distribution and the mechanical properties of alaska woodsLeave the NDL website. Improvement in the production of oleoresin through lower chippingLeave the NDL website. Heat-damaged wheatLeave the NDL website. Biology and control of the black vine weevilLeave the NDL website. The determination of hour control for adequate fire protection in the major cover types of the California pine regionLeave the NDL website. Fruits and seeds of genera in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae (Fabaceae)Leave the NDL website. Response of sweet corn to varying temperatures from time of planting to canning maturityLeave the NDL website. Fish oil as an adhesive in leadarsenate spraysLeave the NDL website. The chemotropic responses of the house fly, the greeen-bottle fliedd, and the black blowflyLeave the NDL website. Relative insecticidal value of commercial grades of pyrethrumLeave the NDL website. Ineffectiveness of internal medication of poultry for the control of external parasitesLeave the NDL website. Biology and control of the corn leaf aphid with specical reference to the Southwestern statesLeave the NDL website. Parasites of the pink bollworm in HawaiiLeave the NDL website. The air seasoning of woodLeave the NDL website. The composition and distribution of phosphate rock with special reference to the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Comparison of grain rations for beef calves before and after weaningLeave the NDL website. The biologic and economic assessment of Pentachlorophenol, Inorganic arsenicals, Creosote : a report of the Pentachlorophenol, Inorganic arsenicals, Creosote assessment team to the rebuttable presumption against registration of Pentachlorophenol, Inorganic Arsenicals, Creosote, submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency on November 4, 1980Leave the NDL website. Cotton prices in spot and futures marketsLeave the NDL website. Measurement of U.S. agricultural productivity : a review of current statistics and proposals for changeLeave the NDL website. A Method of economic analysis applied to nitrogen fertilizer rate experiments on irrigated cornLeave the NDL website. Use of the exponential yield curve in fertilizer experimentsLeave the NDL website. Perquisites and wages of hired farm laborersLeave the NDL website. Base exchange and related properties of the colloids of soils from the erosion experiment stationsLeave the NDL website. Identification of disseminules listed in the Federal noxious weed actLeave the NDL website. Reproduction and health records of the Beltsville herd of the Bureau of Dairy IndustryLeave the NDL website. The demand and price structure for wheatLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting the development of the aecial stage of puccinia graminisLeave the NDL website. Principles of box and crate constructionLeave the NDL website. Contribution to the morphology and anatomy of guayule (parthenium argentatum)Leave the NDL website. Relation of spot cotton prices to prices of futures contracts and protection afforded by trading in futuresLeave the NDL website. An analysis of log production in the "Inland Empire" regionLeave the NDL website. Results of seed-treatment experiments with yellow dent cornLeave the NDL website. Cooperative marketing of livestock in the United States by terminal associationsLeave the NDL website. Peach brown rotLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting the price of riceLeave the NDL website. Irrigation requirements of the arid and semiarid lands of the Pacific slope basinsLeave the NDL website. Methods for the measurement of certain character properties of raw cottonLeave the NDL website. Strength-moisture relations for woodLeave the NDL website. Trading in corn futuresLeave the NDL website. Sweetclover in great plains farmingLeave the NDL website. Economic utilization of marginal lands in Nicholas and Webster Counties, W.Va.Leave the NDL website. Irrigation requirements of the arid and semiarid lands of the Columbia River BasinLeave the NDL website. The larvae of the PhalaenidaeLeave the NDL website. The bearing strength of wood under boltsLeave the NDL website. Agriculture in Southern AfricaLeave the NDL website. Adequacy and reliability of crop-yield estimatesLeave the NDL website. FranceLeave the NDL website. Laboratory and field tests of concrete exposed to the action of sulphate watersLeave the NDL website. Character and behavior of organic soil colloidsLeave the NDL website. Genesis and hardening of laterite in soilsLeave the NDL website. Bacterial wilt of cornLeave the NDL website. Marketing and manufacturing services and margins for textilesLeave the NDL website. Land utilization in Laurel County, Ky.Leave the NDL website. Reproduction on pulpwood lands in the NortheastLeave the NDL website. Effectiveness of the swine sanitation system in the SouthLeave the NDL website. Suitability of brush lands in the intermountain region for the growth of natural or planted western yellow pine forestsLeave the NDL website. Refrigeration of oranges in transit form CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. The physical and chemical characteristics of certain American peat profilesLeave the NDL website. State land-settlement problems and policies in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Selective logging in the shortleaf and loblolly pine forests of the gulf states regionLeave the NDL website. Principles of gully erosion in the Piedmont of South CarolinaLeave the NDL website. Effect of cleaning seed cotton on lint quality and ginning efficiencyLeave the NDL website. Influence of variety, environment, and fertility level on the chemical composition of soybean seedLeave the NDL website. Agricultural investigations at the Huntley (Mont.) Field Station, 1927-1930Leave the NDL website. Experiments in wheat production on the dry lands of Oregon, Washington, and UtahLeave the NDL website. A study of claypan soilsLeave the NDL website. The glued laminated wooden archLeave the NDL website. Electrical equipment on movable bridgesLeave the NDL website. Petrographic methods for soil laboratoriesLeave the NDL website. The Demand for textile fibers in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The Oriental species of the tribe Haematopotini (Diptera, Tabanidae)Leave the NDL website. Some factors affecting the marketing of wool in Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, England, and FranceLeave the NDL website. Strength and related properties of woods grown in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Nitrogen and carbon changes in great plains soils as influenced by cropping and soil treatmentsLeave the NDL website. The analysis of demand for farm productsLeave the NDL website. Practices and costs of cotton-gin operation in North-Central Texas, 1924-25Leave the NDL website. The gypsy moth : research toward integrated pest managementLeave the NDL website. Milling and baking qualities of world wheatsLeave the NDL website. Correlation of hereditary and other factors affecting growth in guinea pigsLeave the NDL website. Soil and water conservation investigations : at the Soil Conservation Experiment Station, Missouri Valley Loess region, Clarinda, Iowa : progress reportLeave the NDL website. Yellow poplar characteristics, growth and managementLeave the NDL website. Harvesting small grain, soybeans, and clover in the Corn Belt with combines and bindersLeave the NDL website. Soil erosion and stream flow on range and forest lands of the upper Rio Grande watershed in relation to land resources and human welfareLeave the NDL website. Jersey cattle at beltsville : an analysis of the foundation cows and of the first outbred generation : experiments in breedingLeave the NDL website. A method of determining the volume and tonnage of haystacksLeave the NDL website. Soil survey (reconnaissance) of St. Croix Island, Virgin IslandsLeave the NDL website. Tests of large timber colums and presentation of the forest products laboratory column formulaLeave the NDL website. Some factors affecting the demand for milk and cream in the metropolitan area of New YorkLeave the NDL website. [Deterioration of book and record papersLeave the NDL website. The comparative moisture-absorbing and moisture-retaining capacities of peat and soil mixturesLeave the NDL website. Nicotiana : procedures for experimental useLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting the price of cottonLeave the NDL website. The sterilization of wool and its effect on physical and chemical properties of a wool fabricLeave the NDL website. Peat resources in AlaskaLeave the NDL website. An analysis of cooperative over-order pricing of fluid milkLeave the NDL website. Inheritance of winter hardiness growth habit and stem-rust reaction in crosses between Minhardi winter and H-44 spring wheatsLeave the NDL website. The demand, supply, and price structure for eggsLeave the NDL website. Southern white cedarLeave the NDL website. Second-growth yield, stand, and volume tables for the western white pine typeLeave the NDL website. Gluing wood in aircraft manufactureLeave the NDL website. Correlation alinement charts in forest research; a method of solving problems in curvilinear multiple correlationLeave the NDL website. Effect of various temperatures on the storage and ripening of tomatoesLeave the NDL website. The Tabanidae (Diptera) of FloridaLeave the NDL website. Morphologic and physiologic studies of stem-rust resistance in cerealsLeave the NDL website. Silting of reservoirsLeave the NDL website. Agricultural cooperative associations, marketing and purchasing, 1925Leave the NDL website. The production, extraction, and germination of lodgepole pine seedLeave the NDL website. Arsenical and other fruit injuries of apples resulting from washing operationsLeave the NDL website. The shedding of 4-lock and 5-lock balls in upland cottonLeave the NDL website. Cost of pumping for drainage in the upper Mississippi ValleyLeave the NDL website. Feeding punctures of mirids and other plant-sucking insects and their effect on cottonLeave the NDL website. Feeding value for milk production of pasture grasses when grazed, when fed green and when fed as hay or silageLeave the NDL website. Agricultural credit corporations affiliated with cotton cooperative marketing associationsLeave the NDL website. Beef production and quality as affected by grade of steer and feeding grain supplement on grassLeave the NDL website. A study of ranch organization and methods of range-cattle production in the northern Great Plains regionLeave the NDL website. The biology and morphology of the braconid Chelonus annulipes Wesm., a parasite of the European corn borerLeave the NDL website. A simulation of irrigation systems : the effect of water supply and operating rules on production and income on irrigated farmsLeave the NDL website. Manufacturing and serviceability tests on sheetings made from two selected mill types of cottonLeave the NDL website. The fractionation of American gum spirits of turpentine and evaluation of its pinene content by optical meansLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting the mechanical application of fertilizers to the soilLeave the NDL website. Types of farming in North DakotaLeave the NDL website. Fruits and seeds of genera in the subfamily Mimosoideae (Fabaceae)Leave the NDL website. Stumpage prices of privately owned timber in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Life history of the codling moth in the Rogue River Valley of OregonLeave the NDL website. The western cedar pole border or powder wormLeave the NDL website. Petroleum oils and oil emulsions as insecticides, and their use against the San Jose Scale on peach trees in the SouthLeave the NDL website. The Pacific flathead borderLeave the NDL website. The relation of highway slash to infestations by the Western pine beetle in standing timberLeave the NDL website. The chestnut curculiosLeave the NDL website. Two ciitrus leaf muners of the far eastLeave the NDL website. The larger sod webwormLeave the NDL website. Paradichlorobenzene experiments in the South for peach-border controlLeave the NDL website. The Pandora moth, a periodic pest of Western pine forestsLeave the NDL website. Control of the mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine by the use of solar heatLeave the NDL website. Lygus elisus : a pest of the cotton regions in Arizone and CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. The Western grass-stem sawfly a pest of small grainsLeave the NDL website.

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United States Department of Agriculture
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Comparative strength properties of woods grown in the United States
The Hessian fly in the Pacific Northwest
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The tenure status of farmworkers in the United States
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A critical laboratory review of methods of determining organic matter and carbonates in soil
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The silt load of Texas streams
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The determination of hour control for adequate fire protection in the major cover types of the California pine region
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The chemotropic responses of the house fly, the greeen-bottle fliedd, and the black blowfly
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A Method of economic analysis applied to nitrogen fertilizer rate experiments on irrigated corn
Use of the exponential yield curve in fertilizer experiments
Perquisites and wages of hired farm laborers
Base exchange and related properties of the colloids of soils from the erosion experiment stations
Identification of disseminules listed in the Federal noxious weed act
Reproduction and health records of the Beltsville herd of the Bureau of Dairy Industry
The demand and price structure for wheat
Factors affecting the development of the aecial stage of puccinia graminis
Principles of box and crate construction
Contribution to the morphology and anatomy of guayule (parthenium argentatum)
Relation of spot cotton prices to prices of futures contracts and protection afforded by trading in futures
An analysis of log production in the "Inland Empire" region
Results of seed-treatment experiments with yellow dent corn
Cooperative marketing of livestock in the United States by terminal associations
Peach brown rot
Factors affecting the price of rice
Irrigation requirements of the arid and semiarid lands of the Pacific slope basins
Methods for the measurement of certain character properties of raw cotton
Strength-moisture relations for wood
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Sweetclover in great plains farming
Economic utilization of marginal lands in Nicholas and Webster Counties, W.Va.
Irrigation requirements of the arid and semiarid lands of the Columbia River Basin
The larvae of the Phalaenidae
The bearing strength of wood under bolts
Agriculture in Southern Africa
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Character and behavior of organic soil colloids
Genesis and hardening of laterite in soils
Bacterial wilt of corn
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Land utilization in Laurel County, Ky.
Reproduction on pulpwood lands in the Northeast
Effectiveness of the swine sanitation system in the South
Suitability of brush lands in the intermountain region for the growth of natural or planted western yellow pine forests
Refrigeration of oranges in transit form California
The physical and chemical characteristics of certain American peat profiles
State land-settlement problems and policies in the United States
Selective logging in the shortleaf and loblolly pine forests of the gulf states region
Principles of gully erosion in the Piedmont of South Carolina
Effect of cleaning seed cotton on lint quality and ginning efficiency
Influence of variety, environment, and fertility level on the chemical composition of soybean seed
Agricultural investigations at the Huntley (Mont.) Field Station, 1927-1930
Experiments in wheat production on the dry lands of Oregon, Washington, and Utah
A study of claypan soils
The glued laminated wooden arch
Electrical equipment on movable bridges
Petrographic methods for soil laboratories
The Demand for textile fibers in the United States
The Oriental species of the tribe Haematopotini (Diptera, Tabanidae)
Some factors affecting the marketing of wool in Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, England, and France
Strength and related properties of woods grown in the United States
Nitrogen and carbon changes in great plains soils as influenced by cropping and soil treatments
The analysis of demand for farm products
Practices and costs of cotton-gin operation in North-Central Texas, 1924-25
The gypsy moth : research toward integrated pest management
Milling and baking qualities of world wheats
Correlation of hereditary and other factors affecting growth in guinea pigs
Soil and water conservation investigations : at the Soil Conservation Experiment Station, Missouri Valley Loess region, Clarinda, Iowa : progress report
Yellow poplar characteristics, growth and management
Harvesting small grain, soybeans, and clover in the Corn Belt with combines and binders
Soil erosion and stream flow on range and forest lands of the upper Rio Grande watershed in relation to land resources and human welfare
Jersey cattle at beltsville : an analysis of the foundation cows and of the first outbred generation : experiments in breeding
A method of determining the volume and tonnage of haystacks
Soil survey (reconnaissance) of St. Croix Island, Virgin Islands
Tests of large timber colums and presentation of the forest products laboratory column formula
Some factors affecting the demand for milk and cream in the metropolitan area of New York
[Deterioration of book and record papers
The comparative moisture-absorbing and moisture-retaining capacities of peat and soil mixtures
Nicotiana : procedures for experimental use
Factors affecting the price of cotton
The sterilization of wool and its effect on physical and chemical properties of a wool fabric
Peat resources in Alaska
An analysis of cooperative over-order pricing of fluid milk
Inheritance of winter hardiness growth habit and stem-rust reaction in crosses between Minhardi winter and H-44 spring wheats
The demand, supply, and price structure for eggs
Southern white cedar
Second-growth yield, stand, and volume tables for the western white pine type
Gluing wood in aircraft manufacture
Correlation alinement charts in forest research; a method of solving problems in curvilinear multiple correlation
Effect of various temperatures on the storage and ripening of tomatoes
The Tabanidae (Diptera) of Florida
Morphologic and physiologic studies of stem-rust resistance in cereals
Silting of reservoirs
Agricultural cooperative associations, marketing and purchasing, 1925
The production, extraction, and germination of lodgepole pine seed
Arsenical and other fruit injuries of apples resulting from washing operations
The shedding of 4-lock and 5-lock balls in upland cotton
Cost of pumping for drainage in the upper Mississippi Valley
Feeding punctures of mirids and other plant-sucking insects and their effect on cotton
Feeding value for milk production of pasture grasses when grazed, when fed green and when fed as hay or silage
Agricultural credit corporations affiliated with cotton cooperative marketing associations
Beef production and quality as affected by grade of steer and feeding grain supplement on grass
A study of ranch organization and methods of range-cattle production in the northern Great Plains region
The biology and morphology of the braconid Chelonus annulipes Wesm., a parasite of the European corn borer
A simulation of irrigation systems : the effect of water supply and operating rules on production and income on irrigated farms
Manufacturing and serviceability tests on sheetings made from two selected mill types of cotton
The fractionation of American gum spirits of turpentine and evaluation of its pinene content by optical means
Factors affecting the mechanical application of fertilizers to the soil
Types of farming in North Dakota
Fruits and seeds of genera in the subfamily Mimosoideae (Fabaceae)
Stumpage prices of privately owned timber in the United States
Life history of the codling moth in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon
The western cedar pole border or powder worm
Petroleum oils and oil emulsions as insecticides, and their use against the San Jose Scale on peach trees in the South
The Pacific flathead border
The relation of highway slash to infestations by the Western pine beetle in standing timber
The chestnut curculios
Two ciitrus leaf muners of the far east
The larger sod webworm
Paradichlorobenzene experiments in the South for peach-border control
The Pandora moth, a periodic pest of Western pine forests
Control of the mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine by the use of solar heat
Lygus elisus : a pest of the cotton regions in Arizone and California
The Western grass-stem sawfly a pest of small grains