
The cultural histories series

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The cultural histories series

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Bloomsbury Academic
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A cultural history of law in the age of reformLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of hair in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of hair in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of hair in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of disability in the long nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. In the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of disability in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the Renaissance and early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the Age of EmpireLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of comedy in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of comedy in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of objects in the Medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of objects in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of color in the Medieval AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of color in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. In the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the sea in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of race in the modern and genomic ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of race in the middle agesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of race in the reformation and the enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of race in the renaissance and early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of furniture in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of ideas in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of ideas in classical antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of youth in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. In the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of western music in the renaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of insects in the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of insects in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of death in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of death in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of mathematics in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the senses in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. In the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. In the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of Hinduism in the post-classical ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of Hinduism In the age of empiresLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of hair in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of hair in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the age of the empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of hair in the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. In the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the age of empiresLeave the NDL website. In the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. In the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. In the Modern AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of comedy in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. In the age of empireLeave the NDL website. In the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. In the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. In the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. In the age of industryLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the sea in the global ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the sea in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of democracy in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of democracy in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of democracy in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of medicine in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of chemistry in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of chemistry in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of shopping in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of shopping in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of shopping in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of ideas in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of ideas in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of ideas in the Medieval AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of plants in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of youth in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the age of empiresLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of insects in the age of industryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of mathematics in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of mathematics in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the senses in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the senses in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of Hinduism in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of Hinduism in the classical ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of disability in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In the Age of EmpireLeave the NDL website. In the age of empireLeave the NDL website. In the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of disability in the middle agesLeave the NDL website. In the age of EmpireLeave the NDL website. In the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of disability in the Modern ageLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of disability in the long eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. In the Modern AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of comedy in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the home in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the home in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the home in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of objects in AntiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of objects in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. In the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. In the modern ageLeave the NDL website. In the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of color in the Modern AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of color in the Age of IndustryLeave the NDL website. In the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the sea in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the sea in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the sea in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of medicine in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of genocide in the era of total warLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of genocide in the modern worldLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of genocide in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of genocide in the ancient worldLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of race in the age of empire and nation stateLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of race in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of chemistry in the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of chemistry in the middle agesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of chemistry in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of furniture in the age of explorationLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of furniture in the age of empire and industryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of furniture in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of furniture in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of shopping in the age of revolution and empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of shopping in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. In the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of ideas in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of plants in the early modern eraLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of youth in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of youth in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the age of the empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of western music in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of western music in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A Cultural History of Peace in AntiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of insects in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of insects in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of work in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of women in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of death in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of death in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of death in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of mathematics in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the senses in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of Hinduism in the age of independenceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. In the Early Modern AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of gardens in the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of gardens in the Age of EmpireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of tragedy in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. In the middle agesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of comedy in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of objects in the age of industryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of objects in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of color in the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of color in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of medicine in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of medicine in the EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of democracy in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of medicine in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of democracy in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of medicine in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of democracy in the age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of genocide in the early modern worldLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of genocide in the long nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of chemistry in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of furniture in the Middle ages and RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of shopping in the middle AgesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of youth in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of plants in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of plants in the post-classical eraLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of plants in the modern eraLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of youth in the age of empireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of plants in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the Medieval AgeLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of money in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of marriage in the Renaissance and early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of western music in the industrial ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of western music in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of western music in the middle agesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of law in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the Age of EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of peace in the Age of EmpireLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of insects in the medieval ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of theatre in antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of death in the modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of mathematics in the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of mathematics in the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the senses in the Middle AgesLeave the NDL website. In the long twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. In the middle agesLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of Hinduism in the age of late colonialismLeave the NDL website. In the long twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. In the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. In the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of comedy in antiquityLeave the NDL website. In antiquityLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the home in the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the home in the age of enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. In the early modern ageLeave the NDL website. A cultural history of the home in the age of empireLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • A cultural history of law in the age of reform

  • A cultural history of hair in the Renaissance

  • A cultural history of work in the medieval age

  • A cultural history of law in the age of enlightenment

  • A cultural history of work in the modern age

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Alternative Title
Cultural histories
The cultural history series
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A cultural history of law in the age of reform
A cultural history of hair in the Renaissance
A cultural history of work in the medieval age
A cultural history of law in the age of enlightenment
A cultural history of work in the modern age
A cultural history of money in the modern age
A cultural history of money in the age of enlightenment
A cultural history of hair in antiquity
A cultural history of hair in the Middle Ages
A cultural history of money in antiquity
A cultural history of law in the Middle Ages
A cultural history of law in antiquity
A cultural history of disability in the long nineteenth century
A cultural history of tragedy in the age of empire
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A cultural history of tragedy in antiquity
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A cultural history of comedy in the age of empire
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A cultural history of objects in the age of Enlightenment
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A cultural history of the sea in the age of enlightenment
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A cultural history of race in the reformation and the enlightenment
A cultural history of race in the renaissance and early modern age
A cultural history of furniture in the age of enlightenment
A cultural history of ideas in the age of empire
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A cultural history of money in the Renaissance
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A cultural history of work in the age of Enlightenment
A cultural history of money in the age of the empire
A cultural history of hair in the Age of Enlightenment
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A cultural history of color in the Age of Enlightenment
A cultural history of color in antiquity
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A cultural history of medicine in the modern age
A cultural history of democracy in the medieval age
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A cultural history of democracy in the age of Enlightenment
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A cultural history of money in the age of enlightenment
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A cultural history of peace in the Age of Enlightenment
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A cultural history of insects in the medieval age
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