
Publications in Near and Middle East studies

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Publications in Near and Middle East studies

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Table of Contents

  • A glossary of Indian figures of speech

  • Turkish grammar

  • A reader on Islam : passages from standard Arabic writings illustrative of the beliefs and practices of Muslims

  • Some early definitions of the Tawriya and Ṣafadī's Faḍḍ al-Xitām ʿan at-Tawriya wa-ʾl-Istixdām

  • Handbook of Ottoman-Turkish diplomatics

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Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
Alternative Title
Publications in Near and Middle East studies, Columbia University
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Related Material
A glossary of Indian figures of speech
Turkish grammar
A reader on Islam : passages from standard Arabic writings illustrative of the beliefs and practices of Muslims
Some early definitions of the Tawriya and Ṣafadī's Faḍḍ al-Xitām ʿan at-Tawriya wa-ʾl-Istixdām
Handbook of Ottoman-Turkish diplomatics
Turkish reader for beginners
The history of the Sarbadār Dynasty, 1336-1381 A.D. and its sources
The Paulician heresy : a study of the origin and development of Paulicianism in Armenia and the eastern provinces of the Byzantine Empire
The budget of Ottoman Egypt 1005-1006/1596-1597
A reader on Islam
The quatrains of Nesimî, fourteenth-century Turkic Hurufi
The Muslim community of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, 610-1947 : a brief historical analysis
Political change in rural Turkey, Erdemli
Demokrasi yolunda = On the way to democracy
The history of the Sarbadār Dynasty 1336-1381 A.D. and its sources