
The song of sri tanjung : story of spirit journey in Hindu-Javanese cosmology

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The song of sri tanjung : story of spirit journey in Hindu-Javanese cosmology

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野澤, 暁子
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12 cm
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Note (General):

Producer: Akiko NozawaDirector: Yohanes Hanan PamungkasThis film was produced with The Grant to Promote a Joint International Research (KAKENHI, no.15...

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Publication Date
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12 cm
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Note (General)
Producer: Akiko Nozawa
Director: Yohanes Hanan Pamungkas
This film was produced with The Grant to Promote a Joint International Research (KAKENHI, no.15KK0048) by Japan Society for Promotion of Science
Boxed (19 cm)
"The story of Sri Tanjung is very popular in ancient Java until recent Bali.The relief Sri Tanjung while in to spiritual journey is found in several Hindu temple in Java from XII until XV Century.Ilustrated by poetry dan song which taken from Sri Tanjung Book, this film describe the spiritual journey of Sri Tanjung which represents Javanese cultural concept about life after death in the Hindu era."--On jacket back cover of box