
Occasional papers

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Occasional papers

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26 cm
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Monograph series <BA87323589 >の後継。No. 20の標題紙に「上智大学アジア文化研究所Monograph Seriesは今年度(No.19)よりOccasional papersに誌名変更」とあり。

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Table of Contents

  • Verification for the achievements of a Japanese merchant in Istanbul : personal history of Torajiro Yamada

  • Opportunities and challenges in a foreign land : a study of the Indian resident community in Tokyo and its vicinity

  • 在外ビルマ人コミュニティの形成と課題 : 日本と韓国を事例に

  • Disaster philanthropy and humanitarian assistance in the Japan-Philippines corridor : the cases of Typhoon Haiyan of 2013 in the Philippines and the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011

  • Experiencing the state in Sub-Saharan Africa : historicising districts toponymy and decentralisation as a landscape for development in Central Kenya

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Material Type
Author Heading
上智大学アジア文化研究所 ジョウチ ダイガク アジア ブンカ ケンキュウジョ
Publication, Distribution, etc.
26 cm
Alternative Title
Monograph series
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Note (General)
Monograph series <BA87323589 >の後継。No. 20の標題紙に「上智大学アジア文化研究所Monograph Seriesは今年度(No.19)よりOccasional papersに誌名変更」とあり。