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Astronomy through the ages : the story of the human attempt to understand the universeLeave the NDL website. Before command : an economic history of Russia from emancipation to the first five-year planLeave the NDL website. Women writers and poetic identity : Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, and Emily DickinsonLeave the NDL website. Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. Imagining war : French and British military doctrine between the warsLeave the NDL website. Plateau's problem and the calculus of variations (MN-35)/ [by] Michael StruweLeave the NDL website. Modern Japanese fiction and its traditions : an introductionLeave the NDL website. The lyrical novel : studies in Hermann Hesse, André Gide, and Virginia WoolfLeave the NDL website. The epistolary moment : the poetics of the eighteenth-century verse epistleLeave the NDL website. Antitrust in JapanLeave the NDL website. On the constitution of the church and stateLeave the NDL website. The idea of the actor : drama and the ethics of performanceLeave the NDL website. Agriculture and economic growth : Japan's experienceLeave the NDL website. The transformation of theology, 1830-1890 : positivism and Protestant thought in Britain and AmericaLeave the NDL website. Lay Buddhism in contemporary Japan : Reiyūkai KyōdanLeave the NDL website. William of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste : new ideas of truth in the early thirteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Functionals of finite Riemann surfacesLeave the NDL website. Exemplum : the rhetoric of example in early modern France and ItalyLeave the NDL website. The legacy of Roman law in the German romantic era : historical vision and legal changeLeave the NDL website. The silent revolution : changing values and political styles among Western publicsLeave the NDL website. The legend of King Aśoka : a study and translation of the AśokāvadānaLeave the NDL website. Politics and statecraft in the kingdom of Greece, 1833-1843Leave the NDL website. Studies in intellectual history of Tokugawa JapanLeave the NDL website. The civic culture : political attitudes and democracy in five nationsLeave the NDL website. The dilemmas of growth in prewar JapanLeave the NDL website. Rhapsodies on metropolises and capitalsLeave the NDL website. Differential geometry of complex vector bundlesLeave the NDL website. Spectral analysis of economic time seriesLeave the NDL website. Tacitus and the Tacitean traditionLeave the NDL website. New essays by De Quincey : his contributions to the Edinburgh Saturday Post and the Edinburgh Evening Post, 1827-1828Leave the NDL website. Étale cohomologyLeave the NDL website. Topics in algebraic and analytic geometry : notes from a course of Phillip GriffithsLeave the NDL website. Political culture and political developmentLeave the NDL website. Wing theoryLeave the NDL website. 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Society and documentation in crusader ValenciaLeave the NDL website. Evolution of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Crime, madness, & politics in modern France : the medical concept of national declineLeave the NDL website. American health quackery : collected essaysLeave the NDL website. Melville's quarrel with GodLeave the NDL website. Pseudodifferential operatorsLeave the NDL website. Reframing culture : the case of the Vitagraph quality filmsLeave the NDL website. Labyrinths of power : political recruitment in twentieth-century MexicoLeave the NDL website. The maniac in the cellar : sensation novels of the 1860sLeave the NDL website. Analytic pseudodifferential operators for the Heisenberg group and local solvabilityLeave the NDL website. Private academies of Tokugawa JapanLeave the NDL website. Russian experimental fiction : resisting ideology after UtopiaLeave the NDL website. Medieval colonialism : postcrusade exploitation of Islamic ValenciaLeave the NDL website. Recent advances in global optimizationLeave the NDL website. Physical cosmologyLeave the NDL website. Close readers : humanism and sodomy in early modern EnglandLeave the NDL website. Shafarevich maps and automorphic formsLeave the NDL website. Politics of trade negotiations between Africa and the European Economic Community : the weak confront the strongLeave the NDL website. Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial number theoryLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of election and the emergence of Elizabethan tragedyLeave the NDL website. Railroads, reconstruction, and the gospel of prosperity : aid under the radical Republicans, 1865-1877Leave the NDL website. Classifying by raceLeave the NDL website. Lectures 1795 : on politics and religionLeave the NDL website. Suicidal narrative in modern Japan : the case of Dazai OsamuLeave the NDL website. John Donne : conservative revolutionaryLeave the NDL website. The structure of Thucydides' HistoryLeave the NDL website. 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Frontier : American literature and the American WestLeave the NDL website. The statistical mechanics of lattice gasesLeave the NDL website. Politics and culture in Renaissance NaplesLeave the NDL website. The character of the poet : Wordsworth in "The prelude"Leave the NDL website. Epidemics and mortality in early modern JapanLeave the NDL website. The language of French symbolismLeave the NDL website. Analyzing strategic nuclear policyLeave the NDL website. The Damiens affair and the unraveling of the ancien régime, 1750-1770Leave the NDL website. Soldiers and the Soviet state : civil-military relations from Brezhnev to GorbachevLeave the NDL website. Romanticism and the forms of ruin : Wordsworth, Coleridge, the modalities of fragmentationLeave the NDL website. Physiognomy in the European novel : faces and fortunesLeave the NDL website. The sovereignty of reason : the defense of rationality in the early English EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. The rise of the Roman jurists : studies in Cicero's Pro CaecinaLeave the NDL website. Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1856-1876Leave the NDL website. Home and homeland : the dialogics of tribal and national identities in JordanLeave the NDL website. Theory of cost and production functionsLeave the NDL website. The quest for peace : three moral traditions in western cultural historyLeave the NDL website. From Poliziano to Machiavelli : Florentine humanism in the high RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. The pre-Socratics : a collection of critical essaysLeave the NDL website. Rhapsodies on natural phenomena, birds and animals, aspirations and feelings, sorrowful laments, literature, music, and passionsLeave the NDL website. Democratic socialism in Jamaica : the political movement and social transformation in dependent capitalismLeave the NDL website. Escalation and nuclear optionLeave the NDL website. The idea of a theater : a study of ten plays, the art of drama in changing perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Aspects of social change in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Semitic words in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate PeriodLeave the NDL website. Buddhism and the state in sixteenth-century JapanLeave the NDL website. Access to power : politics and the urban poor in developing nationsLeave the NDL website. The speeches in Vergil's AeneidLeave the NDL website. The collected letters of William MorrisLeave the NDL website. Physics of magmatic processesLeave the NDL website. The role of mathematics in the rise of scienceLeave the NDL website. Several complex variables : proceedings of the Mittag-Leffler Institute, 1987-1988Leave the NDL website. Stationary stochastic processesLeave the NDL website. Byzantium and the decline of the Roman EmpireLeave the NDL website. Foundations of algebraic topologyLeave the NDL website. Toward a modern Japanese theatre : Kishida KunioLeave the NDL website. The P(Φ)[2] Euclidean (quantum) field theoryLeave the NDL website. Agricultural development and tenancy disputes in Japan, 1870-1940Leave the NDL website. Between war and peace : the Potsdam ConferenceLeave the NDL website. Off the ground : first steps to a philosophical consideration of the danceLeave the NDL website. D-modules and spherical representationsLeave the NDL website. Privatization and the welfare stateLeave the NDL website. The blue-eyed enemy : Japan against the West in Java and Luzon, 1942-1945Leave the NDL website. Japan : a comparative viewLeave the NDL website. Female labor supply : theory and estimationLeave the NDL website. Playing with signs : a semiotic interpretation of classic musicLeave the NDL website. Before the computer : IBM, NCR, Burroughs, and Remington Rand and the industry they created, 1865-1956Leave the NDL website. The middle passage : comparative studies in the Atlantic slave tradeLeave the NDL website. The limits of state autonomy : post-revolutionary MexicoLeave the NDL website. Essays on Fourier analysis in honor of Elias M. SteinLeave the NDL website. Guide to tables in mathematical statisticsLeave the NDL website. Augustus Caesar in "Augustan" England : the decline of a classical normLeave the NDL website. Legal reform in occupied Japan : a participant looks backLeave the NDL website. Open borders, nonalignment, and the political evolution of YugoslaviaLeave the NDL website. Optimization : a theory of necessary conditionsLeave the NDL website. On uniformization of complex manifolds : the role of connectionsLeave the NDL website. American samurai : Captain L.L. Janes and JapanLeave the NDL website. Economic planning for the peaceLeave the NDL website. Kinetic theory in the earth sciencesLeave the NDL website. Dickens and mesmerism : the hidden springs of fictionLeave the NDL website. The general will before Rousseau : the transformation of the divine into the civicLeave the NDL website. Collected worksLeave the NDL website. Emerson as poetLeave the NDL website. Mathematical statistical mechanicsLeave the NDL website. Introduction to algebraic and constructive quantum field theoryLeave the NDL website. Poetic form in Blake's MiltonLeave the NDL website. Interpreting political responsibility : essays 1981-1989Leave the NDL website. State and diplomacy in early modern Japan : Asia in the development of the Tokugawa BakufuLeave the NDL website. Congo 1964 : political documents of a developing nationLeave the NDL website. How the conservatives rule JapanLeave the NDL website. Elie Cartan-Albert Einstein : letters on absolute parallelism, 1929-1932Leave the NDL website. Social change and the individual : Japan before and after defeat in World War IILeave the NDL website. Politics and policy implementation in the Third WorldLeave the NDL website. The poverty of revolution : the state and the urban poor in MexicoLeave the NDL website. The lordship of England : royal wardships and marriages in English society and politics, 1217-1327Leave the NDL website. François Hotman : a revolutionary's ordealLeave the NDL website. The Darwinian heritageLeave the NDL website. John de Witt, grand pensionary of Holland, 1625-1672Leave the NDL website. Viscosity of the earth's mantleLeave the NDL website. Ōkagami, the Great mirror : Fujiwara Michinaga (966-1027) and his times : a study and translationLeave the NDL website. The transmission of knowledge in Medieval Cairo : a social history of Islamic educationLeave the NDL website. The vitality of the lyric voice : Shih poetry from the Late Han to the TʾangLeave the NDL website. Justice and reverse discriminationLeave the NDL website. Early American literature : a comparatist approachLeave the NDL website. Turkish folk music from Asia minorLeave the NDL website. UNESCO and world politics : engaging in international relationsLeave the NDL website. Paths of emancipation : Jews, states, and citizenshipLeave the NDL website. English literature, 1660-1800Leave the NDL website. On the edge of anarchy : Locke, consent, and the limits of societyLeave the NDL website. Blindness and autobiography : Al-Ayyam of Taha HusaynLeave the NDL website. Priest & parish in eighteenth-century France : a social and political study of the curés in a diocese of Dauphiné, 1750-1791Leave the NDL website. Prophecy and reason : the Dutch Collegiants in the early EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. Muslims under Latin rule, 1100-1300Leave the NDL website. Society and the adolescent self-imageLeave the NDL website. The roots of Solidarity : a political sociology of Poland's working-class democratizationLeave the NDL website. The Soviets in international organizations : changing policy toward developing countries, 1953-1963Leave the NDL website. The enjoyment of mathLeave the NDL website. King and the clown in south indian myth and poetryLeave the NDL website. Aesthetic and critical theory of John RuskinLeave the NDL website. Why preserve natural variety?Leave the NDL website. The making of an Arab nationalist : Ottomanism and Arabism in the life and thought of Sati' Al-HusriLeave the NDL website. The validity of values, a normative theory of evaluative rationalityLeave the NDL website. Human rights and the South African legal orderLeave the NDL website. The state and society : Peru in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The practice of data analysis : essays in honor of John W. TukeyLeave the NDL website. Printed propaganda under Louis XIV : absolute monarchy and public opinionLeave the NDL website. Current algebra and anomaliesLeave the NDL website. Compensation mechanisms for job risks : wages, workers' compensation, and product liabilityLeave the NDL website. The friendLeave the NDL website. Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial number theoryLeave the NDL website. Robust estimates of location : survey and advancesLeave the NDL website. Bartolomeo Scala, 1430-1497, Chancellor of Florence : the humanist as bureaucratLeave the NDL website. Fractals in the natural sciences : a discussionLeave the NDL website. Education and equality in JapanLeave the NDL website. Molds, molecules, and metazoa : growing points in evolutionary biologyLeave the NDL website. Household interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient AthensLeave the NDL website. The look of Russian literature : avant-garde visual experiments, 1900-1930Leave the NDL website. The fate of meaning : Charles Peirce, structuralism, and literatureLeave the NDL website. English criticism in Japan : essays by younger Japanese scholars on English and American literatureLeave the NDL website. Greek mythology in Byzantine artLeave the NDL website. Frontier : American literature and the American WestLeave the NDL website. Maxwell's demon : entropy, information, computingLeave the NDL website. Cooperative microeconomics : a game-theoretic introductionLeave the NDL website. Eleusis and the Eleusinian mysteriesLeave the NDL website. "To be an author" : letters of Charles W. Chesnutt, 1889-1905Leave the NDL website. Reasoning about discrimination : the analysis of professional and executive work in Federal antibias programsLeave the NDL website. Catastrophes and earth history : the new uniformitarianismLeave the NDL website. The atomic bomb and the end of World War IILeave the NDL website. ArchimedesLeave the NDL website. Aircraft dynamics and automatic controlLeave the NDL website. Desegregation : resistance and readinessLeave the NDL website. Structural and statistical problems for a class of stochastic processesLeave the NDL website. Imperial Germany and a world without war : the peace movement and German society, 1892-1914Leave the NDL website. Conflict in Africa : concepts and realitiesLeave the NDL website. Essays on the intellectual history of economicsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on pseudo-differential operators : regularity theorems and applications to non-elliptic problemsLeave the NDL website. The matrix of policy in the PhilippinesLeave the NDL website. The illustrated Walden : with photographs from the Gleason collectionLeave the NDL website. Teachers and politics in JapanLeave the NDL website. British genres : cinema and society, 1930-1960Leave the NDL website. Lectures on current algebra and its applicationsLeave the NDL website. Law in diplomacyLeave the NDL website. Emile Cohl, caricature, and filmLeave the NDL website. Topics in noncommutative geometryLeave the NDL website. Crafting a class : college admissions and financial aid, 1955-1994Leave the NDL website. Quantum mechanics for Hamiltonians defined as quadratic formsLeave the NDL website. The Origin of modern humans and the impact of chronometric dating : a discussionLeave the NDL website. The poor in court : the legal services program and Supreme Court decision makingLeave the NDL website. Number 7 : Alexander Hamilton's secret attempts to control American foreign policyLeave the NDL website. Revolt in Japan : the young officers and the February 26, 1936 incidentLeave the NDL website. The emergence of modern universities in France, 1863-1914Leave the NDL website. The new map of the world : the poetic philosophy of Giambattista VicoLeave the NDL website. Dimension theoryLeave the NDL website. Unseasonal migrations : the effects of rural labor scarcity in PeruLeave the NDL website. Soviet strategies in Southeast Asia : an exploration of Eastern policy under Lenin and StalinLeave the NDL website. Cinematernity : film, motherhood, genreLeave the NDL website. Victorian suicide : mad crimes and sad historiesLeave the NDL website. Morals and medicine : the moral problems of the patient's right to know the truth, contraception, artificial insemination, sterilization, euthanasiaLeave the NDL website. A prosentential theory of truthLeave the NDL website. Opposition to Louis XIV : the political and social origins of the French EnlightenmentLeave the NDL website. Blueprints and blood : the Stalinization of Soviet architecture, 1917-1937Leave the NDL website. Reading frames in modern fictionLeave the NDL website. An introduction to differential geometry : with use of tensor calculusLeave the NDL website. Urban networks in Ch'ing China and Tokugawa JapanLeave the NDL website. Introduction to topologyLeave the NDL website. Fault-related rocks : a photographic atlasLeave the NDL website. Wallace Stevens : the making of harmoniumLeave the NDL website. The Black Death in the Middle EastLeave the NDL website. Joyce and Dante : the shaping imaginationLeave the NDL website. Strategy and nuclear deterrenceLeave the NDL website. KojikiLeave the NDL website. Foreign aid : theory and practice in Southern AsiaLeave the NDL website. Japan before Tokugawa : political consolidation and economic growth, 1500 to 1650Leave the NDL website. The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian policy, 1933-1941Leave the NDL website. The contemplative poetry of Gerard Manley HopkinsLeave the NDL website. Rhapsodies on sacrifices, hunting, travel, sightseeing, palaces and halls, rivers and seasLeave the NDL website. Essays in international economicsLeave the NDL website. States, social knowledge, and the origins of modern social policiesLeave the NDL website. When parties fail : emerging alternative organizationsLeave the NDL website. Matrices and societyLeave the NDL website. Political system and change : a world politics readerLeave the NDL website. The U.S. Marines and amphibious war : its theory, and its practice in the PacificLeave the NDL website. Crime, madness, & politics in modern France : the medical concept of national declineLeave the NDL website. The Damiens affair and the unraveling of the ancien régime, 1750-1770Leave the NDL website. Conflict among nations : bargaining, decision making, and system structure in international crisesLeave the NDL website. Sacred rhetoric : the Christian grand style in the English RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Ottoman civil officialdom : a social historyLeave the NDL website. Toward a modern Japanese theatre : Kishida KunioLeave the NDL website. The county courts of medieval England, 1150-1350Leave the NDL website. Jerusalem : the holy city in the eyes of chroniclers, visitors, pilgrims, and prophets from the days of Abraham to the beginnings of modern timesLeave the NDL website. Joseph Alois Schumpeter : the public life of a private manLeave the NDL website. The science of religion and the sociology of knowledge : some methodological questionsLeave the NDL website. Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck : 1800-1866Leave the NDL website. Fire across the sea : the Vietnam War and Japan 1965-1975Leave the NDL website. Artist and patron in postwar Japan : dance, music, theater, and the visual arts, 1955-1980Leave the NDL website. Plateau's problem and the calculus of variations (MN-35)/ [by] Michael StruweLeave the NDL website. The Enlightenment as social criticism : Iosipos Moisiodax and Greek culture in the eighteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Russia's western borderlands, 1710-1870Leave the NDL website. The Cercle Social, the Girondins, and the French RevolutionLeave the NDL website. William Penn : politics and conscienceLeave the NDL website. Jacobin legacy : the democratic movement under the directoryLeave the NDL website. Nabokov's otherworldLeave the NDL website. Conflict among nations : bargaining, decision making, and system structure in international crisesLeave the NDL website. The international politics of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970Leave the NDL website. Epidemics and mortality in early modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Hawthorne and the historical romance of New EnglandLeave the NDL website. Knowing one's enemies : intelligence assessment before the two world warsLeave the NDL website. Regulating business by independent commissionLeave the NDL website. The Dutch East India Company and the economy of Bengal, 1630-1720Leave the NDL website. Manufacturing miracles : paths of industrialization in Latin America and East AsiaLeave the NDL website. From perturbative to constructive renormalizationLeave the NDL website. Blackout : reinventing women for wartime British cinemaLeave the NDL website. The twilight of French eastern alliances, 1926-1936 : French-Czechoslovak-Polish relations from Locarno to the remilitarization of the RhinelandLeave the NDL website. The contemplative poetry of Gerard Manley HopkinsLeave the NDL website. Pierrot : a critical history of a maskLeave the NDL website. Past and process in Herodotus and ThucydidesLeave the NDL website. The symbolic imagination : Coleridge and the romantic traditionLeave the NDL website. The origin of the idea of crusadeLeave the NDL website. The Albanian national awakening, 1878-1912Leave the NDL website. Metaphilosophical inquiriesLeave the NDL website. Behind the front lines of the civil war : political parties and social movements in Russia, 1918-1922Leave the NDL website. A Thoreau gazetteerLeave the NDL website. Convexity in the theory of lattice gasesLeave the NDL website. The king of inventors : a life of Wilkie CollinsLeave the NDL website. The era of the individual : a contribution to a history of subjectivityLeave the NDL website. Indian security policyLeave the NDL website. Political modernization in Japan and TurkeyLeave the NDL website. Farm and nation in modern Japan : agrarian nationalism, 1870-1940Leave the NDL website. Making peace : the reconstruction of gender in interwar BritainLeave the NDL website. Deterrence and defense : toward a theory of national securityLeave the NDL website. Rural scenes and national representation : Britain, 1815-1850Leave the NDL website. The decline of fertility in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Boethius and dialogue : literary method in The consolation of philosophyLeave the NDL website. Labor in a new land : economy and society in seventeenth-century SpringfieldLeave the NDL website. The Diplomats : 1939-1979Leave the NDL website. Ideology, reason, and the limitation of war : religious and secular concepts, 1200-1740Leave the NDL website. Political culture and political developmentLeave the NDL website. Aesthetic and myth in the poetry of KeatsLeave the NDL website. Changing song : the Marxist manifestos of Nakano ShigeharuLeave the NDL website. The role of providence in the social order : an essay in intellectual historyLeave the NDL website. The book of idols : being a translation from the Arabic of the Kitāb al-AṣnāmLeave the NDL website. The discipline of subjectivity : an essay on MontaigneLeave the NDL website. Situated meaning : inside and outside in Japanese self, society, and languageLeave the NDL website. Adventures in the deeps of the mind : the Cuchulain cycle of W.B. YeatsLeave the NDL website. The analysis of knowing : a decade of researchLeave the NDL website. The romantic prison : the French traditionLeave the NDL website. Ecology and natural history of desert lizards : analyses of the ecological niche and community structureLeave the NDL website. The German Bildungsroman from Wieland to HesseLeave the NDL website. Russia's western borderlands, 1710-1870Leave the NDL website. The fantastic in literatureLeave the NDL website. Changing gods in medieval China, 1127-1276Leave the NDL website. Theory of human actionLeave the NDL website. Richelieu and reason of stateLeave the NDL website. Tell me Africa : an approach to African literatureLeave the NDL website. The confidence game in American literatureLeave the NDL website. From asylum to community : mental health policy in modern AmericaLeave the NDL website. Priest & parish in eighteenth-century France : a social and political study of the curés in a diocese of Dauphiné, 1750-1791Leave the NDL website. In the eye's mind : vision and the Helmholtz-Hering controversyLeave the NDL website. A tacit alliance : France and Israel from Suez to the Six Day WarLeave the NDL website. The politics of regional policy in Japan : localities incorporated?Leave the NDL website. Ornamentation and improvisation in MozartLeave the NDL website. History as a visual art in the twelfth-century renaissanceLeave the NDL website. Public drinking and popular culture in eighteenth-century ParisLeave the NDL website. Paternalistic intervention : the moral bounds on benevolenceLeave the NDL website. Puritans and Yankees the Winthrop dynasty of New England, 1630-1717Leave the NDL website. Landlords and tenants in Imperial RomeLeave the NDL website. Strategy in the missile ageLeave the NDL website. The literate revolution in Greece and its cultural consequencesLeave the NDL website. The readable people of George MeredithLeave the NDL website. Enchantment and disenchantment : love and illusion in Chinese literatureLeave the NDL website. Artist and patron in postwar Japan : dance, music, theater, and the visual arts, 1955-1980Leave the NDL website. Immigrant labor and racial conflict in industrial societies : the French and British experience, 1945-1975Leave the NDL website. Global analysis : papers in honor of K. KodairaLeave the NDL website. Lectures on the h-cobordism theoremLeave the NDL website. Reforging the Iron Cross : the search for tradition in the West German armed forcesLeave the NDL website. The battle of the gods and giants : the legacies of Descartes and Gassendi, 1655-1715Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Astronomy through the ages : the story of the human attempt to understand the universe

  • Before command : an economic history of Russia from emancipation to the first five-year plan

  • Women writers and poetic identity : Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, and Emily Dickinson

  • Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union

  • Imagining war : French and British military doctrine between the wars

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Related Material
Astronomy through the ages : the story of the human attempt to understand the universe
Before command : an economic history of Russia from emancipation to the first five-year plan
Women writers and poetic identity : Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, and Emily Dickinson
Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union
Imagining war : French and British military doctrine between the wars
Plateau's problem and the calculus of variations (MN-35)/ [by] Michael Struwe
Modern Japanese fiction and its traditions : an introduction
The lyrical novel : studies in Hermann Hesse, André Gide, and Virginia Woolf
The epistolary moment : the poetics of the eighteenth-century verse epistle
Antitrust in Japan
On the constitution of the church and state
The idea of the actor : drama and the ethics of performance
Agriculture and economic growth : Japan's experience
The transformation of theology, 1830-1890 : positivism and Protestant thought in Britain and America
Lay Buddhism in contemporary Japan : Reiyūkai Kyōdan
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The silent revolution : changing values and political styles among Western publics
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Politics and statecraft in the kingdom of Greece, 1833-1843
Studies in intellectual history of Tokugawa Japan
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The dilemmas of growth in prewar Japan
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Ethnobiological classification : principles of categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies
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American health quackery : collected essays
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Labyrinths of power : political recruitment in twentieth-century Mexico
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The structure of Thucydides' History
Choreia : Pindar and dance
Welfare, modernity, and the Weimar State, 1919-1933
Communications and political development
Autobiography : essays theoretical and critical
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From communion to cannibalism : an anatomy of metaphors of incorporation
Algebraic geometry
Theory of cost and production functions
Language and decadence in the Victorian fin de siècle
Theory and reality in public international law
The first amendment, democracy, and romance
The economics of labor force participation
Naval strategy and national security : an international security reader
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The sovereignty of reason : the defense of rationality in the early English Enlightenment
Essays on English and American literature
Kunihiko Kodaira : collected works
Capitalist control and workers' struggle in the Brazilian auto industry
Human resources in Japanese industrial development
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Studies on the origin of harmonic tonality
Ships machinery and mossbacks : the autobiography of a naval engineer
Homogeneous relativistic cosmologies
Elektra : a play
Soviet foreign propaganda
The labor force in economic development : a comparison of international census data, 1946-1966
Mathematical evolutionary theory
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A history of Japanese literature
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Emerson's romantic style
Chinese narrative : critical and theoretical essays
Ezra Pound and the symbolist inheritance
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Hegel's political philosophy : interpreting the practice of legal punishment
Victors' justice : the Tokyo War Crimes Trial
Patronage in the Renaissance
Topology of 4-manifolds
Clear and simple as the truth : writing classic prose
Political community and the North Atlantic area : international organization in the light of historical experience
The formation of a provincial nobility : the magistrates of the Parlement of Rouen, 1499-1610
Gaon : conflict and cohesion in an Indian village
Strategic intelligence for American world policy
Chaucerian fiction
Notes on crystalline cohomology
Workers and the right in Spain, 1900-1936
Muslim law courts and the French colonial state in Algeria
The adventures of Wu : the life cycle of a Peking man
Flowing traces : Buddhism in the literary and visual arts of Japan
Shelley's Cenci : scorpions ringed with fire
Emerson : the roots of prophecy
A tale of eleventh-century Japan : Hamamatsu Chūnagon monogatari
The artistry of Aeschylus and Zeami : a comparative study of Greek tragedy and nō
Decolonization in Britain and France : the domestic consequences of international relations
The experiences of Tiresias : the feminine and the Greek man
Foundations of crusader Valencia : revolt and recovery, 1257-1263
The legend and cult of Upagupta : Sanskrit Buddhism in north India and Southeast Asia
Rights, justice, and the bounds of liberty : essays in social philosophy
Six circles, one dewdrop : the religio-aesthetic world of Komparu Zenchiku
Pierrots on the stage of desire : nineteenth-century French literary artists and the comic pantomime
Report of the committee on the future of the college
Neverending stories : toward a critical narratology
Congo 1965 : political documents of a developing nation
Protest in Tokyo : the security treaty crisis of 1960
Theory of film practice
The Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics
The orthodox sources of disbelief
Puppets of nostalgia : the life, death, and rebirth of the Japanese Awaji ningyō tradition
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God in Greek philosophy to the time of Socrates
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Two Chinese poets : vignettes of Han life and thought
The Japanese informal empire in China, 1895-1937
The Third World in Soviet perspective : studies by Soviet writers on the developing areas
Quantum theory and measurement
Riemann surfaces
Colonial transformation of kenya : the Kamba, Kikuyu, and Maasai from 1900-1939
The poverty of revolution : the State and the urban poor in Mexico
Tradition and modernization in Japanese culture
Leo Tolstoy, resident and stranger : a study in fiction and theology
Algebraic structures of symmetric domains
The fiction of relationship
Death and the optimistic prophecy in Vergil's Aeneid
Global analysis : papers in honor of K. Kodaira
The business cycle : growth and crisis under capitalism
The rise of historical writing among the Arabs
Labor in the public and nonprofit sectors
Galen on respiration and the arteries : an edition with English translation and commentary of De usu respirationis, An in arteriis natura sanguis contineatur, De usu pulsum, and De causis respirationis
Metaphilosophical inquiries
British naval administration in the age of Walpole
The imagery of Sophocles' Antigone : a study of poetic language and structure
Urban networks in Russia, 1750-1800, and premodern periodization
Economic and demographic change in preindustrial Japan, 1600-1868
Japan's quest for autonomy : national security and foreign policy : 1930-1938
Style and consciousness in Middle English narrative
Politics against markets : the social democratic road to power
The global politics of arms sales
Frontier : American literature and the American West
The statistical mechanics of lattice gases
Politics and culture in Renaissance Naples
The character of the poet : Wordsworth in "The prelude"
Epidemics and mortality in early modern Japan
The language of French symbolism
Analyzing strategic nuclear policy
The Damiens affair and the unraveling of the ancien régime, 1750-1770
Soldiers and the Soviet state : civil-military relations from Brezhnev to Gorbachev
Romanticism and the forms of ruin : Wordsworth, Coleridge, the modalities of fragmentation
Physiognomy in the European novel : faces and fortunes
The sovereignty of reason : the defense of rationality in the early English Enlightenment
The rise of the Roman jurists : studies in Cicero's Pro Caecina
Reform in the Ottoman Empire, 1856-1876
Home and homeland : the dialogics of tribal and national identities in Jordan
Theory of cost and production functions
The quest for peace : three moral traditions in western cultural history
From Poliziano to Machiavelli : Florentine humanism in the high Renaissance
The pre-Socratics : a collection of critical essays
Rhapsodies on natural phenomena, birds and animals, aspirations and feelings, sorrowful laments, literature, music, and passions
Democratic socialism in Jamaica : the political movement and social transformation in dependent capitalism
Escalation and nuclear option
The idea of a theater : a study of ten plays, the art of drama in changing perspective
Aspects of social change in modern Japan
Semitic words in Egyptian texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period
Buddhism and the state in sixteenth-century Japan
Access to power : politics and the urban poor in developing nations
The speeches in Vergil's Aeneid
The collected letters of William Morris
Physics of magmatic processes
The role of mathematics in the rise of science
Several complex variables : proceedings of the Mittag-Leffler Institute, 1987-1988
Stationary stochastic processes
Byzantium and the decline of the Roman Empire
Foundations of algebraic topology
Toward a modern Japanese theatre : Kishida Kunio
The P(Φ)[2] Euclidean (quantum) field theory
Agricultural development and tenancy disputes in Japan, 1870-1940
Between war and peace : the Potsdam Conference
Off the ground : first steps to a philosophical consideration of the dance
D-modules and spherical representations
Privatization and the welfare state
The blue-eyed enemy : Japan against the West in Java and Luzon, 1942-1945
Japan : a comparative view
Female labor supply : theory and estimation
Playing with signs : a semiotic interpretation of classic music
Before the computer : IBM, NCR, Burroughs, and Remington Rand and the industry they created, 1865-1956
The middle passage : comparative studies in the Atlantic slave trade
The limits of state autonomy : post-revolutionary Mexico
Essays on Fourier analysis in honor of Elias M. Stein
Guide to tables in mathematical statistics
Augustus Caesar in "Augustan" England : the decline of a classical norm
Legal reform in occupied Japan : a participant looks back
Open borders, nonalignment, and the political evolution of Yugoslavia
Optimization : a theory of necessary conditions
On uniformization of complex manifolds : the role of connections
American samurai : Captain L.L. Janes and Japan
Economic planning for the peace
Kinetic theory in the earth sciences
Dickens and mesmerism : the hidden springs of fiction
The general will before Rousseau : the transformation of the divine into the civic
Collected works
Emerson as poet
Mathematical statistical mechanics
Introduction to algebraic and constructive quantum field theory
Poetic form in Blake's Milton
Interpreting political responsibility : essays 1981-1989
State and diplomacy in early modern Japan : Asia in the development of the Tokugawa Bakufu
Congo 1964 : political documents of a developing nation
How the conservatives rule Japan
Elie Cartan-Albert Einstein : letters on absolute parallelism, 1929-1932
Social change and the individual : Japan before and after defeat in World War II
Politics and policy implementation in the Third World
The poverty of revolution : the state and the urban poor in Mexico
The lordship of England : royal wardships and marriages in English society and politics, 1217-1327
François Hotman : a revolutionary's ordeal
The Darwinian heritage
John de Witt, grand pensionary of Holland, 1625-1672
Viscosity of the earth's mantle
Ōkagami, the Great mirror : Fujiwara Michinaga (966-1027) and his times : a study and translation
The transmission of knowledge in Medieval Cairo : a social history of Islamic education
The vitality of the lyric voice : Shih poetry from the Late Han to the Tʾang
Justice and reverse discrimination
Early American literature : a comparatist approach
Turkish folk music from Asia minor
UNESCO and world politics : engaging in international relations
Paths of emancipation : Jews, states, and citizenship
English literature, 1660-1800
On the edge of anarchy : Locke, consent, and the limits of society
Blindness and autobiography : Al-Ayyam of Taha Husayn
Priest & parish in eighteenth-century France : a social and political study of the curés in a diocese of Dauphiné, 1750-1791
Prophecy and reason : the Dutch Collegiants in the early Enlightenment
Muslims under Latin rule, 1100-1300
Society and the adolescent self-image
The roots of Solidarity : a political sociology of Poland's working-class democratization
The Soviets in international organizations : changing policy toward developing countries, 1953-1963
The enjoyment of math
King and the clown in south indian myth and poetry
Aesthetic and critical theory of John Ruskin
Why preserve natural variety?
The making of an Arab nationalist : Ottomanism and Arabism in the life and thought of Sati' Al-Husri
The validity of values, a normative theory of evaluative rationality
Human rights and the South African legal order
The state and society : Peru in comparative perspective
The practice of data analysis : essays in honor of John W. Tukey
Printed propaganda under Louis XIV : absolute monarchy and public opinion
Current algebra and anomalies
Compensation mechanisms for job risks : wages, workers' compensation, and product liability
The friend
Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial number theory
Robust estimates of location : survey and advances
Bartolomeo Scala, 1430-1497, Chancellor of Florence : the humanist as bureaucrat
Fractals in the natural sciences : a discussion
Education and equality in Japan
Molds, molecules, and metazoa : growing points in evolutionary biology
Household interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient Athens
The look of Russian literature : avant-garde visual experiments, 1900-1930
The fate of meaning : Charles Peirce, structuralism, and literature
English criticism in Japan : essays by younger Japanese scholars on English and American literature
Greek mythology in Byzantine art
Frontier : American literature and the American West
Maxwell's demon : entropy, information, computing
Cooperative microeconomics : a game-theoretic introduction
Eleusis and the Eleusinian mysteries
"To be an author" : letters of Charles W. Chesnutt, 1889-1905
Reasoning about discrimination : the analysis of professional and executive work in Federal antibias programs
Catastrophes and earth history : the new uniformitarianism
The atomic bomb and the end of World War II
Aircraft dynamics and automatic control
Desegregation : resistance and readiness
Structural and statistical problems for a class of stochastic processes
Imperial Germany and a world without war : the peace movement and German society, 1892-1914
Conflict in Africa : concepts and realities
Essays on the intellectual history of economics
Lectures on pseudo-differential operators : regularity theorems and applications to non-elliptic problems
The matrix of policy in the Philippines
The illustrated Walden : with photographs from the Gleason collection
Teachers and politics in Japan
British genres : cinema and society, 1930-1960
Lectures on current algebra and its applications
Law in diplomacy
Emile Cohl, caricature, and film
Topics in noncommutative geometry
Crafting a class : college admissions and financial aid, 1955-1994
Quantum mechanics for Hamiltonians defined as quadratic forms
The Origin of modern humans and the impact of chronometric dating : a discussion
The poor in court : the legal services program and Supreme Court decision making
Number 7 : Alexander Hamilton's secret attempts to control American foreign policy
Revolt in Japan : the young officers and the February 26, 1936 incident
The emergence of modern universities in France, 1863-1914
The new map of the world : the poetic philosophy of Giambattista Vico
Dimension theory
Unseasonal migrations : the effects of rural labor scarcity in Peru
Soviet strategies in Southeast Asia : an exploration of Eastern policy under Lenin and Stalin
Cinematernity : film, motherhood, genre
Victorian suicide : mad crimes and sad histories
Morals and medicine : the moral problems of the patient's right to know the truth, contraception, artificial insemination, sterilization, euthanasia
A prosentential theory of truth
Opposition to Louis XIV : the political and social origins of the French Enlightenment
Blueprints and blood : the Stalinization of Soviet architecture, 1917-1937
Reading frames in modern fiction
An introduction to differential geometry : with use of tensor calculus
Urban networks in Ch'ing China and Tokugawa Japan
Introduction to topology
Fault-related rocks : a photographic atlas
Wallace Stevens : the making of harmonium
The Black Death in the Middle East
Joyce and Dante : the shaping imagination
Strategy and nuclear deterrence
Foreign aid : theory and practice in Southern Asia
Japan before Tokugawa : political consolidation and economic growth, 1500 to 1650
The Standard-Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian policy, 1933-1941
The contemplative poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Rhapsodies on sacrifices, hunting, travel, sightseeing, palaces and halls, rivers and seas
Essays in international economics
States, social knowledge, and the origins of modern social policies
When parties fail : emerging alternative organizations
Matrices and society
Political system and change : a world politics reader
The U.S. Marines and amphibious war : its theory, and its practice in the Pacific
Crime, madness, & politics in modern France : the medical concept of national decline
The Damiens affair and the unraveling of the ancien régime, 1750-1770
Conflict among nations : bargaining, decision making, and system structure in international crises
Sacred rhetoric : the Christian grand style in the English Renaissance
Ottoman civil officialdom : a social history
Toward a modern Japanese theatre : Kishida Kunio
The county courts of medieval England, 1150-1350
Jerusalem : the holy city in the eyes of chroniclers, visitors, pilgrims, and prophets from the days of Abraham to the beginnings of modern times
Joseph Alois Schumpeter : the public life of a private man
The science of religion and the sociology of knowledge : some methodological questions
Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck : 1800-1866
Fire across the sea : the Vietnam War and Japan 1965-1975
Artist and patron in postwar Japan : dance, music, theater, and the visual arts, 1955-1980
Plateau's problem and the calculus of variations (MN-35)/ [by] Michael Struwe
The Enlightenment as social criticism : Iosipos Moisiodax and Greek culture in the eighteenth century
Russia's western borderlands, 1710-1870
The Cercle Social, the Girondins, and the French Revolution
William Penn : politics and conscience
Jacobin legacy : the democratic movement under the directory
Nabokov's otherworld
Conflict among nations : bargaining, decision making, and system structure in international crises
The international politics of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970
Epidemics and mortality in early modern Japan
Hawthorne and the historical romance of New England
Knowing one's enemies : intelligence assessment before the two world wars
Regulating business by independent commission
The Dutch East India Company and the economy of Bengal, 1630-1720
Manufacturing miracles : paths of industrialization in Latin America and East Asia
From perturbative to constructive renormalization
Blackout : reinventing women for wartime British cinema
The twilight of French eastern alliances, 1926-1936 : French-Czechoslovak-Polish relations from Locarno to the remilitarization of the Rhineland
The contemplative poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Pierrot : a critical history of a mask
Past and process in Herodotus and Thucydides
The symbolic imagination : Coleridge and the romantic tradition
The origin of the idea of crusade
The Albanian national awakening, 1878-1912
Metaphilosophical inquiries
Behind the front lines of the civil war : political parties and social movements in Russia, 1918-1922
A Thoreau gazetteer
Convexity in the theory of lattice gases
The king of inventors : a life of Wilkie Collins
The era of the individual : a contribution to a history of subjectivity
Indian security policy
Political modernization in Japan and Turkey
Farm and nation in modern Japan : agrarian nationalism, 1870-1940
Making peace : the reconstruction of gender in interwar Britain
Deterrence and defense : toward a theory of national security
Rural scenes and national representation : Britain, 1815-1850
The decline of fertility in Europe
Boethius and dialogue : literary method in The consolation of philosophy
Labor in a new land : economy and society in seventeenth-century Springfield
The Diplomats : 1939-1979
Ideology, reason, and the limitation of war : religious and secular concepts, 1200-1740
Political culture and political development
Aesthetic and myth in the poetry of Keats
Changing song : the Marxist manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu
The role of providence in the social order : an essay in intellectual history
The book of idols : being a translation from the Arabic of the Kitāb al-Aṣnām
The discipline of subjectivity : an essay on Montaigne
Situated meaning : inside and outside in Japanese self, society, and language
Adventures in the deeps of the mind : the Cuchulain cycle of W.B. Yeats
The analysis of knowing : a decade of research
The romantic prison : the French tradition
Ecology and natural history of desert lizards : analyses of the ecological niche and community structure
The German Bildungsroman from Wieland to Hesse
Russia's western borderlands, 1710-1870
The fantastic in literature
Changing gods in medieval China, 1127-1276
Theory of human action
Richelieu and reason of state
Tell me Africa : an approach to African literature
The confidence game in American literature
From asylum to community : mental health policy in modern America
Priest & parish in eighteenth-century France : a social and political study of the curés in a diocese of Dauphiné, 1750-1791
In the eye's mind : vision and the Helmholtz-Hering controversy
A tacit alliance : France and Israel from Suez to the Six Day War
The politics of regional policy in Japan : localities incorporated?
Ornamentation and improvisation in Mozart
History as a visual art in the twelfth-century renaissance
Public drinking and popular culture in eighteenth-century Paris
Paternalistic intervention : the moral bounds on benevolence
Puritans and Yankees the Winthrop dynasty of New England, 1630-1717
Landlords and tenants in Imperial Rome
Strategy in the missile age
The literate revolution in Greece and its cultural consequences
The readable people of George Meredith
Enchantment and disenchantment : love and illusion in Chinese literature
Artist and patron in postwar Japan : dance, music, theater, and the visual arts, 1955-1980
Immigrant labor and racial conflict in industrial societies : the French and British experience, 1945-1975
Global analysis : papers in honor of K. Kodaira
Lectures on the h-cobordism theorem
Reforging the Iron Cross : the search for tradition in the West German armed forces
The battle of the gods and giants : the legacies of Descartes and Gassendi, 1655-1715
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