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影印版底本: 「欽定四庫全書」清・乾隆中敕輯故宮博物院蔵文淵閣本

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御覽經史講義, 31卷Leave the NDL website. 春秋孔義, 12卷 . 春秋四傳糾正, 1卷 . 三正考, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 朱子年譜, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 參寥子詩集, 12卷 . 西渡集, 2卷・補遺1卷Leave the NDL website. 紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖, 1卷 . 幸魯盛典, 40卷Leave the NDL website. 樂書, 200卷Leave the NDL website. 外科理例, 7卷Leave the NDL website. 西巖集, 1卷 . 野谷詩稿, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 遵生八牋, 19卷Leave the NDL website. 禮記訓義擇言, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 詩所, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 榕村四書説, 7卷Leave the NDL website. 居濟一得, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 尚書廣聽録, 5卷 . 尚書七篇解義, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 説文繋傳考異, 4卷附録1卷Leave the NDL website. 周易擧正, 3卷 . 郭氏傳家易説, 11卷Leave the NDL website. 路史, 47卷Leave the NDL website. 日講禮記解義, 64卷Leave the NDL website. 辨定祭禮通俗譜, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 追昔遊集, 3卷 . 鮑溶詩集, 6卷・附1卷Leave the NDL website. 周易傳義合訂, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 吾汶藁, 10卷 . 梅花字字香, 2集Leave the NDL website. 殿閣詞林記, 22卷Leave the NDL website. 景定建康志, 50卷Leave the NDL website. 粤西詩載 . 風月堂詩話, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 長安志圖, 3卷 . 都城紀勝, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 呉興備志, 32卷Leave the NDL website. 欽定遼金元三史國語解, 46卷Leave the NDL website. 醫閭集, 9卷Leave the NDL website. 明本排字九經直音, 2卷 . 經咫, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 芸隱横舟稿, 1卷 ; 芸隱倦游稿, 1卷 . 雪磯叢稿, 5卷 . 西塍集, 1卷 . 月洞吟, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 御定千叟宴詩, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 香乘, 28卷Leave the NDL website. 絜齋毛詩經筵講義, 4卷 . 毛詩寫官記, 4卷 ; 詩札, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 捕蝗考, 1卷 . 石經考, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 漫塘集, 36卷Leave the NDL website. 字鑑, 5卷 . 易韻, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 石屏詩集, 6卷 . 華亭百詠, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 欽定四書文, 41卷Leave the NDL website. 于清端政書, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 脾胃論, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 定山集, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 幸魯盛典, 40卷Leave the NDL website. 宋詩鈔, 106卷Leave the NDL website. 黎嶽集, 1卷 . 唐風集, 3卷 . 春卿遺稿, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 榕村四書説, 7卷 . 大學證文, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 三事忠告, 4卷 . 七國攷, 14卷Leave the NDL website. 尚書詳解, 26卷Leave the NDL website. 内簡尺牘, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 北史識小録, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 青嚢奥語, 1卷 ; 天玉經, 4卷 . 催官篇, 2卷 . 發微論, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 武功縣志, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 趙氏鐵網珊瑚, 16卷Leave the NDL website. 周易函書約存, 卷首3卷・15卷Leave the NDL website. 韓集點勘, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 注解正蒙, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 朱子禮纂, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 立齋遺文, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 春秋孔義, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 榕村語録, 30卷Leave the NDL website. 印典, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 推求師意, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 東西洋考, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 儒林宗派, 16卷Leave the NDL website. 禮記集説, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 靖康要録, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 續後漢書, 44卷Leave the NDL website. 兼明書, 5卷 . 書齋夜話, 4卷Leave the NDL website. 周易觀彖, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 東萊詩集, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 七國攷, 14卷Leave the NDL website. 夷白齋稿, 35卷・外集2卷Leave the NDL website. 傷寒直格方, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 南史識小録, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 補歴代史表, 53卷Leave the NDL website. 訥谿奏疏, 1卷 . 兩垣奏議, 1卷 . 御選明臣奏議, 40卷Leave the NDL website. 御定歴代賦彙, [正集]140卷・總目・外集20卷・逸句2卷・補遺22卷Leave the NDL website. 傷寒總病論, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 郭氏傳家易説, 11卷Leave the NDL website. 東萊詩集, 20卷 . 大隱居士詩集, 2卷Leave the NDL website. 遵生八牋, 19卷 . 投轄録, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 二妙集, 8卷 . 忠義集, 7卷Leave the NDL website. 參寥子詩集, 12卷Leave the NDL website. 法書考, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 論語類考, 20卷Leave the NDL website. 推易始末, 4卷 ; 易小帖, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 石屏詩集, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 欽定詩經樂譜全書, 30卷Leave the NDL website. 所安遺集, 1卷 . 花谿集, 3卷Leave the NDL website. 紹陶録, 2卷 . 象臺首末, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 春秋五禮例宗, 10卷Leave the NDL website. 東皐子集, 3卷 . 宗玄集, 3卷・別録1卷Leave the NDL website. 御覽詩, 1卷 . 衆妙集, 1卷Leave the NDL website. 粤西詩載Leave the NDL website. 兒易内儀以, 6卷Leave the NDL website. 元名臣事略, 15卷Leave the NDL website. 御選明臣奏議, 40卷Leave the NDL website. 小辨齋偶存, 8卷Leave the NDL website. 尚書考異, 5卷Leave the NDL website. 兒易外儀, 15卷Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 御覽經史講義, 31卷

  • 春秋孔義, 12卷 . 春秋四傳糾正, 1卷 . 三正考, 2卷

  • 朱子年譜, 4卷

  • 參寥子詩集, 12卷 . 西渡集, 2卷・補遺1卷

  • 紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖, 1卷 . 幸魯盛典, 40卷

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