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International conciliation

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International conciliation

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American Association for International Conciliationほか
American Association for International Conciliation
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Documents for 1907/1908- published by the American Association for International Conciliation; 1937- by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...

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School Books and International PrejudicesLeave the NDL website. The Tokyo TrialLeave the NDL website. The General Arbitration Treaties of 1911Leave the NDL website. Japanese characteristicsLeave the NDL website. The tradition of warLeave the NDL website. Issues before the 21st General AssemblyLeave the NDL website. Addresses on German ReparationLeave the NDL website. The foreign policy of Japan . American interests and policy in the Far East . British foreign policy and world peaceLeave the NDL website. Population growth and developmentLeave the NDL website. I. Treaty of Peace between the United States and Germany . II. Treaty of Peace between the United States and Austria . III. Treaty of Peace between the United States and HungaryLeave the NDL website. "The political equivalent of war"--civilian defenseLeave the NDL website. Summary of Part I of the Report of the first (Dawes) Committee of experts . Questions resulting from the Corfu incident submitted September 28, 1923Leave the NDL website. The political and social doctrine of communismLeave the NDL website. The Permanent Court of International Justice . The United States and the Court . Information regarding the CourtLeave the NDL website. Jordan waters conflictLeave the NDL website. European federal union : replies of twenty-six governments of Europe to M. Briand's Memorandum of May 17, 1930Leave the NDL website.

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20 cm
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Note (General)
Documents for 1907/1908- published by the American Association for International Conciliation; 1937- by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Documents for the year 1940, nos. 356-365 -- 1943, nos. 386-395 -- 1944, nos. 396-406 -- 1945, nos. 407-416 -- 1946, nos. 417-426 -- Section 1. Issues for the year 1948 -- Section 2, Issues for the year 1948, nos. 437-446 -- Section 2, Issues for the year 1949 -- Issues for the year 1952, nos. 477-486