Note (General)Volume 1-16: 1st section : Construction and maintenance, 1st question. Progress made since the congress at Washington with the use of cement for the construction carrageways
Volume 17-36: 1st section : Construction and maintenance, 2nd question. Progress made since the congress at Washington in the preparation and use of a) tar b) bitumen c) emulsions, for the construction and maintenance of roads
Volume 37-54: 1st section : Construction and maintenance, 3rd question. Means available for the construction and maintenance under the most economical conditions of road surfaces whether in built-up areas or the open country. The methods adopted. Review of the conditions influencing the choice of method, according to the characteristics of soil and climate
Volume 55-67: 2nd section : Traffic : use and administration, 4th question. Means adopted to promote the safety of traffic in a) town, b) the open country, c) at level crossings. Legislation ; regulation ; road signs
Volume 68-78: 2nd section : Traffic : use and administration, 5th question. Analysis of the relationship between traffic and road surfaces, from the standpoint of the economy of transport. Technical, legislative and administrative measures designed to reduce to a minimum the damage of all kinds caused by traffic
Volume 79-95: 2nd section : Traffic : use and administration, 6th question. A. What are rhe regulations at present in force regarding :1) The weights permitted in respect of vehicles (laden and unladen); 2) The width and height of vehicles and their loads; 3) The length of vehicles and their loads B. Critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages accruing from these Regulations. C. Is it desirable to aim at international unification for these Regulations? If so, what should be the bases for such unifications?
At head of title of report: Permanent International Association of Road Congresses
Data Provider (Database)国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NCID : BB18364777