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- Problems of pattern in Lermontov's verse and proseKedang : a study of the collective thought of an eastern Indonesian peopleBritish reaction to Germany's Ottoman policy 1870-1885 : a study of the Ottoman policies pursued by British and German Governments and their political and commercial consequences during the period 1870-1885Vacheslav Ivanov and Dante : reflections of a medieval tradition in the poetic imagination of a Russian symbolistFrom Chaona to Khon-Ngan : the growing divide in a central Thai villageChildren's literature in the Soviet Union 1917 to 1934International accounting harmonisation in developed stock market countries : an empirical comparative study of measurement and associated disclosure practices in France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States of AmericaThe sociology of knowledge and the curriculum : a framework for studying the conceptions of teachers in the middle school yearsThe rapprochement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union, and the policy of international linkage in East-West relations, 1965-1971External management auditing of companies : a survey of bankersWomen and social change in socialist societies, with special reference to the Soviet Union and CzechoslovakiaSelection for deputy headship and headship in a local authority's secondary schoolsPhilosophical discussions of prophecy in medieval IslamThe short-and long -term determinants of money and bank credit markets in IndonesiaInternational financial statement analysis : the reaction of the UK investment community to international accounting differencesAnglo-Burmese relations, 1795-1826Kharāj in Shīʿī law (from the beginnings to the tenth/sixteenth century)The agitation and propaganda work of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1956-1974The development of special services in English schools, 1906-1944The implementation of the laws relating to local administration, 1775-1796, with special reference to the Guberniya of Saint PetersburgTechnology policy and firm learning efforts in less-developed countries : a case-study of the experience of the Argentine steel firm, Acindar S.A.Eugen Schmalenbach and german business economicsByzantine MonemvasiaThe composition and technology of copper artefacts from Jericho and some related sitesThe 1740 chinese massacres in Java : how Dutch colonialism created a problem minority in its effort to thwart Indonesia's domestic bourgeoisie : a critique of the existing literatureThe Federal Republic of Germany's political relations with the USSR, 1974-1982Literacy, literature and ideological formation : the Zambian case/ by John D. ChilesheThe political and cultural impact of the Ukraine on Great Russia, c. 1775 - c. 1835Women's magazines : culture, ideology and the oppression of womenLancashire c. 1689-c. 1731 : some aspects of the intraction of local and central affaires in an English countyThe Italian police and internal security from Giolitti to MussoliniTaxation and the financial and investment decisions of multinational firmsA catalogue of Indian Buddest clay sealings in British MuseumsMilitary politics in East Java : a study of the origins and development of the armed forces in East Java between 1945-1948Texting in early fifteenth-century sacred polyphonyThe new Jewish movement : Jewsih nationalism and radical politics in the USA, 1967-1973Vowels, vowel sequences and stress in standard Modern Greek : a phonological, phonetic investigationA history of architectural conservation : the contribution of English, French, German and Italian thought towards an international approach to the conservation of cultural propertyThe iconography of the Deluge in English romantic art : with special reference to William Blake and J.M.W. 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Dov Ber of Lubavitch (1773-1827)A linguistic analysis of some syntactic and semantic problems of English-Arabic translationPolitical developments within the organised working class : St. Petersburg, 1906-14Contrastign models of teacher effectivenessFamily breakdown and divorce in Rouen, 1792-1816Vasubandhu the Yogacarin : a new translation and interpretation of some of his basic worksUser-oriented design of undo supportRobert Southey Poet LaureateAnti-Christian polemic in early IslamThe method of composition of old English verse translation with particular reference to the metres of Boethius, the Paris Psalter and judgment day IIThe development of "Left Communism" until 1921 : Soviet Russia, Poland, Latvia and LithuaniaAn empirical investigation into management use of accounting information and the influence of selected job related traits and organizational correlatesPastoralism in central SardiniaSchool phobia : in search of a syndrome : an examination of the concept of school phobia and a serach for groups displaying school phobic type reactions in mainstream schoolsThe problems of manpower and educational planning : analysis and appraisal of alternative techniques, illustrated by some empirical modelsMarxist ideology and Russian reality as reflected in Soviet criminal legislation, 1917-1977Economic marginalization and the ethnic consciousness of the Green Mong (Moob Ntsuab) of Northwestern ThailandA stylistic description of four restricted uses of English in scienceRitual tradition and performance : the Beravā caste of Southern Sri L̇ankaCommerce and conflict : the English East India Company factories in the Gulf, 1700-47/ by Khalid Khalifa Ali-KhalifaSocial structure and the communications systems in a Malay village in Pahang, MalayaThe politicisation of the French peasantry since 1945Pangeran Dipanagara and the making of the Java WarThe Chinese in Singapore : their socio-economic geography, with special reference to pang structureThe changing position of women in Arabia under Islam during the early seventh centuryStudies in the ritual traditions of the Kumaon HimālayaTrade and business community in old Castile Medina Del Campo, 1500-1575Social institutions of a Greek village with special reference to economic relationshipsThe politics of agrarian reform in the Philippines : US pressures and domestic conflictA study in the theory and practice of divisional accountingMalaysia : a case study in the creation of state nationalismThe realities of life from a Hindu Sindi perspectiveThe Conservative Party and European integration 1945-1975Pronoun interpretation in readingBritish and American responses to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan : a case study of British and American foreign policies and the "special relationship"Religion and politics among the Sikhs in the Punjab, 1873-1925AssertingTopics in Arabic syntaxA theory of African literature and its application to texts by Wole Soyinka, Ayi Kwei Armah and Ngugi Wa Thiong'oJapanese multinationals in Southeast Asia : a case study of IndonesiaKnowledge systems, articulation and accounting : the development of a formal basis for knowledge systems through the integration of a systems logic with the theory of signs in order to investigate the articulation problem in accountingA microcomputer-based interactive system for managing production and marketing in small component-manufacturing firms using a hierarchical backlog control and lead time management methodologyThe initial training of teachers of physical education in the gymnasium : a study of verbal and non-verbal communication"Practical and theoretical implications of accounting methodology"The social life of the Green Mong textile : commercialisation and alternative discourses of value in ThailandMan and Soviet society in the works of Vasily Belov and Valentin Rasputin, 1960-81The madrigal in Florence, 1560-1630Buddhism and politics : the political roles, activities and involvement of the Thai SanghaFactional strife and policy making in the Bolshevik Party 1912-April, 1917 : with special reference to the Baltic Fleet organisations 1903-17South-East China in the late Ch'ing : some rural settlements in the Hong Kong region of Kwangtung, with special reference to the period 1850-1899Post-war collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union : a case study of the process in Right-Bank Moldavia (Bessarabia)Buddhism and politics : the political roles, activities and involvement of the Thai SanghaDistinctive theological emphases in the Book of EzekielStefanitʺ i Ichnilatʺ : the grammar of Russian Church Slavonic as represented by Bodl. MS Russ. e.1 taking into account variant readings from all the available MSS, with a full critical edition of the textThe unchaste woman in English fiction, 1835-1880The literature of exile : a comparative study of writers from the West Indies and South AfricaLanguage selection in ParaguayInterpersonal perception, interaction & thought disorder in schizophrenia : a study of the nature and aetiology of schizophrenic thought disorderP. Ya. Chaadaev : his impact and influence on Russian society and thought between 1812 and 1856Ecology and rural class relations in Bangladesh : a study with special reference to three villagesThe influence of mediaeval Jewish exegetes on Biblical scholarship in sixteenth century England : with special reference to the book of DanielStudies in the dialect material of mediaeval LincolnshireEnglish pre-Romantic and Romantic influences in the poetry of V. A. 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sociological study of a multi-caste villageFerenk Deak and Hungarian politics 1848-1876From Chaona to Khon-Ngan : the growing divide in a central Thai villageThe spatial organisation and socio-cultural basis of traditional courtyard housesThe relationship between theory and practice on a teacher education courseThe theory of grammar : the semantic study of a syntactic relationLevels, the communication of programmes, and sectional strategies in Indian politics, with reference to the Bharatiya Kranti Dal and the republican party of India in Uttar Pradesh State and Aligarh district (U.P.)Aspects of modernism in Russian piano music 1910-1929Vasily Grossman : the genesis and evolution of heresyAspects of economic, social and administration conditions in Central and East Java in the first quarter of the tenth century, A.D.Hayek's conservative liberalismConversion to and continuation in the Christian faith among multi-generation Chinese Protestant families in Singapore(1900 to 1990)The origins and formative years of the Writers' Union of the U.S.S.R., 1932-1936Kinship, property and inheritance in Kerinci, Central SumatraFlood insurance as a response to environmental hazardWomen, work and war : industrial mobilisation and demobilisation, Conventry and Bolton 1940-1946The French médiateur : a study in administrative politics, 1972-1981The compatibility of freedom and equalityMathematical modelling of wave-current interacted flow in shallow watersA study of biological field work in secondary schools in England and Wales, with particular reference to the influence of the teacherLanguage and the transfer of knowledge : bridging the L2/L1 gap in developing southeast AsiaAlois Riegl's historiographyThe skill of observing in science at the primary school stageThe theory of religious knowledge of Vladimir SolovievNatural scientists and political authority in the Soviet UnionTechnology transfer, export control and economic restructuring in the Soviet Union : the case of Soviet 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inversitgation of the sourcesForeign words in modern literary Arabic : some problems of assimilation and resistanceA Balinese village and its field of social relationsA comparison of U. S. and Japanese management systems and their transferability to Singapore industryPhysical education for Soviet children and teacher and coach educationThe civil and military patronage of the East India company, 1784-1858An examination of the computing needs of a small manufacturing company and an evaluation of possible system configurationsThe ecclesiology of N. N. Afanasev. Patristic ressourcement and ecumenical prospect in the Russian traditionThe development of the law of inheritance and patrimonial property in post-emancipation Russia and its social, economic, and political implicationsAnarchism, feminism and socialism in the plays of Oscar WildeThe scottish democratic movement in the age of the french revolutionA study of curriculum development in five European countries (Denmark, England and Wales, France, the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany) with particular reference to reform in primary school mathematicsWomen and fiction : a sociological study of British fiction by and for women since the turn of the century.The exploration and utilisation of fuel resources in the USSR : a regional survey of the development of coal, oil, natural gas, oil shale, and peat resources in the Soviet Union, with an account of their present utilisation in Soviet industryThe role of the lexicon in syntactic changeChanging opinions in the Soviet Union about American educational thinkers, 1920-1970An experimental study in diagnostic testing and concept development in secondary school biology'Mid-career change' : an exploratory study of the process of 'career' and of the experience of change in 'mid-life'Indicatives and imperativesDecision-usefulness in accountancy : a contribution to a critical theory of the professionsThe emergence and development of the national question in Georgia, 1801-1921Anglo-Soviet relations, 1924-1927Aspects of Kono phonologyA survey of the use of microcomputers in small accountancy firmsSayyid Ḳuṭb : a study of his critical ideasAspects of Malayan economic development, 1900-1940The Language of women? A study of three women writers : Marina Tsvetaeva, Ingeborg Bachmann and Monique WittigRailways and the seaborne grain export trade in Tsarist Russia : 1861-1914Innovative approaches to accounting information systems based on database modelling conceptsCost information for corporate social responsibility performanceContemporary dramatic literature in Nigeria : a study of drama as an agent of cultural awarenessThe growth experience of developing economies : a comparative study of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and TaiwanThe treatment of unstressed syllables in eighteenth-century English/ by Anthony James GilbertThe Helsinki final act and human rights in Soviet-American relationsThe influence of the poetry of Petrarch on Russian literature 1900-1930Harmonization of the treatment of corporations in conventions for the avoidance of double taxationThe planning of investment in the Soviet UnionThe relationship between political leadership, organisation and discourse in the French Fifth RepublicConstructivism : from fine art into design, Russia, 1913-1933Economic integration and the peasant economy : the Minangkabau (Indonesia) blacksmithsAn approach to inflation accounting in the context of developing economiesNo pity distilled : Britain and the Chetniks, 1941-1942The social and economic correlates of demographic change in a Northern Thai communityAn annotated and illustrated catalogue of maps of Kuwait and an introduction to the history of Kuwaiti cartography from the twelfth century to 1960The music of György Kurtág, 1959-1980The ideas of nationhood, authority and law in ancient Jewish thoughtPolitical anti-Semitism in England 1918-1939The economic and social position of women in Tana TorajaMethodology and areas of basic assumptions in accounting theory constructionA pragmatic approach to modality and the modals : with application to literary ArabicThe German manner in English art, 1815-1855English-derived words in Sierra Leone KrioThe geography of enclosure in pre-revolutionary European Russia--Tver, Tula and Samara provincesA study of the career of Maejima Hisoka, 1835-1919Some aspects of the Indian government's policy of state railways, 1869-1884The construction "nominative + infinitive" in RussianContemporary thought in Sōtō Zen Buddhism : an investigation of the publications and teachings of the sect in the light of their cultural and historical contextGadjah Mada University Indonesia and the impact of political change with particular reference to the period 1965-1973Max Weber's Theory of Action : An Examination of its Interpretation and Extension by Parsons and SchutzAnglo-Soviet relations, 1917-1924 : a study in the politics of diplomacyMelodies of mourning : a study of form and meaning in Yoldu women's music and dance in traditional ritual and Christian contextsTrotsky in opposition : 1923-1940A study of the women portrayed in selected novels of George Eliot. Considered in relation to nineteenth century feminism and to contemporary scientific and sociological thought upon the nature and role of womenThe evolution of the urban pattern of Southeast Asia during the nineteenth and twentieth centuriesAleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Russian literary traditionThe commune state and the Communists : village Soviets in the USSR, 1921-1930Chinese elements in Javanese culture during the Majapahit periodThe political integration of the Thai-IslamAn analysis of the use of metaphor in voluntary organisationsMilitary prose narratives in Old Russian literature : the problem of genreAkhmatova and Pushkin : a study of a literary relationshipHistory of science in education: an investigation into the role and use of historical ideas and material in education with particular reference to science education in the English secondary school since the nineteenth centuryD.H. Lawrence and feminism 1900-1930Secularization of passion and resurrection in certain plays of Strindberg, Chekhov, Bond, and HowardThe theme of science and technology in Soviet literature of the post-Stalin period 1953-64The Muslim view of Christianity with special reference to the works of Ibn Ḥazm (384-456 AH) (994-1064 AD)Marguerite Duras : a thematic and technical studyThe historical tradition of the peoples of the eastern lake Turkana Basin c.1840-1925A syntactic and semantic study of nominalization in YorùbáAn examination of early childhood teacher education : England and NewfoundlandRussian art and theory in France 1918-25 : a comparative study of artistic avant-gardesPolitics and deviance : the social control of dissidents in the Soviet Union, 1965-78The management of learning : applying a conversational methodology in the development of a system of self-organised learning at the junior stage of schoolingNationalism, ethnicity and Catalan culture : a regional and ethnographic studyThe development of negation in early child languageThe role of accounting in the management of Sudanese cotton textile industryThe distribution and allocation of consumer goods in the KibbutzBene Israel Indian jews in Lod, Israel : a study of the persistence of ethnicity and ethnic identityThe development and implementation of postwar housing policy under the Labour GovernmentManagement accounting and control in service organisation[i.e. organization] : a socio-technical approach in a European telecommunicationsThe sources, development and influence of Coleridge's conversation poems 1793-8A formal and semantic study of the Igbo verbal pieceCeremony and symbolism in Japanese family lifeIfo : a study of an Igbo vocal genreSoviet/Vietnam relations, 1969 to 1978The self, the good and the demonic : a study of psycho-analytic and Jewish perspectives on the self-in-transformationCroatian nationalism and Yugoslav unity :the policies of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia towards the Croatian national question, 1919-1953Chittagong port : a study of its fortunes, 1892-1912(An investigation into) the distribution of gains from mergingAspects of the relation between doctrine and dialectic in PlatoBritain's involvement in Indonesia 1945-63The formation of an occupational identity : sociological case studies of the dramatic actor in training, rehearsal and performanceThe training of elementary schoolteachers in England and Wales, 1840-1890The exalted heroine and the triumph of order : class, women, and religion in the English novel, 1740-1800Japanese taste terms : the study of a lexical fieldInterrogative structures in present-day EnglishLabour organisation in the Bombay cotton mills, 1918-1929A history of Islamic court dress in the Middle EastThe changing roles of accountants in industryWomen in the unionThe standard of "Civilisation" and the entry of non-European countries into international society : the cases of China, Japan, and SiamThe end of politics : democracy, bureaucracy, and Utopia after LeninThe political integration of the Thai-IslamRefugees from Indochina 1975-1980 : their impact on the international relations of Southeast AsiaConditional sentences within the Arab grammatical traditionThe buyer's situation and the buyer-seller relationshipThe professionalisation of accounting : a study of the development of the accountancy profession with a special reference to Great Britain, the United States and Saudi ArabiaWomen in Chekhov's work and lifeAn analysis of the ellects of policies for the resistribution of income and wealth in West Malaysia, 1957-1975The O.A.U. and crisis diplomacy : a study in regional conflict managemenetVictorian theme and convention in the novels of Charles DickensFrance and Japan, 1850-1885 : an assessment of French influence and diplomacySome aspects of cognitive development and the learning of secondary school chemistryAn empirical investigation of the formation of short-term earnings forecasts by financial analysts in the U.K.The novels of Chinua Achebe, with special reference to the theme of the conflict of European and Southern Nigerian cultures, from the late nineteenth century onwardsPerspectives on Nigerian tragedy : a study of selected plays by Wole Soyinka, J.P. Clark and Ola RotimiA study of the status of women in Islamic law and society with special reference to PakistanNon-linear analysis in English historical phonologyA comparative study of the governmental, administrative and political aspects of industrial associations in the USSR and the German Democratic RepublicPhonological coding in good and poor readersThe all-Russian Zemstvo Union and the all-Russian Union of towns, 1914-1917 : a political studyFeminism and democracy : the women's suffrage movement in Britain, with particular reference to the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies 1897-1918A study of A. F. Pisemsky and his fate in Russian literatureSocial tensions within fifteenth century Hispano-Jewish communitiesForeign settlement in Russia, 1762-1804 : aspects of government policy and its implementationA systems approach to documentary maritime fraudThe hijab : its origin and development from the pre-Islamec reriod to the end to the Umayyad periodThe Pre-Raphaelite myth : a study of the respective aims of the leading members of the P.R.B. and of existing definitions of Pre-RaphaelitismHindu myths in Thai literature with special reference to the Nārāi Sip PāngPersonal and literary relations of Maksim Gorky and Leonid Andreyev, 1898-1916, with particular reference to the revolution of 1905Politics and the Indian community in West Malaysia and Singapore, 1945-1957Labour legislation and reform in Russia, 1905-1914Women as homeworkers - an analysis of the homework : labour force in England from 1850 until the present dayA study of industrial relations in the insurance industryRussia on the eve of the great war : revolution or evolution?The vernacular press and the emergence of modern Indonesian consciousness 1855-1913Women, education and domesticity : a study of the domestic subjects movement 1870-1914The women's education and suffrage movements, 1850-1914 : innovation and institutionalisationAn empirical analysis of incentives for managements' lobbying behaviour on proposed accounting standards in the U.K.The Bukharin group of political theoreticians : their ideas and the importance in the Soviet Union in the 1920'sArabic elements in post-Tanzimat literary Turkish with special reference to Hâmīd, Fīkret, Âkīf and GökalpThe effectiveness of three methods of teacher trainingThe politics of the Soviet cinema, 1917-1929The boria : a study of a Malay theatre in its socio-cultural contextFemale friendships and communities : a study of women writers, 1840-1880Public audit in Nothern IrelandStudies on Cytochrone p-450 in some higher plantsLiberals and the Labour party, 1906-1914Foreign direct investment in Great BritainRace relations in West Malaysia with special reference to modern political and economic developmentUniversity education and business management from the 1890s to the 1950s : a reluctant relationshipA history of hymns ancient and modernMunicipal control, Asian agency and the urban built-environment in colonial Singapore, 1880-1929The uses of Coleridge : studies of his influence in the early nineteenth centuryAn empirical analysis of incentives for managements' lobbying behaviour on proposed accounting standards in the U.K.The political and economic reconstruction of France, 1944-1947, in the international contextThe evolution and history of the Buddhist monastic order with special reference to the Saṇgha in CeylonA comparison of the shorter prose works of Anton Chekhov and Arthur SchnitzlerThe construction and validation of rating scales for oral tests in English as a foreign languageThe variant readings of the Qurʾān : a critical study of their historical and linguistic originsThe emergence of the U.S. accounting profession, 1880-1900 : a new institutionalism perspectiveValentin Katayev : a biographical and critical studyWomen, kinship and community in a Malay fishing village on Pulau Langkawi, MalaysiaTechnological development and conditioning factors : the case of the Brazilian shipbuilding industryA study of nonconformity in edwardian england as revealed by the passive resistance movement against the 1902 education actEnglish democratic societes and popular radicalism, 1791-1800Tsarism and the politics of publicity, 1865-1881"On the semantic representation of relative clauses in English"Velimir Khlebnikov : poetry and prose, 1917-1922Aggregate production planning and scheduling in a cellular manufacturing system : the use of functional space analysis, quadratic programming and computer simulation techniques for production planning and scheduling decisionsAccounting, the state and the regulatory process : the case of standard setting : 1969-1975The context and function of historical recitation in ancient Israel : a study of the historical Psalms, 78, 105 and 106A syntactic study of British English press headlinesBritish policy towards the Polish-Soviet border dispute 1939-1945Auditory phoneticsGerman loanwords in 19th-century RussianThe muwashshaḥs of Yehuda ha-LeviThe history of Arabic medicine based on the work of Ibn Abi Usaybeʾah, 1203-270Marketing in north-central Thailand : a study of socio-economic organization in a Thai market townBritish interest in Argentine land development, 1870-1914 : a study of British investment in ArgentinaBiology education in Scotland: a study of transition from secondary to tertiaryBritain and the transfer of power in Indonesia 1945-46Foreign manufacturing firm's behaviour in Colombia : a study of the influences of tedhnology, advertising and financing upon profitability, 1966-70M. P. Drahomanov and the evolution of Ukrainian cultural and political theoryThe situation of women within Hungarian societyRationality and mind in early BuddhismThe negotiations on mutual and balanced force reductions in Central EuropeA historical analysis of the meanings of Russian verbal prefixesRegional nationalisms and the state in modern FranceThe Lagozza culture in Northern and Central ItalyThe use of metaphor as a conceptual vehicle in religious languageChanging patterns of socio-economic organisation in West MalaysiaJapan and the peace and friendship treaties with Moscow and PekingLocative marking and locative choice in Swahili, and their semantic and grammatical implicationsThe Jewish problem in Romania prior to the First World WarThe image and the likeness : a study of the mystical theology of William of St Thierry and its relation to that of St AugustineThe role of drawing and memory drawing in English art education : 1800-1980The effect of nationalism on the settlement pattern of IsraelA linguistic analysis of new lexical items in Persian : an exploration of the relationship between lexical expansion and the linguistic system of PersianA Russian literary journal and its public : Otechestvennye zapiski 1868-1884Social organization of an inland Malay village community in Southern Thailand : with emphasis on the pattern of leadershipA study of the tragic doctrine of mystical anarchism within the Russian literary intelligentsia, 1905-1909The attitudes concerning Britain's world role held by the policymakers in the aftermath of the Second World War (1945-47)Marxist theories of the political partyDepression and the self-help group process : a thesisThe structure of roles and their ritual in a Yugoslav communityPolitical leadership among the Hindu in Calcutta : 1857-1885Arab "piracy" and the East India Company encroachment in the Gulf 1797-1820The ideal city and model town in English utopian thought : 1849-1902Problems of second language acquisition with special reference to native speakers of English learning JapaneseInterlanguage variability in verb tense/aspectThe social stratification of Jewish Palestine in the first century of the Christian eraChildren's understanding of people in the pastThe design of value added tax in greece in the light of UK experienceThe influence of historical, political, and social ideas, on the politics of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the Cossack officers between 1648 and 1657Peasant farming systems in Thailand : a comparative study of rice cultivation and agricultural technology in Chiangmai and AyutthayaThe policy towards the Jews, Zionism, and Israel of the Hungarian Communist Party, 1945-1953Changing attitudes to marriage in JapanGreat Britain and the Soviet Union : the supply of munitions, 1941-1945Accounting in eighteenth century ScotlandAccounting and management control in the theory of the firmKinship, marriage and social change in a Polish highland villageWord order in ChineseRashi's commentary to the Pentateuch and its relation to the Targumim, with special reference to Targum OnkelosIslamic space morphologyUtility of reporting on pollution in financial statements as perceived by US corporations and statement usersThe free liberty of the mind : Charles Dickens and the education of adultsThe rural population turnround : a case study of North DevonA study of the old Yishuv in Palestine 1800-1882The development of military aid as a factor in Indo-Soviet relationsIranian communities of the Persian Gulf : a geographical analysisThe role of the shurṭa in early IslamThe Ikat textiles of Lamalera, Lembata within the context of Eastern Indonesian fabric traditionsA catalogue of Indian Buddhist clay sealings in British museumsFeminism in Russia 1900-1917An empirical examination of the explanatory power of accrual earnings versus cash flows : UK industrial sectorSocial structure and morality : an analysis of the sociological determinants of moral developmentAn edition of early Scots texts from the beginnings to 1410Corporate risk financing by captive insuranceA proposed no-fault automobile insurance scheme for the United Republic of CameroonThe development of the revolutionary movement in the south of the Russian Empire 1873-1883A study of Sibawaihi's principles of grammatical analysisRoman Catholic Church-State relations in Poland 1944-1983Understanding the diagrammatic representation of three-dimensional crystal structures and the teaching of rotation in molecular structuresThe Nigerian novel and indigenous culture : problems of communicationStructuralist literary criticism in the Soviet Union, 1962-1970, (with special reference to the work of Yu. M. Lottman)Japanese multinationals in Southeast Asia : a case study of IndonesiaThe relation between land settlement and party politics in Uttar Pradesh, India, 1950-69 : with special reference to the formation of the Bharatiya Kranti DalAscription and social relations of production : a study of cheap labour in the UK wool textile industryOn values and decision makingAn intellectual history of modern city planning theoryCourtavenel : the history of an artists' nest and its role in the life of TurgenevThe Russian moderate parties in the Fourth State Duma, 1912-Feburary 1917Russian foreign trade, 1680-1780 : the British contributionOn the balance of money incomes and expenditures of the population in the U.S.S.R.French intonation : description and comparison with English intonationKarl Marx and the critique of JudaismExperiments with corporatist politics in Republican France, 1916-1939Clan, class and community : power relations and political modernization in late imperial ChinaAn experimental study of some articulatory characteristics of glottalized English consonantsThe role of the peasants in revolution in European Russia between March and Novewmber 1917Ideology and intrigue in Russian journalism under Nicholas I : Moskovskii telegraf and Severnaya pchelaThe influence of commerce on the changing structure of Serbia's peasant economy 1860-1912Accounting, the state and the regulatory process : the case standard setting : 1969-1975The early representations of the Prophet Muḥammad with special reference to the miʿrāj scenesStructure and function in ArabicSome aspects of the pronunciation of educated ScotsRelocation and high-rise living : a study of Singapore's public housingA survey and analysis of some aspects of West Country Folklore : as found in selected writings of Eden Phillpotts, Thomas Hardy, John Cowper Powys, T.F. Powys, Arthur Quiller-Couch and Henry WilliamsonMemory and motivation in language aptitude testingIssues of masculinity and femininity in three novels by George EliotIncentive issues in transfer pricingEthnic pluralism in the Northern Thai city of ChiangmaiHikayat Indraputra : a Malay romancePatterns of occupational mobility amongst men and women in Scotland : 1930-1970Human resources development in Indonesia : polices and practices in East Javan manufacturing industryCorporate failureMarx, Weber and the Methodology of Social ScienceThe entry of Finnish officers into Russian military service, 1809-1917Spartohori : the constitution of a Greek Ionian Island village communityFurther investigation of population movement in rural Sokoto, NigeriaJustices and administration : the political development of Sussex 1660-1714Brothers in song : the persistence of (Vlach) Gypsy identity and community in Socialist HungaryL'oeuvre romanesque d'Elsa TrioletAmerican and Soviet constitutional rights and realitiesStudy of the development of Lermontov as a poet through his different versions of 'The Demon' (written between 1829 and 1839)The beginnings of British rule in Upper Burma : a study of British policy and Burmese reaction, 1885-1890Spatial and structural patterns of manufacturing industry in West Malaysia from 1957-1975 : a case study in industrial geographySociety and culture in the making of rock music in MerseysideSuiheisha : Japan's levellersCaste and sect in an assamese villageYokomitsu Riichi and the ShinkankakuhaRural development in North Central Java, IndonesiaThe private trade of the British in West Sumatra, 1735-1770Children's awareness of the pastIndigenous choral music in African Christian worship : an analytical study of the youth songs in the Niger Diocese of NigeriaInvestment portfolio behaviour of British life insurance officesInnovation, inequality and rural planning : the economics of tubewell irrigation in the Kosi Region, Bihar, IndiaThe roar the other side of silence : Charlotte Bronté, George Eliot, and the literary consequences of women's passivityA.S. Serafimovich : a study of his works with a biographical introductionOn the measurement of surplus inventoryAndré Gide's companions on his journey to the Soviet Union in 1936 : Jacques Schiffrin, Eugène Dabit, Louis Guilloux, Jef Last and Pierre HerbartJob satisfaction, alternative job opportunities and voluntary turnover : an investigation into the directions of causalityStudent-teacher attitudes towards decision-making in schools before and after taking up their first appointmentsHeads of department : their involvement in the management of secondary schoolsOn the semantic representation of relative clauses in EnglishA typology of the African novel : celebration to alienationThe human encounter with death : an anthropological approachMalay-Muslim political participation in Sarawak and Sabah 1841-1951Women and creativity : a study of selected playsFeminine writing and the problem of the self : an examination of Virginia Woolf's novels in the light of recent critical and psychoanalytic theoriesAn investigation of some fundamental limitations of national and financial accounting statistics : with special reference to Egypt and the United KingdomWalter Long and the Conservative party, 1905-1921African witchcraft beliefs : a study in comparative symbolic classificationPujung : an investigation into the foundations of Balinese cultureThe failure of centralism : the centralist system and political relations in Yugoslavia, 1934-1939The poems of Fakhr al-Dīn ʿIrāqīGreek weighingJohn Dunstable and Leonel Power : a stylistic comparisonThe ambiguities of assimilation : the case of the German-Jewish refugees in EnglandBudgetary control and managerial performancePaul's use of scripture : a comparative study of biblical interpretation in eary Palestinian Judasim and the New Testament, with special reference to Romans 9-11The response of the Jewish intelligentsia in Vienna oto the rise of anti-Semitism, with special reference to Karl KrausOn defining complex sentences in YorubaState, class and regime in Indonesia : structural impediments to democratisationThe control of acquired companies : a study of the role of management accounting systems following acquisitionAffine and devotee : a study of the Lingayat sect of north KarnatakaBritish administration in the Federated Malay States, 1896-1920Modality and the modal verbs in English and GermanRe-examination of passives and related aspects in Japanese syntaxSocial interaction in the classroom : a participant observation study of pupils' classroom lifeExternal management auditing of companies : a survey of bankersThe development in the design of early Japanese state templesGerman social democracy in the economic crisis : unemployment and the politics of labour market policy in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1974 to 1982Labour and industrial organisation in the Indian coal mining industry, 1900-1939The craftsmanship, iconography and background of the Balinese shadow playToward a typology of lecturing stylesal-Sharīf al-Raḍī : his life and poetryA critical history of socialist thought in Japan to 1918Inflation accounting and the financial sectorShakespeare, Chekhov and the problem of the Russian HamletPlanning for standard varieties in two Nigerian languagesEuropean accounting harmonisation and German accounting changePopular attitudes to Jews in France and England 1750-1870Francis Jeffrey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Biographia Litararia, and contemporary Criticism of William WordsworthThe ways and means of london radicalism 1796-1821A longitudinal study from middle school to 14+ of some factors affecting the development and stability of english pupils' interest in science and science subject choicesIndonesia and the United States, 1966-75 : an inquiry into a de facto alliance relationshipThe design and implemantation of an operating system in a functional languageThe early Kòn-baung polity, 1752-1819 : a study of politics, administrations and social organization in BurmaBritish policy in Greece : 1944-1947Industrial workers and the party-state in the USSR 1928-1932Batu Aceh : a study of 15th-19th century Islamic gravestones in Peninsular Malaysia"The hymns in revelation : their origin and function"The limits of consensus : problems of democracy in a peripheral countryWassily Kandinsky as playwright : the stage-compositions, 1909-1914The political development of Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935)Vocational training policies in three EC countriesJacques-Louis David and the Prix de RomeChilean copper exports, import substitution, industrialisation, and economic growthSoviet public health : a case study of Leningrad, 1917-1932Soviet policy towards South AfricaThe 'fear' of Yahweh in the Old TestamentThe servant in nineteenth-century Russian prose fictionBattered wives : a study of the aetiology and psychosocial effects among one hundred womenThe demand for labour in a textile local labour market with particular reference to twilight workers and homeworkersThe Russian establishment in the reign of Nicholas II : the appointed members of the State Council 1894-1914The image of rural woman in contemporary Soviet proseThe craftsmanship, iconography and background of the Balinese shadow playPrinciples of Buddhist iconography and iconometry with specoal reference to the Buddha imageLeadership and management in the Conservative party in Parliament, 1906-1914The failure of vernacular housing policy and design in Egypt : the case of NubiaAn approach to the syntax and semantics of the imperative in EnglishThe idea of threshold in oriental architecture : the Japanese case, the rite, the myth, the builtA conceptual framework for science education : investigating curricular materials and classroom interactions in secondary school physicsThe socialisation of probationer teachers and the structure of reaching activitiesNationality and society : a study of trends in national stratification among the Union Republics of the USSRAn empirical investigation into the risk taking behaviour of the family dyad decision unit with special reference to insuranceProfessional accounting standards setting processes in the UKEschatological delay in Jewish and early apocalyptic literatureAssessing recent changes in accounting and auditing practice in the SudanFictions of authenticity : Dostoevsky's "Notes from underground", Rilke's "Notebooks of Walte Laurids Brigge", and Sartre's "Nausea"The revival in painting of themes inspired by antiquity in mid-nineteenth century FranceThe rise of nationalism in Eastern Turkestan 1930-1950Byzantium and Russia in the eleventh century : a study in political and ecclesiastical relationsApproaches to a universal theory of cliticsThe mission approach to physical distribution accountingThe Murjiʾa and the theological school of Abū Ḥanīfa : a historical and ideological studyThe rise of holidaymaking on the Devon coast, 1750 to 1900, with particular reference to health and entertainmentA consideration of the relationship between the status of women in the USSR and their position in the political leadership, with special reference to the role of Soviet women's groups in raising women's political consciousnessAn empirical investigation of the external audit process : a study of the reaction of professional auditors to recent changes in the audit environmentLinguistic change in a nonstandard dialect : phonological studies in the history of English in IrelandDivestment, disintegration, organisational adaptation and control : evidence from management buy-outsSome psychological aspects of negationBolsheviks and British Jews : the Anglo-Jewish community, Britain and the Russian RevolutionThe Chinese in Peninsular Malaysia : a study of race relations in a plural societyReference and empty referenceAn examination of some theoretical aspects of land taxation with a concluding reference to certain practical problemsSobornost : a study in modern Russian Orthodox theologyWhither formal semantics ?Philips price and the Russian revolutionRegimes of truth : the reconstruction of the press in the Soviet and United States sectors of post-war Berlin, 1945-1947Ruskin and early Victorian art criticismEthnic pluralism in the Northern Thai city of Chiangmai/ by Michael R.J. VatikiotisMikhail Fedorovich Larionov 1881-1964 : a study of the chronology and sources of his artThe Italian Republican Party in the "heroic" years, 1926-1948 : a case study in the failure of realignmentThe political thought of Abū al-Ḥasan al-MāwardīSpace, place and home : an integrative theory of architectural spaceWomen, part-time work and the "women and employment survey"Capitalist industrialization in the Third World : revelations from South KoreaRussian poetry and criticism in Paris from 1920 to 1940Resource allocation and the primary school : a study of one local edcation authority's schoolsThe development of the Arabic periodical press and its role in the literary of Egypt(1798-1882)Regulation of foreign investment in Kenya 1963-81 : an empirical studyEvaluation studies on the Nuffield Physical Science CourseGide, Bergson, Durkheim, and the crisis of individualism, 1890-1914Management and organization in an educational setting : the application of management and organizational theory to the role of the head teacher based on a comparative analysis of the work activities of secondary school headsCost information for corporate social responsibility performanceDance in education : a constructivist analysisThe Polish community in ScotlandRisk management in reinsuranceChanging socio-economic relations in the Kandyan countrysideA comparison of Jewish and non-Jewish family life with special reference to intergenerational relationsAlexander Solzhenitsyn : the literary and didactic conflict in his prose, 1954-1971Problems in the grammar and logic of English complementationAn anthropological analysis of the identity of the educated Bengali Muslim middle class of Calcutta, IndiaThe concept of stigma with special reference to the unmarried mother : a social policy and administration approachMilton and seventeenth century individualism : language and identity in 'Paradise Lost', 'Paradise Regained' and 'Samson Agoistes'Experimental theatre in France, 1945-1975British policy towards the Russo-Finnish War, 1939-1940Educational policy and the concept of equality of opportunity in England, 1900-1970The Thākur and the Goldsmith : aspects of legitimation in an Indian villageStudies in two transmissions of the QurʾānPrivate and public space : narrative strategies in Dostoyevsky and ConradMine labour migration from Botswana to South AfricaBook IV of the Bustan us-Salatin : by Nuruddin ar-Raniri : a study from manuscripts of a 17th century Malay work written in North SumatraSyntactic agreement in standard classical Arabic : a study in the light of a new look at the linguistic sources material and modern approachesThe family in the West African novelCourt rabbis in 14th and 15th century CastileSurvival strategies in low income neighbourhoods of Cairo, EgyptM.A. Voloshin, artist-poet : an investigation into the synaesthetic aspects of his poetryA realist theory of auditingThe development of empirical sociology in the Soviet Union : the rural research of Kritsman and his schoolWisdom and ethics : a study of Israelite wisdom literature and its ethicsInterdivisional transfer pricing in theory and practiceA reconstruction, using anthropological methods, of the second economy of Soviet Georgia"Practical and theoretical implications of accounting methodology"The social and state formation in Siam, 1855-1932The social organisation of Serrano : a pueblo in SpainEntailment, the formalisation of inferenceVisions of the disembodied soul in the twelfth and thirteenth centuriesThe Daju language group : systematic phonetics, lexicostatistics and lexical reconstructionThe myth of loss : echo, allusion and interconnection in the poetry of Wordsworth and Coleridge, 1797-1807Russian foreign policy, 1725-39 : the politics of stability and opportunityA study of the environmental relationships of certain village communities in the Central Development Region of NepalThe type-token relation : abstraction and instantiation in linguistic theoryAnglo-American economic diplomacy and the European crisis, 1933-1939Perspectives on writing the history of political thoughtCross border mobility and multiple identity choices : the urban Akha in Chiang Mai, ThailandThe political economy of foreign investment in Malaysia : case study of a plural societyThe diplomatic relations of the Ottoman Empire and the great European powers from 1806 to 1821Lenin, the state and democracy : from parliamentarism to Soviet powerThe nature of internal auditingCulture and urban formUncertainty, portfolio choice and economic fluctuationsProperty and ritual relationships on a Greek islandThe phonology of English rhythm and metre, with special reference to old EnglishThe church and politics in Russia, 1905-1917 : a study of the political behaviour of the Russian Orthodox clergy in the reign of Nicholas IIMicrocomputer based information systems for operations managementImperative and indicative utterances and the presuppositions of communicationRites and symbols of death in JapanThe origins and early years of the British Committee of the Indian National Congress, 1885-1907The MRP and French policy in Indochina, 1945-54English church music of the early restoration period, 1660-ca. 1676Agricultural change and rural class formation in Iringa district, TanzaniaThe role of feeling in Coleridge's philosophyA study of corporate acquisition procedures and their relationship to financial performanceSteel and the state in France, 1945-1981 : the politics of industrial changeAn examination of literacy and learning in England in the ninth centuryAccounting measurement theorySources and uses of advice in small firms : an enquiry into small firms and their accountans and bank managersAccounting measurement theoryA comparative study of accounting systems in Indonesia and SingaporeThe position of woman in Egypt and Sudan as reflected in feminist writings since 1900Migrant absorption in formal sector employment : the case of the Dhaka region jute industryKinship and marriage in the Austroasiatic-speaking world : a comparative analysisFeatures and morphology in generalised phrase structure grammarAspects of the poetics of fiction : the novels of Nathalie SarrauteAspects of Thomas Hardy's treatment of the male and female roles in his fictionCulture and the word : aspects of acmeist poetic theory and practiceFemale sexuality, marriage and divorce in the fiction of Thomas Hardy, with special reference to the period 1887-1896The idea of threshold in oriental architecture : the Japanese case : the rite, the myth, the builtThe role of the Soviet Communist Party in economic decision makingThe role of insurance and its regulation in development : Sudan and TanzaniaAnthropological aspects of Anglo-Saxon symbolismA comparative study of popular movements in North West Industrial towns, 1830-1850British Marxists and the empire : anti-imperialist theory and practice, 1920-1945A social history of the British in Malaya, 1880-1941 : with special reference to the federated Malay statesWomen workers in the Second World War : a study of the interplay in official policy between the need to mobilise women for war and conventional expectations about their roles at work and at home, in the period 1939-45M.S. Zhukova and E.A. Gan : women writers and female protagonists, 1837-1843Social identity and the nature of the musical event : a sociological consideration of the British folk sceneAn economic analysis of agricultural mechanisation with particular reference to rice farms in the Philippines and IndonesiaThe costs and benefits of licensing activity : an empirical investigation of UK companies involved in such operationsBritish and Canadian missionaries in the Japanese Empire 1905-1925The impact of database systems on organisations : a survey with special reference to the evolution of the database administration functionStudies in the myths and oral traditions of the Thulung Rai of East NepalThe concept of the real in Dickens's novels of 1850 to 1860, and its relationship to mid-nineteenth century art and architectureFeminist politics and the fiction of Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays and Mary WollstonecraftAndrey Yur'evich Bogolyubsky : a study of the sourcesShakespeare and the idea of metamorphosisYork in the age of reformThe war-industries committees and the politics of industrial mobilization in Russia, 1915-17Class, estate and status in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1938An economic history of Sarawak during the period of brooke rule, 1841-1946The development of the profession of midwife in England, from 1750-1902Five paradigms of induction programmes in teacher education : a comparative analysis of teacher induction programmes in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, United States and CanadaEnglish sacred music (excluding carols) in insular sources, 1400-c. 1450Military intervention, local wars and superpower policies, 1950-83 : towards a conceptual frameworkThe will to believe in the age of post-naturalism : Gorky, Strindberg, Maeterlinck, and ChekhovThe South East Asian collective defence treaty : a study of the life-cycle of a multilateral allianceThe Statistics of the Russian peasantry in the nineteenth century : a historyA study of anti-Semitic groups in Britain, 1918-40Kashf al-ghumma al-jāmiʿ li-akhbār al-ummaThe beginnings of Russian Marxist literary criticism with particular reference to G.V. PlekhanovPublic audit in Northern IrelandStyle and conversation in Thomas MaloryThe effect of the changing price-levels on the internal accounting reports of industrial corporationsSoseki's development as a novelist until 1907 : with special reference to the genesis, nature, and position in his work of Kusa MakuraThe construction of an evaluation model for use in conjunction with continuing education courses in the nursing professionFinland's relations with the Soviet Union, 1944-1982 : neutrality adjusted to securityCriteria in the criticism of West African fictionA linguistic analysis of some problems of Arabic to English translationMarginality, identity and politicisation of the Bhangi community, DelhiThe dialogics of critique : M.M. Bakhtin and the theory of ideologyIndustrialisation on the basis of imported technology : a case study of the Japanese heavy chemical industry, 1870-1930A graph theoretic blocking procedure for social networksThe political role of the peasant army in the formatiuon of the Soviet State (March 1917-March 1918)The Marconi scandal and related aspects of British anti-semitism, 1911-1914The evolution of the urban pattern of Southeast Asia during the nineteenth and twentieth centuriesEducation in Bengal, 1912-1937On the determination and macroeconomic consequences of public financial policyThe Hebrew periodical ha-Shiloaḥ from 1896 to 1919 and its role in the development of modern Hebrew literatureFishing and fish marketing in northern Oman : a case study of artisanal fisheries developmentA simulation of tax haven selection procedures : a study of tax havens with particular respect to developing an expert system to assist in the tax haven selectionReligion and identity in a rural Greek communityE.A. Preobrazhensky and the theory of expanded reproduction in the USSR during the period of primitive socialist accumulationTechnique of the novel from French West Africa 1926 to 1969Ideas of women writers on the education of young children in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuriesNational socialist youth organisations for girls. A contribution to the social and political history of the third ReichThe role of Stalin in the Second World War as portrayed in Soviet Russian prose fiction 1941-72The concept of needs in Marxist thoughtPolicies for the development of remote rural communities : a comparative study : the Highlands and Islands of Scotland and Eastern Andalusia in SpainThe status of women in an Āzārbāyjāni village (Iran) with special reference to carpet manufactureBritish doctors in Russia, 1657-1807 : their contribution to Anglo-Russian medical and natural historyApplication of a social accounting matrix (SAM), fixexd-price multiplier model to agricultural sector analysis in PakistanBritish and Canadian missionaries in the Japanese empire 1905-1925"The use of an incorporated company's assets for charitable purposes"An analysis of the parliamentary opposition to the national government's handling of the international situation, November 1935-May 1940The toponymy of the targumim with special reference to the table of the nations and the boundaries of the land of IsraelThe Scottish churches and the organ in the nineteenth centuryThe belief system of the Ma? Batisek of Pulau Carey, MalaysiaMunicipal control, asian agency and the urban builtenvironment in colonial singapore, 1880-1929The illustration of a thirteenth-century New Testament manuscript from Cairo (Paris, Institut catholique copte-arabe 1)Novgorod in the early Middle Ages : the rise and growth of an urban communityAccounting policies and corporate survival under inflation : a system dynamics study : a study of the effect of alternative accounting policies on a corporation's cash flow and the replacement of its production capacity under inflationary conditionsThe management of foreign exchange exposure on business contracts overseasSpace and society : a study in socio-spatial dialectics with particular reference to Korean villagesMarriage and the position of women as presented by some of the early Victorian novelistsAn urban society and its hinterland : St Ives in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuriesThe central place system of the thessaly region of GreeceHindu pilgrimage with particular reference to West Bengal, IndiaLandscape and the eighteenth-century English novelApproaches to sacrifice in selected African ethnographyTime in the novels of Miloš CrnjanskiJapan's export trade, 1859-1899 : with special reference to silk, tea and coalChanging attitudes to marriage in JapanSaljūq metalwork and its significance in Iranian artThe social and religious identity of the Tibetan Bonpos with special reference to a north-west Himalayan settlementEmpty categories in ChineseAn analysis of the informal system of industrial planning in the Soviet UnionStudy of selected aspects of the religious education curriculum and its implementation in Saudi Arabian secondary schoolsThe provision of information to stakeholdersChanging corporate strategies in a period of crisis : high technology multinational corporations in ScotlandThe narrative structure of Besy by F.M. Dostoevsky : a formal analysisEnglish language teaching in the U.S.S.R. with particular reference to specialised language schoolsComing to terms with Tito : the policy of the British Foreign Office towards Yugoslavia, 1945-1949The investment behaviour of the smaller manufacturing business unit in the plymouth area 1970 to 1975 : the plymouth surveyFrom a didactic to an exploratory conception of literature : trends in regent Soviet prose fictionTheology and tafsīr in the major works of Fakhr al-Dīn al-RāzīMalay book publishing and printing in Malaya and Singapore 1807-1949An entropy law measurement of the utility of accounting informationAnalysis of company financial performanceMikhail Bulgakov : literature and the writer (1929-40)The settlement of labour disputes in the USSR, 1957-1965An investigation into the role and nature of management accounting in local government in England and WalesBreathing and speaking : the modification of respiration for speechRe-examination of passives and related aspects in Japanese syntaxSoviet views of the arms race and disarmamentConditional structures in classical Arabic proseChange in the Soviet education system : some factors associated with the 1984 reformsThe crisis of the Burmese state and the foundations of British colonial rule in Upper Burma 1853-1900Story and tradition in the narrative of 2 Samuel 2-4, 9-20 and 1 Kings 1-2The German Army and national socialist occupation policies in the occupied areas of the Soviet Union 1941-1943Ngugi Wa Thiong'o's literary production : a materialistic critiqueAspects of the new liberalism, 1895-1914British devotional literature and the rise of german pietismCausal attribution and depressionAn Indonesian society and its universe : a study of the Bugis of South Sulawesi (Celebes) and their role within a wider social and economic systemPublic policy : equality of employment opportunities for women in Britain and AmericaEast India patronage and the political managemant of Scotland 1720-1774The hiddenness of wisdom in the Old Testament and later JudaismAn investigation into students' attitudes towards science teaching in junior schools and the effects of using discovery techniques in colleges of education coursesMunicipal politics in Calcutta : elite groups and the Calcutta Corporation, 1875-1900The Soviet Union and the Gulf countries between 1968 and 1980 : the impact of Soviet economic aid, military assistance and political influenceThe syntax of complex sentences in SinhaleseChains choice : the linguistic analysis of novels, and A portrait of the artist as a young manThe identification and relative importance of factors which have influenced successful advanced physics textbooks used in schools in England, 1870-1979Essays on risk and insurance with endogenous hazardsThe origins, development and meaning of the figure Urizen in the poetry, prophecies and graphic art of William BlakeProblem-solving in the context of the general certificate of education ordinary level chemistry examinationAn insight into management contractingThe Muscovite ruling oligarchy of 1547-1564 : its composition, political behaviour, and attitudes towards reformSome aspects of tax operating costs with particular reference to personal taxation in the United KingdomCase in modern Greek implications for clause structureEl Gran Turco : Mehmed the conqueror as a patron of the arts of ChristendomThe Italian Socialist Party and the centre-left coalition : a study of the effects upon the party of participation in the governing coalition (1962-1972)Jewish diplomacy at war and peace : a study of Lucien Wolf, 1914-1919The nature and effects of the U.K. price controls during stages 2-4, with special reference to company profitability and financial viabilityAn edition of Kitāb al-fihrist by ibn al-Nadīm (d. 380/990), based on the version of Riḍā TajaddudGaṅgāguru : the public and private life of a Brāhman community of north IndiaThe standard of "civilisation" and the entry of non-European countries into international society : the cases of China, Japan, and SiamThe emancipation of the Jews in Britain, with particular reference to the debate concerning the admission of the Jews to parliament, 1828-1860An investigation of some aspects of the factors which influence the development of certain concepts appertaining to science in the secondary schoolIdentifying referents for anaphoric nouns and pronouns in spoken EnglishAspects of Nubi grammarWomen members of Parliament : backgrounds, roles and prospectsThe geography of enclosure in pre-revolutionary European Russia--Tver, Tula and Samara provincesA critical examination of the various bases of asset valuation and their implications for income measurementA study of hymns ancient and modern, 1860-1875Zandaqa in the early Abbasīd period with special reference to the poetryAspects of the Monastic Patronage of the English and French Royal Houses c1130-1270The personality correlates of job-satisfaction among school teachersThe Proportionale musicae of Iohannes Tinctoris : a critical edition, translation and studyLinguistic indications of social class in the Victorian novelNational communism in Georgia 1921-1923The domestic unit in a rural area of Soviet GeorgiaJapanese taste terms : the study of a lexical fieldThe struggle for Persia : the Azerbaijan crisis of 1946The semantics of the modal auxiliaries : a corpus-based analysis with special reference to contemporary spoken EnglishEugène Delacroix and literature : a study in motivation and meaningStudies in Joshua : text and literary relationsPhonetic and phonological correlates of style in English : a preliminary investigationPolitical rationalityBritish economic policy in Palestine towards the development of the Jewish national home, 1920-1929The syntax of Spanish degree clausesAsquith, home rule, and the Gladstonian tranditionPopulation trends and changes in village organization : Rampur revisitedEnglish polyphonic style in transition : a study of the sacred music of Thomas TallisNational liberation war in South Vietnam : the perceptions and policies of China and North Vietnam, 1954-1969Class structure and production relations in the U.S.S.R.The literary and exegetical treatment of Genesis in the Jewish antiquities of Flavius Josephus, in the light of Pseudepigraphic, Targumic and Midrashic sourcesGovernment and business relations in Thailand : an empirical study of ideology and interactionExternal financial reporting in Indonesia and its implications for accounting developmentOn the application of Markov chains to social processesCubo-futurism in Russia, 1912-1922 : the transformation of a painterly styleThe colonial experience(1870-1914)in the works of selected French imaginative writers(Pierre Loti, Ernest Psichari and Pierre Mille)A model of computer-based information system evolution as a basis for an integrated project support environmentStudies in the development of Milton's prose styleConcepts of services marketing : applied to estate agents in greater manchesterThe feminist theory and practice of the Owenite socialist movement in Britain, 1820-45Bulgarian nationalism (1830-1876) : the ideals and careers of Ivan Bogorov, Georgi Rakovski and Petko SlaveikovSoviet economic policy-making during the fourth five-year plan period (1946-1950)Changes in socialist states' policies on trade with OECD countries, 1976-1985Mythology and the African novelMaxim the Greek and the intellectual movements of MuscovyWord meaning and chemistry learning : an investigation of the use of word association tests in chemistry lessonsThe concept of the Islamic state as found in the writings of Abul Aʿla MaudūdīNestor Makhno in the Russian Civil War 1917-21Industrialization, transfer of technology and industrial organization in MexicoA study of Kiluguru syntax with special reference to the transformational history of sentences with permuted subject and objectThe phonetics and phonology of the Boḥairic dialect of Coptic and the 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