
Table of Contents

  • Trade relations with west European countries and the communist bloc countries

  • Trade relations with Oceanian and West Asian countries and trade of machinery (III)

  • Trade relations with Western European countries, and trade of chemicals (II)

  • Trade relations with Latin American and the communist bloc countries, and trade of machinery (II)

  • A general assessment, trade of chemicals (I), and trade of machinery (I)

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Material Type
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Author Heading
通商産業省 ツウショウ サンギョウショウ
Publication, Distribution, etc.
25 cm
Place of Publication (Country Code)
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Related Material
Trade relations with west European countries and the communist bloc countries
Trade relations with Oceanian and West Asian countries and trade of machinery (III)
Trade relations with Western European countries, and trade of chemicals (II)
Trade relations with Latin American and the communist bloc countries, and trade of machinery (II)
A general assessment, trade of chemicals (I), and trade of machinery (I)
Trade relations with the United States, Canada and Southeast Asian countries
Trade relations with African countries
Trade relations with southeast and west Asian 30 countries
The October 1962 (88%) trade liberalization of Japan : a collection of official announcements involving AA system (negative list)and AFA system (machinery and others ) and appendix, 1962-63