
Giulio Cesare : opera in three acts

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Giulio Cesare : opera in three acts

Material type
libretto Nicola Francesco Haym ; after Giacomo Francesco Bussani's Giulio Cesare in Egitto ; music by Georg Frideric Handel
Opus Arte
Publication date
2012, c2012
Material Format
Recording Media
Capacity, size, etc.
12 cm.
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Note (General):

Sung in Italian; with Japanese and Italian subtitlesIn English; with Japanese and English subtitles (特典映像)Added titles from pamphlet...

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Recording Media

Material Type
libretto Nicola Francesco Haym ; after Giacomo Francesco Bussani's Giulio Cesare in Egitto ; music by Georg Frideric Handel
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Publication Date
2012, c2012
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
12 cm.
Alternative Title
歌劇「エジプトのジュリオ・チェーザレ(ジュリアス・シーザー)」 : 全3幕のドランマ・ペル・ムージカ(音楽劇)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto : dramma per musica in tre atti, HWV 17
Opera cresta 2 : Denon DVD collection
Place of Publication (Country Code)