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Statistical papers

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National and per capita incomes of seventy countries in 1949 expressed in United States DollarsLeave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for national population censusesLeave the NDL website. Price and quantity measurement in external trade : two studies of national practiceLeave the NDL website. Report on the International Training Centre on Statistics and Censuses for the Middle East Countries : held at Cairo, Egypt from October 10 to December 22, 1949Leave the NDL website. Indexes to the International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. Survey of environment statistics : frameworks, approaches and statistical publicationsLeave the NDL website. Final report of the African Seminar on Vital Statistics, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14-18 December 1964Leave the NDL website. Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revision 3Leave the NDL website. International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. World weights and measures : handbook for statisticiansLeave the NDL website. International standard definitions for transport statisticsLeave the NDL website. Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for external tradeLeave the NDL website. Retail price comparisons for international salary determinationLeave the NDL website. Commodity imports, 1965 : share of the developing countries in the imports of principal trading nationsLeave the NDL website. National and per capita incomes of seventy countries in 1949 expressed in United States dollarsLeave the NDL website. International standards in basic industrial statisticsLeave the NDL website. Results of the maritime transport study for the years 1969-1972 : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1969-1972 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 1974 and Special SupplementLeave the NDL website. World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbookLeave the NDL website. Results of the maritime transport study for the years 1972-1975 : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1972-1975 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. Report on the training centre on vital statistics and health statistics for the eastern mediterranean, held in Cairo, Egypt, from 8 October to 6 December 1951Leave the NDL website. Classification by broad economic categoriesLeave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics systemLeave the NDL website. National practices in compilation and dissemination of external trade index numbers : A technical reportLeave the NDL website. Report on the Inter-American seminar for biostatistics : held at Santiago, Chile, from 25 September to 15 December 1950Leave the NDL website. Manual on producers' price indices for industrial goodsLeave the NDL website. International recommendations for distributive trade statistics, 2008Leave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for population and housing censusesLeave the NDL website. Directory of international statisticsLeave the NDL website. International recommendations on statistics of the distributive trades and servicesLeave the NDL website. Recommendations on tourism statisticsLeave the NDL website. International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 2Leave the NDL website. Statistical series for the use of less developed countries in programmes of economic and social developmentLeave the NDL website. International recommendations for industrial statistics 2008Leave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest : fourth reportLeave the NDL website. International recommendations in statistics of distributionLeave the NDL website. International trade statistics : concepts and definitionsLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of recent official demographic statistics = Bibliographie des publications officielles récentes présentant des statistiques démographiquesLeave the NDL website. Report on the European Centre of applied Agricultural and Demographic statistics : held at Paris from 26 September to 20 December 1949Leave the NDL website. National income and its distribution in under-developed countriesLeave the NDL website. Price movements of basic commodities in international trade, 1950-1970Leave the NDL website. Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statisticsLeave the NDL website. United Nations standard country or area code for statistical useLeave the NDL website. Indexes of quantum in international trade : methods of adjustment for incomplete coverageLeave the NDL website. National income statistics : supplement 1938-1950Leave the NDL website. Per capita national product of fifty-five countries : 1952-1954Leave the NDL website. World weights and measures : handbook for statisticiansLeave the NDL website. Classification of the functions of governmentLeave the NDL website. Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revision 2Leave the NDL website. International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1953Leave the NDL website. International sea-borne trade statistics yearbook (maritime transport) : analysis by type of goods moved during 1980-1983 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. Standard international trade classification, revision 4Leave the NDL website. Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statisticsLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-December 1952Leave the NDL website. List of statistical series collected by International OrganizationsLeave the NDL website. World energy suppliesLeave the NDL website. Report on the Western Pacific regional seminar on vital statistics and health statistics : held in Tokyo, Japan from 4 August to 20 September 1952Leave the NDL website. Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 3Leave the NDL website. Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1938, 1948 and 1955-1958Leave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March1952Leave the NDL website. Standard international trade classification revision 3Leave the NDL website. Concepts and definitions of capital formationLeave the NDL website. International recommendations on the 1963 world programme of basic industrial statisticsLeave the NDL website. Commodity indexes for the standard international trade classification : preliminary issueLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statisticsLeave the NDL website. Input-output bibliography, 1963-1966Leave the NDL website. Recommendations on statistics of international migrationLeave the NDL website. United Nations standard country codeLeave the NDL website. Directory of environment statisticsLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 October 1967Leave the NDL website. Customs areas of the worldLeave the NDL website. Report of the Inter-American Centre of Biostatistics, Santiago, Chile, 21 August 1952 to 31 December 1955Leave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 July 1983Leave the NDL website. Central product classification (CPC)Leave the NDL website. Input-output bibliography, 1966-1970Leave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for population and housing censusesLeave the NDL website. Social indicators : preliminary guidelines and illustrative seriesLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1954Leave the NDL website. International migration statistics : organization and operation, recommended standards, samplingLeave the NDL website. Final report of the First Inter-American Seminar on Civil Registration, held at Santiago, Chile, from 29 November to 11 December 1954Leave the NDL website. Provisional guidelines on statistics of international tourismLeave the NDL website. Organization and conduct of industrial censusesLeave the NDL website. Report on the International Training Centre on Statistics and Censuses for the Middle East Countries : held at Cairo, Egypt from October 10 to December 22, 1949Leave the NDL website. Directory of international statisticsLeave the NDL website. International recommendations for construction statisticsLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1960Leave the NDL website. International recommendations for industrial statisticsLeave the NDL website. A survey of national sources of income distribution statistics : (First report)Leave the NDL website. Report on the Western Pacific regional seminar on vital statistics and health statistics : held in Tokyo, Japan from 4 August to 20 September 1952Leave the NDL website. Report of the Regional Census Training Centre for Asia and the Far East, Tokyo, Japan, 1 September to 13 December 1958Leave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 July 2004Leave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interestLeave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest (Fourteenth report)Leave the NDL website. Index des produits classes selon la classification type pour le commerce internationalLeave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for the 1970 housing censusesLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade (by sea) statistics : maritime transport study for the years 1975-1978 : analysis by type of goods moved during 1975-1978 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. Standard country or area codes for statistical useLeave the NDL website. General statistical objectivesLeave the NDL website. Report of the Regional Census Training Centre for Latin America, Lima, Peru, 11 August to 21 November 1958Leave the NDL website. Final report of the Second Inter-American Seminar on Civil Registration, Lima, Peru, 30 November-11 December 1964Leave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1952Leave the NDL website. Retail price comparisons for international salary determinationLeave the NDL website. Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1938, 1948, and 1951-1954Leave the NDL website. Guidelines on principles of a system of price and quantity statisticsLeave the NDL website. Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revisedLeave the NDL website. Report on the international training centre on vital statistics and health statistics for South-East Asia, held at Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, from 19 September to 11 December 1951Leave the NDL website. Survey of social statisticsLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March 1954Leave the NDL website. Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1948 and 1956-1959Leave the NDL website. Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statisticsLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 April 1974 and Special SupplementLeave the NDL website. Classifications of expenditure according to purpose : classification of the functions of government (COFOG), classification of individual consumption according to purpose (COICOP), classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions serving households (COPNI), classification of the outlays of producers according to purpose (COPP)Leave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest : sixth reportLeave the NDL website. 1981 maritime transport study : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1978-1981 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. International trade statistics concepts and definitionsLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics reports : summary of current statistics for each area of the world, issued quarterlyLeave the NDL website. International recommendations in basic industrial statistics : a guide to objectives and definitionsLeave the NDL website. Provisional guidelines on statistics of the distribution of income, consumption and accumulation of householdsLeave the NDL website. Statistical indicators of housing conditionsLeave the NDL website. National income and its distribution in under-developed countriesLeave the NDL website. Methodology of demographic sample surveys : report of the Interregional Workshop on Methodology of Demographic Sample Surveys, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 September-3 October 1969Leave the NDL website. Standard international trade classificationLeave the NDL website. Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1938, 1948 and 1953-56Leave the NDL website. International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for the 1970 population censusesLeave the NDL website. World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbookLeave the NDL website. International recommendations for industrial statisticsLeave the NDL website. Report of the Seminar on Sampling Methods, Tokyo, Japan, 30 August-11 September 1965Leave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March 1957Leave the NDL website. Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics : including a record of National Participation in the 1963 World Programme of Basic Industrial StatisticsLeave the NDL website. Customs areas of the worldLeave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest : eighth reportLeave the NDL website. Statistics of national income and expenditureLeave the NDL website. World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbookLeave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest (Thirteenth report)Leave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for the 1970 population censusesLeave the NDL website. National accounts statistics : compendium of income distribution statisticsLeave the NDL website. Provisional international guidelines on the national and sectoral balance-sheet and reconciliation accounts of the system of national accountsLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : groupe of the Standard International Trade Classification January-September 1956Leave the NDL website. Nomenclature of geographic areas for statistical purposesLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1960Leave the NDL website. Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international tradeLeave the NDL website. Compendium of social statistics = Recueil de statistiques socialesLeave the NDL website. Commodity imports, 1967 : share of the developing countries in the imports of principal trading nationsLeave the NDL website. Standard international trade classification, 2nd revisionLeave the NDL website. Supplementary principles and recommendations for population and housing censusesLeave the NDL website. International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. The preparation of sampling survey reportsLeave the NDL website. Indexes to the International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. Manual on statistics of international trade in servicesLeave the NDL website. International recommendations for construction statisticsLeave the NDL website. Report on the international training course on vital and health statistics for the Western Pacific region, Manila, Philippines, 17 October to 25 November 1960Leave the NDL website. Directory of international standards for statistics (including a bibliography on methods)Leave the NDL website. World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbookLeave the NDL website. Classification of commodities by industrial origin : relationship of the Standard International Trade Classification to the International Standard Industrial ClassificationLeave the NDL website. Report on the training centre on vital and health statistics, held in Kabul, Afghanistan, from 13 September to 24 October 1954Leave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1954Leave the NDL website. Report on the International Training Centre on Censuses and Statistics for the Southeast Asia and Oceania : held at New delhi and Calcutta, India from November 1949 to February 1950Leave the NDL website. International Recommendations for Water StatisticsLeave the NDL website. Strategies for price and quantity measurement in external trade : a technical reportLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1953Leave the NDL website. Customs areas of the worldLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 July 1967Leave the NDL website. General statistical objectivesLeave the NDL website. Input-output bibliography 1960-1963Leave the NDL website. List of statistical series collected by international organizationsLeave the NDL website. Report on the European Centre of Applied Agricultural and Demographic Statistics : held at Paris from 26 September to 20 December 1949Leave the NDL website. Retail price comparisons for international salary determinationLeave the NDL website. Standard international trade classification, revisedLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 2006Leave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 October 2000Leave the NDL website. List of selected products and materialsLeave the NDL website. Report and proceedings of the United Nations International Seminar on Statistical OrganizationLeave the NDL website. Classification by broad economic categoriesLeave the NDL website. Manual on national accounts at constant pricesLeave the NDL website. Report of the Seminar on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics for Asia and the Far East, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 July-10 August 1968Leave the NDL website. Statistics of national income and expenditureLeave the NDL website. Indexes to the International standard industrial classification of all economic activitiesLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-December 1953Leave the NDL website. International merchandise trade statistics : concepts and definitions 2010Leave the NDL website. Directory of international standards for statisticsLeave the NDL website. International Standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev. 4Leave the NDL website. Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revisedLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics reportsLeave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for population and housing censusesLeave the NDL website. Classification of commodities by industrial origin : links between the Standard international trade classification and the International standard industrial classificationLeave the NDL website. Report on the international training centre on vital statistics and health statistics for South-East Asia, held at Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, from 19 September to 11 December 1951Leave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest (fifth report)Leave the NDL website. Guidelines on statistics of tangible assetsLeave the NDL website. Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international tradeLeave the NDL website. General principles for a housing censusLeave the NDL website. World energy supplies in selected years, 1929-1950 = Ressources mondiales en energie au cours de certaines annees de la periode 1929-1950Leave the NDL website. Report on the Training Centre on Vital Statistics and Health Statistics for the Eastern Mediterranean, held in Cairo, Egypt, from 8 October to 6 December 1951Leave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March 1958Leave the NDL website. Provisional central product classificationLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : by groups of the Standard International Trade ClassificationLeave the NDL website. International standard definitions for transport statisticsLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statisticsLeave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1952Leave the NDL website. Principles and recommendations for the 1970 housing censusesLeave the NDL website. Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 3Leave the NDL website. Central product classification (CPC)Leave the NDL website. National income statistics : supplement 1938-1950Leave the NDL website. 1982 maritime transport study : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1979-1982 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. Recommendations on statistics of international migrationLeave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 2008Leave the NDL website. Provisional guidelines on standard international age classificationsLeave the NDL website. Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statisticsLeave the NDL website. Recommendations for the preparation of sample survey reports (provisional issue)Leave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest (Twelfth report)Leave the NDL website. A Framework for the development of environment statisticsLeave the NDL website. Principles for a vital statistics system : recommendations for the improvement and standardization of vital statisticsLeave the NDL website. Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international tradeLeave the NDL website. Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revision 3Leave the NDL website. Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 2005Leave the NDL website. United Nations standard country or area code for statistical useLeave the NDL website. Organization and conduct of industrial censusesLeave the NDL website. 1980 maritime transport study : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1977-1980 between regions of the worldLeave the NDL website. Report on the first Latin American training centre on statistics and censuses : held at Mexico City, from 2 September to 10 December 1948Leave the NDL website. Commodity trade statistics : by groups of the Standard International Trade ClassificationLeave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest (eleventh report)Leave the NDL website. Sample surveys of current interest : seventh reportLeave the NDL website.

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Statistical paper
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Related Material
National and per capita incomes of seventy countries in 1949 expressed in United States Dollars
Principles and recommendations for national population censuses
Price and quantity measurement in external trade : two studies of national practice
Report on the International Training Centre on Statistics and Censuses for the Middle East Countries : held at Cairo, Egypt from October 10 to December 22, 1949
Indexes to the International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
Survey of environment statistics : frameworks, approaches and statistical publications
Final report of the African Seminar on Vital Statistics, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14-18 December 1964
Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revision 3
International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
World weights and measures : handbook for statisticians
International standard definitions for transport statistics
Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for external trade
Retail price comparisons for international salary determination
Commodity imports, 1965 : share of the developing countries in the imports of principal trading nations
National and per capita incomes of seventy countries in 1949 expressed in United States dollars
International standards in basic industrial statistics
Results of the maritime transport study for the years 1969-1972 : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1969-1972 between regions of the world
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 1974 and Special Supplement
World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
Results of the maritime transport study for the years 1972-1975 : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1972-1975 between regions of the world
Report on the training centre on vital statistics and health statistics for the eastern mediterranean, held in Cairo, Egypt, from 8 October to 6 December 1951
Classification by broad economic categories
Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system
National practices in compilation and dissemination of external trade index numbers : A technical report
Report on the Inter-American seminar for biostatistics : held at Santiago, Chile, from 25 September to 15 December 1950
Manual on producers' price indices for industrial goods
International recommendations for distributive trade statistics, 2008
Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses
Directory of international statistics
International recommendations on statistics of the distributive trades and services
Recommendations on tourism statistics
International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 2
Statistical series for the use of less developed countries in programmes of economic and social development
International recommendations for industrial statistics 2008
Sample surveys of current interest : fourth report
International recommendations in statistics of distribution
International trade statistics : concepts and definitions
Bibliography of recent official demographic statistics = Bibliographie des publications officielles récentes présentant des statistiques démographiques
Report on the European Centre of applied Agricultural and Demographic statistics : held at Paris from 26 September to 20 December 1949
National income and its distribution in under-developed countries
Price movements of basic commodities in international trade, 1950-1970
Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics
United Nations standard country or area code for statistical use
Indexes of quantum in international trade : methods of adjustment for incomplete coverage
National income statistics : supplement 1938-1950
Per capita national product of fifty-five countries : 1952-1954
World weights and measures : handbook for statisticians
Classification of the functions of government
Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revision 2
International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1953
International sea-borne trade statistics yearbook (maritime transport) : analysis by type of goods moved during 1980-1983 between regions of the world
Standard international trade classification, revision 4
Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-December 1952
List of statistical series collected by International Organizations
World energy supplies
Report on the Western Pacific regional seminar on vital statistics and health statistics : held in Tokyo, Japan from 4 August to 20 September 1952
Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 3
Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1938, 1948 and 1955-1958
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March1952
Standard international trade classification revision 3
Concepts and definitions of capital formation
International recommendations on the 1963 world programme of basic industrial statistics
Commodity indexes for the standard international trade classification : preliminary issue
Commodity trade statistics
Input-output bibliography, 1963-1966
Recommendations on statistics of international migration
United Nations standard country code
Directory of environment statistics
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 October 1967
Customs areas of the world
Report of the Inter-American Centre of Biostatistics, Santiago, Chile, 21 August 1952 to 31 December 1955
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 July 1983
Central product classification (CPC)
Input-output bibliography, 1966-1970
Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses
Social indicators : preliminary guidelines and illustrative series
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1954
International migration statistics : organization and operation, recommended standards, sampling
Final report of the First Inter-American Seminar on Civil Registration, held at Santiago, Chile, from 29 November to 11 December 1954
Provisional guidelines on statistics of international tourism
Organization and conduct of industrial censuses
Report on the International Training Centre on Statistics and Censuses for the Middle East Countries : held at Cairo, Egypt from October 10 to December 22, 1949
Directory of international statistics
International recommendations for construction statistics
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1960
International recommendations for industrial statistics
A survey of national sources of income distribution statistics : (First report)
Report on the Western Pacific regional seminar on vital statistics and health statistics : held in Tokyo, Japan from 4 August to 20 September 1952
Report of the Regional Census Training Centre for Asia and the Far East, Tokyo, Japan, 1 September to 13 December 1958
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 July 2004
Sample surveys of current interest
Sample surveys of current interest (Fourteenth report)
Index des produits classes selon la classification type pour le commerce international
Principles and recommendations for the 1970 housing censuses
Commodity trade (by sea) statistics : maritime transport study for the years 1975-1978 : analysis by type of goods moved during 1975-1978 between regions of the world
Standard country or area codes for statistical use
General statistical objectives
Report of the Regional Census Training Centre for Latin America, Lima, Peru, 11 August to 21 November 1958
Final report of the Second Inter-American Seminar on Civil Registration, Lima, Peru, 30 November-11 December 1964
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1952
Retail price comparisons for international salary determination
Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1938, 1948, and 1951-1954
Guidelines on principles of a system of price and quantity statistics
Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revised
Report on the international training centre on vital statistics and health statistics for South-East Asia, held at Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, from 19 September to 11 December 1951
Survey of social statistics
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March 1954
Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1948 and 1956-1959
Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 April 1974 and Special Supplement
Classifications of expenditure according to purpose : classification of the functions of government (COFOG), classification of individual consumption according to purpose (COICOP), classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions serving households (COPNI), classification of the outlays of producers according to purpose (COPP)
Sample surveys of current interest : sixth report
1981 maritime transport study : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1978-1981 between regions of the world
International trade statistics concepts and definitions
Population and vital statistics reports : summary of current statistics for each area of the world, issued quarterly
International recommendations in basic industrial statistics : a guide to objectives and definitions
Provisional guidelines on statistics of the distribution of income, consumption and accumulation of households
Statistical indicators of housing conditions
National income and its distribution in under-developed countries
Methodology of demographic sample surveys : report of the Interregional Workshop on Methodology of Demographic Sample Surveys, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 September-3 October 1969
Standard international trade classification
Direction of international trade, annual issue : annual data for the years 1938, 1948 and 1953-56
International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
Principles and recommendations for the 1970 population censuses
World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
International recommendations for industrial statistics
Report of the Seminar on Sampling Methods, Tokyo, Japan, 30 August-11 September 1965
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March 1957
Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics : including a record of National Participation in the 1963 World Programme of Basic Industrial Statistics
Customs areas of the world
Sample surveys of current interest : eighth report
Statistics of national income and expenditure
World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
Sample surveys of current interest (Thirteenth report)
Principles and recommendations for the 1970 population censuses
National accounts statistics : compendium of income distribution statistics
Provisional international guidelines on the national and sectoral balance-sheet and reconciliation accounts of the system of national accounts
Commodity trade statistics : groupe of the Standard International Trade Classification January-September 1956
Nomenclature of geographic areas for statistical purposes
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1960
Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international trade
Compendium of social statistics = Recueil de statistiques sociales
Commodity imports, 1967 : share of the developing countries in the imports of principal trading nations
Standard international trade classification, 2nd revision
Supplementary principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses
International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
The preparation of sampling survey reports
Indexes to the International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
Manual on statistics of international trade in services
International recommendations for construction statistics
Report on the international training course on vital and health statistics for the Western Pacific region, Manila, Philippines, 17 October to 25 November 1960
Directory of international standards for statistics (including a bibliography on methods)
World statistics in brief : United Nations statistical pocketbook
Classification of commodities by industrial origin : relationship of the Standard International Trade Classification to the International Standard Industrial Classification
Report on the training centre on vital and health statistics, held in Kabul, Afghanistan, from 13 September to 24 October 1954
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-June 1954
Report on the International Training Centre on Censuses and Statistics for the Southeast Asia and Oceania : held at New delhi and Calcutta, India from November 1949 to February 1950
International Recommendations for Water Statistics
Strategies for price and quantity measurement in external trade : a technical report
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1953
Customs areas of the world
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 July 1967
General statistical objectives
Input-output bibliography 1960-1963
List of statistical series collected by international organizations
Report on the European Centre of Applied Agricultural and Demographic Statistics : held at Paris from 26 September to 20 December 1949
Retail price comparisons for international salary determination
Standard international trade classification, revised
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 2006
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 October 2000
List of selected products and materials
Report and proceedings of the United Nations International Seminar on Statistical Organization
Classification by broad economic categories
Manual on national accounts at constant prices
Report of the Seminar on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics for Asia and the Far East, Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 July-10 August 1968
Statistics of national income and expenditure
Indexes to the International standard industrial classification of all economic activities
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-December 1953
International merchandise trade statistics : concepts and definitions 2010
Directory of international standards for statistics
International Standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC), Rev. 4
Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revised
Population and vital statistics reports
Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses
Classification of commodities by industrial origin : links between the Standard international trade classification and the International standard industrial classification
Report on the international training centre on vital statistics and health statistics for South-East Asia, held at Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, from 19 September to 11 December 1951
Sample surveys of current interest (fifth report)
Guidelines on statistics of tangible assets
Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international trade
General principles for a housing census
World energy supplies in selected years, 1929-1950 = Ressources mondiales en energie au cours de certaines annees de la periode 1929-1950
Report on the Training Centre on Vital Statistics and Health Statistics for the Eastern Mediterranean, held in Cairo, Egypt, from 8 October to 6 December 1951
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-March 1958
Provisional central product classification
Commodity trade statistics : by groups of the Standard International Trade Classification
International standard definitions for transport statistics
Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics
Commodity trade statistics : according to the Standard International Trade Classification : January-September 1952
Principles and recommendations for the 1970 housing censuses
Classification by broad economic categories : defined in terms of SITC rev. 3
Central product classification (CPC)
National income statistics : supplement 1938-1950
1982 maritime transport study : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1979-1982 between regions of the world
Recommendations on statistics of international migration
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 2008
Provisional guidelines on standard international age classifications
Bibliography of industrial and distributive-trade statistics
Recommendations for the preparation of sample survey reports (provisional issue)
Sample surveys of current interest (Twelfth report)
A Framework for the development of environment statistics
Principles for a vital statistics system : recommendations for the improvement and standardization of vital statistics
Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for basic commodities in international trade
Commodity indexes for the Standard international trade classification, revision 3
Population and vital statistics report : data available as of 1 January 2005
United Nations standard country or area code for statistical use
Organization and conduct of industrial censuses
1980 maritime transport study : commodity trade (by sea) statistics : analysis by type of goods moved during 1977-1980 between regions of the world
Report on the first Latin American training centre on statistics and censuses : held at Mexico City, from 2 September to 10 December 1948
Commodity trade statistics : by groups of the Standard International Trade Classification
Sample surveys of current interest (eleventh report)
Sample surveys of current interest : seventh report
Data Provider (Database)
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research