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唖の女王Leave the NDL website. 日の罰 : 雷の恩Leave the NDL website. 活水死水Leave the NDL website. 朝星夕星 ; 死神の聲Leave the NDL website. 二人王子 ; 七人兄弟Leave the NDL website. 指環の魔力Leave the NDL website. 獵師大臣Leave the NDL website. 虹の橋 ; 新世界Leave the NDL website. 鐡の狼 ; 藁の牛Leave the NDL website. 甲良武者Leave the NDL website. 奇牛の角Leave the NDL website. 法螺先生 ; 智慧娘Leave the NDL website. 幸福の花Leave the NDL website. 指環の魔力Leave the NDL website. 奇躰の洋燈 ; 不思議の馬Leave the NDL website. 樽の七郎Leave the NDL website. 二子草紙Leave the NDL website. 乞食の豫言Leave the NDL website. 日の車 ; 蚤の命 ; 檻の虎Leave the NDL website. 大人国Leave the NDL website. 魔法の卵Leave the NDL website. 二人半助Leave the NDL website. 三人片輪Leave the NDL website. 馬鹿利口Leave the NDL website. 五色の石 ; 指南車Leave the NDL website. 浮かれ胡弓 ; 喋べり姫Leave the NDL website. 馬の首Leave the NDL website. 法螺先生Leave the NDL website. 徳利長者 : 附馬耳大王Leave the NDL website. 樽の七郎Leave the NDL website. 二人王子 ; 七人兄弟Leave the NDL website. 小人島Leave the NDL website. 鬼大名Leave the NDL website. 鬼大名Leave the NDL website. 世界の始 ; 人間の始Leave the NDL website. 五色の石 ; 指南車Leave the NDL website. 骸骨島 ; 岩戸破Leave the NDL website. 九重の塔 ; 飛行椅子Leave the NDL website. 鷺の踊 ; 梟の恨Leave the NDL website. 三人片輪Leave the NDL website. 新塞翁Leave the NDL website. 鷺の踊 ; 梟の恨Leave the NDL website. 王城乗取 ; 池の焼鮒 ; 姫島の燈臺Leave the NDL website. 魔王アゝLeave the NDL website. 正直正吉Leave the NDL website. 酋長征伐 ; 魔像退治 ; 角力仇討Leave the NDL website. 馬尾裁判Leave the NDL website. 光明姫Leave the NDL website. 少年國Leave the NDL website. 光明姫Leave the NDL website. 九羽烏Leave the NDL website. 狐の裁判Leave the NDL website. 王城乗取 ; 池の焼鮒 ; 姫島の燈臺Leave the NDL website. 驢馬姫Leave the NDL website. 黒足小僧Leave the NDL website. 南犬北犬Leave the NDL website. 病魔降伏 ; 窓の聲Leave the NDL website. 大人国Leave the NDL website. 消炭太郎Leave the NDL website. 亀の智恵Leave the NDL website. 十二王妃Leave the NDL website. 豆の手蔓Leave the NDL website. 唖の女王Leave the NDL website. 孫悟空Leave the NDL website. 鬼だまし ; 命の在所Leave the NDL website. 世界の始 ; 人間の始Leave the NDL website. 梨の殿樣 : 附鶏の法王Leave the NDL website. 豆の王 : 附牡鶏の卵Leave the NDL website. 三の王冠Leave the NDL website. 猿智慧小僧Leave the NDL website. 刀三本Leave the NDL website. 鐡の王子Leave the NDL website. 鬼婆と少女 ; 兵卒と悪魔Leave the NDL website. 鬼婆と少女 ; 兵卒と悪魔Leave the NDL website. 変身術 ; 豚婿Leave the NDL website. 魔法博士 ; 三魔鏡Leave the NDL website. 犬の王子Leave the NDL website. 豫言書Leave the NDL website. 小人鼻助Leave the NDL website. 九重の塔Leave the NDL website. 珊瑚島 ; 獨木船Leave the NDL website. 日の車 ; 蚤の命 ; 檻の虎Leave the NDL website. 二子草紙Leave the NDL website. 鶏乃使 ; 五頭龍 ; 人食婆Leave the NDL website. 黄金の船 : 附兎と狐Leave the NDL website. 王城乗取 ; 池の焼鮒 ; 姫島の燈臺Leave the NDL website. 魔王アゝLeave the NDL website. 世わ情Leave the NDL website. 夢乃三郎Leave the NDL website. 三度の願Leave the NDL website. 世界の始 ; 人間の始Leave the NDL website. 手無し姫 ; 熊の裁判Leave the NDL website. 十二王妃Leave the NDL website. 虹の橋 ; 新世界Leave the NDL website. 木兎太郎Leave the NDL website. 運探し ; 神試しLeave the NDL website. 魔法の卵Leave the NDL website. 魔法學校Leave the NDL website. 大人国Leave the NDL website. 猿智慧小僧Leave the NDL website. 犬の王子Leave the NDL website. 人魚の約束Leave the NDL website. 魔法博士 ; 三魔鏡Leave the NDL website. 無人島大王Leave the NDL website. 龍宮の使者Leave the NDL website. 予言書Leave the NDL website. 少年国Leave the NDL website. 鶯王子Leave the NDL website. 浮かれ笛Leave the NDL website. 無人島大王Leave the NDL website. 酋長征伐 ; 魔像退治 ; 角力仇討Leave the NDL website. 三筋の金髪Leave the NDL website. 地獄巡り ; 飛行器Leave the NDL website. 岩の船 ; 鬼の腕Leave the NDL website. 刀三本 ; つむぎ姫Leave the NDL website. 極樂草Leave the NDL website. 鬼だまし ; 命の在所Leave the NDL website. 森の女Leave the NDL website. 光乃剣Leave the NDL website. 三ッの難題Leave the NDL website. 九番人形Leave the NDL website. 木馬物語Leave the NDL website. 大洪水Leave the NDL website. 薔薇姫Leave the NDL website. 朝星夕星Leave the NDL website. 小人島Leave the NDL website. 金馬将軍Leave the NDL website. 白い鳥 ; 稗の神 ; 月の男Leave the NDL website. 金髪王女Leave the NDL website. 石の行方Leave the NDL website. 龍宮の使者Leave the NDL website. 法螺競Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 唖の女王

  • 日の罰 : 雷の恩

  • 活水死水

  • 朝星夕星 ; 死神の聲

  • 二人王子 ; 七人兄弟

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