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Śata-piṭaka series

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Śata-piṭaka series

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Raghu Viraほか
International Academy of Indian Culture : Aditya Prakashan
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Note (General):

Founded by Raghu Vira, continued by Lokesh ChandraAlso published by Rinsen, KyotoAlso published by Sharada Rani

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A comparative study of the Tathāgatāyuḥpramāṇa-parivarta and its Chinese versions (Suvarṇaprabhāsa-sūtra, chapter II)Leave the NDL website. Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms : in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and ChineseLeave the NDL website. Mongol-Sanskrit dictionary, with a Sanskrit-Mongol indexLeave the NDL website. Kālacakra-tantra and other textsLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit-Chinese lexicon : being fan fan yü, the first known lexicon of its kind dated to A.D. 517Leave the NDL website. Chos ʾbyuṅ Mkhas paʾi dgaʾ ston = Mkhas-paḥi-dgaḥ-ston, of Dpaḥ-bo-gtsug-lag (also known as Lho-brag-chos-ḥbyuṅ)Leave the NDL website. जैमिनीयश्रौतसूत्रवृत्तिःLeave the NDL website. Mahāvairocana-sūtra : translated into English from Ta-pʿi-lu-che-na chʿeng-fo shen-pien chia-chʿih ching, the Chinese version of Śubhākarasiṁha and I-hsing, A.D. 725Leave the NDL website. Gyantse and its monasteriesLeave the NDL website. Comparative iconography of the Vajradhātu-Maṇḍala and the Tattva-SaṅgrahaLeave the NDL website. The Samye monastery : Tibetan textLeave the NDL website. Mongol-Sanskrit dictionary, with a Sanskrit-Mongol indexLeave the NDL website. Bkah-thaṅ-sde-lṅaLeave the NDL website. Buddhism in KashmirLeave the NDL website. Buddhist iconography in Nepalese sketch-booksLeave the NDL website. Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and ChineseLeave the NDL website. Inscriptions préangkoriennes nommant un roiLeave the NDL website. Wṛhaspati-Tattwa : an old Javanese philosophical textLeave the NDL website. Comparative iconography of the Vajradhātu-Maṇḍala and the Tattva-SaṅgrahaLeave the NDL website. Caṇḍi Mendut : womb of the TathāgataLeave the NDL website. Tibetan compendia written for Csoma de KorosLeave the NDL website. The collected works of Bu-stonLeave the NDL website. A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheonLeave the NDL website. The Collected works of Dalai Lama XIIILeave the NDL website. Sanskrit-Tibetan dictionary : being the reverse of the 19 volumes of the Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionaryLeave the NDL website. Pañcaviṁśa-brāhmana : with the commentary of SāỳaṇaLeave the NDL website. Introduction to Buddhist artLeave the NDL website. Gilgit Buddhist manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Tantra and popular religion in TibetLeave the NDL website. The AmarakoS̥a in Tibet : being a new Tibetan version by the great grammarian Si-tuLeave the NDL website. Mongolian KanjurLeave the NDL website. Sarva-durgati-pariśodhana-Tejorāja-Kalpa : a Sanskrit manuscript from NepalLeave the NDL website. Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra : Sanskrit manuscript from TibetLeave the NDL website. Collected works of Jaya-paṇḍita Blo-bzaṅ-ḥphrin-lasLeave the NDL website. Lord Śiva and buddha in the golden isles : in search of classical indonesiaLeave the NDL website. The man from Samyé : longchenpa on praxis, its negation and liberationLeave the NDL website. Sarva-Tathāgata-tattva-saṅgraha : facsimile reproduction of a tenth century Sanskrit manuscript from NepalLeave the NDL website. The Bhagavata Purana : the birch bark manuscript in the State and University Library in GottingenLeave the NDL website. Krĕṣṇāyana : the Krĕṣṇa legend in IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Works of Agwangdamba (Ṅag-dbaṅ-bstan-pa)Leave the NDL website. The Tangut TripitakaLeave the NDL website. Vikramāditya tales from MongoliaLeave the NDL website. Eminent Tibetan polymaths of Mongolia : based on the work of Ye-śes-Thabs-mkhasLeave the NDL website. A catalogue of the Urga Kanjur in the Prof. Raghuvira collection at the International Academy of Indian CultureLeave the NDL website. Bamiyan, Hārītī and kindred iconicsLeave the NDL website. मञ्जुश्री-नाम-संगीतिः = 'Jam dpal ye śes sems dpa'i don dam pa'i mtshan yaṅ dag par brjod pa = Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṅgīti in Mongolian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese . सेकोद्देशः = Dbaṅ mdor bstan pa = Sekoddeśa in Tibetan and MongolianLeave the NDL website. Four Mongolian historical recordsLeave the NDL website. गिल्गित-बौद्ध-ग्रन्थावलिः : पञ्चदशशताब्दप्राचीनानां भूर्जपत्राणां भाचित्राणि = Gilgit Buddhist manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Araji Booji : stories of King Vikramāditya as told in Mongolian together with the unpublished Tibetan versionLeave the NDL website. Mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia : guide to the Lamaist collection of Prince UkhtomskyLeave the NDL website. India and ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mongolian KanjurLeave the NDL website. Sudhana's way to enlightenmentLeave the NDL website. Multi-lingual Buddhist texts : in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian, and ManchuLeave the NDL website. Biography of Atīśa and his disciple ḣBrom-stonLeave the NDL website. A descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the private library of His Highness Shri Rajarajeshwar Maharajadhiraj Maharaja Shri Harisinghji Bahadur K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O. of Jammu and Kashmir ; Mahācīnācāra, Kakṣapuṭa and TārārahasyaLeave the NDL website. Works of Bstan-dar Sṅags-rams-paLeave the NDL website. Voices from the mountain : the Śailendra inscriptions discovered in Central Java and the Malay peninsulaLeave the NDL website. The golden annals of LamaismLeave the NDL website. History of the Sera monastery of Tibet (1418-1959) : Mkhas maṅ rgya mtshoʾi bsti gnas dbus ʾgyuṅ gdan sa chen po gsum gyi ya gyal Se-ra Theg-chen-gliṅ gi chos ʾbyuṅ rab gsal nor buʾi mi loṅ gsal źes bya ba bzugs soLeave the NDL website. Cultural horizons of India : studies in Tantra and Buddhism, art and archaeology, language and literatureLeave the NDL website. Sutasoma : a study in Javanese WajrayanaLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit manuscripts from TibetLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Mongolian TanjurLeave the NDL website. Buddhism across the grasslands of Chinggis KhanLeave the NDL website. Society and culture of Southeast Asia continuities and changesLeave the NDL website. Catalogue du Tanǰur Mongol imprimé/par RintchenLeave the NDL website. Kālacakra-tantra and other textsLeave the NDL website. Indian scripts in TibetLeave the NDL website. Buddhism : aesthetics, time, and quintessenceLeave the NDL website. Four Tibetan-Mongolian lexiconsLeave the NDL website. History of Mantrayana in JapanLeave the NDL website. The art and culture of South-east AsiaLeave the NDL website. Drāhyāyana-śrauta-sūtra : with the commentary of DhanvinLeave the NDL website. Bod daṅ Legs-sbyar kyi mdzad = भोट-संस्कृताभिधानम् = Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionaryLeave the NDL website. Collected works of Sum-pa-Mkhan-poLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit texts on phonetics : a collectin of śikṣā textsLeave the NDL website. Vajravali : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing the ritual and delineation of maṇḍalasLeave the NDL website. Quadrilingual Mahāvyutpatti : Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese-Mongolian lexicon of Buddhist termsLeave the NDL website. Biography of Dam-tshig-rdo-rjeLeave the NDL website. The Buddhist cosmopolisLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Narthang KanjurLeave the NDL website. Buddhist literature of the Manchus : a catalogue of the Manchu holdings in the Raghu Vira collection at the International Academy of Indian CultureLeave the NDL website. Amarakosa in BurmeseLeave the NDL website. Tattwajñāna and Mahajñāna (two Kawi philosophical texts)Leave the NDL website. The song of the queen of spring, or, A history of TibetLeave the NDL website. Buddhist iconographyLeave the NDL website. Vedic textsLeave the NDL website. Biography of Atiśa and his disciple ḥBrom-stonLeave the NDL website. Tales of King Vikramāditya and the thirty-two wooden men : Mongol text and translationLeave the NDL website. Urga KanjurLeave the NDL website. Kongtrul's encyclopaedia of Indo-Tibetan cultureLeave the NDL website. The Matrix and Diamond World Mandalas in Shingon BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Urga KanjurLeave the NDL website. Sadhana-mala of the Panchen Lama : bstan-pahi-ñi-ma-phyogs-las rnam-rgyal : entitled Ri-dam-rgra-mtshoḥi sgrub-thabs rin-chen-ḥbruṅ-gnas-kri lhan-thabs rin-ḥbruṅ don gsalLeave the NDL website. आचार्य रघुवीर का चीन-अभियानLeave the NDL website. Yuthok's Treatise on Tibetan medicineLeave the NDL website. The journey of the goddess Durga : India, Java and BariLeave the NDL website. The autobiography and diaries of Si-tu Paṇ-chenLeave the NDL website. Skanda-Purana : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing the Kāśī-khaṇḍaLeave the NDL website. Buddhist texts from Kashgar and NepalLeave the NDL website. जापान में हिन्दू देवों के प्रतिमा-लक्षण = Iconography of Hindu deities in JapanLeave the NDL website. Buddhist philosophical systemsLeave the NDL website. India and Asia : a cultural symphony : a collection of some notes, articles, poems, and letters of the late Prof. Dr. RaghuviraLeave the NDL website. From beyond the eastern horizon : essays in honour of Professor Lokesh ChandraLeave the NDL website. Catalogue du Tanǰur Mongol impriméLeave the NDL website. Aṣṭa-sāhasrikā prajñāpāramitā : a Sanskrit manuscript from NepalLeave the NDL website. Architecture, time and eternity : studies in the stellar and temporal symbolism of traditional buildingsLeave the NDL website. Siddham : an essay on the history of Sanskrit studies in China and JapanLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking : in the Manchurian, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan scriptsLeave the NDL website. Buddhist iconography of TibetLeave the NDL website. The charisma of TibetLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit texts from the imperial palace at Peking, in the Manchurian, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan scriptsLeave the NDL website. Chinese studies on Tibetan culture : a facsimile reproduction of the K'ang-Tsang Yen-Chiu Yüeh-K'an (Hsik'ang-Tibet Research Monthly)Leave the NDL website. The biography of Chag lo-tsā-ba Chos rje dpal (Dharmasvāmin)Leave the NDL website. Tibetan chronicle of Padma-dkar-poLeave the NDL website. Tibetan chronicle of Padma-dkar-poLeave the NDL website. Narthang KanjurLeave the NDL website. English-Pali dictionaryLeave the NDL website. The Tangut TripitakaLeave the NDL website. The autobiography and diaries of Si-tu Paṇ-chenLeave the NDL website. Baiḍūrya ser po = Vaiḍūrya-ser-po : (a history of the Dge-lugs-pa monasteries of Tibet)Leave the NDL website. The ocean annals of Amdo = Yul-mdo-smad-kyi ljoṅs-su Thub-bstan rin-po-che ji-ltar dar-baḥi tshul gsal-bar brjod-pa deb-ther rgya-mtshoLeave the NDL website. Gilgit Buddhist manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit manuscripts from JapanLeave the NDL website. Ślokāntara : an old Javanese didactic textLeave the NDL website. Paippalāda-saṁhitā of the Atharva-veda : books 1-20Leave the NDL website. Sanskrit in IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Indo-Asian studiesLeave the NDL website. India and South-East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of Indic cultureLeave the NDL website. Life of Lord BuddhaLeave the NDL website. Hindu deities in Thai artLeave the NDL website. Vibrations of ahimsa in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Niṣpanna-Yogāvalī : Sanskrit and Tibetan texts with English translationLeave the NDL website. The Matrix and Diamond World Mandalas in Shingon BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Urga KanjurLeave the NDL website. Mudras in Japan : symbolic hand-postures in Japanese Mantrayāna or the esoteric Buddhism of the Shingon denominationLeave the NDL website. Transcendental art of TibetLeave the NDL website. History and doctrine of Bon-po Niṣpanna-yoga : original Tibetan texts on the transmission, teaching, rites and deities of the Rdzogs chen Zhaṅ zhuṅ school of the Bon-po'sLeave the NDL website. Embedded narratives of BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Vikramāditya tales from MongoliaLeave the NDL website. Life and works of Jibcundampa ILeave the NDL website. Urga KanjurLeave the NDL website. Yuthok's Treatise on Tibetan medicineLeave the NDL website. The Indonesian MahābhārataLeave the NDL website. The blue annalsLeave the NDL website. The collected works of Longdol LamaLeave the NDL website. Lalitavajra's manual of Buddhist iconography /[translated by] Sushama LohiaLeave the NDL website. Ramayana kakawinLeave the NDL website. Transcendental art of TibetLeave the NDL website. Chinese Buddhist sculpture under the Liao : free standing works in situ and selected examples from public collectionsLeave the NDL website. Studies in classical India : a collection of the articles of Prof. Dr. Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. Buryat annotations on the Lam-rimLeave the NDL website. Gaṇapati-Tattwa : an old Javanese philosophic textLeave the NDL website. Bharātayuddha : an old Javanese poem and its Indian sourcesLeave the NDL website. Twin maṇḍalas of Vairocana in Japanese iconographyLeave the NDL website. A comprehensive English-Hindi dictionary : supplementary volumeLeave the NDL website. Gypsy studiesLeave the NDL website. 'Phags-yul Rgya-nag-chen-po Bod daṅ Sog-yul du dam pa'i chos byuṅ tshul Dpag-bsam-ljon-bzaṅ źes bya ba = Dpag-bsam-ljon-bzaṅ of Sum-pa-mkhan-po Ye-śes-dpal-ḥbyorLeave the NDL website. Kāraṇḍavyūha and other texts : Sanskrit manuscripts from NepalLeave the NDL website. An introduction to Buddhist philosophy in India and TibetLeave the NDL website. A stairway taken by the lucid : Tsong kha pa's study of noble beingsLeave the NDL website. A 15th century Tibetan compendium of knowledge : the Bśad mdzod yid bzhin nor bu, by Don-dam-smra-ba'i-seṅgeLeave the NDL website. The esoteric iconography of Japanese maṇḍalasLeave the NDL website. BodhicaryāvatāraLeave the NDL website. Vaiḍūrya-ser-po (a history of the Dge-lugs-pa monasteries of Tibet) . and, The annals of KokonorLeave the NDL website. A Ninth century scroll of the Vajradhātu MaṇḍalaLeave the NDL website. Homa rites and Maṇḍala meditation in Tendai BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Materials for a history of Tibetan literatureLeave the NDL website. Eminent Tibetan polymaths of Mongolia : based on the work of Ye-śes-Thabs-mkhas entitled Bla ma dam pa rnams kyi gsuṅ 'bum gyi dkar chag Gñen-'brel-dran-gso'i-me-loṅ źes bya baLeave the NDL website. Kriya-samuccaya : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing a collection of tantric ritual by JagaddarpaṇaLeave the NDL website. The golden annals of Lamaism : being the original Tibetan text of the Hor-chos-ḥbyuṅ of Blo-bzaṅ-rta-mgrin entitled འཛམ་གླིང་བྱང་ཕྱོགས་ཆེན་པོ་ཧོར་གྱི་རྒྱལ་ཁམས་ཀྱི་རྟོགས་པ་བརྗོད་པའི་བསྟན་བཅོས་ཆེན་པོ་དཔྱོད་ལྡན་མགུ་བྱེད་ངོ་མཚར་གསེར་གྱི་དེབ་ཐེར་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Lhasa KanjurLeave the NDL website. मानवश्रौतसूत्रम् = The Mānavaśrauta sūtra : belonging to the Maitrāyaṇī saṃhitāLeave the NDL website. Sarasvati vihara : a collection of some notes and articles of Prof. Dr. Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. Iconography of the thousand BuddhasLeave the NDL website. Wratiśāsana : a Sanskrit text on ascetic discipline with Kawi exegesisLeave the NDL website. Kātyāyana-Śrauta-sūtra, and other Vedic textsLeave the NDL website. Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallelsLeave the NDL website. Dharmatala's annals of BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Studies in South, East, and Central Asia presented as a memorial volume to the late professor Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit texts from KashmirLeave the NDL website. Life of the fifth Dalai LamaLeave the NDL website. The Samye monasteryLeave the NDL website. Bkah-thaṅ-sde-lṅaLeave the NDL website. The esoteric iconography of Japanese mandalasLeave the NDL website. Dictionary of Buddhist iconographyLeave the NDL website. The temples of western Tibet and their artistic symbolismLeave the NDL website. Mahāvairocana-sūtraLeave the NDL website. History of Buddhism by Sum.pa.Mkhan.poLeave the NDL website. 'Chi-med-mdzod kyi gźuṅ la brten nas legs par sbyar ba'i skad kyi miṅ daṅ rtags kyi 'jug pa gsal bar byed pa'i bstan bcos legs bśad sgo brgya 'byed pa'i lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so = The Amarakoṣa in Tibet : being a new Tibetan version by the great grammarian Si-tuLeave the NDL website. Kriya-sangraha : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing a collection of tantric ritualLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit in China and JapanLeave the NDL website. Vedic studies : a collection of the research papers of Prof. Dr. Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and ChineseLeave the NDL website. Gilgit Buddhist manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Esoteric mudrās of Japan : mudrās of the Garbhadhātu and Vajradhātu maṇḍalas, of homa and eighteen-step rites, and of main Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, gods and goddesses of various sūtras and tantrasLeave the NDL website. Dpag-bsam-ljon-bzaṅ of Sum-pa-mkhan-po Ye-śes-dpal-ḥbyorLeave the NDL website. Buddhist texts from Kashgar and NepalLeave the NDL website. Rin-chen-bzaṅ-po and the renaissance of Buddhism in Tibet around the milleniumLeave the NDL website. Stupa : art, architectonics and symbolism : Mchod-rten and tsha-tsha in Indian and Western Tibet : contribution to a study of Tibetan religious art and its significanceLeave the NDL website. Buddhist tales of Kashmir in Tibetan woodcuts : Narthang series of the woodcuts of Ksemendra's Avadana-kalpalataLeave the NDL website. Abhidhānottara-tantra : a Sanskrit manuscript from NepalLeave the NDL website. Sutasoma : a study in Javanese WajrayanaLeave the NDL website. Early Buddhist texts in MongolianLeave the NDL website. Dharma Pātañjala : a Śaiva scripture from ancient Java studied in the light of related Old Javanese and Sanskrit textsLeave the NDL website. An illustrated Tibeto-Mongolian materia medica of Ayurveda of 'Jam-dpal-rdo-rje of MongoliaLeave the NDL website. Mongol-Sanskrit dictionary : with a Sanskrit-Mongol indexLeave the NDL website. Sāra-Samuccaya : (a classical Indonesian compendium of high ideals)Leave the NDL website. Cultural interflow between India and JapanLeave the NDL website. India's national language : a collection of the articles of Prof. Dr. Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. Nature, tradition and originality : a collection of essaysLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Peking TanjurLeave the NDL website. The history of Buddhism in MongoliaLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Geschichte des Śivaismus : die Śaiva-Systematik des VṛhaspatitattvaLeave the NDL website. Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-saṅgraha nāma Mahāyāna-sūtra : a critical edition based on a Sanskrit manuscript and Chinese and Tibetan translationsLeave the NDL website. Buddhist intimationsLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary of dharanis = The DaranijitenLeave the NDL website. Buddha in Chinese woodcutsLeave the NDL website. Mkhas-Paḥi-Dgaḥ-Ston of Dpaḥ-bo-gtsug-lag (also known as Lho-brag-chos-ḥbyuń)Leave the NDL website. Siddham : an essay on the history of Sanskrit studies in China and JapanLeave the NDL website. A ninth century scroll of the Vajradhātu MaṇḍalaLeave the NDL website. Materials for a history of Tibetan literatureLeave the NDL website. A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheonLeave the NDL website. Tibetan maṇḍalas : Vajrāvalī and Tantra-samuccayaLeave the NDL website. Buddhism among the Turks of Central AsiaLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit manuscripts from Tibet : facsimile edition of the Kalacakra-tantra and of an unidentified palmleaf manuscript, both from the Narthang MonasteryLeave the NDL website. Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra : Sanskrit manuscript from NepalLeave the NDL website. Mādhava's commentary on the Uttarārcika of SāmavedaLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Geschichte des Sivaismus : die Śaiva-Systematik des VrhaspatilattvaLeave the NDL website. Four Mongolian historical recordsLeave the NDL website. Buddhist tales of Kashmir in Tibetan woodcuts : Narthang series of the woodcuts of Kṣemendra's Avadāna-kalpalatāLeave the NDL website. Biography of Jibcundampa IVLeave the NDL website. Kāraṇḍa-vyūha-sūtra, or, The supernal virtues of Avalokiteśvara : Sanskrit text of the metrical version edited for the first time from original manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. The Tantric ritual of Japan : feeding the gods, the Shingon fire ritualLeave the NDL website. Stupa : cult and symbolismLeave the NDL website. रघुवीर-श्रद्धाञ्जलिLeave the NDL website. Buddhist iconographyLeave the NDL website. Evolution of the Garbhadhātu maṇḍalaLeave the NDL website. The iconography of the Derge Kanjur and Tanjur : facsimile reproductions of the 648 illustrations in the Derge edition of the Tibetan Tripitaka, housed in the Library of the Oriental Institute in PragueLeave the NDL website. मानवश्रौतसूत्रम् = The Mānava śrautasūtra : belonging to the Maitrāyaṇī saṃhitāLeave the NDL website. Buddhist poetry, thought and diffusionLeave the NDL website. Samantabhadracaryā-praṇidhānarājaLeave the NDL website. Studies in Indo-Asian art and cultureLeave the NDL website. History of Buddhism in Mongolia =C̆hen-po Hor-gyi yuldu dam-paʾi c̆hos ji-ltar byuṅ-baʾi chul bs̆ad-pa bstan-pa rinpo-c̆he gsal-bar byed-paʾi sgron-me, or, Hor c̆hos ʾbyuṅLeave the NDL website. Kongtrul's encyclopaedia of Indo-Tibetan cultureLeave the NDL website. Rāmāyana of Vālmīki : facsimile edition of the oldest manuscript dated samvat 1076Leave the NDL website. Pañca-rakṣā : two Sanskrit manuscripts from NepalLeave the NDL website. History and doctrine of Bon-po Niṣpanna-yoga : original Tibetan texts on the transmission, teaching, rites and deities of the Rdzogs chen Zhaṅ zhuṅ school of the Bon-po'sLeave the NDL website. Mahāpratisarā-Mahāvidyārājñi : the great amulet, great queen of spells : introduction, critical editions and annotated translationLeave the NDL website. Saddharma-pundarika-sutra : Kashgar manuscriptLeave the NDL website. Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionaryLeave the NDL website. Studies in South, East, and Central Asia presented as a memorial volume to the late professor Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheonLeave the NDL website. Mañjuśrī- nāma-saṅgǐti in Mongolian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese. Sekoddeśa in Tibetan and MongolianLeave the NDL website. Buddhism : art and values : a collection of research papers and keynote addresses on the evolution of Buddhist art and thought across the lands of AsiaLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit Bijas and Mantras in JapanLeave the NDL website. The life of the Saint of GtsaṅLeave the NDL website. Rāmāyaṇa in CambodiaLeave the NDL website. Quest of Buddhist paradigms : in Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and JapanLeave the NDL website. Development of Indian languagesLeave the NDL website. Heritage of India and the WestLeave the NDL website. Morning calm and the pensive beyond : cultural interflow between India and KoreaLeave the NDL website. Indianization of scientific terms : writings and notes of the late Prof. Raghu ViraLeave the NDL website. The earliest maṇḍala of Śubhakarasiṁha (637-735 CE)Leave the NDL website. Buddhist treasures of Russia and MongoliaLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
Alternative Title
Śatapiṭaka series
Śata-piṭaka series : Indo-Asian literatures
शत पिटकम्
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Founded by Raghu Vira, continued by Lokesh Chandra
Also published by Rinsen, Kyoto
Also published by Sharada Rani
Related Material
A comparative study of the Tathāgatāyuḥpramāṇa-parivarta and its Chinese versions (Suvarṇaprabhāsa-sūtra, chapter II)
Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms : in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and Chinese
Mongol-Sanskrit dictionary, with a Sanskrit-Mongol index
Kālacakra-tantra and other texts
Sanskrit-Chinese lexicon : being fan fan yü, the first known lexicon of its kind dated to A.D. 517
Chos ʾbyuṅ Mkhas paʾi dgaʾ ston = Mkhas-paḥi-dgaḥ-ston, of Dpaḥ-bo-gtsug-lag (also known as Lho-brag-chos-ḥbyuṅ)
Mahāvairocana-sūtra : translated into English from Ta-pʿi-lu-che-na chʿeng-fo shen-pien chia-chʿih ching, the Chinese version of Śubhākarasiṁha and I-hsing, A.D. 725
Gyantse and its monasteries
Comparative iconography of the Vajradhātu-Maṇḍala and the Tattva-Saṅgraha
The Samye monastery : Tibetan text
Mongol-Sanskrit dictionary, with a Sanskrit-Mongol index
Buddhism in Kashmir
Buddhist iconography in Nepalese sketch-books
Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and Chinese
Inscriptions préangkoriennes nommant un roi
Wṛhaspati-Tattwa : an old Javanese philosophical text
Comparative iconography of the Vajradhātu-Maṇḍala and the Tattva-Saṅgraha
Caṇḍi Mendut : womb of the Tathāgata
Tibetan compendia written for Csoma de Koros
The collected works of Bu-ston
A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheon
The Collected works of Dalai Lama XIII
Sanskrit-Tibetan dictionary : being the reverse of the 19 volumes of the Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary
Pañcaviṁśa-brāhmana : with the commentary of Sāỳaṇa
Introduction to Buddhist art
Gilgit Buddhist manuscripts
Tantra and popular religion in Tibet
The AmarakoS̥a in Tibet : being a new Tibetan version by the great grammarian Si-tu
Mongolian Kanjur
Sarva-durgati-pariśodhana-Tejorāja-Kalpa : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal
Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra : Sanskrit manuscript from Tibet
Collected works of Jaya-paṇḍita Blo-bzaṅ-ḥphrin-las
Lord Śiva and buddha in the golden isles : in search of classical indonesia
The man from Samyé : longchenpa on praxis, its negation and liberation
Sarva-Tathāgata-tattva-saṅgraha : facsimile reproduction of a tenth century Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal
The Bhagavata Purana : the birch bark manuscript in the State and University Library in Gottingen
Krĕṣṇāyana : the Krĕṣṇa legend in Indonesia
Works of Agwangdamba (Ṅag-dbaṅ-bstan-pa)
The Tangut Tripitaka
Vikramāditya tales from Mongolia
Eminent Tibetan polymaths of Mongolia : based on the work of Ye-śes-Thabs-mkhas
A catalogue of the Urga Kanjur in the Prof. Raghuvira collection at the International Academy of Indian Culture
Bamiyan, Hārītī and kindred iconics
मञ्जुश्री-नाम-संगीतिः = 'Jam dpal ye śes sems dpa'i don dam pa'i mtshan yaṅ dag par brjod pa = Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṅgīti in Mongolian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese . सेकोद्देशः = Dbaṅ mdor bstan pa = Sekoddeśa in Tibetan and Mongolian
Four Mongolian historical records
गिल्गित-बौद्ध-ग्रन्थावलिः : पञ्चदशशताब्दप्राचीनानां भूर्जपत्राणां भाचित्राणि = Gilgit Buddhist manuscripts
Araji Booji : stories of King Vikramāditya as told in Mongolian together with the unpublished Tibetan version
Mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia : guide to the Lamaist collection of Prince Ukhtomsky
India and China
Mongolian Kanjur
Sudhana's way to enlightenment
Multi-lingual Buddhist texts : in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Manchu
Biography of Atīśa and his disciple ḣBrom-ston
A descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the private library of His Highness Shri Rajarajeshwar Maharajadhiraj Maharaja Shri Harisinghji Bahadur K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O. of Jammu and Kashmir ; Mahācīnācāra, Kakṣapuṭa and Tārārahasya
Works of Bstan-dar Sṅags-rams-pa
Voices from the mountain : the Śailendra inscriptions discovered in Central Java and the Malay peninsula
The golden annals of Lamaism
History of the Sera monastery of Tibet (1418-1959) : Mkhas maṅ rgya mtshoʾi bsti gnas dbus ʾgyuṅ gdan sa chen po gsum gyi ya gyal Se-ra Theg-chen-gliṅ gi chos ʾbyuṅ rab gsal nor buʾi mi loṅ gsal źes bya ba bzugs so
Cultural horizons of India : studies in Tantra and Buddhism, art and archaeology, language and literature
Sutasoma : a study in Javanese Wajrayana
Sanskrit manuscripts from Tibet
Catalogue of the Mongolian Tanjur
Buddhism across the grasslands of Chinggis Khan
Society and culture of Southeast Asia continuities and changes
Catalogue du Tanǰur Mongol imprimé/par Rintchen
Kālacakra-tantra and other texts
Indian scripts in Tibet
Buddhism : aesthetics, time, and quintessence
Four Tibetan-Mongolian lexicons
History of Mantrayana in Japan
The art and culture of South-east Asia
Drāhyāyana-śrauta-sūtra : with the commentary of Dhanvin
Bod daṅ Legs-sbyar kyi mdzad = भोट-संस्कृताभिधानम् = Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary
Collected works of Sum-pa-Mkhan-po
Sanskrit texts on phonetics : a collectin of śikṣā texts
Vajravali : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing the ritual and delineation of maṇḍalas
Quadrilingual Mahāvyutpatti : Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese-Mongolian lexicon of Buddhist terms
Biography of Dam-tshig-rdo-rje
The Buddhist cosmopolis
Catalogue of the Narthang Kanjur
Buddhist literature of the Manchus : a catalogue of the Manchu holdings in the Raghu Vira collection at the International Academy of Indian Culture
Amarakosa in Burmese
Tattwajñāna and Mahajñāna (two Kawi philosophical texts)
The song of the queen of spring, or, A history of Tibet
Buddhist iconography
Vedic texts
Biography of Atiśa and his disciple ḥBrom-ston
Tales of King Vikramāditya and the thirty-two wooden men : Mongol text and translation
Urga Kanjur
Kongtrul's encyclopaedia of Indo-Tibetan culture
The Matrix and Diamond World Mandalas in Shingon Buddhism
Urga Kanjur
Sadhana-mala of the Panchen Lama : bstan-pahi-ñi-ma-phyogs-las rnam-rgyal : entitled Ri-dam-rgra-mtshoḥi sgrub-thabs rin-chen-ḥbruṅ-gnas-kri lhan-thabs rin-ḥbruṅ don gsal
आचार्य रघुवीर का चीन-अभियान
Yuthok's Treatise on Tibetan medicine
The journey of the goddess Durga : India, Java and Bari
The autobiography and diaries of Si-tu Paṇ-chen
Skanda-Purana : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing the Kāśī-khaṇḍa
Buddhist texts from Kashgar and Nepal
जापान में हिन्दू देवों के प्रतिमा-लक्षण = Iconography of Hindu deities in Japan
Buddhist philosophical systems
India and Asia : a cultural symphony : a collection of some notes, articles, poems, and letters of the late Prof. Dr. Raghuvira
From beyond the eastern horizon : essays in honour of Professor Lokesh Chandra
Catalogue du Tanǰur Mongol imprimé
Aṣṭa-sāhasrikā prajñāpāramitā : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal
Architecture, time and eternity : studies in the stellar and temporal symbolism of traditional buildings
Siddham : an essay on the history of Sanskrit studies in China and Japan
Sanskrit texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking : in the Manchurian, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan scripts
Buddhist iconography of Tibet
The charisma of Tibet
Sanskrit texts from the imperial palace at Peking, in the Manchurian, Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan scripts
Chinese studies on Tibetan culture : a facsimile reproduction of the K'ang-Tsang Yen-Chiu Yüeh-K'an (Hsik'ang-Tibet Research Monthly)
The biography of Chag lo-tsā-ba Chos rje dpal (Dharmasvāmin)
Tibetan chronicle of Padma-dkar-po
Tibetan chronicle of Padma-dkar-po
Narthang Kanjur
English-Pali dictionary
The Tangut Tripitaka
The autobiography and diaries of Si-tu Paṇ-chen
Baiḍūrya ser po = Vaiḍūrya-ser-po : (a history of the Dge-lugs-pa monasteries of Tibet)
The ocean annals of Amdo = Yul-mdo-smad-kyi ljoṅs-su Thub-bstan rin-po-che ji-ltar dar-baḥi tshul gsal-bar brjod-pa deb-ther rgya-mtsho
Gilgit Buddhist manuscripts
Sanskrit manuscripts from Japan
Ślokāntara : an old Javanese didactic text
Paippalāda-saṁhitā of the Atharva-veda : books 1-20
Sanskrit in Indonesia
Indo-Asian studies
India and South-East Asia
Dynamics of Indic culture
Life of Lord Buddha
Hindu deities in Thai art
Vibrations of ahimsa in China
Niṣpanna-Yogāvalī : Sanskrit and Tibetan texts with English translation
The Matrix and Diamond World Mandalas in Shingon Buddhism
Urga Kanjur
Mudras in Japan : symbolic hand-postures in Japanese Mantrayāna or the esoteric Buddhism of the Shingon denomination
Transcendental art of Tibet
History and doctrine of Bon-po Niṣpanna-yoga : original Tibetan texts on the transmission, teaching, rites and deities of the Rdzogs chen Zhaṅ zhuṅ school of the Bon-po's
Embedded narratives of Buddhism
Vikramāditya tales from Mongolia
Life and works of Jibcundampa I
Urga Kanjur
Yuthok's Treatise on Tibetan medicine
The Indonesian Mahābhārata
The blue annals
The collected works of Longdol Lama
Lalitavajra's manual of Buddhist iconography /[translated by] Sushama Lohia
Ramayana kakawin
Transcendental art of Tibet
Chinese Buddhist sculpture under the Liao : free standing works in situ and selected examples from public collections
Studies in classical India : a collection of the articles of Prof. Dr. Raghu Vira
Buryat annotations on the Lam-rim
Gaṇapati-Tattwa : an old Javanese philosophic text
Bharātayuddha : an old Javanese poem and its Indian sources
Twin maṇḍalas of Vairocana in Japanese iconography
A comprehensive English-Hindi dictionary : supplementary volume
Gypsy studies
'Phags-yul Rgya-nag-chen-po Bod daṅ Sog-yul du dam pa'i chos byuṅ tshul Dpag-bsam-ljon-bzaṅ źes bya ba = Dpag-bsam-ljon-bzaṅ of Sum-pa-mkhan-po Ye-śes-dpal-ḥbyor
Kāraṇḍavyūha and other texts : Sanskrit manuscripts from Nepal
An introduction to Buddhist philosophy in India and Tibet
A stairway taken by the lucid : Tsong kha pa's study of noble beings
A 15th century Tibetan compendium of knowledge : the Bśad mdzod yid bzhin nor bu, by Don-dam-smra-ba'i-seṅge
The esoteric iconography of Japanese maṇḍalas
Vaiḍūrya-ser-po (a history of the Dge-lugs-pa monasteries of Tibet) . and, The annals of Kokonor
A Ninth century scroll of the Vajradhātu Maṇḍala
Homa rites and Maṇḍala meditation in Tendai Buddhism
Materials for a history of Tibetan literature
Eminent Tibetan polymaths of Mongolia : based on the work of Ye-śes-Thabs-mkhas entitled Bla ma dam pa rnams kyi gsuṅ 'bum gyi dkar chag Gñen-'brel-dran-gso'i-me-loṅ źes bya ba
Kriya-samuccaya : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing a collection of tantric ritual by Jagaddarpaṇa
The golden annals of Lamaism : being the original Tibetan text of the Hor-chos-ḥbyuṅ of Blo-bzaṅ-rta-mgrin entitled འཛམ་གླིང་བྱང་ཕྱོགས་ཆེན་པོ་ཧོར་གྱི་རྒྱལ་ཁམས་ཀྱི་རྟོགས་པ་བརྗོད་པའི་བསྟན་བཅོས་ཆེན་པོ་དཔྱོད་ལྡན་མགུ་བྱེད་ངོ་མཚར་གསེར་གྱི་དེབ་ཐེར་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ
Catalogue of the Lhasa Kanjur
मानवश्रौतसूत्रम् = The Mānavaśrauta sūtra : belonging to the Maitrāyaṇī saṃhitā
Sarasvati vihara : a collection of some notes and articles of Prof. Dr. Raghu Vira
Iconography of the thousand Buddhas
Wratiśāsana : a Sanskrit text on ascetic discipline with Kawi exegesis
Kātyāyana-Śrauta-sūtra, and other Vedic texts
Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels
Dharmatala's annals of Buddhism
Studies in South, East, and Central Asia presented as a memorial volume to the late professor Raghu Vira
Sanskrit texts from Kashmir
Life of the fifth Dalai Lama
The Samye monastery
The esoteric iconography of Japanese mandalas
Dictionary of Buddhist iconography
The temples of western Tibet and their artistic symbolism
History of Buddhism by Sum.pa.Mkhan.po
'Chi-med-mdzod kyi gźuṅ la brten nas legs par sbyar ba'i skad kyi miṅ daṅ rtags kyi 'jug pa gsal bar byed pa'i bstan bcos legs bśad sgo brgya 'byed pa'i lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so = The Amarakoṣa in Tibet : being a new Tibetan version by the great grammarian Si-tu
Kriya-sangraha : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal containing a collection of tantric ritual
Sanskrit in China and Japan
Vedic studies : a collection of the research papers of Prof. Dr. Raghu Vira
Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and Chinese
Gilgit Buddhist manuscripts
Esoteric mudrās of Japan : mudrās of the Garbhadhātu and Vajradhātu maṇḍalas, of homa and eighteen-step rites, and of main Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, gods and goddesses of various sūtras and tantras
Dpag-bsam-ljon-bzaṅ of Sum-pa-mkhan-po Ye-śes-dpal-ḥbyor
Buddhist texts from Kashgar and Nepal
Rin-chen-bzaṅ-po and the renaissance of Buddhism in Tibet around the millenium
Stupa : art, architectonics and symbolism : Mchod-rten and tsha-tsha in Indian and Western Tibet : contribution to a study of Tibetan religious art and its significance
Buddhist tales of Kashmir in Tibetan woodcuts : Narthang series of the woodcuts of Ksemendra's Avadana-kalpalata
Abhidhānottara-tantra : a Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal
Sutasoma : a study in Javanese Wajrayana
Early Buddhist texts in Mongolian
Dharma Pātañjala : a Śaiva scripture from ancient Java studied in the light of related Old Javanese and Sanskrit texts
An illustrated Tibeto-Mongolian materia medica of Ayurveda of 'Jam-dpal-rdo-rje of Mongolia
Mongol-Sanskrit dictionary : with a Sanskrit-Mongol index
Sāra-Samuccaya : (a classical Indonesian compendium of high ideals)
Cultural interflow between India and Japan
India's national language : a collection of the articles of Prof. Dr. Raghu Vira
Nature, tradition and originality : a collection of essays
Catalogue of the Peking Tanjur
The history of Buddhism in Mongolia
Studien zur Geschichte des Śivaismus : die Śaiva-Systematik des Vṛhaspatitattva
Sarva-tathāgata-tattva-saṅgraha nāma Mahāyāna-sūtra : a critical edition based on a Sanskrit manuscript and Chinese and Tibetan translations
Buddhist intimations
Sanskrit-Japanese dictionary of dharanis = The Daranijiten
Buddha in Chinese woodcuts
Mkhas-Paḥi-Dgaḥ-Ston of Dpaḥ-bo-gtsug-lag (also known as Lho-brag-chos-ḥbyuń)
Siddham : an essay on the history of Sanskrit studies in China and Japan
A ninth century scroll of the Vajradhātu Maṇḍala
Materials for a history of Tibetan literature
A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheon
Tibetan maṇḍalas : Vajrāvalī and Tantra-samuccaya
Buddhism among the Turks of Central Asia
Sanskrit manuscripts from Tibet : facsimile edition of the Kalacakra-tantra and of an unidentified palmleaf manuscript, both from the Narthang Monastery
Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra : Sanskrit manuscript from Nepal
Mādhava's commentary on the Uttarārcika of Sāmaveda
Studien zur Geschichte des Sivaismus : die Śaiva-Systematik des Vrhaspatilattva
Four Mongolian historical records
Buddhist tales of Kashmir in Tibetan woodcuts : Narthang series of the woodcuts of Kṣemendra's Avadāna-kalpalatā
Biography of Jibcundampa IV
Kāraṇḍa-vyūha-sūtra, or, The supernal virtues of Avalokiteśvara : Sanskrit text of the metrical version edited for the first time from original manuscripts
The Tantric ritual of Japan : feeding the gods, the Shingon fire ritual
Stupa : cult and symbolism
Buddhist iconography
Evolution of the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala
The iconography of the Derge Kanjur and Tanjur : facsimile reproductions of the 648 illustrations in the Derge edition of the Tibetan Tripitaka, housed in the Library of the Oriental Institute in Prague
मानवश्रौतसूत्रम् = The Mānava śrautasūtra : belonging to the Maitrāyaṇī saṃhitā
Buddhist poetry, thought and diffusion
Studies in Indo-Asian art and culture
History of Buddhism in Mongolia =C̆hen-po Hor-gyi yuldu dam-paʾi c̆hos ji-ltar byuṅ-baʾi chul bs̆ad-pa bstan-pa rinpo-c̆he gsal-bar byed-paʾi sgron-me, or, Hor c̆hos ʾbyuṅ
Kongtrul's encyclopaedia of Indo-Tibetan culture
Rāmāyana of Vālmīki : facsimile edition of the oldest manuscript dated samvat 1076
Pañca-rakṣā : two Sanskrit manuscripts from Nepal
History and doctrine of Bon-po Niṣpanna-yoga : original Tibetan texts on the transmission, teaching, rites and deities of the Rdzogs chen Zhaṅ zhuṅ school of the Bon-po's
Mahāpratisarā-Mahāvidyārājñi : the great amulet, great queen of spells : introduction, critical editions and annotated translation
Saddharma-pundarika-sutra : Kashgar manuscript
Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary
Studies in South, East, and Central Asia presented as a memorial volume to the late professor Raghu Vira
A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheon
Mañjuśrī- nāma-saṅgǐti in Mongolian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese. Sekoddeśa in Tibetan and Mongolian
Buddhism : art and values : a collection of research papers and keynote addresses on the evolution of Buddhist art and thought across the lands of Asia
Sanskrit Bijas and Mantras in Japan
The life of the Saint of Gtsaṅ
Rāmāyaṇa in Cambodia
Quest of Buddhist paradigms : in Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan
Development of Indian languages
Heritage of India and the West
Morning calm and the pensive beyond : cultural interflow between India and Korea
Indianization of scientific terms : writings and notes of the late Prof. Raghu Vira
The earliest maṇḍala of Śubhakarasiṁha (637-735 CE)
Buddhist treasures of Russia and Mongolia