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The economics series : technical report

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The economics series : technical report

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Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University
Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences
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28 cm
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The bilinear complementarity problem and competitive equilibria of linear economic modelsLeave the NDL website. Controllability, pecuniary externalities and optimal taxationLeave the NDL website. Relatively recursive rational choiceLeave the NDL website. Inequality, malnutrition and unemployment : a critique of the competitive market mechanismLeave the NDL website. Second best welfare economics in the mixed economyLeave the NDL website. Income distribution and distortion of preferences : the ι commodity caseLeave the NDL website. Social and pribate provuction objectives in the sequence economyLeave the NDL website. Monopolistic competition and the capital marketLeave the NDL website. The shapely value in the non differentiable caseLeave the NDL website. Borrowing constraints and aggregate economic activityLeave the NDL website. Free entry and stability in a Cournot modelLeave the NDL website. Efficiency and fairness in the design of bilateral contractsLeave the NDL website. How restrictive actually are the value restriction conditionsLeave the NDL website. Budget displacement effects of inflationary financeLeave the NDL website. A note on "fulfilled expectations" equilibriaLeave the NDL website. The measurement of deadweight loss revisitedLeave the NDL website. Non-zero-sum two-person repeated games with incomplete informationLeave the NDL website. Risk sharing, sharecropping and uncertain labor marketsLeave the NDL website. Applications of semi-regenerative theory to coputations of stationary distributions of markov chainsLeave the NDL website. The social costs of monopoly and regulation : a game theoretic analysisLeave the NDL website. On the number of commodities required to represent a market gameLeave the NDL website. A Bayesian approach to the production of information and learning by doingLeave the NDL website. Pareto optimal Nash equilibria are competitive in a repeated economyLeave the NDL website. On the impossibility of informationally efficient marketsLeave the NDL website. Temporal resolution of uncertainty and dynamic cholice theoryLeave the NDL website. The existence of economic equilibria : continuity and mixed strategiesLeave the NDL website. The structure of wage contracts in repeated agency modelsLeave the NDL website. Duality approaches to microeconomic theoryLeave the NDL website. Towards a marxist theory of moneyLeave the NDL website. Capacity pricingLeave the NDL website. A representation theorem for "preference for flexibility"Leave the NDL website. Unemployment equilibrium with rational expectationsLeave the NDL website. Dynamic allocation with consistent intergenerational benevolenceLeave the NDL website. Two papers on majority ruleLeave the NDL website. Optimum pricing policy under stochastic inflationLeave the NDL website. The economics of agencyLeave the NDL website. Diagonality of cost allocation pricesLeave the NDL website. Cournot duopoly in the style of fulfilled expectations equilibriumLeave the NDL website. The comparative dynamics of efficient programs of capital accumulation and resource depletionLeave the NDL website. Technical information, returns to scale, and the existence of competitive equilibriumLeave the NDL website. Simple formulae for optimal income taxation and the measurement of inequalityLeave the NDL website. Short-run analysis of fiscal policy in a simple perfect foresight modelLeave the NDL website. Necessary and sufficient conditions for single-peakedness along a linearly ordered set of policy alternativesLeave the NDL website. An analysis of power in exchange economiesLeave the NDL website. Team theory and decentralized resource allocation : an exampleLeave the NDL website. Overlapping expectations and hart's conditions for equilibrium in a securities modelLeave the NDL website. Recursive rational choiceLeave the NDL website. The estimation of nonlinear labor supply function with taxes from a truncated sampleLeave the NDL website. Competitivity and the number of firms in a market : are duopolies more competitive than atomistic markets?Leave the NDL website. On stockholder unanimity in making production and financial decisionsLeave the NDL website. Incentive schemes under differential information structures : an application to trade policyLeave the NDL website. Unemployment equilibrium with stochastic rationing of suppliesLeave the NDL website. Power and public goodsLeave the NDL website. The minmax theorem for U.S.C.-L.S.C. payoff functionsLeave the NDL website. Multiparty equilibria under proportional representationLeave the NDL website. Search among queuesLeave the NDL website. The welfare implications of the unemployment rateLeave the NDL website. Behavior under uncertainty and its implications for policyLeave the NDL website. A characterization of vector measure games in pNALeave the NDL website. Keynesian economics and general equilibrium theory : reflection on some current debatesLeave the NDL website. Stratightforward individual incentive compatibility in large economiesLeave the NDL website. Transversality conditions for some infinite horizon discrete time optimization problemsLeave the NDL website. The fixed price equilibria : some results in local comparative staticsLeave the NDL website. Sequential equilibriaLeave the NDL website. Self-agreed cartel rulesLeave the NDL website. A theory of competitive equilibrium in stock market economiesLeave the NDL website. Entry with exit : an extensive form treatment of predation with financial constraintsLeave the NDL website. Consumer information in markets with random product quality : the case of queues and balkingLeave the NDL website. On equilibria of bid-ask marketsLeave the NDL website. The individual freedom allowed by the value restriction conditionLeave the NDL website. Altruism as an outcome of social interactionLeave the NDL website. Instability in the implementation of Walrasian allocationsLeave the NDL website. Prices for homogenous cost functionsLeave the NDL website. Planning under incomplete information and the ratchet effectLeave the NDL website. Mutiperiod securities and the efficient allocaion of risk : a comment on the black-scholes option pricing modelLeave the NDL website. General asset markets, private capital formation, and the existence of temporary walrasian equilibriumLeave the NDL website. Game-theoretic analyses of trading processesLeave the NDL website. Unsatisfactory equilibriaLeave the NDL website. Consequentialist social norms for public decisionsLeave the NDL website. MiddlemenLeave the NDL website. Viable allocations of information in financial marketsLeave the NDL website. Martingales and the valuation of redundant assetsLeave the NDL website. On the rate of convergence of the coreLeave the NDL website. Noncooperative equilibrium concepts for oligopoly theoryLeave the NDL website. On the optimality of individual behavior in first come last served queues with preemption and balkingLeave the NDL website. On non-Walrasian equilibriaLeave the NDL website. On the capitalization hypothesis in closed communitiesLeave the NDL website. The role of reputation in a repeated agency problem involving information transmissionLeave the NDL website. Power and taxes in a multi-commodity economyLeave the NDL website. Approximate purification of mixed strategiesLeave the NDL website. Lump-sum taxes and transfers : public debt in the overlapping-generations modelLeave the NDL website. Intermadiate preferences and the majority ruleLeave the NDL website. Consistent voting rules for competitive local public goods economiesLeave the NDL website. Temporal von Neumann-Morgenstern and induced preferencesLeave the NDL website. Project evaluation by potential tax reformLeave the NDL website. Three essays on capital marketsLeave the NDL website. Marriage and moneyLeave the NDL website. Dominance-solvability and cournot stabilityLeave the NDL website. On the endogenous formation of coalitionsLeave the NDL website. Aggregates, activities, and overheadsLeave the NDL website. The case of a single indexLeave the NDL website. Using cost observation to regulate firmsLeave the NDL website. Diffusion approxikmation in Arrow's model of exhaustable resourcesLeave the NDL website. A bidding model of perfect competitionLeave the NDL website. Durable mechanisms for bargaining with private information : definition, existence, and characterizationLeave the NDL website. Prices and queues as screening devices in competitive marketsLeave the NDL website. Extremal equilibria of oligopolistic supergamesLeave the NDL website. The normative economics of government intervention in productionLeave the NDL website. A survey of agency models of organizationsLeave the NDL website. The existence of efficient and incentive compatible equilibria with public goodsLeave the NDL website. Consequentialism and rationality in dynamic choice under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Information and economic analysisLeave the NDL website. A complete characterization of arma solutions to linear rational expectations modelsLeave the NDL website. Bayesian incentive compatible beliefsLeave the NDL website. Optimal retirement ageLeave the NDL website. Reputation and product qualityLeave the NDL website. Cost benefit analysis and project evaluation from the viewpoint of productive efficiencyLeave the NDL website. Capital accumulation and the characteristics of private intergenerational transfersLeave the NDL website. Periodic and aperiodic behavior in discrete onedimensional dynamical systemsLeave the NDL website. On the duration of agreemantsLeave the NDL website. Asymptotic values of mixed gamesLeave the NDL website. Nonpaternalistic intergenerational altruismLeave the NDL website. Public goods and powerLeave the NDL website. Managerial incentives and non-wage benefitsLeave the NDL website. The algebra of ARMA processes and the structure of ARMA solutions to a general linear model with rational expectationsLeave the NDL website. Infinite excessive and invariant measuresLeave the NDL website. On endogenous competitive business cyclesLeave the NDL website. On the chain-store paradox and predation : reputation for toughnessLeave the NDL website. The core of an exchange economy with differential informationLeave the NDL website. Approximate measures of the social welfare benefis of large projectsLeave the NDL website. Semi-values of political economic gamesLeave the NDL website. On the NTU valueLeave the NDL website. Distortion of preferences, income distribution and the case for a linear income taxLeave the NDL website. The design of tax structure : direct versus indirect taxationLeave the NDL website. Measure-based values of market gamesLeave the NDL website. Tiebout equilibrium under restricted preferences domainLeave the NDL website. Inflation and taxes in a growing economy with debt and equity financeLeave the NDL website. Enhancing of semigroupsLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium policy proposals with abstentionsLeave the NDL website. The space of polynomials in measures is internalLeave the NDL website. Interactions between signaling and repeated play with borrower defaultLeave the NDL website. Optimal price and income regulation under uncertainty in the model with one producerLeave the NDL website. Welfare measurement for local public financeLeave the NDL website. Agreeing to disagreeLeave the NDL website. Search strategies for nonrenewable resource depositsLeave the NDL website. On the robustness of equilibrium refinementsLeave the NDL website. Multidimensional signallingLeave the NDL website. Paradoxical results from Inada's conditions for majority ruleLeave the NDL website. Disequilibrium allocations and recontractingLeave the NDL website. The incidence and Efficiency Effects of taxes on income from captalLeave the NDL website. On welfare economics with incomplete information and the social value of public informationLeave the NDL website. The property rights doctrine and demand revelation under incomplete informationLeave the NDL website. A sequential theory of bargainingLeave the NDL website. Procurement, cost overruns and severance : a study in commitment and renegotiationLeave the NDL website. On industry equilibrium under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. A Sequential signalling model of convertble debt call policyLeave the NDL website. Ex-post optimality as a dynamiclly consistent objective for collective choice under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. We can't disagree foreverLeave the NDL website. Toward a theory of discounted repeated games with imperfect monitoringLeave the NDL website. An axiomatization of the non-transferable utility valueLeave the NDL website. Efficient tradingLeave the NDL website. A note on exact index numbersLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium turnpike theory with constant returns to scale and possibly heterogeneous discount factorsLeave the NDL website. Reputations in games and marketsLeave the NDL website. Electoral outcomes and social log-likelihood maximaLeave the NDL website. Stable standards of behavior : a unifying approach to solution conceptsLeave the NDL website. Inflation and costs of price adjustmentLeave the NDL website. Efficient collective choice with compensationLeave the NDL website. Constrained excess demand functionsLeave the NDL website. An optimization problem arising in economics : approximate solutions, linearity, and a law of large numbersLeave the NDL website. Incremental consumer's surplus and hedonic price adjustmentLeave the NDL website. A competitive model of exchangeLeave the NDL website. Monopolistic and the rate of extraction of exhaustible resourcesLeave the NDL website. Quantity constraints as substitutes for inoperative markets : the case of the credit marketsLeave the NDL website. Informational equilibriumLeave the NDL website. Lipschitz properties of solution in mathematical programmingLeave the NDL website. Notes on social choice and votingLeave the NDL website. Law of large numbers for random sets and allocation processesLeave the NDL website. A theory of auctions and competitive biddingLeave the NDL website. The life-cycle hypothesis and the effects of social security and private pensions on family savingsLeave the NDL website. On inflationLeave the NDL website. Selection criteria for models with nonuniquenessLeave the NDL website. A note on elasticity of substitution functionsLeave the NDL website. Take-over bids and the theory of the corporationLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium wage distributionsLeave the NDL website. On the existence of cournot equilibriumLeave the NDL website. Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversityLeave the NDL website. Efficiency in the optimum supply of public goodsLeave the NDL website. Two papers of sequential bargainingLeave the NDL website. The elasticity of derived NET supply and a generalized le chatelier principleLeave the NDL website. Conditions for transitivity of majority rule with algorithmic interpretationsLeave the NDL website. Risk measurement of public projectsLeave the NDL website. A simple proof of the equivalence theorem for oligopolistic mixed marketsLeave the NDL website. On the existence of Markov-consistent plans under production uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. An axiomatic approach to the efficiency of non-cooperative equilibrium in economies with a continuum of tradersLeave the NDL website. Incomplete markets and the observability of risk preference propertiesLeave the NDL website. Directional and local electoral competitions with probabilistic votingLeave the NDL website. Optimal depletion of an uncertain stockLeave the NDL website. A note on the uniqueness of the representation of commodity-augmenting technical changeLeave the NDL website. Efficiency of resource allocation by uninformed demandLeave the NDL website. The case of multiple indexesLeave the NDL website. Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets : an essay on the economics of imperfect informationLeave the NDL website. Further results on the informational efficiency of competitive stock marketsLeave the NDL website. Incentive efficiency of double auctionsLeave the NDL website. On asymmetric information, unemployment and inflexible wagesLeave the NDL website. Socially optimal investment rules in the presence of incomplete markets and other second best distortionsLeave the NDL website. On the efficiency of competitive stock markets where traders have diverse informationLeave the NDL website. Walrasian equilibrium without survival : existence, efficiency and remedial policyLeave the NDL website. On partitioning of a sample with binary-type questions in lieu of collecting observationsLeave the NDL website. On the Bayesian selection of Nash equilibriumLeave the NDL website. Unemployment equilibrium in an economy with linked pricesLeave the NDL website. Arbitrage and equilibrium in economies with infinitely many commoditiesLeave the NDL website. On the method of taxation and the provision of local public goodsLeave the NDL website. The logic of the fix-price methodLeave the NDL website. A strategic theory of inflationLeave the NDL website. Demand for fixed factors, inflation and adjustment costsLeave the NDL website. Optimal capital gains taxation under limited informationLeave the NDL website. Facing an uncertain futureLeave the NDL website. Altruistic growth economiesLeave the NDL website. Values for games without sidepayments : some difficulties with current conceptsLeave the NDL website. Auditing : perspectives from multiperson decision theoryLeave the NDL website. Double auctionsLeave the NDL website. Risk Perception in psychology and economicsLeave the NDL website. Two representations of information structures and their comparisonsLeave the NDL website. Foundation of dynamic monopoly and the coase conjectureLeave the NDL website. Utilitarianism and horizontal equity : the case for randam taxationLeave the NDL website. The existence of futures markets, noisy rational expectations and informational externalitiesLeave the NDL website. Predation, reputation, and entry deterrenceLeave the NDL website. Optimal and voluntary income distributionLeave the NDL website. Uncertainty and the rate of extraction under alternative institutional arrangementsLeave the NDL website. Markov perfect equilibria in altruistic growth economies with production uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Market allocations of location choice in a model with free mobilityLeave the NDL website. Aggregation and linearity in the provision of intertemporal incentivesLeave the NDL website. On the marginal cost of government spendingLeave the NDL website. Inequality and capital taxationLeave the NDL website. Overview and quantity competition with large fixed costsLeave the NDL website. Cooperative oligopoly equilibriumLeave the NDL website. On competitive cycles in productive economiesLeave the NDL website. Managerial incentives, investment, and aggregate implicationLeave the NDL website. Infinite horizon programsLeave the NDL website. Consequentialism, Ellsberg's paradox and expected evaluationLeave the NDL website. A characterization of the optimality of equilibrium in incomplete marketsLeave the NDL website. Bargains and ripoffs : a model of monopolistically competitive price dispersionsLeave the NDL website. Rational cooperation in the finitely-repeated prisoners' dilemmaLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences, Stanford University
28 cm
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