Investments, profits, and rates of return for selected industries ; Supplemental data submitted to the Temporary National Economic Committee
United States Steel Corporation studies, prices and costs
Industrial insurance
Construction industry
Technology and concentration of economic power
Petroleum industry, section IV ; Petroleum industry : replies of oil companies to the Committee questionnaire on financial data and related topics ; Iron and steel industry : iron ore
Liquor industry ; Milk industry, poultry industry ; Problems of the consumer
Petroleum industry
Distribution and pricing of selected steel products, the basing point system
Interstate trade barriers
Life insurance : Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York Life Insurance Co., Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, Prudential Life Insurance Co. of America, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. ; Monopolistic practices in industries, development of the beryllium industry ; Federal Trade Commission report on monopolistic practices in industries
Iron and steel industry : general price policies ; Iron and steel industry : price policies on specific products, Pacific Coast problems, Steel Export Association ; War and prices
Intercompany agreements, terminations, savings bank insurance, legislative activities ; Operating results and investments of the twenty-six largest legal reserve life insurance companies domiciled in the United States, 1929-1938
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Harriman Ripley & Co., Incorporated, financing of Chicago Union Station Co. and Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Charles E. Mitchell, Blythe & Co., Inc. ; Financing of American Telephone & Telegraph Co., financing of railroad maturities, 1935, J.P. Morgan & Co., Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc
Savings and investment
Economic outline and data relating to the petroleum industry ; Section II ; Report on marketing practices in the retail distribution of motor fuel and motor lubricant products
Goldman, Sachs & Co., Lehman Brothers, Smith, Barney & Co., Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Glore, Forgan & Co., the financing of Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Standard Gas & Electric Co., Shell Union Oil Corporation, concentration in the management, underwriting, and sale of registered bond issues
Economic prologue ; Patents : automobile industry, glass container industry ; Patents : proposals for changes in law and procedure
Travelers Insurance Company, Shenandoah Life Insurance Company, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Southwestern Life Insurance Company of Dallas, reinsurance and rewriting, Illinois Bankers Life Assurance Company
Operating results and investments