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Discussion papers in economics and business

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Discussion papers in economics and business

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Faculty of Economics, Osaka University
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21 cm
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Title from coverFrom [no.] 95-06, issued with Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka UniversityFrom [no.] 99-02 issued by: Graduat...

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中小企業集積地域の経済分析 : 大田区、燕・三条地域、東大阪市の比較分析を中心にLeave the NDL website. Privatization of Japan National RailwayLeave the NDL website. 奄美大島の観光価値に関する経済評価分析Leave the NDL website. Ricardo on income tax : a noteLeave the NDL website. An estimation of the investment thresholds at large Japanese manufacturersLeave the NDL website. Price relationships between Japanese cities : is Tokyo the economic epicenter of Japan?Leave the NDL website. Some empirical evidence on demand system and optimal commodity taxationLeave the NDL website. A game theoretic characterization of monetary equilibria in perfect foresight double infinity economiesLeave the NDL website. Intensifying international linkage of stock prices : cointegration and VEC analysisLeave the NDL website. 中国大連経済技術開発区企業における中小企業経営者Leave the NDL website. Dynamic segmentation using Markov-Switching modelLeave the NDL website. Cooperative investments and transfer pricingLeave the NDL website. Has the competition in the Japanese banking sector improved?Leave the NDL website. Tax-financed public funds injection into banks and its welfare implicationsLeave the NDL website. How do the Japanese define a volunteer? : testing the net cost hypothesisLeave the NDL website. 介護保険のマクロ経済効果とその運営のあり方に関する一考察Leave the NDL website. GEMを用いたジェンダーの国際比較とその問題点Leave the NDL website. Technology management in Eastern Europe in an era of transition : the case of Hungary and BulgariaLeave the NDL website. A reconsideration on public investment criterionLeave the NDL website. A theory of open lotteries, adverse selection and the pyramidLeave the NDL website. The minimum utility assumption in a temporary general equilibrium model with bankruptcyLeave the NDL website. Stock prices in Japan rise at nightLeave the NDL website. 北部九州地区での地方銀行再生の経験と現代的意義Leave the NDL website. The development of the putting-out system in modern Japan : the case of cotton weaving industryLeave the NDL website. 1850年代初頭プロイセン鉄道業における「民主主義的」職員Leave the NDL website. Invariance and uniqueness of the equilibrium with private provision of public goodsLeave the NDL website. 公的金融の役割と現状Leave the NDL website. Renegotiation-proof lotteries equilibrium in an economy with private informationLeave the NDL website. Recent competition in Japanese life insurance industryLeave the NDL website. Skill transfer and economic growthLeave the NDL website. Existence of equilibrium with non-convex constraint correspondences : including an application for the default economyLeave the NDL website. An elucidation of debt neutrality and equivalence with tax financeLeave the NDL website. Estimation of the common and country-specific shock to stock pricesLeave the NDL website. Efficient lending and a new aspect of government deposit insurance agencyLeave the NDL website. Ricardo and J.S. Mill on income taxLeave the NDL website. An optimal tax scheme to finance social security in a model with endogenous longevityLeave the NDL website. Invariance, increase and decrease : a generalization and comparative statics of the Warr's theoremLeave the NDL website. Public investment rule in a continuously growing economy reexaminedLeave the NDL website. The East Asian path of economic development : a long-term perspectiveLeave the NDL website. 起業後の成長を決定する要因Leave the NDL website. 今井保太郎氏談話録Leave the NDL website. On the index of environmental awarenessLeave the NDL website. 東アジアにおける企業金融行動 : 金融システムおよび法環境に関する実証分析Leave the NDL website. Confidence and the real economy : the Japanese caseLeave the NDL website. Structure of strong substitutesLeave the NDL website. A cointegration test of long-run purchasing power parity between major Japanese cities, 1951-1991Leave the NDL website. 震災と家計資産に関する考察Leave the NDL website. 国立学校特別会計とその政策的評価Leave the NDL website. Japanese life insurance industry in the interwar periodLeave the NDL website. 開業、成長、廃業と雇用創出力Leave the NDL website. The interdependence and its cause of Japanses and U.S. stock prices : an event studyLeave the NDL website. Policy response to business survey indicators : a case stuy of JapanLeave the NDL website. CES family of homothetic preferences : continuity with respect to parametersLeave the NDL website. The benchmark issue premium in the Japanese government bond market : a re-examinationLeave the NDL website. Natural resources in Japanese economic history, 1800-1940Leave the NDL website. The rationality and individualsLeave the NDL website. A 'standards-based' solution to the problem of externalities when enforcement is imperfectLeave the NDL website. The effect of incomplete information on the duopoly of R&D joint venturesLeave the NDL website. Determinants of the initial decisions by Japanese firms to undertake foreign direct investmentLeave the NDL website. Measuring education levels of farmers : evidence from innovation adoption in BangladeshLeave the NDL website. The bicriteria optimization problem of designing an index fundLeave the NDL website. The impact of changes in defense spending on the Japanese economyLeave the NDL website. Technological progress may reduce welfareLeave the NDL website. 個人間の地理的要因による製品普及特性Leave the NDL website. The stochastic dynamics, forecasting ability and risk factors in implied volatilityLeave the NDL website. Education and training in automanufacturing companies in Japan and Malaysia : a comparative analysisLeave the NDL website. International duopoly, tariff policies and the case of free tradeLeave the NDL website. ケインズと現代経済 : 資産価格の視点からの展望Leave the NDL website. Establishing group dominance in multicriteria decision problems with incomplete informationLeave the NDL website. 米市場開放の長期計画Leave the NDL website. An empirical investigation of cost efficiencies in Japanese banking : a non-parametric approachLeave the NDL website. Geographical segmentation in Japanese bank loan marketsLeave the NDL website. A risk on health conditions and an efficiency of social security systemsLeave the NDL website. Public goods and the transfer paradox in an overlapping generations modelLeave the NDL website. Risk-averse agents with peer pressureLeave the NDL website. Dominant strategy implementation in pure exchange economiesLeave the NDL website. Long-run neutralized effects of international transfers on the environmentLeave the NDL website. A genetic algorithm approach for design of index fundLeave the NDL website. Competition in Japanese securities industryLeave the NDL website. The interdependence and its cause of Japanese and U.S. stock prices : an analysis based on the returns of trading and non-trading periodsLeave the NDL website. 新しい競争 : 組織と市場のダイナミズムLeave the NDL website. 中国の対外開放政策の現状について : 大連経済技術開発区を中心にした事例分析Leave the NDL website. On efficient estimation and correct inference in models with generated regressors : a general approachLeave the NDL website. Keiretsu, competition, and market accessLeave the NDL website. Accountability approach versus decision usefulness approach : how different are they?Leave the NDL website. 国際賄賂行為規制と政略的貿易政策Leave the NDL website. An evolutionary model of corporate governance and employment contractsLeave the NDL website. 銀行の経営合理化Leave the NDL website. Is the government failure theory still relevant? : a panel analysis using U.S. state level dataLeave the NDL website. Index fund and its properties under mean square error trackingLeave the NDL website. 大連経済技術開発区のインフラの整備状況と優遇政策動向Leave the NDL website. Threshold effect in international linkage of stock pricesLeave the NDL website. Default and renegotiation in financial distress in the multiple bank model : an analysis of the main bank systemLeave the NDL website. The role of public capital on regional economic development and disparity in Thai economyLeave the NDL website. An extended DEA model : appending an additional input to make all DMUs on the boundaryLeave the NDL website. A generalization of continuity and convexity conditions for correspondences in the economci equilibrium theoryLeave the NDL website. Japanese corporate pension plans and the impact on stock pricesLeave the NDL website. 現地調達と現地市場Leave the NDL website. Has the effect of monetary policy changed during 1990s? : an application of identified Markov switching vector autoregression to the impulse response analysis whten the nominal interest rate is almost zeroLeave the NDL website. Monetary transmissions immediately after the crisis in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Optimal dividend policy with transaction costs under a Brownian cash reserveLeave the NDL website. A mechanism of technology development : the case of the Japanese textile industryLeave the NDL website. A bank panic model with a bond marketLeave the NDL website. A comparative analysis of human resource management between Japan and Malaysia in automanufacturing companiesLeave the NDL website. 東南アジア発展論を顧みるLeave the NDL website. An application of professors Galor's and Tsiddon's "Technological progress, mobility, and economic growth"Leave the NDL website. Do banks diversify portfolio risk? : a test of the risk cost hypothesisLeave the NDL website. Price tier effects on competitive structure in JapanLeave the NDL website. Output composition of monetary policy transmission mechanism in JapanLeave the NDL website. Restructuring : the New Zealand experienceLeave the NDL website. Financial restructuring in AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Breach of contracts and renegotiation in corportate takeoversLeave the NDL website. 戦間期の生命保険の産業組織Leave the NDL website. A multiperiod 0-1 mixed integer goal programming model (MMIGP) for financing problemLeave the NDL website. 共同組織金融機関の経営効率性Leave the NDL website. 中国における分業型生産組織の有効性について : 大連に進出した日系企業の活動を中心にLeave the NDL website. Optimality of a competitive equilibrium in a small open city with congestionLeave the NDL website. The society and social valuesLeave the NDL website. 指値注文の執行確率Leave the NDL website. LM tests for unit roots in the presence of missing observationsLeave the NDL website. General equilibrium analysis of demand-creating activitiesLeave the NDL website. 大学卒業生の英語能力と所得 : 日本社会にイングリッシュ・ディバイドは生じているかLeave the NDL website. Bank bailout, moral hazard and allocative efficiencyLeave the NDL website. Market efficiency and international linkage of stock prices : an analysis with high frequency dataLeave the NDL website. Heterogeneous yield curves and basis swapsLeave the NDL website. 輸出自主規制とYano効果 : 鉄鋼業の場合Leave the NDL website. The effect of partial information sharing in a two-level supply chainLeave the NDL website. Sir James Steuart on taxation and public debtLeave the NDL website. 不況、日米関係と財政政策Leave the NDL website. Peer pressure and incentives in the workplaceLeave the NDL website. Labor unionism and the Japanese corporate pension systemLeave the NDL website. Price analysis of tradable emission permits of CO2 by a real option modelLeave the NDL website. 中小・零細企業の経営における女性企業家の特徴Leave the NDL website. D-F, LM, and combined tests for a unit root in autoregressive time seriesLeave the NDL website. Some implications of the basle accord : the case of JapanLeave the NDL website. Factor-market distortion, dynamic stability and perverse efects reconsideredLeave the NDL website. Japanese stock returns and investment : a test of production-based asset pricing modelLeave the NDL website. 地域アドヴァンテージをどう見るかLeave the NDL website. Exchange rate and stock prices in JapanLeave the NDL website. Technology transfer and management in East Asian machine tool industries : lesson learned from the Japanese machine tool industryLeave the NDL website. Peer pressure and incentivesLeave the NDL website. 日本産業の構造変革Leave the NDL website. International linkage of stock prices : appropriate lag specification for daily observationsLeave the NDL website. A periodic review inventory model in a random environmentLeave the NDL website. 金融労働システム関係の制度的補完性・多様性と進化Leave the NDL website. Assessing priority weights from subsets of pairwise comparisons in multiple criteria optimization problemsLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals uncertainty, bubbles, and exchange rate dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Do stock prices link with futures and options? : a cointegration analysisLeave the NDL website. Optimal natural resources management under uncertainty with catastrophic riskLeave the NDL website. 日本経済史における資源 : 1800〜1940年Leave the NDL website. Obitani Shoten : the strategy and structure of a cotton weaving firm in the Sen'nan District of Osaka PrefectureLeave the NDL website. 中国大連経済技術開発区企業における人材の現地化と内部労働市場Leave the NDL website. Consumers' different preferences and firms' locationsLeave the NDL website. A generalization of continuity and convexity conditions for correspondences in the economic equilibrium theoryLeave the NDL website. パネル・データを用いた地域経済と地域金融に関する実証分析Leave the NDL website. Social-welfare improving inequalization : a noteLeave the NDL website. Does manager voluntarily disclose private information? : a test of the basic model of full disclosure using experimental approachLeave the NDL website. The pricing decisions of Japanese firms : an empirical perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Reconsideration of the crowding-out effect with non-linear contribution technologyLeave the NDL website. 賃金と査定にみられる成果主義導入の効果 : 企業内マイクロデータによる分析Leave the NDL website. Dynamic stability, paradoxical comparative statistics and factor-market distortions in an economy with three production sectorsLeave the NDL website. International circumstances surrounding the postwar Japanese cotton texitile industryLeave the NDL website. Intercorporate shareholdings and corporate control in the Japanese firmLeave the NDL website. A sufficient condition for consistent majority decission in an economic domainLeave the NDL website. Appropriate lag specification for daily responses of international stock marketsLeave the NDL website. Network dynamics : competition and welfareLeave the NDL website. Escape from Locke : British political economists on tax incidenceLeave the NDL website. A comparison of short-term interest rate models : empirical tests of interest rate volatilityLeave the NDL website. Hierarchical data envelopment analysis in multicriteria decision problemsLeave the NDL website. 明治前期における肥前陶磁器業の輸出戦略Leave the NDL website. Privatization in Australia : the good, the bad and the awfulLeave the NDL website. Endogenous life spansLeave the NDL website. 個人内での選好の変化を考慮した市場構造分析Leave the NDL website. 産業廃棄物のリサイクル事業と外部効果の推計 : 関西電力のエコレンガ事業の事例を中心にLeave the NDL website. Global instability in experimental general equilibrium : the scarf exampleLeave the NDL website. Tobin's q, as an indicator of rent for incumbentsLeave the NDL website. On the "exceptions" in the establishing bureaucratic employment system in the German-Prussian State Railway in the 19th centuryLeave the NDL website. Are international portfolio adjustments a cause of comovements in stock prices?Leave the NDL website. Credit crunch in East Asia : a retrospectiveLeave the NDL website. A reconciliation of optimal tax rules in a dynamic economyLeave the NDL website. 岡山LRTの導入に関する公共サービス供給のあり方Leave the NDL website. 都市規模とごみ排出傾向の実証分析Leave the NDL website. 地域間環境格差の経済分析Leave the NDL website. Bentham and J.S. Mill on tax reformLeave the NDL website.

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大阪大学経済学部 オオサカ ダイガク ケイザイ ガクブ
大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科 オオサカ ダイガク ダイガクイン コクサイ コウキョウ セイサク ケンキュウカ
大阪大学大学院経済学研究科 オオサカ ダイガク ダイガクイン ケイザイガク ケンキュウカ
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21 cm
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Discussion paper. New series
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Note (General)
Title from cover
From [no.] 95-06, issued with Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University
From [no.] 99-02 issued by: Graduate School of Economics and Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University
Related Material
中小企業集積地域の経済分析 : 大田区、燕・三条地域、東大阪市の比較分析を中心に
Privatization of Japan National Railway
Ricardo on income tax : a note
An estimation of the investment thresholds at large Japanese manufacturers
Price relationships between Japanese cities : is Tokyo the economic epicenter of Japan?
Some empirical evidence on demand system and optimal commodity taxation
A game theoretic characterization of monetary equilibria in perfect foresight double infinity economies
Intensifying international linkage of stock prices : cointegration and VEC analysis
Dynamic segmentation using Markov-Switching model
Cooperative investments and transfer pricing
Has the competition in the Japanese banking sector improved?
Tax-financed public funds injection into banks and its welfare implications
How do the Japanese define a volunteer? : testing the net cost hypothesis
Technology management in Eastern Europe in an era of transition : the case of Hungary and Bulgaria
A reconsideration on public investment criterion
A theory of open lotteries, adverse selection and the pyramid
The minimum utility assumption in a temporary general equilibrium model with bankruptcy
Stock prices in Japan rise at night
The development of the putting-out system in modern Japan : the case of cotton weaving industry
Invariance and uniqueness of the equilibrium with private provision of public goods
Renegotiation-proof lotteries equilibrium in an economy with private information
Recent competition in Japanese life insurance industry
Skill transfer and economic growth
Existence of equilibrium with non-convex constraint correspondences : including an application for the default economy
An elucidation of debt neutrality and equivalence with tax finance
Estimation of the common and country-specific shock to stock prices
Efficient lending and a new aspect of government deposit insurance agency
Ricardo and J.S. Mill on income tax
An optimal tax scheme to finance social security in a model with endogenous longevity
Invariance, increase and decrease : a generalization and comparative statics of the Warr's theorem
Public investment rule in a continuously growing economy reexamined
The East Asian path of economic development : a long-term perspective
On the index of environmental awareness
東アジアにおける企業金融行動 : 金融システムおよび法環境に関する実証分析
Confidence and the real economy : the Japanese case
Structure of strong substitutes
A cointegration test of long-run purchasing power parity between major Japanese cities, 1951-1991
Japanese life insurance industry in the interwar period
The interdependence and its cause of Japanses and U.S. stock prices : an event study
Policy response to business survey indicators : a case stuy of Japan
CES family of homothetic preferences : continuity with respect to parameters
The benchmark issue premium in the Japanese government bond market : a re-examination
Natural resources in Japanese economic history, 1800-1940
The rationality and individuals
A 'standards-based' solution to the problem of externalities when enforcement is imperfect
The effect of incomplete information on the duopoly of R&D joint ventures
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Measuring education levels of farmers : evidence from innovation adoption in Bangladesh
The bicriteria optimization problem of designing an index fund
The impact of changes in defense spending on the Japanese economy
Technological progress may reduce welfare
The stochastic dynamics, forecasting ability and risk factors in implied volatility
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International duopoly, tariff policies and the case of free trade
ケインズと現代経済 : 資産価格の視点からの展望
Establishing group dominance in multicriteria decision problems with incomplete information
An empirical investigation of cost efficiencies in Japanese banking : a non-parametric approach
Geographical segmentation in Japanese bank loan markets
A risk on health conditions and an efficiency of social security systems
Public goods and the transfer paradox in an overlapping generations model
Risk-averse agents with peer pressure
Dominant strategy implementation in pure exchange economies
Long-run neutralized effects of international transfers on the environment
A genetic algorithm approach for design of index fund
Competition in Japanese securities industry
The interdependence and its cause of Japanese and U.S. stock prices : an analysis based on the returns of trading and non-trading periods
新しい競争 : 組織と市場のダイナミズム
中国の対外開放政策の現状について : 大連経済技術開発区を中心にした事例分析
On efficient estimation and correct inference in models with generated regressors : a general approach
Keiretsu, competition, and market access
Accountability approach versus decision usefulness approach : how different are they?
An evolutionary model of corporate governance and employment contracts
Is the government failure theory still relevant? : a panel analysis using U.S. state level data
Index fund and its properties under mean square error tracking
Threshold effect in international linkage of stock prices
Default and renegotiation in financial distress in the multiple bank model : an analysis of the main bank system
The role of public capital on regional economic development and disparity in Thai economy
An extended DEA model : appending an additional input to make all DMUs on the boundary
A generalization of continuity and convexity conditions for correspondences in the economci equilibrium theory
Japanese corporate pension plans and the impact on stock prices
Has the effect of monetary policy changed during 1990s? : an application of identified Markov switching vector autoregression to the impulse response analysis whten the nominal interest rate is almost zero
Monetary transmissions immediately after the crisis in East Asia
Optimal dividend policy with transaction costs under a Brownian cash reserve
A mechanism of technology development : the case of the Japanese textile industry
A bank panic model with a bond market
A comparative analysis of human resource management between Japan and Malaysia in automanufacturing companies
An application of professors Galor's and Tsiddon's "Technological progress, mobility, and economic growth"
Do banks diversify portfolio risk? : a test of the risk cost hypothesis
Price tier effects on competitive structure in Japan
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Restructuring : the New Zealand experience
Financial restructuring in Australia
Breach of contracts and renegotiation in corportate takeovers
A multiperiod 0-1 mixed integer goal programming model (MMIGP) for financing problem
中国における分業型生産組織の有効性について : 大連に進出した日系企業の活動を中心に
Optimality of a competitive equilibrium in a small open city with congestion
The society and social values
LM tests for unit roots in the presence of missing observations
General equilibrium analysis of demand-creating activities
大学卒業生の英語能力と所得 : 日本社会にイングリッシュ・ディバイドは生じているか
Bank bailout, moral hazard and allocative efficiency
Market efficiency and international linkage of stock prices : an analysis with high frequency data
Heterogeneous yield curves and basis swaps
輸出自主規制とYano効果 : 鉄鋼業の場合
The effect of partial information sharing in a two-level supply chain
Sir James Steuart on taxation and public debt
Peer pressure and incentives in the workplace
Labor unionism and the Japanese corporate pension system
Price analysis of tradable emission permits of CO2 by a real option model
D-F, LM, and combined tests for a unit root in autoregressive time series
Some implications of the basle accord : the case of Japan
Factor-market distortion, dynamic stability and perverse efects reconsidered
Japanese stock returns and investment : a test of production-based asset pricing model
Exchange rate and stock prices in Japan
Technology transfer and management in East Asian machine tool industries : lesson learned from the Japanese machine tool industry
Peer pressure and incentives
International linkage of stock prices : appropriate lag specification for daily observations
A periodic review inventory model in a random environment
Assessing priority weights from subsets of pairwise comparisons in multiple criteria optimization problems
Fundamentals uncertainty, bubbles, and exchange rate dynamics
Do stock prices link with futures and options? : a cointegration analysis
Optimal natural resources management under uncertainty with catastrophic risk
日本経済史における資源 : 1800〜1940年
Obitani Shoten : the strategy and structure of a cotton weaving firm in the Sen'nan District of Osaka Prefecture
Consumers' different preferences and firms' locations
A generalization of continuity and convexity conditions for correspondences in the economic equilibrium theory
Social-welfare improving inequalization : a note
Does manager voluntarily disclose private information? : a test of the basic model of full disclosure using experimental approach
The pricing decisions of Japanese firms : an empirical perspective
Reconsideration of the crowding-out effect with non-linear contribution technology
賃金と査定にみられる成果主義導入の効果 : 企業内マイクロデータによる分析
Dynamic stability, paradoxical comparative statistics and factor-market distortions in an economy with three production sectors
International circumstances surrounding the postwar Japanese cotton texitile industry
Intercorporate shareholdings and corporate control in the Japanese firm
A sufficient condition for consistent majority decission in an economic domain
Appropriate lag specification for daily responses of international stock markets
Network dynamics : competition and welfare
Escape from Locke : British political economists on tax incidence
A comparison of short-term interest rate models : empirical tests of interest rate volatility
Hierarchical data envelopment analysis in multicriteria decision problems
Privatization in Australia : the good, the bad and the awful
Endogenous life spans
産業廃棄物のリサイクル事業と外部効果の推計 : 関西電力のエコレンガ事業の事例を中心に
Global instability in experimental general equilibrium : the scarf example
Tobin's q, as an indicator of rent for incumbents
On the "exceptions" in the establishing bureaucratic employment system in the German-Prussian State Railway in the 19th century
Are international portfolio adjustments a cause of comovements in stock prices?
Credit crunch in East Asia : a retrospective
A reconciliation of optimal tax rules in a dynamic economy
Bentham and J.S. Mill on tax reform