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Kyoto working papers on area studies

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Kyoto working papers on area studies

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Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
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History of Rakhine (Arakan) : Mrauk-U period (1430-1785)Leave the NDL website. タイにおける持続可能な稲作由来バイオマス発電の現状と展望Leave the NDL website. トランスナショナルな家族にみる“つながり"の生成と再編 : パキスタン人男性と日本人女性の国際結婚の事例からLeave the NDL website. Beyond the Sunni-Shiite dichotomy : rethinking al-Afghani and his Pan-IslamismLeave the NDL website. 現代モンゴルの地方社会における牧畜経営 : 草原と定住地の関係を中心にLeave the NDL website. Islam and Democratization in Contemporary Kuwait : The Political Participation of Women and the Formation of the Civil SocietyLeave the NDL website. 災害に立ち向かう地域/研究 : 生存基盤持続型の発展に向けた再想像=創造のための素描Leave the NDL website. ミャオ族の麻文化 : 人と人、人と死者のつながりの変化と持続からLeave the NDL website. 可能性としてのハイパー・モビリティ : 生存基盤持続型社会の潜在力の表現としての人の移動に関する広域比較研究・序説Leave the NDL website. ダンスホール・ゴスペルの男性イメージとジャマイカの教会コミュニティ : 男性イメージが集団に与える影響を考察するための概念整理にむけてLeave the NDL website. 被差別マイノリティによる「民族」の主張 : エチオピア南西部に暮らすマンジョの請願活動と政府決議Leave the NDL website. 依存から「自律」へ : 難民の自助的活動に関する人類学的考察Leave the NDL website. Labour-intensive industrialisation in global historyLeave the NDL website. Re-examination of 'non-Western' international relations theoriesLeave the NDL website. Border crossing and labor migration of the Lahu hilltribeLeave the NDL website. 公共空間をつくる : ポスト社会主義期モンゴル・ウランバートル市の事例からLeave the NDL website. 妖術を管理する : サハラ以南アフリカにおける妖術と国家Leave the NDL website. The phenomenon of cross-border human trafficking : complexities of exploitation issues in ThailandLeave the NDL website. Islamic higher education in contemporary Indonesia : through the Islamic intellectuals of al-Azharite alumniLeave the NDL website. Crafting the agricultural product and loss sharing (aPLS) in the place of the profit and loss (PLS) for Islamic agricultural financeLeave the NDL website. Pagodas and wedding vows : Buddhist and sectarian practices in Karen StateLeave the NDL website. Improving Myanma agricultural extension services : empirical study on views and perception of field extension agents in Mandalay division of MyanmarLeave the NDL website. Centering peripheries : flows and interfaces in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Improving Primary Raw Materials for BiofuelsLeave the NDL website. 祭りの「参加」制度の変更と「関与」の連続性 : 三重県熊野灘沿岸部・相賀浦地区を例としてLeave the NDL website. 植民地期のカンボジアにおける対仏教政策と仏教界の反応Leave the NDL website. Health Hazards in 19th Century India: Malaria and Cholera in Semi-Arid TropicsLeave the NDL website. Decentralization of natural resources management in the Lao PDR : a case study of the Multi-village Mak Jong management group in Pathoumphone districtLeave the NDL website. 野宿者にとって<地域福祉>とは何かLeave the NDL website. Thai female migration to Japan : flows and consequencesLeave the NDL website. 関係性としてのスタイルLeave the NDL website. Prospect of building a local self-government at the Upazila/ Thana level : towards a decentralized rural administration in BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Aspects of labour intensive economy around bicycles in modern India with special focus on the import from JapanLeave the NDL website. Human flows, capital advancement, and the dynamics of a border social system in the Thailand-Burma borderlandLeave the NDL website. カンボジア農村におけるベトナム人と地方行政の関わり「不当な」料金徴収とその影響をめぐってLeave the NDL website. ケアの政治学 : アジア・アフリカ地域社会からの視座Leave the NDL website. Constructed reality of international migration in homeland community : the narratives of life histories of returned migrants in Northern ThailandLeave the NDL website. Coal, Firewood and Plant Stalks : Availability of Fuel and Development of Industries in Early Nineteenth-Century BengalLeave the NDL website. 都市に/が居座ること : 出来事としての試論Leave the NDL website. The Institutional Formation Process of Communal Forest Management in Northeast Thai VillagesLeave the NDL website. A Kri-Mol (Vietic) Bestiary: Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnozoology in the Northern AnnamitesLeave the NDL website. ナミビア乾燥地域に暮らす農牧民の自然資源利用におけるフロンティアの役割とその変化Leave the NDL website. Ethnobotanical study of local practices maintaining landrace diversity of bananas (musa spp.) and enset (ensete ventricosum) in East African highlandLeave the NDL website. 焼畑耕作がミャンマー・バゴー山地カレン村落周辺の森林植生の長期的変化に与える影響Leave the NDL website. Games to get Hegemony in Iranian Politics : Participation of Islamic Jurists after the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. アフリカ地域社会における資源管理とガバナンスの再編 : 住民の生計戦略をめぐる協働とコンフリクトLeave the NDL website. 現代ラオスの社会・環境の変化と継続性 : 2011年8月のインタビュー記録Leave the NDL website. レバノン内戦の記憶に関する予備的考察 : 宗派という視点Leave the NDL website. 「アーユルヴェーダ」をいかに現代に活かすか : インド、アメリカ、日本における実践からの一考察Leave the NDL website. 老いはリスクか?Leave the NDL website. Aspects of tank irrigated agrarian economy in Tamil Nadu, India : a study of three villagesLeave the NDL website. レソト山岳地の生業とその変遷Leave the NDL website. Transformation of the Iraqi Islamist parties and their framing in the changing regional and international political environmentsLeave the NDL website. Getting villagers involved in the system : the politics, economics and ecology of production relations in the Thai pulp industryLeave the NDL website. Nomadic pastoralists adapting to the challenge of sedentarization in arid area of East AfricaLeave the NDL website. アラブ首長国連邦における銀行の制度的枠組みとイスラーム金融の位置づけLeave the NDL website. In search of sustainable plantation forestry, pulp and paper in ASEAN : political ecology analyses on stakeholdersLeave the NDL website. The making of `Thai Silk' as a national traditionLeave the NDL website. The impact of CPA's power sharing arrangements on the process of democratic transformation in SudanLeave the NDL website. 降りる、逃げる、旅立つ : リスク社会の人類学的オルタナティブ構想 = Quit, escape or go on a journey: toward and anthropological alternative to the risk societyLeave the NDL website. Land-use change in the Lake Inle Catchment, Myanmar : Implications for acceleration of soil erosion and sedimentationLeave the NDL website. ザンビアにおける食糧安全保障体制と生存基盤Leave the NDL website. West African rice green revolution by Sawah eco-technology and the creation of African SATOYAMA systemsLeave the NDL website. タイ国・バンドン湾における沿岸域利用Leave the NDL website. タンザニア南部,マテンゴ高地における農村開発の展開と住民の対応 : 住民参加型開発プロジェクトの「副次効果」分析からLeave the NDL website. Discourse and social relationships in land tenure evaluation : a claim for land rights in an African agrarian societyLeave the NDL website. Monitoring of lightning activity in Southeast Asia : scientific objectives and strategiesLeave the NDL website. Cultural politics of life : biomoral humanosphere and vernacular democracy in rural Orissa, IndiaLeave the NDL website. Media history of modern Egypt : a critical reviewLeave the NDL website. 日本におけるHIV/AIDS とリスクの構築 : 「ゲイ・コミュニティ」言説の生成プロセスに関する視点からLeave the NDL website. Mammals and birds in Bukit Batu area of Giam Siak Kecil - Bukit Batu biosphere reserve, Riau, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. 生のつながりへの想像力 : 再生産の文化への視点Leave the NDL website. 生活を脅かす“リスク"と浮遊する“安全な水" : バングラデシュ飲用水砒素汚染問題の事例からLeave the NDL website. 東南アジアの農村はどれくらい自給的かLeave the NDL website. トルコにおける地震の記憶の活用をめぐってLeave the NDL website. マリンケにおける年齢組織の衰退とアソシエーティブな再編 : 「子どものトン」の組織化に注目してLeave the NDL website. Depression of community-dwelling elderly in three Asian countries : Myanmar, Indonesia, and JapanLeave the NDL website. 大規模開発プロジェクトと周縁社会 : エチオピア西南部のダム/農場建設と地域住民の初期対応Leave the NDL website. Should microcredit be a right for the poor ? : credit demand of poor households in LaosLeave the NDL website. インドネシア海洋大陸域における日変化特性の研究Leave the NDL website. 2004年インド洋大津波のプーケット観光への影響Leave the NDL website. Distribution of mammals in Deramakot & Tangkulap forest reserves, Sabah, MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. 現代中央アジアにおける女性の仕事 : ウズベキスタン、ホラズム州ヒヴァ市の絨毯工房を取り上げて = Work and women in contemporary Central Asia : a case study of carpet factories in Khiva, Khorazm Province, UzbekistanLeave the NDL website. The potential of ambiguous identities among pastoralists in the modern state : a case study of the emergence of new ethnic identities in northern Kenya following a national electionLeave the NDL website. Occupational change and upward mobility of low income residents in BangkokLeave the NDL website. Struggle for political space in post-war Iraq : contending relations between ex-exile ruling parties and later-formed partiesLeave the NDL website. 技術と社会のネットワーク : 研究課題と展望 = Network between the technological and the social : research agenda and perspectiveLeave the NDL website. 不安・リスク・不確実性 : 人類学的リスク研究への一考察 = Angst, risk, and uncertainty: a step toward an anthropology of riskLeave the NDL website. Enzymatic Saccharification and Ethanol Production of Trunk in Tropical TreesLeave the NDL website. Economic and trade liberalization in Jordan : an analysis of policy orientation in the 2000sLeave the NDL website. A virus, democracy, and sustainable society : the experience of community-based HIV/AIDS programs among the Gurage, southern EthiopiaLeave the NDL website. 友を待つ : ダサネッチによる「敵」への歓待と贈与Leave the NDL website. 争われる投票モラリティ : フィリピン選挙における売買票とポピュリズムLeave the NDL website. 少年の移動と「ストリート・チルドレン」: ブルキナファソ ワガドゥグの事例からLeave the NDL website. Creating a new life through persimmon leaves the art of searching for life-design for greater well-being in a depopulated townLeave the NDL website. Studies on Hanoi urban transition in 20th century based on GIS/RSLeave the NDL website. 東南アジアでの自然災害に即応する情報提供 : ミャンマー国サイクロン・ナルギス関連情報ウェブサイトの経験Leave the NDL website. The challenge of education policy for migrant children in Thailand from security standpointsLeave the NDL website. 近代都市研究から連環的都市史へ : 植民都市から世界の見通しを考えるLeave the NDL website. カンボジアにおけるコメ産業の現状とその課題Leave the NDL website. 市場経済化以後のカンボジア経済活動の多面的な展開をめぐってLeave the NDL website. Impacts of the tank modernization programme on tank performance in Tamil Nadu State, IndiaLeave the NDL website. 同性愛者のパートナーシップと家族、次世代への継承Leave the NDL website. 熱帯アカシアの育種Leave the NDL website. 不一致と関与 : エチオピアのグラゲ県住民によるHIV/AIDSへの取り組み = The involvement approach to HIV/AIDSLeave the NDL website. 生命という不確実性とリスク : インドにおける代理懐胎をめぐってLeave the NDL website. 生存圏に宇宙は必要なのか : イノチのつながりと人と世界 = Do we really need to develop space for sustainable humanopshere?Leave the NDL website. 中東都市計画物語序説 : 番匠谷尭二の歩みと業績 = Introduction to the story of the middle eastern urban planning : the works of Banshoya GyojiLeave the NDL website. ビルマ : 紛争の現代的特徴と難民キャンプの生活世界Leave the NDL website. アイデンティティの柔軟性と重層性に関する研究 : 東アフリカの牧畜社会における他者と自己の構築Leave the NDL website. The reconfiguration of Cambodian rural social structure : with special focus on the people called Chen and KhmaeLeave the NDL website. モンゴル牧畜社会における銀製品 : その経済的な価値と文化的な価値Leave the NDL website. セラピー統治とその脆弱性 : 北部ウガンダ・アチョリ地域における「平和構築のための伝統」Leave the NDL website. 東北タイにおける信用組合の展開 = Rural credit unions in Northeast ThailandLeave the NDL website. SCM (Supply Chain Management) による救急医療体制の最適化Leave the NDL website. Reconsidering mudaraba contracts in Islamic finance : what is the economic wisdom (Hikma) of partnership-based instruments?Leave the NDL website. Historical formation of Pan-Islamism : modern Islamic reformists project for Intra-Umma alliance and Inter-Madhāhib rapprochementLeave the NDL website. Generation of DEM for urban transformation of Hanoi, VietnamLeave the NDL website. 人の断片化か、新たな関係性か : イタリアの生殖技術論争の事例からLeave the NDL website. カンボジア王国の精神医学・医療についての報告Leave the NDL website. Characteristics of the qur'anic interpretations in the Urdu language : from Shāh Walī Allāh to MaudūdīLeave the NDL website. Dimension of decentralization process and rural local government in India : a comparison with BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Changing power structure in North-western Nepal : role of NGOs and educationLeave the NDL website. Living in an occupied hometown, Jerusalem : a study on the lives of Palestinians under the Israeli policy of the "residency right"Leave the NDL website. インド・シッキム州における傾斜地農業と農家経済:北部県フォドン村における調査報告 = Structure of Sikkim agriculture and rural economy : from a village study in North DistrictLeave the NDL website. The roles of Thai labor solidarity committee and alliances on the movement for the protection of migrant workers in ThailandLeave the NDL website. 現代アラブ世界の展開と学術用語の整備 : タアリーブ (アラビア語化) による外来語受容とナハトによる造語法を中心にLeave the NDL website. 地球圏・生命圏・人間圏の世界地図 : 生存基盤指数の構築に向けてLeave the NDL website. 市場経済化以後のカンボジア : 経済活動の多面的な展開をめぐって = Cambodia after the marketization of its economy : an examination of three facets of economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Inventory of birds in acacia plantation in PT. Musi Hutan Persada, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. The international politics of the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar : China, Japan, and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. 生存基盤確保型発展径路の一亜種インドネシア・ジャワ島発展径路成果と課題 : 強制栽培制度期を中心としてLeave the NDL website. Preliminary studies on the perception of transboundary Haze in Indonesia : as seen in social media and local narrativesLeave the NDL website. How was the Cambodian cash relief program assist poor women affected by Covid-19 economic crisis?Leave the NDL website.

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近代都市研究から連環的都市史へ : 植民都市から世界の見通しを考える
Impacts of the tank modernization programme on tank performance in Tamil Nadu State, India
不一致と関与 : エチオピアのグラゲ県住民によるHIV/AIDSへの取り組み = The involvement approach to HIV/AIDS
生命という不確実性とリスク : インドにおける代理懐胎をめぐって
生存圏に宇宙は必要なのか : イノチのつながりと人と世界 = Do we really need to develop space for sustainable humanopshere?
中東都市計画物語序説 : 番匠谷尭二の歩みと業績 = Introduction to the story of the middle eastern urban planning : the works of Banshoya Gyoji
ビルマ : 紛争の現代的特徴と難民キャンプの生活世界
アイデンティティの柔軟性と重層性に関する研究 : 東アフリカの牧畜社会における他者と自己の構築
The reconfiguration of Cambodian rural social structure : with special focus on the people called Chen and Khmae
モンゴル牧畜社会における銀製品 : その経済的な価値と文化的な価値
セラピー統治とその脆弱性 : 北部ウガンダ・アチョリ地域における「平和構築のための伝統」
東北タイにおける信用組合の展開 = Rural credit unions in Northeast Thailand
SCM (Supply Chain Management) による救急医療体制の最適化
Reconsidering mudaraba contracts in Islamic finance : what is the economic wisdom (Hikma) of partnership-based instruments?
Historical formation of Pan-Islamism : modern Islamic reformists project for Intra-Umma alliance and Inter-Madhāhib rapprochement
Generation of DEM for urban transformation of Hanoi, Vietnam
人の断片化か、新たな関係性か : イタリアの生殖技術論争の事例から
Characteristics of the qur'anic interpretations in the Urdu language : from Shāh Walī Allāh to Maudūdī
Dimension of decentralization process and rural local government in India : a comparison with Bangladesh
Changing power structure in North-western Nepal : role of NGOs and education
Living in an occupied hometown, Jerusalem : a study on the lives of Palestinians under the Israeli policy of the "residency right"
インド・シッキム州における傾斜地農業と農家経済:北部県フォドン村における調査報告 = Structure of Sikkim agriculture and rural economy : from a village study in North District
The roles of Thai labor solidarity committee and alliances on the movement for the protection of migrant workers in Thailand
現代アラブ世界の展開と学術用語の整備 : タアリーブ (アラビア語化) による外来語受容とナハトによる造語法を中心に
地球圏・生命圏・人間圏の世界地図 : 生存基盤指数の構築に向けて
市場経済化以後のカンボジア : 経済活動の多面的な展開をめぐって = Cambodia after the marketization of its economy : an examination of three facets of economic development
Inventory of birds in acacia plantation in PT. Musi Hutan Persada, Indonesia
The international politics of the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar : China, Japan, and the United States
生存基盤確保型発展径路の一亜種インドネシア・ジャワ島発展径路成果と課題 : 強制栽培制度期を中心として
Preliminary studies on the perception of transboundary Haze in Indonesia : as seen in social media and local narratives
How was the Cambodian cash relief program assist poor women affected by Covid-19 economic crisis?
Data Provider (Database)
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
Original Data Provider (Database)
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA82444462 : BA82444462