
Renaissance Latin drama in England

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Renaissance Latin drama in England

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Mercurius Rusticans (written 1605-1618) . Antoninus Bassianus Caracalla (acted 1617-1619)Leave the NDL website. Byrsa Basilica sive Regale Excambium . ConfessorLeave the NDL website. Senile odium . Senilis amor . AlphonsusLeave the NDL website. Cancer . Fraus HonestaLeave the NDL website. Adelphe ; Scyros ; MelantheLeave the NDL website. Bellum grammaticale, sive, Nominum verborumque discordia civilis (printed 1935) . Thibaldus, sive, Vindictae ingenium (printed 1640)Leave the NDL website. Absalom . Christus triumphansLeave the NDL website. IgnoramusLeave the NDL website. Christus Redivivus (printed 1543) ; Archipropheta (printed 1548)Leave the NDL website. Meleager (printed 1592) ; Ulysses redux (printed 1592) ; Panniculus Hippolyto assutus (printed 1591)Leave the NDL website. Microcosmus . Fucus sive histriomastix . Stoicus vapulansLeave the NDL website. Nero (printed 1603)Leave the NDL website. Antigone . Roxana . Adrastus parentans sive vindictaLeave the NDL website. Richardus Tertius . Solymitana CladesLeave the NDL website. Naufragium ioculare . ValetudinariumLeave the NDL website. The Christmas Prince (acted 1607/8)Leave the NDL website. Vertumnus, sive, Annus recurrens (printed 1607) ; Tres Sibyllae (printed 1607)Leave the NDL website. Iphis (? acted 1621-1633) . Cephalus et Procris (acted 1626-1628)Leave the NDL website. Physiponomachia (acted 1609-1611) . Atalanta (acted 1612) . Homo (acted 1615-1621)Leave the NDL website. Risus Anglicanus . LoiolaLeave the NDL website. Philosophaster, (1606)Leave the NDL website. Pseudomagia . Euribates pseudomagus . Susenbrotus, or Fortunia . ZelotypusLeave the NDL website. Titus et Gesippus (acted 1544-1545) . Andronicus Comnenus (acted 1617/8)Leave the NDL website. Pastor Fidus ; Parthenia ; ClytophonLeave the NDL website. Mercurius, sive, Literarum lucta (acted 1629-1638?) . Eumorphus, sive, Cupido adultus (acted 1634/5)Leave the NDL website. PariaLeave the NDL website. Silvanus . Hispanus . MachiavellusLeave the NDL website. PedantiusLeave the NDL website. Hymenaeus . Victoria . LaeliaLeave the NDL website. Oedipus (acted 1577-1592) ; Dido (acted 1583)Leave the NDL website. Leander labyrinthusLeave the NDL website. Iephte . HerodesLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Mercurius Rusticans (written 1605-1618) . Antoninus Bassianus Caracalla (acted 1617-1619)

  • Byrsa Basilica sive Regale Excambium . Confessor

  • Senile odium . Senilis amor . Alphonsus

  • Cancer . Fraus Honesta

  • Adelphe ; Scyros ; Melanthe

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Mercurius Rusticans (written 1605-1618) . Antoninus Bassianus Caracalla (acted 1617-1619)
Byrsa Basilica sive Regale Excambium . Confessor
Senile odium . Senilis amor . Alphonsus
Cancer . Fraus Honesta
Adelphe ; Scyros ; Melanthe
Bellum grammaticale, sive, Nominum verborumque discordia civilis (printed 1935) . Thibaldus, sive, Vindictae ingenium (printed 1640)
Absalom . Christus triumphans
Christus Redivivus (printed 1543) ; Archipropheta (printed 1548)
Meleager (printed 1592) ; Ulysses redux (printed 1592) ; Panniculus Hippolyto assutus (printed 1591)
Microcosmus . Fucus sive histriomastix . Stoicus vapulans
Nero (printed 1603)
Antigone . Roxana . Adrastus parentans sive vindicta
Richardus Tertius . Solymitana Clades
Naufragium ioculare . Valetudinarium
The Christmas Prince (acted 1607/8)
Vertumnus, sive, Annus recurrens (printed 1607) ; Tres Sibyllae (printed 1607)
Iphis (? acted 1621-1633) . Cephalus et Procris (acted 1626-1628)
Physiponomachia (acted 1609-1611) . Atalanta (acted 1612) . Homo (acted 1615-1621)
Risus Anglicanus . Loiola
Philosophaster, (1606)
Pseudomagia . Euribates pseudomagus . Susenbrotus, or Fortunia . Zelotypus
Titus et Gesippus (acted 1544-1545) . Andronicus Comnenus (acted 1617/8)
Pastor Fidus ; Parthenia ; Clytophon
Mercurius, sive, Literarum lucta (acted 1629-1638?) . Eumorphus, sive, Cupido adultus (acted 1634/5)
Silvanus . Hispanus . Machiavellus
Hymenaeus . Victoria . Laelia
Oedipus (acted 1577-1592) ; Dido (acted 1583)
Leander labyrinthus
Iephte . Herodes
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