
Studia philologica Buddhica

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Studia philologica Buddhica

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Publisher changes to: International Institute for Buddhist Studies (of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies)

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Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta : two authors in the succession of Āryaśūra on the rediscovery of parts of their JātakamālāsLeave the NDL website. The theory of karman in the AbhidharmasamuccayaLeave the NDL website. A guide to the literature of KhotanLeave the NDL website. Rong-zom-pa's discourses on Buddhology : a study of various conceptions of Buddhahood in Indian sources with special reference to the controversy surrounding the existence of gnosis (jñāna: ye shes) as presented by the eleventh-century Tibetan scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-poLeave the NDL website. A religious leader in the Tang : Chengguan's biographyLeave the NDL website. Karma and teleology : a problem and its solutions in Indian philosophyLeave the NDL website. Early Indian epistemology and logic : fragments from Jinendrabuddhi's Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā 1 and 2Leave the NDL website. Saṃbhoga : die Zugehörigkeit zur Ordensgemeinschaft im frühen Jainismus und BuddhismusLeave the NDL website. Dharmakīrti's theory of exclusion (apoha)Leave the NDL website. The Samādhi of direct encounter with the Buddhas of the present : an annotated English translation of the Tibetan version of the Pratyutpanna-buddha-saṃmukhāvasthita-samādhi-sūtra with several appendices relating to the history of the textLeave the NDL website. Collected papersLeave the NDL website. The Huntington fragment F of the SaddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtraLeave the NDL website. The full-fledged Khyung-chen bird : an essay in freedom as the dynamics of beingLeave the NDL website. The Avayavinirākaraṇa of Paṇḍita Aśoka : Sanskrit text edited with an annotated English translationLeave the NDL website. On the problem of the external world in the Chʾeng wei shih lunLeave the NDL website. Textcritical remarks on the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā (pallavas 42-108)Leave the NDL website. Originary enlightenment : Tendai Hongaku doctrine and Japanese BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Dharmakīrtis frühe Logik : annotierte Übersetzung der logischen Teile von Pramāṇavārttika 1 mit der Vṛtti = Dharmakīrti's early logic : an annotated German translation of the logical parts in Pramāṇavārttika 1 and VṛttiLeave the NDL website. Three Sanskrit texts on caitya worship : in relation to the Ahorātravrata : an edition and synopses in English (with an introduction)Leave the NDL website. A lexicographical study of An Shigao's and his circle's Chinese translations of Buddhist textsLeave the NDL website. Vasubandhu and the Yogācārabhūmi : Yogācāra elements in the AbhidharmakośabhāṣyaLeave the NDL website. The resolve to become a Buddha : a study of the bodhicitta concept in Indo-Tibetan BuddhismLeave the NDL website. Ālayavijñāna : on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophyLeave the NDL website. Gedenkschrift J.W. de JongLeave the NDL website. Sermon studies and Buddhism : a case study of Sri Lankan preachingLeave the NDL website. Druma-kinnara-rāja-paripṛcchā-sūtra : a critical edition of the Tibetan text (recension A) based on eight editions of the Kanjur and the Dunhuang manuscript fragmentLeave the NDL website. Style and function : a study of the dominant stylistic features of the prose portions of Pāli canonical sutta texts and their mnemonic functionLeave the NDL website. Haribhaṭṭa in Nepal : ten legends from his Jātakamālā and the anonymous ŚākyasiṃhajātakaLeave the NDL website. A study concerning the acceptance and reconstruction of a philosophy in its assimilation into a different culture : 道 (tao) in Kumārajīva's translation of the Lotus SūtraLeave the NDL website. Die Erzählstoffe des Mūlasarvāstivāda-Vinaya analysiert auf Grund der tibetischen ÜbersetzungLeave the NDL website. Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta : two authors in the succession of Āryaśūra on the rediscovery of parts of their JātakamālāsLeave the NDL website. Tibetan studies in Russia : a historical sketchLeave the NDL website. Garbhāvakrāntisūtra : the sūtra on entry into the wombLeave the NDL website. Body language : Indic śarīra and Chinese shèlì in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra and SaddharmapuṇḍarīkaLeave the NDL website. Buddhism and nature : the lecture delivered on the occasion of the EXPO 1990 : an enlarged version with notesLeave the NDL website. The Huntington fragment F of the SaddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtraLeave the NDL website. Mapping the path : vajrapadas in Mahāyāna literatureLeave the NDL website. Kacchapa-Jātaka : eine Erzählung von der Schildkröte und dem KranzwinderLeave the NDL website. The chapter on the mundane path (laukikamārga) in the Śrāvakabhūmi : a trilingual edition (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese), annotated translation, and introductory studyLeave the NDL website. An index to Asaṅga's MahāyānasaṃgrahaLeave the NDL website. New Sanskrit fragments of the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Central Asian manuscript collection at Leningrad)Leave the NDL website. Kacchapa-Jātaka : eine Erzählung von der Schildkröte und dem KranzwinderLeave the NDL website. The stanza of the bell in the wind : Zen and Nenbutsu in the early Kamakura periodLeave the NDL website. The problem of the sentience of plants in earliest BuddhismLeave the NDL website. ʾJigs-med-gling-pa's "Discourse on India" of 1789 : a critical edition and annotated translation of the lHo-phyogs rgya-gar-gyi gtam brtag-pa brgyad-kyi me-longLeave the NDL website. The Tibetan text of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra : critically edited from the Derge, Narthang, Peking and Lhasa editions of the Tibetan Kanjur and accompanied by a concordance and comparative table of chapters of the Tibetan and Chinese versionsLeave the NDL website. Kṣemendra's Bodhisattvâvadānakalpalatā : studies and materialsLeave the NDL website. How Ajātaśatru was reformed : the domestication of "Ajase" and stories in Buddhist historyLeave the NDL website. Ālayavijñāna : on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophyLeave the NDL website. Tibetan yoga and mysticism : a textual study of the yogas of Nāropa and Mahāmudrā meditation in the medieval tradition of Dags poLeave the NDL website. Milindapañhā-aṭṭhakathāLeave the NDL website. The seventy-five elements (dharma) of Sarvāstivāda in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya and related worksLeave the NDL website. A guide to the literature of KhotanLeave the NDL website. Making and remaking history : a study of Tiantai sectarian historiographyLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit fragments of the Mahāyāna MahāparinirvāṇasūtraLeave the NDL website. Crossfire : Shingon-Tendai strife as seen in two twelfth-century polemics, with special references to their background in Tang ChinaLeave the NDL website. Disputed Dharmas : early Buddhist theories on existence : an annotated translation of the section on factors dissociated from thought from Saṅghabhadra's NyāyānusāraLeave the NDL website. Heartfelt advice : Yang dgon pa's Song of the seven direct introductions with commentary by 'Ba' ra ba Rgyal mtshan dpal bzangLeave the NDL website. The seventy-five elements (dharma) in the MadhyamakapañcaskandhakaLeave the NDL website. Collected papersLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta : two authors in the succession of Āryaśūra on the rediscovery of parts of their Jātakamālās

  • The theory of karman in the Abhidharmasamuccaya

  • A guide to the literature of Khotan

  • Rong-zom-pa's discourses on Buddhology : a study of various conceptions of Buddhahood in Indian sources with special reference to the controversy surrounding the existence of gnosis (jñāna: ye shes) as presented by the eleventh-century Tibetan scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po

  • A religious leader in the Tang : Chengguan's biography

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Note (General)
Publisher changes to: International Institute for Buddhist Studies (of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies)
Related Material
Haribhaṭṭa and Gopadatta : two authors in the succession of Āryaśūra on the rediscovery of parts of their Jātakamālās
The theory of karman in the Abhidharmasamuccaya
A guide to the literature of Khotan
Rong-zom-pa's discourses on Buddhology : a study of various conceptions of Buddhahood in Indian sources with special reference to the controversy surrounding the existence of gnosis (jñāna: ye shes) as presented by the eleventh-century Tibetan scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po
A religious leader in the Tang : Chengguan's biography
Karma and teleology : a problem and its solutions in Indian philosophy
Early Indian epistemology and logic : fragments from Jinendrabuddhi's Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā 1 and 2
Saṃbhoga : die Zugehörigkeit zur Ordensgemeinschaft im frühen Jainismus und Buddhismus
Dharmakīrti's theory of exclusion (apoha)
The Samādhi of direct encounter with the Buddhas of the present : an annotated English translation of the Tibetan version of the Pratyutpanna-buddha-saṃmukhāvasthita-samādhi-sūtra with several appendices relating to the history of the text
Collected papers
The Huntington fragment F of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
The full-fledged Khyung-chen bird : an essay in freedom as the dynamics of being
The Avayavinirākaraṇa of Paṇḍita Aśoka : Sanskrit text edited with an annotated English translation
On the problem of the external world in the Chʾeng wei shih lun
Textcritical remarks on the Bodhisattvāvadānakalpalatā (pallavas 42-108)
Originary enlightenment : Tendai Hongaku doctrine and Japanese Buddhism
Dharmakīrtis frühe Logik : annotierte Übersetzung der logischen Teile von Pramāṇavārttika 1 mit der Vṛtti = Dharmakīrti's early logic : an annotated German translation of the logical parts in Pramāṇavārttika 1 and Vṛtti
Three Sanskrit texts on caitya worship : in relation to the Ahorātravrata : an edition and synopses in English (with an introduction)
A lexicographical study of An Shigao's and his circle's Chinese translations of Buddhist texts
Vasubandhu and the Yogācārabhūmi : Yogācāra elements in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya
The resolve to become a Buddha : a study of the bodhicitta concept in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
Ālayavijñāna : on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophy
Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong
Sermon studies and Buddhism : a case study of Sri Lankan preaching
Druma-kinnara-rāja-paripṛcchā-sūtra : a critical edition of the Tibetan text (recension A) based on eight editions of the Kanjur and the Dunhuang manuscript fragment
Style and function : a study of the dominant stylistic features of the prose portions of Pāli canonical sutta texts and their mnemonic function
Haribhaṭṭa in Nepal : ten legends from his Jātakamālā and the anonymous Śākyasiṃhajātaka
A study concerning the acceptance and reconstruction of a philosophy in its assimilation into a different culture : 道 (tao) in Kumārajīva's translation of the Lotus Sūtra
Die Erzählstoffe des Mūlasarvāstivāda-Vinaya analysiert auf Grund der tibetischen Übersetzung
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Tibetan studies in Russia : a historical sketch
Garbhāvakrāntisūtra : the sūtra on entry into the womb
Body language : Indic śarīra and Chinese shèlì in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra and Saddharmapuṇḍarīka
Buddhism and nature : the lecture delivered on the occasion of the EXPO 1990 : an enlarged version with notes
The Huntington fragment F of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra
Mapping the path : vajrapadas in Mahāyāna literature
Kacchapa-Jātaka : eine Erzählung von der Schildkröte und dem Kranzwinder
The chapter on the mundane path (laukikamārga) in the Śrāvakabhūmi : a trilingual edition (Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese), annotated translation, and introductory study
An index to Asaṅga's Mahāyānasaṃgraha
New Sanskrit fragments of the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (Central Asian manuscript collection at Leningrad)
Kacchapa-Jātaka : eine Erzählung von der Schildkröte und dem Kranzwinder
The stanza of the bell in the wind : Zen and Nenbutsu in the early Kamakura period
The problem of the sentience of plants in earliest Buddhism
ʾJigs-med-gling-pa's "Discourse on India" of 1789 : a critical edition and annotated translation of the lHo-phyogs rgya-gar-gyi gtam brtag-pa brgyad-kyi me-long
The Tibetan text of the Pratyutpanna-Buddha-Saṃmukhāvasthita-Samādhi-Sūtra : critically edited from the Derge, Narthang, Peking and Lhasa editions of the Tibetan Kanjur and accompanied by a concordance and comparative table of chapters of the Tibetan and Chinese versions
Kṣemendra's Bodhisattvâvadānakalpalatā : studies and materials
How Ajātaśatru was reformed : the domestication of "Ajase" and stories in Buddhist history
Ālayavijñāna : on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophy
Tibetan yoga and mysticism : a textual study of the yogas of Nāropa and Mahāmudrā meditation in the medieval tradition of Dags po
The seventy-five elements (dharma) of Sarvāstivāda in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya and related works
A guide to the literature of Khotan
Making and remaking history : a study of Tiantai sectarian historiography
Sanskrit fragments of the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra
Crossfire : Shingon-Tendai strife as seen in two twelfth-century polemics, with special references to their background in Tang China
Disputed Dharmas : early Buddhist theories on existence : an annotated translation of the section on factors dissociated from thought from Saṅghabhadra's Nyāyānusāra
Heartfelt advice : Yang dgon pa's Song of the seven direct introductions with commentary by 'Ba' ra ba Rgyal mtshan dpal bzang
The seventy-five elements (dharma) in the Madhyamakapañcaskandhaka
Collected papers
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