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- Creativity : selected readingsModern sociology : introductory readings : selected readingsOrganization theory : selected readingsEconomics of retailing : selected readingsFrom workhouse to welfare : the founding of the Welfare StateEthnomethodology : selected readingsIntonation : selected readingsManagement and the social sciencesSocial conditions in Britain between the warsW. B. Yeats : a critical anthologyKinship : selected readingsWriters on organizationsIntroducing economicsPsycholinguistics : Chomsky and psychologySale of goods and hire-purchaseThe labour market : selected readingsSimulation and business decisionsRevolutions 1775-1830The economics of technological change : selected readingsPeasants and peasant societies : selected readingsTeachers and teachingColleges in crisis : the reorganization of teacher training, 1971-7Juvenile delinquency : trends and perspectivesGrowth economics : selected readingsA critique of economic theory : selected readingsWalt Whitman : a critical anthologyThe economics of the Common MarketUnderdevelopment and development : the Third World today : selected readingsThe moral judgement of the childPhonology : selected readingsSocial anthropology in perspective : the relevance of social anthropologyThe four fundamental concepts of psycho-analysisEmily Brontë : a critical anthologyFundamentals of engineering science and mathematicsBritain transformed : the development of British society since the mid-eighteenth centuryReading difficulties in schools : a community study of specific reading difficulties, carried out with a grant from the Scottish Education DepartmentAttitudes and behaviour: selected readingsSpeech and the development of mental processes in the child : an experimental investigationAndrew Marvell : a critical anthologyA plague of Europeans : Westerners in Africa since the fifteenth centuryCollective bargaining : selected readingsBehaviour therapy in clinical psychiatryExperimental psychology in industry : selected readingsOrganizational growth and development : selected readingsSociology of law : selected readingsModern decision analysis : selected readingsLanguage in thinking : selected readingsCulture and management : selected readingsThe Modern business enterprise : selected readingsFirst and second impact : teacher's bookThe pre-school yearsForeign aid : selected readingsIntroducing economicsUnderstanding children writingMaternal deprivation reassessedTeaching school physicsReadings in management accountingPatterns in human geographySystems thinking : selected readingsPersonality assessment : selected readingsThird world employment-problems and strategy : selected readingsHis and hers : an examination of masculinity and femininityPsychology and religion : selected readingsA Special case?: social justice and the minersThe social psychology of teaching : selected readingsForeign devils : Westerners in the Far East, the sixteenth century to the present dayDecisions, organizations and society : selected readingsThe pollution handbook : the ACEManagement and productionGovernment contractsMatter and moleculesThe law of nationsSmall group psychotherapyThe theory of taxationThe endocrine systemBritain in the modern world : the twentieth centuryThe preludeThe making of a nation, 1603-1789The Economics of women and workFacing up to modernity : excursions in society, politics, and religionSocial encounters : readings in social interactionFrom communication to curriculumAttitudes: selected readingsMonopolies and restrictive practicesConsumer theoryEconomic policy for development : selected readingsOutlook : artists talking : five artists talk to Anthony SchoolingBasic statistics in behavioural researchFree-electron physicsSociology and social policyReading, how toLanguage, the learner and the school : a research reportThe international monetary system : efficiency and practical alternativesLanguage and social behaviourD. H. Lawrence on educationConstitutional and administrative lawThe deferential worker : a study of farm workers in East AngliaRace and lawSocial anthropology in perspective : the relevance of social anthropologyApplied statisticsCase studies in management accountingAssessment in clinical psychologyMathematical models in psychology : an introductionNew economic history : selected readingsAbout ChinesePolitics and the Soviet UnionA touch on the times : songs of social change, 1770-1914Maternal deprivation reassessedIntroducing social psychologyModern financial management : selected readingsWriters on organizationsYou, your child and school : navigate your way to the best educationCommunication in organizations : selected readingsThe city : problems of planning : selected readingsTranscultural psychiatryMathematics and logic : retrospect and prospectsPsychometric assessment of the individual childThe musical instrument recipe bookElements of regional economicsMonopoly and competition : selected readingsJunior voices : an anthology of poetry and picturesRegional and urban economicsThe world of goods : towards an anthropology of consumptionMales and femalesPower in economics : selected readingsCity and society : an outline for urban geographyInternational investment : selected readingsHenry Fielding : a critical anthologyAll in the game : the function and meaning of sportThe mind of a mnemonist : a little book about a vast memoryPublic enterprise : selected readingsWaves and vibrationsIntroducing economicsContemporary abnormal psychology : selected readingsHow children learn mathematics : a guide for parents and teachersTransport : selected readingsEconomics and the environmentWho should know what? : social science, privacy, and ethicsThe discovery of death in childhood and afterD.H. Lawrence; a critical anthologyIntroducing sociologyCreative schoolsEconomics of information and knowledge, selected readingsPublic finance : selected readingsAll their futureEducation - structure and society : selected readingsTeaching and learning in higher educationInterorganizational relations : selected readingsThe control of the money supplyThe growth of sociabilityThe urological systemModern transport economicsImpact : English for social interactionHousehold behaviour : consumption, income and wealthLand reform and economic developmentThe beginnings of modern psychologyInternational finance : selected readingsThe child's discovery of space : from hopscotch to mazes : an introduction to intuitive topologyNationalized industriesProbabilityRace, jobs and the law in BritainCritical sociology : selected readingsThe Economics of Marx : selected readings of exposition and criticismThe challenge of painPenguin English readerThe complete poemsHow children learnElectric network analysisMaternal deprivation reassessedSociology of literature and drama : selected readingsPsychology at workIssues in urban societyAborigines : race and racismManagerial economics : selected readingsEzra Pound : a critical anthologyThe control of the money supplyThought and personality : selected readingsWilliam Wordsworth : a critical anthologyVoicesSocializationSoutheast Asia's economy : development policies in the 1970s : a study sponsored by the Asian Development BankCognitive sociology : language and meaning in social interactionThe complete poemsElectricity and electronsUnderstanding organizationsIndustrial man : selected readingsSecond impact : Penguin functional EnglishTelevision and the people : a programme for democratic participationExport marketing decisionsFamily security and family breakdownEducation, the child and society : a documentary history, 1900-1973Sociology of mass communications : selected readingsThe language of primary childrenUrban and regional planningSkills : selected readingsInterpersonal perceptionThe anatomy of decisionsUnderdevelopment and development : the Third World today : selected readingsTeaching and learning in higher educationCorporate recovery : successful turnaround strategies and their implementationGroup processes : selected readingsDialoguesTest your chemistryGeoffrey Chaucer : a critical anthologyThe science and politics of I.Q.Education for democracyPublic finance : selected readingsCost-benefit analysis : selected readingsPlay : its role in development and evolutionGases, liquids and solidsThe birth and death of meaning : an interdisciplinary perspective on the problem of manOrganization theory : selected readingsWork and well-beingUnderstanding children talkingRemedies of English lawUrban economicsPsychology and raceTrade unions : selected readingsIntroducing sociologyIntroducing sociologyMales and femalesSocial mobility : selected readingsEmployment, welfare and safety at workBritain and the world, 1789-1901SocializationProblems of modern society : a sociological perspectiveDisorders of memory and learningLeo Tolstoy : a critical anthologyThe economics of industrial innovationJohn Donne : the complete English poemsIntroducing psychology : an experimental approachMonetary theory : selected readingsWorkshop processes and materials for mechanicalThe economics of the Common MarketSelf-management : economic liberation of man : selected readingsThe management of change and conflict: selected readingsStatistical inferencePerceptual learning and adaptation : selected readingsOrganization theory : selected readingsRoad accidentsJonathan Swift : a critical anthologyTeaching as a subversive activityThe origin of intelligence in the childSale of goods and hire-purchaseStructuralist : selected readingsSocialist economics : selected readingsInflation : selected readingsFamily lawVerbal learning and memory : selected readingsPsychology and the visual arts : selected readingsBreak for commercials : an examination of advertising techniquesSystems analysis: selected readingsWagesUnderdevelopment and development : the Third World today : selected readingsThe making of a nation, 1603-1789International trade and economic developmentAdults learningPlaying and realityAlexander Pope : a critical anthologyA history of medicine : selected readingsLanguage, the learner and the schoolHousing policyOrganization theory : selected readingsMythology : selected readingsMotion and unitsSocial goals and economic perspectivesModern sociology: introductory readings : selected readingsInternational marketing strategy : selected readingsThe first year of teachingHealth economics : selected readingsPrice theory : selected readingsLeadership : selected readingsPlanet in peril? : man and the biosphere todayEconomic systems and society : capitalism, communism, and the Third WorldThe social psychology of mental disorderThe logic of sociological explanationUnderstanding organizationsTelecommunication for techniciansBritain and the world, 1789-1901An introduction to social psychiatryWhose city? : and further essays on urban societySummerhill : a radical approach to child-rearingLanguage, the learner and the schoolThe language of primary school childrenPunishment : selected readingsBusiness strategy : selected readingsNew horizons in psychology 2Marxian and post-Marxian political economy : an introductionLocal governmentLanguage and social behaviourA society in the making : Hungarian social and societal policy 1945-75Natural symbols : explorations in cosmologyLanguage and social context : selected readingsCharles Dickens : a critical anthologyThe digestive systemAn introduction to development economicsUrban and regional planningPersonal relationships in psychological disordersHuman ageing : selected readingsInquiring man : the psychology of personal constructsIntroduction to empirical sociologyPsycholinguistics : Chomsky and psychologyHow children failOut of the ancient worldVigilance and habituation : a neuropsychological approachThe new SummerhillInquiring man : the theory of personal constructsThe growth of sociabilityThe development of behaviourHenrik Ibsen : a critical anthologySociology of the family : selected readingsSociolinguistics : selected readingsThe forsaken lover : white words and black peopleRace and social difference : selected readingsSociology of religion : selected readingsEndless pressure : a study of West Indian life-styles in BristolThe principles of development aidLearning and change in groupsPhenomenology and sociology : selected readingsSocial aspects of the human body : a reader of key textsInterfaces of physicsLearner teacherProblems of modern society : a sociological perspectiveEconomics of education : selected readingsPayment systems : selected readingsConsumer behaviour : selected readingsThe economics of capital budgetingThe man with a shattered world : a history of a brain woundInternational trade : selected readingsThe end of inequality? 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