A grammar of the West Greenland language
The Petrology of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland
Contributions to the archaeology of Disko Bay
Eskimo settlements in Kempe Fjord and King Oscar Fjord
The Sermermiut excavations 1955
Observations on the Eskimo remains on the east coast of Greenland between 72° and 75° north latitude
The petrology of the Skaergaard Intrusion, Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland
Orientation systems of the North Pacific Rim
Dictionary of the west Greenland Eskimo language
Stylistic forms in Greenland Eskimo literature
The Ammassalik Eskimo : contibutions to the ethnology of the East Greenland natives
Archaeological investigations on Clavering Ø, Northeast Greenland
Prehistory of the Angmagssalik Eskimos
The history and range expansion of peregrine falcons in the Thule Area, Northwest Greenland
The lepdoptera of Greenland : The danish zoogeographical investigations in Greenland
Tectonic map of East Greenland (1:500,000) : an account of tectonism, plutonism, and volcanism in East Greenland
The hepaticae of west greenland from ca. 66[0]N to 72[0]N
Archaeological investigations in the Thule district
Paleo-Eskimo cultures in Disko Bugt, West Greenland
The former Eskimo habitation in the Kangerdlugssuak district, East Greenland
Geologische Untersuchungen in Ost-Andrées Land (NE-Grø̈nland)
Weathering, frost action, and patterned ground in the Mesters Vig district, Northeast Greenland
Otto Fabricius' ethnographical works
Phasing out the colonial status of Greenland, 1945-54 : a historical study
Instrumental observations of mass-wasting in the Mesters Vig district, Northeast Greenland
The polar Eskimos : language and folklore
The Eskimo tribes : their distribution and characteristics, especially in regard to language
Flora fossilis Grønlandica : afbildninger af Grønlands fossile Flora
Ancient Eskimo settlements in the Kangâmiut area
National identity politics and postcolonial sovereignty games : Greenland, Denmark, and the European Union
Eskimo finds from the Kangerdlugssuaq region
Eskimo settlements in Northeast Greenland
The archaeology of Old Nuulliit : Eigil Knuth's investigations in the Thule Region, North Greenland, 1952-1990
Basic and intermediate igneous activity and its relationships to the evolution of the Julianehåb granite, South Greenland
The East Greenland Eskimo dentition, numerical variations and anatomy : a contribution to comparative ethnic odontography
Contribution a l'anthropologie des Eskimo d'Angmagssalik
Danian foraminifera from Nûgssuaq, West Greenland : with special reference to species occurring in Denmark
Ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous of West Greenland
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der dänischen Expedition nach dronning Louises-Land und Quer das Inlandeis von Nord́grönland 1912-13
Archaeological and anthropological investigations of late heathen graves in Upernavik District
The former Eskimo settlements on Frederik VI's Coast
The Eskimo archaeology of Julianehaab district : with a brief summary of the prehistory of the Greenlanders
Additions to the eo-triassic invertebrate fauna of East Greenland
Traditional Inuit songs from the Thule area
The marine algae of east Greenland
Archaeological investigations in Knud Rasmussens Land
Über die Musik der Smith sund Eskimos und ihre Verwandtschaft mit der Musik der amerikanischen Indianer
The upper jurassic invertebrate fauas of cape leslie Milne Land
Contributions to polar Eskimo ethnography
Mitârtut : vestiges of the Eskimo sea-woman cult in West Greenland
The Ammassalik Eskimo : contributions to the ethnology of the East Greenland natives
Relationer fra Grønland, 1721-36, og Det gamle Grønlands ny perlustration 1741