
The present state of the Church of Ireland : containing a description of its precarious situation, and the consequent danger to the public : recommended to the serious consideration of the friends of the Protestant interest : to which are subjoined, some reflections on the impracticability of a proper commutation for tithes, and a general account of the origin and progress of the insurrections in Munster The fifth edition, to which is added (from the sixth edition,) an extract from the preface to the London edition, and translations of the Latin appendixes

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The present state of the Church of Ireland : containing a description of its precarious situation, and the consequent danger to the public : recommended to the serious consideration of the friends of the Protestant interest : to which are subjoined, some reflections on the impracticability of a proper commutation for tithes, and a general account of the origin and progress of the insurrections in Munster

The fifth edition, to which is added (from the sixth edition,) an extract from the preface to the London edition, and translations of the Latin appendixes

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by Richard Lord Bishop of Cloyne
Printed by W. Sleater ...
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22 cm. (8vo)
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Material Type
by Richard Lord Bishop of Cloyne
The fifth edition, to which is added (from the sixth edition,) an extract from the preface to the London edition, and translations of the Latin appendixes
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Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
22 cm. (8vo)
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