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Performance of pharmaceutical companies in India : a critical analysis of industrial structure, firm specific resources, and emerging strategiesLeave the NDL website. Insurance intermediation : an economic analysis of the information services marketLeave the NDL website. Mobility in space and time : challenges to the theory of international economicsLeave the NDL website. Private intergenerational transfers and population aging : the German caseLeave the NDL website. Intellectual property rights : national systems and harmonisation in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Real exchange rate movements : an econometric investigation into causes of fluctuations in some dollar real exchange ratesLeave the NDL website. The value chain of foreign aid : development, poverty reduction, and regional conditionsLeave the NDL website. Economics of innovation : the case of food industryLeave the NDL website. Telecommunication markets : drivers and impedimentsLeave the NDL website. International trade, wage inequality and the developing economy : a general equilibrium approachLeave the NDL website. Microregional Fragmentation : contrasts between a welfare state and a market economyLeave the NDL website. Services offshoring and its impact on the labor market : theoretical insights, empirical evidence, and economic policy recommendations for GermanyLeave the NDL website. Industrial mobility and public policyLeave the NDL website. Business cycles : market structure and market interactionLeave the NDL website. Econometric modelling of European money demand : aggregation, cointegration, identificationLeave the NDL website. The decision to patentLeave the NDL website. Economies in transition : a system of models and forecasts for Germany and PolandLeave the NDL website. The economics of imperfect markets : the effects of market imperfections on economic decision-makingLeave the NDL website. Banking sector liberalization in India : evaluation of reforms and comparative perspectives on ChinaLeave the NDL website. Foreign trade as a factor of economic growth : Russian-Chinese foreign trade cooperationLeave the NDL website. The influence of national competition policy on the international competitiveness of nations : a contribution to the debate on international competition rulesLeave the NDL website. The airline industry : challenges in the 21st centuryLeave the NDL website. The value of signals in hidden action models : concepts, application, and empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Evolution of Italian enterprises in the 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. R & D, innovation and industrial structure : essays on the theory of technological competitionLeave the NDL website. Economic crisis in Europe and the Balkans : problems and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Regional growth and regional policy within the framework of European integration : proceedings of a Conference on the Occasion of 25 Years Institute for Regional Research at the University of Kiel 1995Leave the NDL website. Regional analysis and policy : the Greek experienceLeave the NDL website. A feasible basic income scheme for Germany : effects on labor supply, poverty, and income inequalityLeave the NDL website. Reflexivity in economics : an experimental examination on the self-referentiality of economic theoriesLeave the NDL website. Surveys in experimental economics : bargaining, cooperation and election stock marketsLeave the NDL website. The economics and regulation of financial privacy : an international comparison of credit reporting systemsLeave the NDL website. Asymmetric economic integration : size characteristics of economies, trade costs and welfareLeave the NDL website. The design of the Eurosystem's monetary policy instrumentsLeave the NDL website. Elements of the Swiss market for electricity : with 51 figures and tablesLeave the NDL website. Money stock control and inflation targeting in Germany : a state space modelling approach to the Bundesbank's operating procedures and intermediate strategyLeave the NDL website. Regionalisation, growth, and economic integrationLeave the NDL website. Strategic delegation in firms and in the trade unionLeave the NDL website. Multicriteria evaluation in a fuzzy environment : theory and applications in ecological economicsLeave the NDL website. The economics of imperfect markets : the effects of market imperfections on economic decision-makingLeave the NDL website. Military conscription : an economic analysis of the labour component in the armed forcesLeave the NDL website. Bargaining over time allocation : economic modeling and econometric investigation of time use within familiesLeave the NDL website. Business cycle models with indeterminacyLeave the NDL website. Transformations in Hungary : essays in economy and societyLeave the NDL website. Risk measurement, econometrics, and neural networks : selected articles of the 6th Econometric-Workshop in Karlsruhe, GermanyLeave the NDL website. Property tax in BRICS megacities : local government financing and financial sustainabilityLeave the NDL website. Clustering dynamics and the location of high-tech-firmsLeave the NDL website. Transformation of social security : pensions in Central-Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Ifo survey data in business cycle and monetary policy analysisLeave the NDL website. EU crisis and the role of the peripheryLeave the NDL website. Open economy dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Money, stock prices and central banks : a cointegrated VAR analysisLeave the NDL website. A life cycle for clusters? : the dynamics of agglomeration, change, and adaptionLeave the NDL website. Research and development management : from the Soviet Union to RussiaLeave the NDL website. Ethics and economics : Catholic thinkers in the 20th centuryLeave the NDL website. Border-regional economicsLeave the NDL website. The politics of exchange rates in developing countries : political cycles and domestic institutionsLeave the NDL website. Project governance : implementing corporate governance and business ethics in nonprofit organizationsLeave the NDL website. Housing policy reforms in post socialist Europe : lost in transitionLeave the NDL website. Utility and production : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Global financial crisis and its ramifications on capital markets : opportunities and threats in volatile economic conditionsLeave the NDL website. Determinants of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe : the effects of integration into the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Finance in Central and Southeastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of business cycles : stylized facts, economic theory, econometric methodology and applicationsLeave the NDL website. Struggling for leadership : Antwerp-Rotterdam port competition between 1870-2000Leave the NDL website. The rise and fall of infrastructures : dynamics of evolution and technological change in transportLeave the NDL website. The role of financial markets in the transition processLeave the NDL website. Economic performance : a look at Austria and ItalyLeave the NDL website. Financial structure and stabilityLeave the NDL website. International trade and restructuring in Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Negotiations with asymmetrical distribution of power : conclusions from dispute resolution in network industriesLeave the NDL website. Business cycles : an international comparison of stylized facts in a historical perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Income inequality and poverty in Eastern and Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Utility and production : theory and applicationsLeave the NDL website. New political economy of exchange rate policies and the enlargement of the EurozoneLeave the NDL website. Product standards, exports and employment : an analytical studyLeave the NDL website. The new industrial policy of the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Economic growth in the regions of Europe : theory and empirical evidence from a spatial growth modelLeave the NDL website. Intertemporal macroeconomics : deficits, unemployment, and growthLeave the NDL website. Inequality, economic growth, and technological change : new aspects in the old debateLeave the NDL website. Advances in behavioral economics : essays in honor of Horst TodtLeave the NDL website. Economic policy and sustainable land use : recent advances in quantitative analysis for developing countriesLeave the NDL website. The service sector : productivity and growth : proceedings of the international conference held in Rome, Italy, May 27-28, 1993Leave the NDL website. Wages and the EuroLeave the NDL website. Essays on Transport EconomicsLeave the NDL website. Knowledge flows, technological change and regional growth in the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Cointegration analysis in a German monetary systemLeave the NDL website. Complexity and industrial clusters : dynamics and models in theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. CO[2] abatement and economic structural change in the European Internal MarketLeave the NDL website. The competitive advantage of industrial districts : theoretical and empirical analysisLeave the NDL website. International finance in emerging markets : issues, welfare economics analyses and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. Natural disasters and individual behaviour in developing countries : risk, trust and the demand for microinsuranceLeave the NDL website. Economic spillovers, structural reforms and policy coordination in the euro areaLeave the NDL website. Public debt and endogenous growthLeave the NDL website. Gender, ethnicity and employment : non-English speaking background migrant women in AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Risk assessment : decisions in banking and financeLeave the NDL website. A theory of employment in firms : macroeconomic equilibrium and internal organization of workLeave the NDL website. The economics of small businesses : an international perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Transforming economic systems : the case of PolandLeave the NDL website. Balkan and eastern European countries in the midst of the global economic crisisLeave the NDL website. Financial intermediation and deregulation : a critical analysis of Japanese bank-firm relationshipsLeave the NDL website. Empirical finance : modelling and analysis of emerging financial and stock marketsLeave the NDL website. WTO and world trade : challenges in a new eraLeave the NDL website. Trade and environment : the regulatory controversy and a theoretical and empirical assessment of unilateral environmental actionLeave the NDL website. Ambivalent joint production and the natural environment : an economic and thermodynamic analysisLeave the NDL website. Studies in applied econometricsLeave the NDL website. Small businesses in the aftermath of the crisis : international analyses and policiesLeave the NDL website. Russia and the European Union : development and perspectivesLeave the NDL website. The urban mosaic of post-socialist Europe : space, institutions and policyLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear time series analysis with applications to foreign exchange rate volatilityLeave the NDL website. International trade and unemployment : on the redistribution of trade gains when firms matterLeave the NDL website. Consumer credit in Europe : risks and opportunities of a dynamic industryLeave the NDL website. Spatial knowledge spillovers and the dynamics of agglomeration and regional growthLeave the NDL website. Agricultural technical progress and the development of a dual economyLeave the NDL website. A successful transformation? : restructuring of the Czech automobile industryLeave the NDL website. Public debt and endogenous growthLeave the NDL website. Public administration and regional management in Russia : challenges and prospects in a multicultural regionLeave the NDL website. Sustainable growth and development of economic systems : contradictions in the era of digitalization and globalizationLeave the NDL website. Economic growth in the European Union : analyzing SME and investment policiesLeave the NDL website. Sustainable development in Asia : socio-economic, financial, and economic perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Critical perspectives on emerging economies : an international assessmentLeave the NDL website. Economic policy frameworks revisited : a restatement of the evergreen instrumentsLeave the NDL website. Climate change and global development : market, global players and empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. An economic history of British steam engines, 1774-1870 : a study on technological diffusionLeave the NDL website. Applied Econometric Analysis Using Cross Section and Panel DataLeave the NDL website. The Austrian school of economics in the 21st century : evolution and impactLeave the NDL website. Firms, markets, and contracts : contributions to neoinstitutional economicsLeave the NDL website. The first decade of living with the global crisis : economic and social developments in the Balkans and Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Social security and solidarity in the European Union : facts, evaluations, and perspectivesLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of clusters and innovation : beyond systems and networksLeave the NDL website. Credit risk : measurement, evaluation and managementLeave the NDL website. Sustainability and optimality of public debtLeave the NDL website. Prices and production : elements of a system-theoretic perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Business cycles in the contemporary world : description, causes, aggregation, and synchronizationLeave the NDL website. The economics of online markets and ICT networksLeave the NDL website. The political economy of fiscal decisions : the strategic role of public debtLeave the NDL website. Spatial change and interregional flows in the integrating Europe : essays in honour of Karin PeschelLeave the NDL website. Models for multispecies managementLeave the NDL website. Frontiers of broadband, electronic and mobile commerceLeave the NDL website. Imperfect information and investor heterogeneity in the bond marketLeave the NDL website. Poverty, Inequality and Social Welfare in AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Pension systems : sustainability and distributional effects in Germany and the United KingdomLeave the NDL website. Innovation in the high-tech economyLeave the NDL website. Risk management in credit portfolios : concentration risk and Basel IILeave the NDL website. The costs of road infrastructure and congestion in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Operating hours and working times : a survey of capacity utilisation and employment in the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Regional cohesion : effectiveness of network structuresLeave the NDL website. Learning in economics : analysis and application of genetic algorithmsLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of the price structure and the business cycle : the Italian evidence from 1945 to 2000Leave the NDL website. The development of equity capital markets in transition economies : privatisation and shareholder rightsLeave the NDL website. European financial markets : the effects of European Union membership on Central and Eastern European equity marketsLeave the NDL website. Stabilization policy in an exchange rate union : transmission, coordination, and influence on the Union cohesionLeave the NDL website. The evolution of industrial districts : changing governance, innovation and internationalisation of local capitalism in ItalyLeave the NDL website. Political economy of the Swiss National BankLeave the NDL website. AIDS and aid : a public good approachLeave the NDL website. Economic cycles in emerging and advanced countries : synchronization, international spillovers and the decoupling hypothesisLeave the NDL website. The theory of new classical macroeconomics : a positive critiqueLeave the NDL website. Essays on microeconomics and industrial organisationLeave the NDL website. On global aging : old-age income systems in the EU and other major parts of the worldLeave the NDL website. Liberalization and regulation of the telecommunications sector in transition countries : the case of RussiaLeave the NDL website. General equilibrium and welfareLeave the NDL website. Firms, markets, and contracts : contributions to neoinstitutional economicsLeave the NDL website. Corporate control and enterprise reform in China : an econometric analysis of block share tradesLeave the NDL website. Corporate social responsibility as an international strategyLeave the NDL website. Integrated macro-micro-modelling under rational expectations, with an application to tariff reform in AustraliaLeave the NDL website. International brand management of Chinese companies : case studies on the Chinese household appliances and consumer electronics industry entering US and Western European marketsLeave the NDL website. European Monetary Union : theory, evidence, and policyLeave the NDL website. Essays on microeconomics and industrial organisationLeave the NDL website. Vertical relationships and coordination in the food systemLeave the NDL website. Economic crisis, development and competitiveness in Southeastern Europe : theoretical foundations and policy issuesLeave the NDL website. Development patterns of material productivity : convergence or divergence?Leave the NDL website. Integration and clustering for sustainable economic growthLeave the NDL website. Urban-rural interactions : towns as focus points in rural developmentLeave the NDL website. Export diversification and economic growth : an analysis of Colombia's export competitiveness in the European Union's marketLeave the NDL website. Regional cohesion : effectiveness of network structuresLeave the NDL website. Variable income equivalence scales : an empirical approachLeave the NDL website. Investment and exit decisions at the plant level : a dynamic programming approachLeave the NDL website. Monetary union and fiscal stability : a new approachLeave the NDL website. The impact of FDI on economic growth : an analysis for the transition countries of Central and Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. The impact of international trade and FDI on economic growth and technological changeLeave the NDL website. Framing effects in taxation : an empirical study using the German income tax scheduleLeave the NDL website. Equity ownership and performance : an empirical study of German traded companiesLeave the NDL website. Innovative start-ups and the distribution of human capital : the role of regional knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Legal traditions, legal reforms and economic performance : theory and evidenceLeave the NDL website. Innovation diffusion and political control of energy technologies : a comparison of combined heat and power generation in the UK an GermanyLeave the NDL website. International brand management of Chinese companies : case studies on the Chinese household appliances and consumer electronics industry entering US and Western European marketsLeave the NDL website. Current issues in monetary economicsLeave the NDL website. Corporate social responsibility as an international strategyLeave the NDL website. Competition for public transport services : institutional framework and empirical evidence of bus services in GermanyLeave the NDL website. Digitalization in open economies : theory and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. Money demand in Europe : an empirical approachLeave the NDL website. Recent policy issues in environmental and resource economicsLeave the NDL website. Mathematical economics of multi-level optimisation : theory and applicationLeave the NDL website. The reasons for underdevelopment : the case of decolonisation in SomalilandLeave the NDL website. Cultural influences on strategic planning : empirical findings in the banking industryLeave the NDL website. Financial liberalization in developing countries : issues, time series analyses and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. The German and Dutch economies : who follows whom?Leave the NDL website. Product characteristics in international economics : role and impact on economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Agent-based computational demography : using simulation to improve our understanding of demographic behaviourLeave the NDL website. The economic impact of international monetary fund programmes : institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization and economic growthLeave the NDL website. Integrated spatial and transport infrastructure development : the case of the European North-South Corridor Rotterdam-GenoaLeave the NDL website. Productivity, efficiency, and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific regionLeave the NDL website. Technological change and skill development in Arab Gulf countriesLeave the NDL website. Institutional analysis of development administration : the case of Japan's bilateral grant aid and technical assistanceLeave the NDL website. Illegal immigration and economic welfareLeave the NDL website. Global approaches in financial economics, banking, and financeLeave the NDL website. Demographic change and economic growth : simulations on growth modelsLeave the NDL website. New cohesion policy of the European Union in Poland : how it will influence the investment attractiveness of regions in 2014-2020Leave the NDL website. East European transition and EU enlargement : a quantitative approachLeave the NDL website. Banking on innovation : modernisation of payment systemsLeave the NDL website. Agent-based computational modelling : applications in demography, social, economic and environmental sciencesLeave the NDL website. Multinational enterprises, foreign direct investment and growth in Africa : South-African perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Intertemporal asset pricing : evidence from GermanyLeave the NDL website. Comparative analyses of operating hours and working times in the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Trade specialization in the enlarged European UnionLeave the NDL website. Technological change and regional development in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Population ageing and economic growth : education policy and family policy in a model of endogenous growthLeave the NDL website. Vector calculus in regional development analysis : comparative regional analysis using the example of PolandLeave the NDL website. Financial market imperfections and corporate decisions : lessons from the transition process in HungaryLeave the NDL website. Individual financial planning for retirement : empirical insights from the affluent segment in GermanyLeave the NDL website. Chinese railways : reform and efficiency improvement opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. Indivisibilities : microeconomic theory with respect to indivisible goods and factorsLeave the NDL website. Systemic transformation, trade and economic growth : developments, theoretical analysis and empirical resultsLeave the NDL website. Liberal trade and Japan : the incompatibility issueLeave the NDL website. Labor and employment relations in a globalized world : new perspectives on work, social policy and labor market implicationsLeave the NDL website. Market expectations and option prices : techniques and applicationsLeave the NDL website. The political economy of trade integrationLeave the NDL website. Competitiveness in the tourism sector : a comprehensive approach from economic and management pointsLeave the NDL website. Essays on port economicsLeave the NDL website. International economic growthLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of regional integrationLeave the NDL website. Regional sustainability : applied ecological economics bridging the gap between natural and social sciencesLeave the NDL website. Cooperation and competition in a common market : studies on the formation of MERCOSURLeave the NDL website. Модели многовидового управленияLeave the NDL website. Locational preferences of entrepreneurs : stated preferences in The Netherlands and GermanyLeave the NDL website. Approaches to environmental accounting : proceedings of the IARIW Conference on Environmental Accounting, Baden (near Vienna), Austria 27-29 May 1991Leave the NDL website. The institutionalised transformation of the East German economyLeave the NDL website. Unemployment dynamics in the United States and West Germany : economic restructuring, institutions and labor market processesLeave the NDL website. Credit cooperative institutions in European countriesLeave the NDL website. The cyber economy : opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence in the digital workplaceLeave the NDL website. Blockchain economics and financial market innovation : financial innovations in the digital ageLeave the NDL website. The economic rise of East Asia : development paths of Japan, South Korea, and ChinaLeave the NDL website. Emerging European economies after the pandemic : stuck in the middle income trap?Leave the NDL website. Economic development and the environmental ecosystem : the role of energy policy in economic growthLeave the NDL website. Biopolitics and shock economy of COVID-19 : medical perspectives and socioeconomic dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Globalization and development : economic and socio-cultural perspectives from emerging marketsLeave the NDL website. Intellectual property statistics : measuring framework for standards and trade in ideasLeave the NDL website. Sustainable development in Asia : socio-economic, financial, and economic perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Economic development and financial markets : latest research and policy insights from Central and Southeastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Empirical research on an unconditional basic income in EuropeLeave the NDL website. The political economy of development in southeastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Business performance and financial institutions in Europe : business models and value creation across European industriesLeave the NDL website. The future of work in the United States : discourses on automation and the platform economyLeave the NDL website. Productivity : concepts, measurement, aggregation, and decompositionLeave the NDL website. Principles of digital economics : innovation theory in the age of intelligenceLeave the NDL website. Modelling unemployment insurance : a surveyLeave the NDL website. Impact assessment for developing countries : a guide for government officials and public servantsLeave the NDL website. The Austrian school of economics in the 21st century : evolution and impactLeave the NDL website. Productivity : concepts, measurement, aggregation, and decompositionLeave the NDL website. Public support for the Euro : essays on labor productivity, monetary economics, and political economyLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy normalization : one hundred years after Keynes' tract on monetary reformLeave the NDL website. Blockchain economics and financial market innovation : financial innovations in the digital ageLeave the NDL website. Tourism management and sustainable developmentLeave the NDL website. Dynamics of institutional change in emerging market economies : theories, concepts and mechanismsLeave the NDL website. Why and how humans trade, predict, aggregate, and innovate : an economist's lessons on the role of human behavior and economic systemsLeave the NDL website. Historical epistemology of ecological economics : essays on the styles of economic reasoningLeave the NDL website. Western multinational corporations in Latin America : conflating capitalisms and institutional dynamics of inter-systemic actor exchangeLeave the NDL website. Advances in behavioral economics and finance leadership : strategic leadership, wise followership and conscientious usership in the digital centuryLeave the NDL website. World economy and international business : theories, trends, and challengesLeave the NDL website. Sustainable macroeconomics, climate risks and energy transitions : dynamic modeling, empirics, and policiesLeave the NDL website. The economic rise of East Asia : development paths of Japan, South Korea, and ChinaLeave the NDL website. Economic policy in the digital age : how technology is challenging the principles of the market economyLeave the NDL website.

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Essays on microeconomics and industrial organisation
Vertical relationships and coordination in the food system
Economic crisis, development and competitiveness in Southeastern Europe : theoretical foundations and policy issues
Development patterns of material productivity : convergence or divergence?
Integration and clustering for sustainable economic growth
Urban-rural interactions : towns as focus points in rural development
Export diversification and economic growth : an analysis of Colombia's export competitiveness in the European Union's market
Regional cohesion : effectiveness of network structures
Variable income equivalence scales : an empirical approach
Investment and exit decisions at the plant level : a dynamic programming approach
Monetary union and fiscal stability : a new approach
The impact of FDI on economic growth : an analysis for the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe
The impact of international trade and FDI on economic growth and technological change
Framing effects in taxation : an empirical study using the German income tax schedule
Equity ownership and performance : an empirical study of German traded companies
Innovative start-ups and the distribution of human capital : the role of regional knowledge
Legal traditions, legal reforms and economic performance : theory and evidence
Innovation diffusion and political control of energy technologies : a comparison of combined heat and power generation in the UK an Germany
International brand management of Chinese companies : case studies on the Chinese household appliances and consumer electronics industry entering US and Western European markets
Current issues in monetary economics
Corporate social responsibility as an international strategy
Competition for public transport services : institutional framework and empirical evidence of bus services in Germany
Digitalization in open economies : theory and policy implications
Money demand in Europe : an empirical approach
Recent policy issues in environmental and resource economics
Mathematical economics of multi-level optimisation : theory and application
The reasons for underdevelopment : the case of decolonisation in Somaliland
Cultural influences on strategic planning : empirical findings in the banking industry
Financial liberalization in developing countries : issues, time series analyses and policy implications
The German and Dutch economies : who follows whom?
Product characteristics in international economics : role and impact on economic development
Agent-based computational demography : using simulation to improve our understanding of demographic behaviour
The economic impact of international monetary fund programmes : institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth
Integrated spatial and transport infrastructure development : the case of the European North-South Corridor Rotterdam-Genoa
Productivity, efficiency, and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region
Technological change and skill development in Arab Gulf countries
Institutional analysis of development administration : the case of Japan's bilateral grant aid and technical assistance
Illegal immigration and economic welfare
Global approaches in financial economics, banking, and finance
Demographic change and economic growth : simulations on growth models
New cohesion policy of the European Union in Poland : how it will influence the investment attractiveness of regions in 2014-2020
East European transition and EU enlargement : a quantitative approach
Banking on innovation : modernisation of payment systems
Agent-based computational modelling : applications in demography, social, economic and environmental sciences
Multinational enterprises, foreign direct investment and growth in Africa : South-African perspectives
Intertemporal asset pricing : evidence from Germany
Comparative analyses of operating hours and working times in the European Union
Trade specialization in the enlarged European Union
Technological change and regional development in Europe
Population ageing and economic growth : education policy and family policy in a model of endogenous growth
Vector calculus in regional development analysis : comparative regional analysis using the example of Poland
Financial market imperfections and corporate decisions : lessons from the transition process in Hungary
Individual financial planning for retirement : empirical insights from the affluent segment in Germany
Chinese railways : reform and efficiency improvement opportunities
Indivisibilities : microeconomic theory with respect to indivisible goods and factors
Systemic transformation, trade and economic growth : developments, theoretical analysis and empirical results
Liberal trade and Japan : the incompatibility issue
Labor and employment relations in a globalized world : new perspectives on work, social policy and labor market implications
Market expectations and option prices : techniques and applications
The political economy of trade integration
Competitiveness in the tourism sector : a comprehensive approach from economic and management points
Essays on port economics
International economic growth
Dynamics of regional integration
Regional sustainability : applied ecological economics bridging the gap between natural and social sciences
Cooperation and competition in a common market : studies on the formation of MERCOSUR
Модели многовидового управления
Locational preferences of entrepreneurs : stated preferences in The Netherlands and Germany
Approaches to environmental accounting : proceedings of the IARIW Conference on Environmental Accounting, Baden (near Vienna), Austria 27-29 May 1991
The institutionalised transformation of the East German economy
Unemployment dynamics in the United States and West Germany : economic restructuring, institutions and labor market processes
Credit cooperative institutions in European countries
The cyber economy : opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence in the digital workplace
Blockchain economics and financial market innovation : financial innovations in the digital age
The economic rise of East Asia : development paths of Japan, South Korea, and China
Emerging European economies after the pandemic : stuck in the middle income trap?
Economic development and the environmental ecosystem : the role of energy policy in economic growth
Biopolitics and shock economy of COVID-19 : medical perspectives and socioeconomic dynamics
Globalization and development : economic and socio-cultural perspectives from emerging markets
Intellectual property statistics : measuring framework for standards and trade in ideas
Sustainable development in Asia : socio-economic, financial, and economic perspectives
Economic development and financial markets : latest research and policy insights from Central and Southeastern Europe
Empirical research on an unconditional basic income in Europe
The political economy of development in southeastern Europe
Business performance and financial institutions in Europe : business models and value creation across European industries
The future of work in the United States : discourses on automation and the platform economy
Productivity : concepts, measurement, aggregation, and decomposition
Principles of digital economics : innovation theory in the age of intelligence
Modelling unemployment insurance : a survey
Impact assessment for developing countries : a guide for government officials and public servants
The Austrian school of economics in the 21st century : evolution and impact
Productivity : concepts, measurement, aggregation, and decomposition
Public support for the Euro : essays on labor productivity, monetary economics, and political economy
Monetary policy normalization : one hundred years after Keynes' tract on monetary reform
Blockchain economics and financial market innovation : financial innovations in the digital age
Tourism management and sustainable development
Dynamics of institutional change in emerging market economies : theories, concepts and mechanisms
Why and how humans trade, predict, aggregate, and innovate : an economist's lessons on the role of human behavior and economic systems
Historical epistemology of ecological economics : essays on the styles of economic reasoning
Western multinational corporations in Latin America : conflating capitalisms and institutional dynamics of inter-systemic actor exchange
Advances in behavioral economics and finance leadership : strategic leadership, wise followership and conscientious usership in the digital century
World economy and international business : theories, trends, and challenges
Sustainable macroeconomics, climate risks and energy transitions : dynamic modeling, empirics, and policies
The economic rise of East Asia : development paths of Japan, South Korea, and China
Economic policy in the digital age : how technology is challenging the principles of the market economy
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CiNii Books