Note (General)稀覯書につき記述対象資料毎に書誌レコード作成
Head and tail pieces; initials
References: ESTC T93870
With a final advertisement leaf
Contents: A letter to a deist, concerning the beauty and excellency of moral virtue, and the support and improvement which it receives from the Christian Revelation. (the fourth edition.) -- The foundation of moral goodness: or, A further inquiry into the original of our idea of virtue. (the fourth edition.) -- The second part of the foundation of moral goodness: illuſtrating and enforcing the principles and reaſonings contained in the former. Being an answer to certain remarks communicated by a gentleman to the author. (the third edition.)
Divine rectitude: or, a brief inquiry concerning the moral perfections of the deity; particularly in reſpect of creation and providence. (the third edition.) -- A second letter to a deist, concerning a late book entitled, Chriſtianity as old as the Creation: more particularly that chapter which relates to Dr. Clarke. (the second edition.) -- The law of truth. Or, the obligations of reason eſſential to all religion. To which are prefixed, some remarks ſupplemental to a late tract; entitled, Divine rectitude. (the second edition.)
Description of publisher of ESTC: Printed [by Samuel Richardson] for J. Pemberton, at the Golden Buck against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet
Each part has a separate titlepage; the pagenation and register is continuous
References: Jessop, T.E. Bib. of David Hume and Scottish philosophy, p. 146
References: Maslen, K. Samuel Richardson, 17
Bookplate on front pastedown: From the library of William R. Williams, S.T.D., LL.D
Blind-stamping on t.p.: Newton Theological Institution
Inscription on t.p: William R. Williams
Data Provider (Database)国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NCID : BB15326319