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Religion and political conflict in South Asia : India, Pakistan, and Sri LankaLeave the NDL website. Peasant state and society in medieval South IndiaLeave the NDL website. Off the beaten track : rethinking gender justice for Indian womenLeave the NDL website. State and politics in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Cooking the world : ritual and thought in ancient IndiaLeave the NDL website. Contentious marriages, eloping couples : gender, caste, and patriarchy in northern IndiaLeave the NDL website. Economics of business policyLeave the NDL website. The scheduled castesLeave the NDL website. Hot topics : everyday environmental concernsLeave the NDL website. Five playsLeave the NDL website. Trade and industrializationLeave the NDL website. Gender, race, Renaissance dramaLeave the NDL website. The Oxford anthology of modern Indian poetryLeave the NDL website. Mirrors of violence : communities, riots and survivors in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. 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Poems of love and war : from the eight anthologies and the ten long poems of classical TamilLeave the NDL website. Prelude to partition : the Indian Muslims and the imperial system of control, 1920-1932Leave the NDL website. Offend, shock, or disturb : free speech under the Indian ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. Religion, secularism, and ethnicity in contemporary NepalLeave the NDL website. Origins of nationality in South Asia : patriotism and ethical government in the making of modern IndiaLeave the NDL website. The unquiet woods : ecological change and peasant resistance in the HimalayaLeave the NDL website. From independence towards freedom : Indian women since 1947Leave the NDL website. Leaves from the jungle : life in a Gond villageLeave the NDL website. Religious politics and communal violenceLeave the NDL website. The problem of change : a study of north-east IndiaLeave the NDL website. The gift of a virgin : women, marriage, and ritual in a Bengali society : with a new introduction on some contemporary issues in contextLeave the NDL website. Caste, class and power : changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore villageLeave the NDL website. State and nation in the context of social changeLeave the NDL website. The gods of Asia : image, text, and meaningLeave the NDL website. The romance of the state : and the fate of dissent in the tropicsLeave the NDL website. Swami Vivekananda and the modernisation of HinduismLeave the NDL website. Village voices, forest choices : joint forest management in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Rethinking English : essays in literature, language, historyLeave the NDL website. Aśoka and the decline of the Mauryas : with new afterword, bibliography and indexLeave the NDL website. The Hindi public sphere, 1920-1940 : language and literature in the age of nationalismLeave the NDL website. The Mug̲h̲hal State, 1526-1750Leave the NDL website. Mahatma Gandhi : a biography : complete and unabridgedLeave the NDL website. Explanation and understanding in the human sciencesLeave the NDL website. Public administration in India : the higher civil serviceLeave the NDL website. Muslim festivals in India and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Development theory : a guide to some unfashionable perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Parties and party politics in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Collected poems 1952-1988Leave the NDL website. Realism and reality : the novel and society in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Science and the Raj : a study of British IndiaLeave the NDL website. Urban studiesLeave the NDL website. Zikr-i Mir : the autobiography of the eighteenth century Mughal poet, Mir Muhammad Taqi ʿMir' (1723-1810)Leave the NDL website. Class formation and political transformation in post-colonial IndiaLeave the NDL website. Samskara = A rite for a dead manLeave the NDL website. Development as freedomLeave the NDL website. Why poverty persists in India : a framework for understanding the Indian economyLeave the NDL website. Women writing in India : 600 B.C. to the presentLeave the NDL website. A very popular exileLeave the NDL website. Social and religious reform : the Hindus of British IndiaLeave the NDL website. Drowned and dammed : colonial capitalism and flood control in Eastern IndiaLeave the NDL website. Divide and quit : an eye-witness account of the partition of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Mughals and FranksLeave the NDL website. Gender, population and developmentLeave the NDL website. Imperial designs and Indian realities : the planning of Bombay City, 1845-1875Leave the NDL website. Who is a Sikh? : the problem of Sikh identityLeave the NDL website. A pictorial history of Indian businessLeave the NDL website. The 21st century ambassador : plenipotentiary to chief executiveLeave the NDL website. Indian tales and legendsLeave the NDL website. Region, religion, caste, gender and culture in contemporary IndiaLeave the NDL website. Fencing the forest : conservation and ecological change in India's central provinces, 1860-1914Leave the NDL website. Sherpas : reflections on change in Himalayan NepalLeave the NDL website. Hunting and shootingLeave the NDL website. Appraising sustainable development : water management and environmental challengesLeave the NDL website. The intimate enemy : loss and recovery of self under colonialismLeave the NDL website. Politics, women and well-being : how Kerala became "a model"Leave the NDL website. Nehru and the language politics of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Tales of love, sex, and dangerLeave the NDL website. The sepoys and the company : tradition and transition in Northern India, 1770-1830Leave the NDL website. Eastern religions and western thoughtLeave the NDL website. Ladakh : crossroads of High AsiaLeave the NDL website. Ladakh : crossroads of High AsiaLeave the NDL website. Collected poemsLeave the NDL website. National identity in Indian popular cinema, 1947-1987Leave the NDL website. Poems of love and war : from the eight anthologies and the ten long poems of classical TamilLeave the NDL website. Public policy and politics in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Hindus of the Himalayas : ethnography and changeLeave the NDL website. Radhakrishnan : a biographyLeave the NDL website. The process of financial liberalization in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Culture and psyche : selected essaysLeave the NDL website. Gandhi's power : nonviolence in actionLeave the NDL website. Gandhi : pan-Islamism, imperialism, and nationalism in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Islam in history and politics : perspectives from South AsiaLeave the NDL website. Ideology of the Hindi film : a historical constructionLeave the NDL website. The Bengal Muslims, 1871-1906 : a quest for identityLeave the NDL website. Imperial designs and Indian realities : the planning of Bombay City, 1845-1875Leave the NDL website. Outlines of Muhammadan lawLeave the NDL website. Hinduism in public and private : reform, Hindutva, gender, and sampradayLeave the NDL website. Selected writings for childrenLeave the NDL website. Indian society through personal writingsLeave the NDL website. The ordeal of love : C.F. Andrews and IndiaLeave the NDL website. Bombay and Mumbai : the city in transitionLeave the NDL website. Pastoral deities in western IndiaLeave the NDL website. The stepchild : AngaliyatLeave the NDL website. Alternative sciences : creativity and authenticity in two Indian scientistsLeave the NDL website. Gender and political economy : explorations of South Asian systemsLeave the NDL website. India : economic development and social opportunityLeave the NDL website. Contemporary issues in globalization : an introduction to theory and policy in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Languages and scriptsLeave the NDL website. Nutrition in major metabolic diseasesLeave the NDL website. The Dissident voice : poems of N.M. RáshedLeave the NDL website. The bomb in Bengal : the rise of revolutionary terrorism in India, 1900-1910Leave the NDL website. Situating the history of science : dialogues with Joseph NeedhamLeave the NDL website. Religion in IndiaLeave the NDL website. India and the romantic imaginationLeave the NDL website. Indian political trials : 1775-1947Leave the NDL website. Climates & constitutions : health, race, environment and British imperialism in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Reinventing India : liberalization, Hindu nationalism and popular democracyLeave the NDL website. Outlines of Muhammadan lawLeave the NDL website. Postcolonial passages : contemporary history-writing on IndiaLeave the NDL website. Modern Indian poetry in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Kamala : the story of a Hindu child-wifeLeave the NDL website. No aging in India : modernity, senility and the familyLeave the NDL website. Changing concepts of rights and justice in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. From pluralism to separatism : qasbas in colonial AwadhLeave the NDL website. Sufism, culture, and politics : Afghans and Islam in medieval North IndiaLeave the NDL website. Minority studiesLeave the NDL website. Developing India : an intellectual and social history, c. 1930-50Leave the NDL website. Towards development economics : Indian contributions 1900-1945Leave the NDL website. Handbook of Indian sociologyLeave the NDL website. Growth with financial stability : central banking in an emerging marketLeave the NDL website. The oppressive present : literature and social consciousness in colonial IndiaLeave the NDL website. Gandhi : prisoner of hopeLeave the NDL website. Gender and politics in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Politics, women and well-being : how Kerala became "a model"Leave the NDL website. Narratives and the making of history : two lecturesLeave the NDL website. Hindu revivalism in Bengal, 1872-1905 : some essays in interpretationLeave the NDL website. The interpretation of casteLeave the NDL website. India's political administrators, from ICS to IASLeave the NDL website. Liberalizing capital flows : India's experiences and policy issuesLeave the NDL website. Politics and trade in the Indian Ocean world : essays in honour of Ashin Das GuptaLeave the NDL website. Chasing the rainbow : growing up in an Indian villageLeave the NDL website. The discovery of IndiaLeave the NDL website. The promise of the metropolis : Bangalore's twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Images of the world : essays on religion, secularism, and cultureLeave the NDL website. B.R. Ambedkar : perspectives on social exclusion and inclusive policiesLeave the NDL website. Historical anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Explorations in connected history : from the Tagus to the GangesLeave the NDL website. Commodities and capabilitiesLeave the NDL website. India's economic transition : the politics of reformsLeave the NDL website. Writings on international economicsLeave the NDL website. Warfare and weaponry in South Asia, 1000-1800Leave the NDL website. Freedom and Destiny : gender, family, and popular culture in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Gender and discrimination : health, nutritional status, and role of women in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Religion at the service of nationalism and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Durable disorder : understanding the politics of Northeast IndiaLeave the NDL website. India's economic reforms and development : essays for Manmohan SinghLeave the NDL website. India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800Leave the NDL website. Essays in honour of Ranajit GuhaLeave the NDL website. The substance of politicsLeave the NDL website. The moral and political thought of Mahatma GandhiLeave the NDL website. Democracy and the state : welfare, secularism and development in contemporary IndiaLeave the NDL website. Bombay : mosaic of modern cultureLeave the NDL website. The Dalit movement in India : local practices, global connectionsLeave the NDL website. People, taxation, and trade in Mughal IndiaLeave the NDL website. The state in India, 1000-1700Leave the NDL website. Industrial organizationLeave the NDL website. The tribal world of Verrier Elwin : an autobiographyLeave the NDL website. Europe reconsidered : perceptions of the West in nineteenth century BengalLeave the NDL website. Universities at the crossroadsLeave the NDL website. Raising up a prophet : the African-American encounter with GandhiLeave the NDL website. Wonder-tales of South Asia : translated from Hindi, Urdu, Nepali and PersianLeave the NDL website. India's development experience : selected writings of S. GuhanLeave the NDL website. When the body becomes all eyes : paradigms, discourses and practices of power in Kalarippayattu, a South Indian martial artLeave the NDL website. The Merchant-warrior pacified : the VOC (the Dutch East India Company) and its changing political economy in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Three plays : Nāga-Mandala, Hayavadana, TughlaqLeave the NDL website. Towards sustainable growth : essays in fiscal and financial sector reforms in IndiaLeave the NDL website. In the belly of the river : tribal conflicts over development in the Narmada ValleyLeave the NDL website. The concept of race in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. Integrated water resources management in South and South-East AsiaLeave the NDL website. KanthapuraLeave the NDL website. Relocating gender in Sikh history : transformation, meaning and identityLeave the NDL website. The present history of West Bengal : essays in political criticismLeave the NDL website. Measurement of inequality and povertyLeave the NDL website. The collected essays of A.K. RamanujanLeave the NDL website. Ghazals of Ghalib : versions from the UrduLeave the NDL website. Making meaning in Indian cinemaLeave the NDL website. Interpreting early IndiaLeave the NDL website. Nature, culture, imperialism : essays on the environmental history of South AsiaLeave the NDL website. Selected writings on literature and languageLeave the NDL website. Development planning : the Indian experienceLeave the NDL website. Homo hierarchicus : the caste system and its implicationsLeave the NDL website. The origins and development of classical HinduismLeave the NDL website. Disputed mission : Jesuit experiments and Brahmanical knowledge in seventeenth-century IndiaLeave the NDL website. The BJP and the compulsions of politics in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Monetary policy in a globalized economy : a practitioner's viewLeave the NDL website. The nation and its fragments : colonial and postcolonial historiesLeave the NDL website. SevasadanLeave the NDL website. Experiencing the stateLeave the NDL website. The unknown Hsüan-tsangLeave the NDL website. Ethnicity and populist mobilization : political parties, citizens and democracy in South IndiaLeave the NDL website. A South Indian subcaste : social organization and religion of the Pramalai KallarLeave the NDL website. Combined methods in Indology and other writingsLeave the NDL website. From the seams of history : essays on Indian womenLeave the NDL website. Nationalism, democracy and development : state and politics in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Chandigarh : the making of an Indian cityLeave the NDL website. Family, kinship and marriage in IndiaLeave the NDL website. The poems of ancient Tamil : their milieu and their Sanskrit counterpartsLeave the NDL website. The architecture of languageLeave the NDL website. Critical events : an anthropological perspective on contemporary IndiaLeave the NDL website. Calcutta through British eyes, 1690-1990Leave the NDL website. A moral reckoning : Muslim intellectuals in nineteenth-century DelhiLeave the NDL website. Religious movements in South Asia, 600-1800Leave the NDL website. Creating a nationality : the Ramjanmabhumi Movement and fear of the selfLeave the NDL website. Religion, law and the state in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Public finance : policy issues for IndiaLeave the NDL website. Monetary planning for IndiaLeave the NDL website. Economic graffiti : essays for everyoneLeave the NDL website. Indirect rule in India : residents and residency system, 1764-1858Leave the NDL website. Financial openness and national autonomy : opportunities and constraintsLeave the NDL website. Eight lectures on India's economic reformsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on economic and financial sector reforms in IndiaLeave the NDL website. The nabobs : a study of the social life of the English in Eighteenth Century IndiaLeave the NDL website. Dayānanda Sarasvatī : his life and ideasLeave the NDL website. Hybrid histories : forests, frontiers and wildness in western IndiaLeave the NDL website. A fatal friendship : the Nawabs, the British, and the city of LucknowLeave the NDL website. The illegitimacy of nationalismLeave the NDL website. Islam and Muslim history in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. Harsha : a political studyLeave the NDL website. Indian development : selected regional perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Rethinking early medieval India : a readerLeave the NDL website. The essential writings of Sri AurobindoLeave the NDL website. A historical dictionary of Indian foodLeave the NDL website. Nomadism in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. Watching and conservingLeave the NDL website. India's economic reforms 1991-2001Leave the NDL website. From lineage to state : social formations in the mid-first millennium B.C. in the Ganga ValleyLeave the NDL website. India's exports : an analytical studyLeave the NDL website. 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Making India hindu : religion, community, and the politics of democracy in IndiaLeave the NDL website. The householder's world : purity, power, and dominance in a Nepali villageLeave the NDL website. Cornelia Sorabji : India's pioneer woman lawyer : a biographyLeave the NDL website. Premchand : his life and timesLeave the NDL website. India in the era of economic reformsLeave the NDL website. Cheetal walk : living in the wildernessLeave the NDL website. Development projects and impoverishment risks : resettling project-affected people in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Science and the Raj, 1857-1905Leave the NDL website. Rabindranath Tagore : selected poemsLeave the NDL website. Pleasure and the nation : the history, politics and consumption of public culture in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Secluded scholars : women's education and Muslim social reform in colonial IndiaLeave the NDL website. Sinners and saints : the successors of Vasco da GamaLeave the NDL website. The imperial monetary system of Mughal IndiaLeave the NDL website. The poverty of "development economics"Leave the NDL website. Caste todayLeave the NDL website. Another Asia : Rabindranath Tagore & Okakura TenshinLeave the NDL website. Unbecoming citizens : culture, nationhood, and the flight of refugees from BhutanLeave the NDL website. Debating difference : group rights and liberal democracy in IndiaLeave the NDL website. The Indian response to European technology and culture (A.D. 1498-1707)Leave the NDL website. AutobiographyLeave the NDL website. KhajurahoLeave the NDL website. Reason before identity : the Romanes lecture for 1998 : delivered before the University of Oxford on 17 November 1998Leave the NDL website. Hindu nationalism and governanceLeave the NDL website. Premchand : his life and timesLeave the NDL website. Islam, South Asia, and the WestLeave the NDL website. The winds of change : Buddhism and the maritime links of early south AsiaLeave the NDL website. Bonfire of creeds : the essential Ashis NandyLeave the NDL website. Babu fictions : alienation in contemporary Indian English novelsLeave the NDL website. Gaban : the stolen jewelsLeave the NDL website. Unfinished business : India in the world economyLeave the NDL website. KarmabhumiLeave the NDL website. Three bhakti voices : Mirabai, Surdas, and Kabir in their time and oursLeave the NDL website. The word and the world : India's contribution to the study of languageLeave the NDL website. Freed from disgrace : KalankmuktiLeave the NDL website. Europe reconsidered : perceptions of the West in ninteenth-century [i.e. nineteenth-century] BengalLeave the NDL website. The history of history : politics and scholarship in modern IndiaLeave the NDL website. Engaged Buddhism : the Dalai Lama's worldviewLeave the NDL website. India : macroeconomics and political economy 1964-1991Leave the NDL website. Communal riots in Bengal, 1905-1947Leave the NDL website. 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Climates & constitutions : health, race, environment and British imperialism in India
Reinventing India : liberalization, Hindu nationalism and popular democracy
Outlines of Muhammadan law
Postcolonial passages : contemporary history-writing on India
Modern Indian poetry in English
Kamala : the story of a Hindu child-wife
No aging in India : modernity, senility and the family
Changing concepts of rights and justice in South Asia
From pluralism to separatism : qasbas in colonial Awadh
Sufism, culture, and politics : Afghans and Islam in medieval North India
Minority studies
Developing India : an intellectual and social history, c. 1930-50
Towards development economics : Indian contributions 1900-1945
Handbook of Indian sociology
Growth with financial stability : central banking in an emerging market
The oppressive present : literature and social consciousness in colonial India
Gandhi : prisoner of hope
Gender and politics in India
Politics, women and well-being : how Kerala became "a model"
Narratives and the making of history : two lectures
Hindu revivalism in Bengal, 1872-1905 : some essays in interpretation
The interpretation of caste
India's political administrators, from ICS to IAS
Liberalizing capital flows : India's experiences and policy issues
Politics and trade in the Indian Ocean world : essays in honour of Ashin Das Gupta
Chasing the rainbow : growing up in an Indian village
The discovery of India
The promise of the metropolis : Bangalore's twentieth century
Images of the world : essays on religion, secularism, and culture
B.R. Ambedkar : perspectives on social exclusion and inclusive policies
Historical anthropology
Explorations in connected history : from the Tagus to the Ganges
Commodities and capabilities
India's economic transition : the politics of reforms
Writings on international economics
Warfare and weaponry in South Asia, 1000-1800
Freedom and Destiny : gender, family, and popular culture in India
Gender and discrimination : health, nutritional status, and role of women in India
Religion at the service of nationalism and other essays
Durable disorder : understanding the politics of Northeast India
India's economic reforms and development : essays for Manmohan Singh
India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800
Essays in honour of Ranajit Guha
The substance of politics
The moral and political thought of Mahatma Gandhi
Democracy and the state : welfare, secularism and development in contemporary India
Bombay : mosaic of modern culture
The Dalit movement in India : local practices, global connections
People, taxation, and trade in Mughal India
The state in India, 1000-1700
Industrial organization
The tribal world of Verrier Elwin : an autobiography
Europe reconsidered : perceptions of the West in nineteenth century Bengal
Universities at the crossroads
Raising up a prophet : the African-American encounter with Gandhi
Wonder-tales of South Asia : translated from Hindi, Urdu, Nepali and Persian
India's development experience : selected writings of S. Guhan
When the body becomes all eyes : paradigms, discourses and practices of power in Kalarippayattu, a South Indian martial art
The Merchant-warrior pacified : the VOC (the Dutch East India Company) and its changing political economy in India
Three plays : Nāga-Mandala, Hayavadana, Tughlaq
Towards sustainable growth : essays in fiscal and financial sector reforms in India
In the belly of the river : tribal conflicts over development in the Narmada Valley
The concept of race in South Asia
Integrated water resources management in South and South-East Asia
Relocating gender in Sikh history : transformation, meaning and identity
The present history of West Bengal : essays in political criticism
Measurement of inequality and poverty
The collected essays of A.K. Ramanujan
Ghazals of Ghalib : versions from the Urdu
Making meaning in Indian cinema
Interpreting early India
Nature, culture, imperialism : essays on the environmental history of South Asia
Selected writings on literature and language
Development planning : the Indian experience
Homo hierarchicus : the caste system and its implications
The origins and development of classical Hinduism
Disputed mission : Jesuit experiments and Brahmanical knowledge in seventeenth-century India
The BJP and the compulsions of politics in India
Monetary policy in a globalized economy : a practitioner's view
The nation and its fragments : colonial and postcolonial histories
Experiencing the state
The unknown Hsüan-tsang
Ethnicity and populist mobilization : political parties, citizens and democracy in South India
A South Indian subcaste : social organization and religion of the Pramalai Kallar
Combined methods in Indology and other writings
From the seams of history : essays on Indian women
Nationalism, democracy and development : state and politics in India
Chandigarh : the making of an Indian city
Family, kinship and marriage in India
The poems of ancient Tamil : their milieu and their Sanskrit counterparts
The architecture of language
Critical events : an anthropological perspective on contemporary India
Calcutta through British eyes, 1690-1990
A moral reckoning : Muslim intellectuals in nineteenth-century Delhi
Religious movements in South Asia, 600-1800
Creating a nationality : the Ramjanmabhumi Movement and fear of the self
Religion, law and the state in India
Public finance : policy issues for India
Monetary planning for India
Economic graffiti : essays for everyone
Indirect rule in India : residents and residency system, 1764-1858
Financial openness and national autonomy : opportunities and constraints
Eight lectures on India's economic reforms
Lectures on economic and financial sector reforms in India
The nabobs : a study of the social life of the English in Eighteenth Century India
Dayānanda Sarasvatī : his life and ideas
Hybrid histories : forests, frontiers and wildness in western India
A fatal friendship : the Nawabs, the British, and the city of Lucknow
The illegitimacy of nationalism
Islam and Muslim history in South Asia
Harsha : a political study
Indian development : selected regional perspectives
Rethinking early medieval India : a reader
The essential writings of Sri Aurobindo
A historical dictionary of Indian food
Nomadism in South Asia
Watching and conserving
India's economic reforms 1991-2001
From lineage to state : social formations in the mid-first millennium B.C. in the Ganga Valley
India's exports : an analytical study
Unrestrained killings and the law : a comparative analysis of the laws of provocation and excessive self-defence in India, England and Australia
Trade, ideology, and urbanization : South India 300 BC to AD 1300
Social ecology
Social stratification
Subaltern studies ... : writings on South Asian history and society
Trading encounters : from the Euphrates to the Indus in the Bronze Age
Judicial activism in India
The conditions of listening : essays on religion, history, and politics in South Asia
The evolution of the Sikh community : five essays
Who is a Sikh? : the problem of Sikh identity
Beyond purdah? : women in Bengal 1890-1930
The world of the Indian Ocean merchant 1500-1800 : collected essays of Ashin Das Gupta
Making India hindu : religion, community, and the politics of democracy in India
The householder's world : purity, power, and dominance in a Nepali village
Cornelia Sorabji : India's pioneer woman lawyer : a biography
Premchand : his life and times
India in the era of economic reforms
Cheetal walk : living in the wilderness
Development projects and impoverishment risks : resettling project-affected people in India
Science and the Raj, 1857-1905
Rabindranath Tagore : selected poems
Pleasure and the nation : the history, politics and consumption of public culture in India
Secluded scholars : women's education and Muslim social reform in colonial India
Sinners and saints : the successors of Vasco da Gama
The imperial monetary system of Mughal India
The poverty of "development economics"
Caste today
Another Asia : Rabindranath Tagore & Okakura Tenshin
Unbecoming citizens : culture, nationhood, and the flight of refugees from Bhutan
Debating difference : group rights and liberal democracy in India
The Indian response to European technology and culture (A.D. 1498-1707)
Reason before identity : the Romanes lecture for 1998 : delivered before the University of Oxford on 17 November 1998
Hindu nationalism and governance
Premchand : his life and times
Islam, South Asia, and the West
The winds of change : Buddhism and the maritime links of early south Asia
Bonfire of creeds : the essential Ashis Nandy
Babu fictions : alienation in contemporary Indian English novels
Gaban : the stolen jewels
Unfinished business : India in the world economy
Three bhakti voices : Mirabai, Surdas, and Kabir in their time and ours
The word and the world : India's contribution to the study of language
Freed from disgrace : Kalankmukti
Europe reconsidered : perceptions of the West in ninteenth-century [i.e. nineteenth-century] Bengal
The history of history : politics and scholarship in modern India
Engaged Buddhism : the Dalai Lama's worldview
India : macroeconomics and political economy 1964-1991
Communal riots in Bengal, 1905-1947
The gift of a virgin : women, marriage, and ritual in a Bengali society
India's culture : the state, the arts, and beyond
Sacred and profane dimensions of love in Indian traditions, as exemplified in the Gītagovinda of Jayadeva
The village in India
Community conflicts and the state in India
Environmental law and policy in India : cases, materials, and statutes
Politics and ethics of the Indian constitution
Pahari masters : court painters of northern India
The interior landscape : love poems from a classical Tamil anthology
Songs of the saints of India
Living without silver : the monetary history of early medieval north India
Kashmir, 1947 : rival versions of history
The Construction of religious boundaries : culture, identity, and diversity in the Sikh tradition
International relations theory and South Asia : Security, political economy, domestic politics, identities, and images
Hyderabad : a biography
Speaking truth to power : religion, caste, and the subaltern question in India
Modern myths, locked minds : secularism and fundamentalism in India
An ambiguous journey to the city : the village and other odd ruins of the self in the Indian imagination
The dissent of Nazrul Islam : poetry and history
India's religions : perspectives from sociology and history
The rise of Islam and the Bengal frontier, 1204-1760
Lal Bahadur Shastri : a life of truth in politics
A history of South India from prehistoric times to the fall of Vijayanagar
Broadcasting reform in India : media law from a global perspective
The Mahābhārata : an English version based on selected verses
The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar
Antinomies of society : essays on ideologies and institutions
Poetics, plays, and performances : the politics of modern Indian theatre
Shikwa and Jawab-i-shikwa = Complaint and Answer : Iqbal's dialogue with Allah
Mahatma Gandhi : a biography
The quality of life
Child marriage in India : socio-legal and human rights dimensions
Three Indian poets : Nissim Ezekiel, A.K. Ramanujan, Dom Moraes
A weaver named Kabir : selected verses, with a detailed biographical and historical introduction
Reflections on human development
Oh terrifying mother : sexuality, violence, and worship of the goddess Kali
The eighteenth century in India
Shamans, mystics and doctors : a psychological inquiry into India and its healing traditions
Resources, values, and development
India's Islamic traditions, 711-1750
A history of the Sikhs
The Oxford India Hinduism reader
The collected poems of A.K. Ramanujan
The sacred thread : a short history of Hinduism
The shrine and cult of Muʻīn al-dīn Chishtī of Ajmer
The Naxalites and their ideology
Relativism, suffering and beyond : essays in memory of Bimal K. Matilal
Untouchable freedom : a social history of a Dalit community
Akbar and his India
Democracy in India
Ancient futures : learning from Ladakh
Public administration : a reader
Social conflict
Women, culture, and development : a study of human capabilities
The self and its other : philosophical essays
Vishnu on Freud's desk : a reader in psychoanalysis and Hinduism
The scheduled tribes
The essential writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
Abul Kalam Azad : an intellectual and religious biography
Indian and British English : a handbook of usage and pronunciation
Partition dialogues : memories of a lost home
The Dhammapada : with introductory essays, Pāli text, English translation and notes
Postcolonial theory : a critical introduction
Indian philosophy
India's political economy : governance and reform
Science, hegemony and violence : a requiem for modernity
Caste, hierarchy, and individualism : Indian critiques of Louis Dumont's contributions
The Khilafat movement : religious symbolism and political mobilization in India
Sikhs and Sikhism
Gender and green governance : the political economy of women's presence within and beyond community forestry
The context of ethnicity : Sikh identity in a comparative perspective
Building in the garden : the architecture of Joseph Allen Stein in India and California
Religious nationalism confronts the secular state
India's nuclear bomb : the impact on global proliferation
Wild tigers of Ranthambhore
Writings on development
Jawaharlal Nehru : rebel and statesman
Sociology : essays on approach and method
The use and abuse of nature : incorporating This fissured land, an ecological history of India and Ecology and equity
In search of Gandhi : essays and reflections
The moral embedding of economic action
Leaves from a diary
Three English plays
Ghalib : the poet and his age
The politics of Indians' English : linguistic colonialism and the expanding English empire
Inside India
India's economy : performance and challenges : essays in honour of Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Exploring emotional history : gender, mentality and literature in the Indian Awakening
Lucknow : memories of a city
The Indian economy : major debates since independence
Early capitalism and local history in South India
Jinnah of Pakistan
Gandhi and his critics
When God is a customer : Telugu courtesan songs by Kṣetrayya and others
Beyond secularism : the rights of religious minorities
Strategic management of services : framework and cases
Women's voices : selections from nineteenth and early-twentieth century Indian writing in English
Silk and religion : an exploration of material life and the thought of people, AD 600-1200
Poems by Faiz = انتخاب فیض : نقش فریادی, دست صبا, زندان نامہ اور دست تہ سنگ کی منتخب غزلوں اور نظموں کا مجموعہ
Researches in the history of India, 1200-1750
Society and politics in India : essays in a comparative perspective
Guru Dutt : a life in cinema
Claiming power from below : dalits and the subaltern question in India
Essays on Islam and Indian history
Kashmir's contested pasts : narratives, sacred geographies, and the historical imagination
Sangati : events
Collected plays of Mahesh Elkunchwar
Living martyrs : individuals and revolution in Nepal
The unhappy consciousness : Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay and the formation of nationalist discourse in India
Fidelity and honour : the Indian Army from the seventeenth to the twenty-first century
Modern literary Nepali : an introductory reader
Outline of Hindi grammar, with exercises
Enslaved daughters : colonialism, law, and women's rights
Building the railways of the Raj 1850-1900
Dominant caste and other essays
The court and the constitution of India : summits and shallows
An anthropologist among the historians and other essays
The fire and the rain : Agni mattu malé
Aligarh's first generation : Muslim solidarity in British India
The politics of gender, community, and modernity : essays on education in India
Industrial growth in India : stagnation since the mid-sixties
A cultural history of India
The poor and their money
The tribal world of Verrier Elwin : an autobiography
Jawaharlal Nehru : an autobiography
Ancient India and ancient China : trade and religious exchanges, AD 1-600
History and beyond
Nature, culture, imperialism : essays on the environmental history of South Asia
British Christians, Indian nationalists, and the Raj
Welfare economics
The philosophy of religion : a Buddhist perspective
The savage Freud and other essays on possible and retrievable selves
Three Mughal poets : Mir, Sauda, Mir Hasan
Widows, wives, and other heroines : twelve short stories
The nationalization of Hindu traditions : Bhāratendu Hariśchandra and nineteenth-century banaras
Making India Hindu : religion, community, and the politics of democracy in India
The archaeology of Indian trade routes upto c. 200 BC : resource use, resource access and lines of communication
Nāga-mandala : Play with a cobra
Fear and desire : an anthology of Urdu stories
The return of Sarasvati : four Hindi poets
Marathas, marauders, and state formation in eighteenth-century India
Indian planning at the crossroads
The anthropology of Buddhism and Hinduism : Weberian themes
The outcaste : Akkarmashi
Tales of love and war : stories from the Mahabharat
Indian industry : policies and performance
Redefining Urdu politics in India
Reversing the gaze : Amar Singh's diary, a colonial subject's narrative of Imperial India
A weaver named Kabir : selected verses, with a detailed biographical and historical introduction
China's India war : collision course on the roof of the world
Company of kinsmen : enterprise and community in South Asian history 1700-1940
Flowers of the Himalaya : a supplement
British life in India : an anthology of humorous and other writings perpetrated by the British in India 1750-1950 with some latitude for works completed after independence
Globalization and development : a handbook of new perspectives
Trade and globalization
The fatal rumour : a nineteenth-century Indian novel
Subalterns and sovereigns : an anthropological history of Bastar, 1854-1996
Saguna : the first autobiographical novel in English by an Indian woman
India's foreign policy : retrospect and prospect
At work in the informal economy of India : a perspective from the bottom up
Devotional Islam and politics in British India : Ahmad Riza Khan Barelwi and his movement, 1870-1920
Essays on medieval Indian history
The making of colonial Lucknow, 1856-1877
Violence studies
Blocked by caste : economic discrimination in modern India
Trans-Himalayan caravans : merchant princes and peasant traders in Ladakh
Hindu law : beyond tradition and modernity
Social security in developing countries
Since 1947 : partition narratives among Punjabi migrants of Delhi
Governing globalization : issues and institutions
Tilak and Gokhale : revolution and reform in the making of modern India
Nationalist thought and the colonial world : a derivative discourse?
Secularism and its critics
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