
Bach edition

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Bach edition

Material type
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Brilliant Classics
Publication date
Material Format
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4 3/4 in.
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Notes on use

Note (General):

Compact discs

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden : BWV 1083 : after Pergolesi's Stabat MaterLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 147, 181 & 66 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 180, 197 & 52 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Preludium & Fuge BWV 539 ; Concerto BWV 593 ; Aria BWV 587 ; Pastorella BWV 590 ; ChoräleLeave the NDL website. Præludium & fuga BWV 547 ; Concerto BWV 595 ; Fuga BWV 574, 577, 578 ; Trio BWV 583 ; Toccata & fuga BWV 538Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 104, 83, 50 & 183 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Præludium BWV 568 ; Præludium & fuga BWV 545 ; Pièce d'orgue BWV 572 ; Concerto BWV 597 ; Toccatra & fuga BWV 540Leave the NDL website. Concerto transcriptions = KonzerttranskriptionenLeave the NDL website. Flute sonatas, BWV 1033-1035Leave the NDL website. Toccata & fuga BWV 565 ; Concerto BWV 594 ; Præludium & fuga BWV 548 ; "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" BWV 711, 715-717Leave the NDL website. Magnificat BWV 243 ; Choräle = ChoralesLeave the NDL website. Kunst der Fuge : BWV 1080 = Art of fugueLeave the NDL website. Clavierübung III BWV 669-685Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 102, 7 & 196 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Lute works, BWV 998-1000Leave the NDL website. Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena BachLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 146, 28 & 48 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Johannes passion : BWV 245 = St. John passionLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 123, 87 & 173 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 60, 78 & 151 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 51, 32 & 14 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Violin sonatas BWV 1021, 1023 ; Trio sonatasLeave the NDL website. Leipziger ChoräleLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 16, 170 & 133 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95 & 124 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. French suites : 4, 5, 6 = Französische SuitenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 135, 86, 85 & 167 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Choräle = ChoralesLeave the NDL website. Matthæus passion : BWV 244 = St. Matthew passionLeave the NDL website. Six partitas : BWV 825-830 = Sechs PartitenLeave the NDL website. Clavierübung III BWV 686-689 ; 4 duets 802-805 ; Concerto BWV 596 ; Trio sonata BWV 529 ; Toccata BWV 566Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 117, 153 & 168 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 40, 84 & 30 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 36c, 209 & 203 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 36c, 209 & 203Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 8, 186 & 3 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Italian concerto : BWV 971 ; French overture : BWV 831 ; Chromatic fantasy & fugue : BWV 903 ; Goldberg variations : BWV 988Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 36, 184 & 129 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 194, 176 & 89 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 9, 91 & 47 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Violin sonatas, BWV 1014-1016Leave the NDL website. Violin sonatas, BWV 1017-1019Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 99, 35 & 17 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 136, 187 & 49 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 178, 156 & 27 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 206 & 215 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 206 & 215Leave the NDL website. Orgelbüchlein ; 8 kleine Præludien & Fugen BWV 553-560Leave the NDL website. Neumeister Chorales BWV 1090-1107 ; Præludium & Fuga BWV 549 ; Fantasia BWV 570 & 571Leave the NDL website. Inventionen & SinfoniasLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 109, 58 & 162 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Orchestral suites 1 & 2 BWV 1066 & 1067 = Orchestersuiten 1 & 2 BWV 1066 & 1067Leave the NDL website. Cello suites 2, 4, 6Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 115, 55 & 94 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 211 & 212 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 211 & 212Leave the NDL website. Preludium & Fuge BWV 551-535 ; Fantasie & Fuge BWV 542 ; Trio sonata BWV 525Leave the NDL website. Masses BWV 233-236 = Messen BWV 233-236Leave the NDL website. Partite diversa sopra "Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig" BWV 768 ; Trio sonata BWV 528 ; Præludium & fuga BWV 544 ; Fantasia & fuga BWV 537Leave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 213 & 214 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 213 & 214Leave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 204 & 208 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 204 & 208Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 98, 188 & 23 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Preludium & Fuge BWV 531-532 ; Concerto BWV 592 ; ChoräleLeave the NDL website. Flute sonatas, BWV 1030-1032Leave the NDL website. Neumeister Chorales BWV 1108-1120 ; Præludium & Fuga BWV 553 & 550 ; Trio sonata BWV 527 ; Passacaglia et fuga BWV 582Leave the NDL website. Harpsichord concertos BWV 1056, 1057, 1058, 1060, 1065 = Cembalokonzerte BWV 1056, 1057, 1058, 1060, 1065Leave the NDL website. Double concertos BWV 1043, 1044, 1055, 1060 = Doppleokonzerte BWV 1043, 1044, 1055, 1060Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 33, 56 & 37 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 97, 132 & 72 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 140, 88 & 79 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Motets = Motetten ; Easter oratorio = OsteroratoriumLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 77, 24, 126 & 67 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 45, 150 & 122 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 5, 38 & 20 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 80, 82 & 61 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Leipziger Choräle ; Schübler ChoräleLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 39, 143, 175 & 65 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Choräle = ChoralesLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 106, 199 & 161 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Mass in B minor, BWV 232 : Hohe MesseLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 6, 163 & 96 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 114, 57 & 155 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 198 & 110 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Brandenburg concertos 4, 5, 6 = Brandenburgische Konzerte 4, 5, 6Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 111, 159, 165 & 22 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cello suites 1, 3, 5Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 46, 107 & 179 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 148, 174, 112 & 68 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Harpsichord concertos BWV 1052-1055 = Cembalokonzerte BWV 1052-1055Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 172, 182 & 90 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Suites, fantasias, preludes & fuguesLeave the NDL website. Lute works, BWV 995-997Leave the NDL website. Brandenburg concertos 1, 2, 3 = Brandenburgische Konzerte 1, 2, 3Leave the NDL website. Toccatas = ToccatenLeave the NDL website. Weihnachtsoratorium : BWV 248 = Christmas oratorioLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119 & 43 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Markus passion : BWV 247 = St. Mark passionLeave the NDL website. Keyboard works = Klavierwerke : 1700-1710Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 100, 108 & 18 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 152, 121 & 166 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Sacred songs & arias from Schemellis Gesangbuch = Geistliche Lieder und Arien aus Schemellis GesangbuchLeave the NDL website. Viola de gamba sonatasLeave the NDL website. Two wedding cantatas : BWV 202 & 210 = Zwei hochzeitskantaten : BWV 202 & 210Leave the NDL website. Violin concertos = ViolinkonzerteLeave the NDL website. English suites : 4, 5, 6 = Englische SuitenLeave the NDL website. Sonate e partite per violino soloLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 149, 69 & 169 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 12, 74 & 177 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 113 & 42 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. The well-tempered clavier, book I and II : BWV 846-893 = Das Wohltemperierte Clavier, Teil I und IILeave the NDL website. Secular cantata BWV 201 = Weltliche Kantate BWV 201Leave the NDL website. Secular cantatas BWV 205 & 207= Weltliche Kantaten BWV 205 & 207Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 103, 185 & 2 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Orchestral suites 3 & 4 BWV 1068 & 1069 = Orchestersuiten 3 & 4 BWV 1068 & 1069Leave the NDL website. Sonatas, suites, fantasiasLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 130, 138 & 81 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Ascension oratorio : BWV 11 = Himmelfahrts-OratoriumLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 192, 93, 145 & 171 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Lukas Passion : BWV 246 = St. Luke passionLeave the NDL website. English suites : 1, 2, 3 = Englische SuitenLeave the NDL website. French suites : 1, 2, 3 = Französische SuitenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 92, 54 & 44 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 64, 134 & 10 [i.e. 105] = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 34, 31 & 19 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 41, 29 & 120 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 128, 154 & 62 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Præludium & fuga BWV 534, 543, 546 ; Trio sonata BWV 530 ; Partite diverse BWV 770Leave the NDL website. Concertos for 2 & 3 harpsichords BWV 1061-1064 = Konzerte für 2 & 3 Cembali BWV 1061-1064Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 73, 125 & 157 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Sacred songs & arias from Musicalisches Gesangbuch G. C. SchemellisLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 116, 13 & 144 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Partita BWV 767 ; Trio sonata BWV 526 ; Preludium & Fuge BWV 541 ; Toccata, adagio & fuge BWV 564Leave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 26, 164 & 139 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 195, 1 & 63 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 75, 59 & 21 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 4, 158, 131 & 70 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. Cantatas BWV 71, 76 & 10 = KantatenLeave the NDL website. OrgelbüchleinLeave the NDL website. Musikalisches OpferLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden : BWV 1083 : after Pergolesi's Stabat Mater

  • Cantatas BWV 147, 181 & 66 = Kantaten

  • Cantatas BWV 180, 197 & 52 = Kantaten

  • Preludium & Fuge BWV 539 ; Concerto BWV 593 ; Aria BWV 587 ; Pastorella BWV 590 ; Choräle

  • Præludium & fuga BWV 547 ; Concerto BWV 595 ; Fuga BWV 574, 577, 578 ; Trio BWV 583 ; Toccata & fuga BWV 538

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Recording Media

Material Type
Publication, Distribution, etc.
4 3/4 in.
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Compact discs
Related Material
Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden : BWV 1083 : after Pergolesi's Stabat Mater
Cantatas BWV 147, 181 & 66 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 180, 197 & 52 = Kantaten
Preludium & Fuge BWV 539 ; Concerto BWV 593 ; Aria BWV 587 ; Pastorella BWV 590 ; Choräle
Præludium & fuga BWV 547 ; Concerto BWV 595 ; Fuga BWV 574, 577, 578 ; Trio BWV 583 ; Toccata & fuga BWV 538
Cantatas BWV 104, 83, 50 & 183 = Kantaten
Præludium BWV 568 ; Præludium & fuga BWV 545 ; Pièce d'orgue BWV 572 ; Concerto BWV 597 ; Toccatra & fuga BWV 540
Concerto transcriptions = Konzerttranskriptionen
Flute sonatas, BWV 1033-1035
Toccata & fuga BWV 565 ; Concerto BWV 594 ; Præludium & fuga BWV 548 ; "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr" BWV 711, 715-717
Magnificat BWV 243 ; Choräle = Chorales
Kunst der Fuge : BWV 1080 = Art of fugue
Clavierübung III BWV 669-685
Cantatas BWV 102, 7 & 196 = Kantaten
Lute works, BWV 998-1000
Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach
Cantatas BWV 146, 28 & 48 = Kantaten
Johannes passion : BWV 245 = St. John passion
Cantatas BWV 123, 87 & 173 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 60, 78 & 151 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 51, 32 & 14 = Kantaten
Violin sonatas BWV 1021, 1023 ; Trio sonatas
Leipziger Choräle
Cantatas BWV 16, 170 & 133 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 101, 127, 95 & 124 = Kantaten
French suites : 4, 5, 6 = Französische Suiten
Cantatas BWV 135, 86, 85 & 167 = Kantaten
Choräle = Chorales
Matthæus passion : BWV 244 = St. Matthew passion
Six partitas : BWV 825-830 = Sechs Partiten
Clavierübung III BWV 686-689 ; 4 duets 802-805 ; Concerto BWV 596 ; Trio sonata BWV 529 ; Toccata BWV 566
Cantatas BWV 117, 153 & 168 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 40, 84 & 30 = Kantaten
Secular cantatas BWV 36c, 209 & 203 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 36c, 209 & 203
Cantatas BWV 8, 186 & 3 = Kantaten
Italian concerto : BWV 971 ; French overture : BWV 831 ; Chromatic fantasy & fugue : BWV 903 ; Goldberg variations : BWV 988
Cantatas BWV 36, 184 & 129 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 194, 176 & 89 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 9, 91 & 47 = Kantaten
Violin sonatas, BWV 1014-1016
Violin sonatas, BWV 1017-1019
Cantatas BWV 99, 35 & 17 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 136, 187 & 49 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 178, 156 & 27 = Kantaten
Secular cantatas BWV 206 & 215 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 206 & 215
Orgelbüchlein ; 8 kleine Præludien & Fugen BWV 553-560
Neumeister Chorales BWV 1090-1107 ; Præludium & Fuga BWV 549 ; Fantasia BWV 570 & 571
Inventionen & Sinfonias
Cantatas BWV 109, 58 & 162 = Kantaten
Orchestral suites 1 & 2 BWV 1066 & 1067 = Orchestersuiten 1 & 2 BWV 1066 & 1067
Cello suites 2, 4, 6
Cantatas BWV 115, 55 & 94 = Kantaten
Secular cantatas BWV 211 & 212 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 211 & 212
Preludium & Fuge BWV 551-535 ; Fantasie & Fuge BWV 542 ; Trio sonata BWV 525
Masses BWV 233-236 = Messen BWV 233-236
Partite diversa sopra "Sei gegrüsset, Jesu gütig" BWV 768 ; Trio sonata BWV 528 ; Præludium & fuga BWV 544 ; Fantasia & fuga BWV 537
Secular cantatas BWV 213 & 214 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 213 & 214
Secular cantatas BWV 204 & 208 = Weltliche Kantaten BWV 204 & 208
Cantatas BWV 98, 188 & 23 = Kantaten
Preludium & Fuge BWV 531-532 ; Concerto BWV 592 ; Choräle
Flute sonatas, BWV 1030-1032
Neumeister Chorales BWV 1108-1120 ; Præludium & Fuga BWV 553 & 550 ; Trio sonata BWV 527 ; Passacaglia et fuga BWV 582
Harpsichord concertos BWV 1056, 1057, 1058, 1060, 1065 = Cembalokonzerte BWV 1056, 1057, 1058, 1060, 1065
Double concertos BWV 1043, 1044, 1055, 1060 = Doppleokonzerte BWV 1043, 1044, 1055, 1060
Cantatas BWV 33, 56 & 37 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 97, 132 & 72 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 140, 88 & 79 = Kantaten
Motets = Motetten ; Easter oratorio = Osteroratorium
Cantatas BWV 77, 24, 126 & 67 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 45, 150 & 122 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 5, 38 & 20 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 80, 82 & 61 = Kantaten
Leipziger Choräle ; Schübler Choräle
Cantatas BWV 39, 143, 175 & 65 = Kantaten
Choräle = Chorales
Cantatas BWV 106, 199 & 161 = Kantaten
Mass in B minor, BWV 232 : Hohe Messe
Cantatas BWV 6, 163 & 96 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 114, 57 & 155 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 198 & 110 = Kantaten
Brandenburg concertos 4, 5, 6 = Brandenburgische Konzerte 4, 5, 6
Cantatas BWV 111, 159, 165 & 22 = Kantaten
Cello suites 1, 3, 5
Cantatas BWV 46, 107 & 179 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 148, 174, 112 & 68 = Kantaten
Harpsichord concertos BWV 1052-1055 = Cembalokonzerte BWV 1052-1055
Cantatas BWV 172, 182 & 90 = Kantaten
Suites, fantasias, preludes & fugues
Lute works, BWV 995-997
Brandenburg concertos 1, 2, 3 = Brandenburgische Konzerte 1, 2, 3
Toccatas = Toccaten
Weihnachtsoratorium : BWV 248 = Christmas oratorio
Cantatas BWV 137, 25, 119 & 43 = Kantaten
Markus passion : BWV 247 = St. Mark passion
Keyboard works = Klavierwerke : 1700-1710
Cantatas BWV 100, 108 & 18 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 152, 121 & 166 = Kantaten
Sacred songs & arias from Schemellis Gesangbuch = Geistliche Lieder und Arien aus Schemellis Gesangbuch
Viola de gamba sonatas
Two wedding cantatas : BWV 202 & 210 = Zwei hochzeitskantaten : BWV 202 & 210
Violin concertos = Violinkonzerte
English suites : 4, 5, 6 = Englische Suiten
Sonate e partite per violino solo
Cantatas BWV 149, 69 & 169 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 12, 74 & 177 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 113 & 42 = Kantaten
The well-tempered clavier, book I and II : BWV 846-893 = Das Wohltemperierte Clavier, Teil I und II
Secular cantata BWV 201 = Weltliche Kantate BWV 201
Secular cantatas BWV 205 & 207= Weltliche Kantaten BWV 205 & 207
Cantatas BWV 103, 185 & 2 = Kantaten
Orchestral suites 3 & 4 BWV 1068 & 1069 = Orchestersuiten 3 & 4 BWV 1068 & 1069
Sonatas, suites, fantasias
Cantatas BWV 130, 138 & 81 = Kantaten
Ascension oratorio : BWV 11 = Himmelfahrts-Oratorium
Cantatas BWV 192, 93, 145 & 171 = Kantaten
Lukas Passion : BWV 246 = St. Luke passion
English suites : 1, 2, 3 = Englische Suiten
French suites : 1, 2, 3 = Französische Suiten
Cantatas BWV 92, 54 & 44 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 64, 134 & 10 [i.e. 105] = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 34, 31 & 19 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 41, 29 & 120 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 128, 154 & 62 = Kantaten
Præludium & fuga BWV 534, 543, 546 ; Trio sonata BWV 530 ; Partite diverse BWV 770
Concertos for 2 & 3 harpsichords BWV 1061-1064 = Konzerte für 2 & 3 Cembali BWV 1061-1064
Cantatas BWV 73, 125 & 157 = Kantaten
Sacred songs & arias from Musicalisches Gesangbuch G. C. Schemellis
Cantatas BWV 116, 13 & 144 = Kantaten
Partita BWV 767 ; Trio sonata BWV 526 ; Preludium & Fuge BWV 541 ; Toccata, adagio & fuge BWV 564
Cantatas BWV 26, 164 & 139 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 195, 1 & 63 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 75, 59 & 21 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 4, 158, 131 & 70 = Kantaten
Cantatas BWV 71, 76 & 10 = Kantaten
Musikalisches Opfer