
Holdings of Libraries in Japan

This page shows libraries in Japan other than the National Diet Library that hold the material.

Please contact your local library for information on how to use materials or whether it is possible to request materials from the holding libraries.


  • CiNii Research

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Material Type
Title Transcription
エイガ テンオウ クロサワ アキラ : Akira Kurosawa
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Alternative Title
黒澤明 : 映畫天王
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Related Material
姿三四郎 = Sanshiro Sugata
蜘蛛巣城 = The throne of blood
野良犬 = Stray dog
用心棒 = Yojimbo
惡漢甜夢 = The bad sleep well = 悪い奴ほどよく眠る
酩酊天使 = Drunken agel = 酔いどれ天使
天國與地獄 = High and low = 天国と地獄
赤鬍子 = Red beard = 赤ひげ
我對青春無悔 = No regrets for our youth = わが青春に悔なし
踏虎尾 = They who step on tiger's tail = 虎の尾を踏む男達
七侠四義 = Seven samurai = 七人の侍
低下層 = The lower depths = どん底
留芳頌 = Ikiru = 生きる
美好星期天 = One wonderful Sunday = 素晴らしき日曜日
最美 = The most beautiful = 一番美しく
活人的記録 = Record of a living being = 生きものの記録