
Harvard dissertations in philosophy

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Harvard dissertations in philosophy

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Table of Contents

  • On constructive interpretation of predicative mathematics

  • Utilitarianism and coordination

  • Philosophical investigations, §§[sections] 185-202 : Wittgenstein's treatment of following a rule

  • Descartes and the autonomy of the human understanding

  • Leibniz' doctrine of necessary truth

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Related Material
On constructive interpretation of predicative mathematics
Utilitarianism and coordination
Philosophical investigations, §§[sections] 185-202 : Wittgenstein's treatment of following a rule
Descartes and the autonomy of the human understanding
Leibniz' doctrine of necessary truth
Skepticism and the definition of knowledge
Photography and philosophy
Plato's Theaetetus
Toward moral perfectionism
The role of taste in Kant's theory of cognition
The reliability of the cognitive mechanism : a mechanist account of empirical justification
The logic of sequences : a generalization of Principia mathematica
The meaning of the concept of probability in application to finite sequences
A study of qualities
The standpoint of practical reason
Plato's Philebus
Knowing better : an account of akrasia
Morality as rationality : a study of Kant's ethics
The normative theory of individual choice
The human body as material subject of the world
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