Kept up date by supplements
Vol. 1. Organic laws; Title 1--General provisions to Title 5--Government organization and employees, §§ 101-5949 -- v. 2. Title 5--Government organization and employees, §§ 6101-end to Title 7--Agriculture, §§ 1-855 -- v. 3. Title 7--Agriculture, §§ 901-end -- v. 4. Title 8--Aliens and nationality to Title 10--Armed forces, §§ 101-1414 -- v. 5. Title 10--Armed forces, §§ 1431-7921 -- v. 6. Title 10--Armed forces, §§ 8010-end to Title 12--Banks and banking, §§ 1-1706f -- v. 7. Title 12--Banks and banking, §§ 1707-end -- v. 8. Title 13--Census to Title 15--Commerce and trade, §§ 1-720n -- v. 9. Title 15--Commerce and trade, §§ 721-end to Title 16--Conservation, §§ 1-343d -- v. 10. Title 16--Conservation, §§ 344-856 -- v. 11. Title 16--Conservation, §§ 901-end to Title17--Copyrights -- v. 12. Title 18--Crimes and criminal procedure to Title 19--Customs duties, §§1-1654 -- v. 13. Title 19--Customs duties, §§1671-end to Title 20--Education, §§1-1087-4 -- v. 14. Title 20--Education, §§1087a-end
v. 15. Title 21--Food and drugs to Title 22--Foreign relations and intercourse, §§1-2141f -- v. 16. Title 22--Foreign relations and intercourse, §§ 2151-end -- v. 17. Title 23--Highways to Title 25--Indians
v. 19. Title 26--Internal revenue code, §§441-3241 -- v. 20. Title 26--Internal revenue code, §§3301-end -- v. 21. Title 27--Intoxicating liquors to Title 28--Judiciary and judicial procedure -- v. 22. Title 29--Labor to Title 30--Mineral lands and mining v. 23. Title 31--Money and finance to -- Title 35--Patents
v. 24. Title 36--Patriotic and national observances, ceremonies, and organizations to Title 38--Veterans' benefits -- v. 25. Title 39--Postal service to Title 42--The public health and welfare §§1-299c-7 -- v. 26. Title 42--The public health and welfare §§300-1371 -- v. 27. Title 42--The public health and welfare §§1381-1400v -- v. 28. Title 42--The public health and welfare §§1401-3549 -- v. 29. Title 42--The public health and welfare §§3601-7386k -- v. 30. Title 42--The public health and welfare §§7401-13574 -- v. 31. Title 42--The public health and welfare §§13601-end to Title 44--Public printing and documents -- v. 32. Title 45--Railroads to -- Title 48--Territories and insular possessions -- v. 33. Title 49--Transportation -- v. 34. Title 50--War and national defense to Tirle 51--National and commercial space programs
v. 35. Popular names and tables revised titles, revised statutes 1878, and statutes at large (1789-1966) -- v.36. Tables statutes at large (1967-1992) -- v.37. Tables statutes at large (1993-2012), executive orders, proclamations, and reorganization plans -- v.38. General index (A-C) -- v.39. General index (D-I) -- v.40. General index (J-R) -- v.41. General index (S-Z)
Suppl. 1: United States code : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted through the 113th Congress, first session
Suppl. 1: January 3, 2013, to January 16, 2014
Suppl. 2: United States code : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted during the 113th Congress
Suppl. 2: January 3, 2013, to January 5, 2015
Suppl. 3: United States code : containing the general and permanent laws of the United States enacted during the 114th Congress, first session
Suppl. 3: January 3, 2013, to January 3, 2016