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Islamic philosophy, theology, and science

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Islamic philosophy, theology, and science

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Daiber, Hansほか
E.J. Brill
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Edited by H. Daiber and D. Pingree

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An eleventh-century Egyptian guide to the universe : the Book of curiositiesLeave the NDL website. Islamic thought in the Middle Ages : studies in text, transmission and translation, in honour of Hans DaiberLeave the NDL website. Theologie in der jemenitischen Zaydiyya : die Naturphilosophischen Überlegungen des al-Hasan ar-RassasLeave the NDL website. Early Islam between myth and history : al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī (d. 110H/728CE) and the formation of his legacy in classical Islamic scholarshipLeave the NDL website. Islam and rationality : the impact of al-Ghazali : papers collected on his 900th anniversaryLeave the NDL website. The conclusive argument from God : Shāh Walī Allāh of Delhi's Ḥujjat Allāh al-bālighaLeave the NDL website. Chance and determinism in Avicenna and AverroësLeave the NDL website. al-Māturīdī und die sunnitische Theologie in SamarkandLeave the NDL website. Studies in the history of the exact sciences in honour of David PingreeLeave the NDL website. Avicenna in medieval Hebrew translation : Ṭodros Ṭodrosi's translation of Kitāb al-Najāt, on psychology and metaphysicsLeave the NDL website. Prophetic niche in the virtuous city : the concept of Ḥikmah in early Islamic thoughtLeave the NDL website. Organizing knowledge : encyclopædic activities in the pre-eighteenth-century Islamic worldLeave the NDL website. Ibn Ḥazms Evangelienkritik : eine methodische UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. The Alexandrian summaries of Galen's on critical days : editions and translations of the two versions of the JawamiʻLeave the NDL website. Essentialität und notwendigkeit : Avicenna und die Aristotelische traditionLeave the NDL website. The Sanskrit, Syriac and Persian sources in the Comprehensive book of RhazesLeave the NDL website. Feder, Tafel, Mensch : al-ʿĀmirīs Kitāb al-Fuṣūl fī l-maʿālim al-ilāhīya und die arabische Proklos-Rezeption im 10. Jh.Leave the NDL website. Volkstümliche Astronomie im islamischen Mittelalter : zur Bestimmung der Gebetszeiten und der Qibla bei al-Aṣbaḥī, Ibn Raḥīq und al-FārisīLeave the NDL website. The Qurʾan as textLeave the NDL website. Relational syllogisms and the history of Arabic logic, 900-1900Leave the NDL website. Before and after Avicenna : proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study GroupLeave the NDL website. Nature, man and God in medieval Islam : ʿAbd Allah Baydawi's text, Tawaliʿ al-anwar min mataliʿ al-anzar, along with Mahmud Isfahani's commentary Mataliʿ al-anzar, sharh Tawaliʿ al-anwarLeave the NDL website. Consciousness and reality : studies in memory of Toshihiko IzutsuLeave the NDL website. The call of the muezzinLeave the NDL website. The physical theory of kalām : atoms, space, and void in Basrian Muʿtazilī cosmologyLeave the NDL website. The abbreviation of the Introduction to astrology : together with the Medieval Latin translation of Adelard of BathLeave the NDL website. Islamic philosophy, science, culture, and religion : studies in honor of Dimitri GutasLeave the NDL website. The Arabic version of Ṭūsī's Nasirean ethics : with an introduction and explanatory notesLeave the NDL website. Culture persane et médecine ayurvédique en Asie du SudLeave the NDL website. Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin : Das Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba des Nağīb ad-Dīn as-SamarqandīLeave the NDL website. The works in logic by Bosniac authors in ArabicLeave the NDL website. Averroes und die arabische Moderne : Ansätze zu einer Neubegründung des Rationalismus im IslamLeave the NDL website. Philosophie und Mystik in der späten Almohadenzeit : die Sizilianischen Fragen des Ibn SabʿīnLeave the NDL website. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya and the divine attributes : rationalized traditionalistic theologyLeave the NDL website. A medieval critique of anthropomorphism : Ibn al-Jawzī's Kitāb Akhbār aṣ-Ṣifāt : a critical edition of the Arabic text with translation, introduction and notesLeave the NDL website. Scripturalist Islam : the history and doctrines of the Akhbārī Shīʿī schoolLeave the NDL website. Avicenna and the Aristotelian tradition : introduction to reading Avicenna's philosophical worksLeave the NDL website. O ye gentlemen : Arabic studies on science and literary culture in honour of Remke KrukLeave the NDL website. The Sufi doctrine of man : Ṣadr al-Dī̄n al-Qūnawī's metaphysical anthropologyLeave the NDL website. ʿUbaidallāh ibn Buḫtīšūʿ on apparent death : the Kitāb taḥrīm dafn al-aḥyāʾ, Arabic edition and English translationLeave the NDL website. The small dispensatoryLeave the NDL website. Anthropomorphism and interpretation of the Qurʾān in the theology of al-Qāsim ibn Ibrāhīm : Kitāb al-mustarshidLeave the NDL website. Ibn Taymiyya's theodicy of perpetual optimismLeave the NDL website. The teleological ethics of Fakhr al-Dīn al-RāzīLeave the NDL website. Doubts on Avicenna : a study and edition of Sharaf al-Dīn al-Masʿūdī's commentary on the IshārātLeave the NDL website. Le Cercle des lettres de l'alphabet : Dāʾirat al-aḥruf al-abjadiyya : un traité pratique de magie des lettres attribué à HermèsLeave the NDL website. Islamic sainthood in the fullness of time : Ibn al-ʿArabī's book of the fabulous gryphonLeave the NDL website. Métaphysique et cosmologieLeave the NDL website. World-maps for finding the direction and distance to Mecca : innovation and tradition in Islamic scienceLeave the NDL website. Kausalität in der Muʻtazilitischen Kosmologie : das Kitāb al-muʾat̲t̲irāt wa-miftāḥ al-muškilāt des Zayditen al-Ḥasan ar-Raṣṣāṣ(st. 584/1188)Leave the NDL website. Apostasie und Toleranz im Islam : die Entwicklung zu al-Ġazālīs Urteil gegen die Philosophie und die Reaktionen der PhilosophenLeave the NDL website. Ethical theories in IslamLeave the NDL website. Commentary on the Jumal on logicLeave the NDL website. Islam, Europe, and beyondLeave the NDL website. Arabic, Syriac, Persian, and Latin manuscripts on philosophy, theology, science, and literature : films and offprintsLeave the NDL website. At the roots of causality : ontology and aetiology from Avicenna to Fakhr al-Dīn al-RāzīLeave the NDL website. The great introduction to astrologyLeave the NDL website. An Islamic response to Greek astronomy : kitāb Taʿdīl hayʾat al-aflāk of Ṣadr al-SharīʿaLeave the NDL website. A medieval Muslim scholar at work : Ibn Ṭāwūs and his libraryLeave the NDL website. Aristotle's Rhetoric in the East : the Syriac and Arabic translation and commentary traditionLeave the NDL website. Method, structure, and development in al-Fārābi's cosmologyLeave the NDL website. The Dispensatory of Ibn at-Tilmīd̲ : Arabic text, English translation, study, and glossariesLeave the NDL website. Socrates in mediaeval Arabic literatureLeave the NDL website. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī and Thomas Aquinas on the question of the eternity of the WorldLeave the NDL website. Persian wisdom in Arabic garb : ʿAlī b. ʿUbayda al-Rayḥānī (d. 219/834) and his Jawāhir al-kilam wa-farāʾid al-ḥikamLeave the NDL website. Philosophy in early Safavid Iran : Najm al-Dīn Maḥmūd al-Nayrīzī and his writingsLeave the NDL website. Suffering in the Muʿtazilite theology : ʿAbd al-Jabbār's teaching on pain and divine justiceLeave the NDL website. The making of the Avicennan tradition : the transmission, contents, and structure of Ibn Sīnā's al-Mubāḥaṯāt (The discussions)Leave the NDL website. Koranexegese, Grammatik und Logik : zum Verhältnis von arabischer und aristotelischer Urteils-, Konsequenz- und SchlußlehreLeave the NDL website. L'optique et la catoptriqueLeave the NDL website. Averroes and the Aristotelian tradition : sources, constitution and reception of the philosophy of Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) : proceedings of the Fourth Symposium Averroicum (Cologne, 1996)Leave the NDL website. Muslim writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible : from Ibn Rabban to Ibn HazmLeave the NDL website. Islamische Philosophie und die Krise der Moderne : das Verhältnis von Leo Strauss zu Alfarabi, Avicenna und AverroesLeave the NDL website. Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī ShiismLeave the NDL website. Theologie, Philosophie und Mystik im zwölferschiitischen Islam des 9./15. Jahrhunderts : die Gedankenwelten des Ibn Abī Ğumhūr al-Aḥsāʾī (um 838/1434-35-nach 906/1501)Leave the NDL website. The great introduction to astrologyLeave the NDL website. Morality in the guise of dreams : a critical edition of Kitāb al-manāmLeave the NDL website. A Jewish philosopher of Baghdad : `Izz al-Dawla Ibn Kammūna (d. 683/1284) and his writingsLeave the NDL website. Islam : essays on scripture, thought and society : a festschrift in honour of Anthony H. JohnsLeave the NDL website. Ethical theories in IslamLeave the NDL website. The world of Ibn Ṭufayl : interdisciplinary perspectives on Ḥayy ibn YaqẓānLeave the NDL website. Interpreting Avicenna : science and philosophy in Medieval Islam : proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study GroupLeave the NDL website. Frühe Šaiḫī- und Bābī-Theologie : die Darlegung der Beweise für Muḥammads besonderes Prophetentum : ar-Risāla fī it̲bāt an-nubūwa al-ḫāṣṣaLeave the NDL website. The poetics of Alfarabi and AvicennaLeave the NDL website. Mathematical instrumentation in fourteenth-century Egypt and Syria : the illustrated treatise of Najm al-Dīn al-MīṣrīLeave the NDL website. Alexander of Aphrodisias on the cosmosLeave the NDL website. Sābūr ibn Sahl's dispensatory in the recension of the ʿAḍudī HospitalLeave the NDL website. Die Araber und die antike WissenschaftstheorieLeave the NDL website. Le plaisir, le bonheur, et l'acquisition des vertus : édition du livre X du Commentaire moyen d'Averroès à l'Éthique à Nicomaque d'Aristote : accompagnée d'une traduction française annotée, et précédée de deux études sur le Commentaire moyen d'Averroès à l'Éthique à NicomaqueLeave the NDL website. 'Abd al-Laṭif al-Bagdadi's philosophical journey : from Aristotle's Metaphysics to the 'Metaphysical Science'Leave the NDL website. The theology of Abū l-Qāsim al-Balkhī/al-Kaʿbī (d. 319/931)Leave the NDL website. The birth of indology as an Islamic science : al-Bīrūnī's treatise on yoga psychologyLeave the NDL website. Ibrāhīm Ibn Sinān : logique et géométrie au Xe siècleLeave the NDL website. Arabic astronomy in Sanskrit : al-Birjandī on Tadhkira II, chapter 11 and its Sanskrit translationLeave the NDL website. The reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ : a milestone of Western metaphysical thoughtLeave the NDL website. Das Transzendentale bei Ibn Sīnā : zur Metaphysik als Wissenschaft erster Begriffs- und UrteilsprinzipienLeave the NDL website. Instruments of mass calculationLeave the NDL website. On historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions)Leave the NDL website. Sprachphilosophie in der islamischen Rechtstheorie : zur avicennischen Klassifikation der Bezeichnung bei Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī (gest. 1210)Leave the NDL website. Naturwissenschaft bei den Arabern im 10. Jahrhundert n. Chr. : Briefe des Abū l-Faḍl ibn al-ʿAmīd (gest. 360/970) an ʿAḍudaddaulaLeave the NDL website. Talking about God and talking about Creation : Avicenna's and Thomas Aquinas' positionsLeave the NDL website. Qusṭā ibn Lūqā's medical regime for the pilgrims to Mecca : the Risāla fī tadbīr safar al-ḥajjLeave the NDL website. Dispensatorium parvum = al-Aqrābādhīn al-ṣaghīrLeave the NDL website. Freethinkers of medieval Islam : Ibn al-Rāwandī, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, and their impact on Islamic thoughtLeave the NDL website. Al-Fārābī and Aristotelian syllogistics : Greek theory and Islamic practiceLeave the NDL website. Neo-Muʿtazilismus? : Intention und Kontext im modernen arabischen Umgang mit dem rationalistischen Erbe des IslamLeave the NDL website. Ibn Ṭumlūs (Alhagiag Bin Thalmus d. 620/1223), Compendium on logic (al-Muḫtaṣar fī al-manṭiq)Leave the NDL website. ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarīʾs Health regimen or "Book of the pearl" : Arabic text, English translation, introduction and indicesLeave the NDL website. Islamic philosophyLeave the NDL website. Tradition und Transformation in der Māturīdiyya des 6./12. Jahrhunderts : mit einer kritischen Edition des Kitāb al-kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl ad-dīn des Aḥmad b. Maḥmūd b. Abī Bakr Nūr ad-Dīn aṣ-Ṣābūnī al-Ḥanafī al-Buḫārī (gest. 580/1184)Leave the NDL website. Aḥmad al-Wallālī's commentary on al-Sanūsī's Compendium of logic : a study and edition of Lawāmiʿ al-naẓar fī taḥqīq maʿānī al-MukhtaṣarLeave the NDL website. Ibn Taymiyya on reason and revelation : a study of Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naqlLeave the NDL website. Keys to the sciences : Maqālīd al-ʻulūm, a gift for the Muzaffarid Shāh Shujāʻ on the definitions of technical termsLeave the NDL website. Knowing God : Ibn ʿArabī and ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Qāshānīʾs metaphysics of the divineLeave the NDL website. From God's wisdom to science : A, islamic theology and sufism : B, history of scienceLeave the NDL website. The eudaimonist ethics of al-Fārābī and AvicennaLeave the NDL website. Suhrawardī's illuminationism : a philosophical studyLeave the NDL website. The book of the crown (Kitāb al-iklīl) of Pseudo-Rhazes : a facsimile edition and annotated English translationLeave the NDL website. Unknown Arabic manuscripts from eight centuries : including one Hebrew and two Ethiopian manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. On historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions)Leave the NDL website. The great introduction to astrologyLeave the NDL website. On historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions)Leave the NDL website. From the Greeks to the Arabs and beyondLeave the NDL website. Graeco-Syriaca and ArabicaLeave the NDL website. ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī : the Indian booksLeave the NDL website. Science of the soul in Ibn Sīnā's Pointers and Reminders : a philological studyLeave the NDL website. Ibn Taymiyya and the attributes of GodLeave the NDL website. La Summa Alexandrinorum : abrégé arabo-latin de l'Éthique à Nicomaque d'Aristote : édition critique, traduction française et introductionLeave the NDL website.

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Islamic philosophy, theology, and science : texts and studies
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Note (General)
Edited by H. Daiber and D. Pingree
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Scripturalist Islam : the history and doctrines of the Akhbārī Shīʿī school
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The Sufi doctrine of man : Ṣadr al-Dī̄n al-Qūnawī's metaphysical anthropology
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Anthropomorphism and interpretation of the Qurʾān in the theology of al-Qāsim ibn Ibrāhīm : Kitāb al-mustarshid
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The teleological ethics of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
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Métaphysique et cosmologie
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Ethical theories in Islam
Commentary on the Jumal on logic
Islam, Europe, and beyond
Arabic, Syriac, Persian, and Latin manuscripts on philosophy, theology, science, and literature : films and offprints
At the roots of causality : ontology and aetiology from Avicenna to Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī
The great introduction to astrology
An Islamic response to Greek astronomy : kitāb Taʿdīl hayʾat al-aflāk of Ṣadr al-Sharīʿa
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Aristotle's Rhetoric in the East : the Syriac and Arabic translation and commentary tradition
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L'optique et la catoptrique
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Scripture and exegesis in early Imāmī Shiism
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The great introduction to astrology
Morality in the guise of dreams : a critical edition of Kitāb al-manām
A Jewish philosopher of Baghdad : `Izz al-Dawla Ibn Kammūna (d. 683/1284) and his writings
Islam : essays on scripture, thought and society : a festschrift in honour of Anthony H. Johns
Ethical theories in Islam
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Interpreting Avicenna : science and philosophy in Medieval Islam : proceedings of the Second Conference of the Avicenna Study Group
Frühe Šaiḫī- und Bābī-Theologie : die Darlegung der Beweise für Muḥammads besonderes Prophetentum : ar-Risāla fī it̲bāt an-nubūwa al-ḫāṣṣa
The poetics of Alfarabi and Avicenna
Mathematical instrumentation in fourteenth-century Egypt and Syria : the illustrated treatise of Najm al-Dīn al-Mīṣrī
Alexander of Aphrodisias on the cosmos
Sābūr ibn Sahl's dispensatory in the recension of the ʿAḍudī Hospital
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'Abd al-Laṭif al-Bagdadi's philosophical journey : from Aristotle's Metaphysics to the 'Metaphysical Science'
The theology of Abū l-Qāsim al-Balkhī/al-Kaʿbī (d. 319/931)
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Ibrāhīm Ibn Sinān : logique et géométrie au Xe siècle
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Das Transzendentale bei Ibn Sīnā : zur Metaphysik als Wissenschaft erster Begriffs- und Urteilsprinzipien
Instruments of mass calculation
On historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions)
Sprachphilosophie in der islamischen Rechtstheorie : zur avicennischen Klassifikation der Bezeichnung bei Faḫr ad-dīn ar-Rāzī (gest. 1210)
Naturwissenschaft bei den Arabern im 10. Jahrhundert n. Chr. : Briefe des Abū l-Faḍl ibn al-ʿAmīd (gest. 360/970) an ʿAḍudaddaula
Talking about God and talking about Creation : Avicenna's and Thomas Aquinas' positions
Qusṭā ibn Lūqā's medical regime for the pilgrims to Mecca : the Risāla fī tadbīr safar al-ḥajj
Dispensatorium parvum = al-Aqrābādhīn al-ṣaghīr
Freethinkers of medieval Islam : Ibn al-Rāwandī, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī, and their impact on Islamic thought
Al-Fārābī and Aristotelian syllogistics : Greek theory and Islamic practice
Neo-Muʿtazilismus? : Intention und Kontext im modernen arabischen Umgang mit dem rationalistischen Erbe des Islam
Ibn Ṭumlūs (Alhagiag Bin Thalmus d. 620/1223), Compendium on logic (al-Muḫtaṣar fī al-manṭiq)
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarīʾs Health regimen or "Book of the pearl" : Arabic text, English translation, introduction and indices
Islamic philosophy
Tradition und Transformation in der Māturīdiyya des 6./12. Jahrhunderts : mit einer kritischen Edition des Kitāb al-kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl ad-dīn des Aḥmad b. Maḥmūd b. Abī Bakr Nūr ad-Dīn aṣ-Ṣābūnī al-Ḥanafī al-Buḫārī (gest. 580/1184)
Aḥmad al-Wallālī's commentary on al-Sanūsī's Compendium of logic : a study and edition of Lawāmiʿ al-naẓar fī taḥqīq maʿānī al-Mukhtaṣar
Ibn Taymiyya on reason and revelation : a study of Darʾ taʿāruḍ al-ʿaql wa-l-naql
Keys to the sciences : Maqālīd al-ʻulūm, a gift for the Muzaffarid Shāh Shujāʻ on the definitions of technical terms
Knowing God : Ibn ʿArabī and ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Qāshānīʾs metaphysics of the divine
From God's wisdom to science : A, islamic theology and sufism : B, history of science
The eudaimonist ethics of al-Fārābī and Avicenna
Suhrawardī's illuminationism : a philosophical study
The book of the crown (Kitāb al-iklīl) of Pseudo-Rhazes : a facsimile edition and annotated English translation
Unknown Arabic manuscripts from eight centuries : including one Hebrew and two Ethiopian manuscripts
On historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions)
The great introduction to astrology
On historical astrology : the book of religions and dynasties (on the great conjunctions)
From the Greeks to the Arabs and beyond
Graeco-Syriaca and Arabica
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī : the Indian books
Science of the soul in Ibn Sīnā's Pointers and Reminders : a philological study
Ibn Taymiyya and the attributes of God
La Summa Alexandrinorum : abrégé arabo-latin de l'Éthique à Nicomaque d'Aristote : édition critique, traduction française et introduction