
Lund studies in geography

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Lund studies in geography

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Royal University of Lund, Dept. of Geography
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Also published by Gleerup; Lund University Press

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Soil temperatures and light, wind and air humidity conditions of potato cropsLeave the NDL website. Observations on icelandic polygon surfaces and palsa areas : photo interpretation and field studiesLeave the NDL website. Central places and functional regions in Denmark : factor analysis of telephone trafficLeave the NDL website. Transport costs as a location factor for manufacturing industry : a method to calculate in data machine the regional variations in transport costs for different types of manufacturing industriesLeave the NDL website. National drought impact monitoring : a NOAA NDVI and precipitation data study of EthiopiaLeave the NDL website. Population, regional hospitals, transport facilities, and regions : planning the location of regional hospitals in SwedenLeave the NDL website. The upper Kvismar valleyLeave the NDL website. County of London : population changes 1801-1901Leave the NDL website. Quelques points de vue comparatifs sur les problèmes d'irrigation dans les trois oasis libyennes de Brâk, Ghadamès et particulièrement MourzoukLeave the NDL website. Glacifluvial estuaries on the Närke PlainLeave the NDL website. Desertification or climate? : investigation regarding the relationship between land degradation and climate in the central SudanLeave the NDL website. On the formation of biographies in space-time environmentsLeave the NDL website. On the spatial organization of the landscapeLeave the NDL website. Die Glazialschrammen auf Hallands Svartskär und der Verlauf des Würmzeitlichen Eisrandes längs der Küste Nordhallands, Westschweden : Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über das Kattegatt-EisLeave the NDL website. Creativity and context : a seminar reportLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the IGU symposium in urban geography Lund, 1960Leave the NDL website. The demarcation of comparable city areas by means of population densityLeave the NDL website. Contributions to "social physics" : a programme sketch with special regard to national planningLeave the NDL website. An analysis of automobile frequencis in a human geographic continuumLeave the NDL website. Die älteren skandinavischen Ackermasse : ein Versuch zu einer zusammenfassenden TheorieLeave the NDL website. Everyday life : women's adaptive strategies in time and spaceLeave the NDL website. The wake of Erasmus : saints, scholars, and studia in mediaeval NordenLeave the NDL website. Method for exact characterizing of denudation surfaces, especially peneplains, as to the position in spaceLeave the NDL website. Granite quarrying and the landscape : a comparative photogeographical study of the Malmön Island, the Swedish west coastLeave the NDL website. Polygonal ground and solifluction features : photographic interpretation and field studies in northernmost ScandinaviaLeave the NDL website. Die Beziehungen zwischen Hüttenwerken und ihrem Umland in Südschweden von 1750-1950Leave the NDL website. The upper cave at Björkliden, the Torneträsk regionLeave the NDL website. Space and time in geography : essays dedicated to Torsten HägerstrandLeave the NDL website. Methods of describing physical access to supply pointsLeave the NDL website. The propagation of innovation wavesLeave the NDL website. Migration and the spread and growth of urban settlementLeave the NDL website. Die Vermessungsmethoden der schwedischen Patagonien-Expedition und ihre AuswertungLeave the NDL website. A methodical study of an ancient hinterland : the iron factory of Finspong, SwedenLeave the NDL website. Plastic casts in the examination of glacial striationLeave the NDL website. Studies on the thermal structure of a palsLeave the NDL website. Windgeschliffenes Gestein im südlichsten Schweden und auf BornholmLeave the NDL website. Diffusion dynamics : a review and revision of the quantitative theory of the spatial diffusion of innovationLeave the NDL website. Computer cartography point in polygon programsLeave the NDL website. A reconstruction of an ancient folding in pre-CambrianLeave the NDL website. Systems of cities and information flows : two essaysLeave the NDL website. The function and growth of bus traffic within the sphere of urban influenceLeave the NDL website. Verteilung der Altersklassen und Geschlechter in den verschiedenen Gesellschaftsgruppen im südöstlichen Schweden von 1800-1910Leave the NDL website. Paths in space-time environments : a time-geographic study of movement possibilities of individualsLeave the NDL website. The electorate in the country districts of Scania, 1911-1948Leave the NDL website. Orientation of pebbles in running water : a laboratory studyLeave the NDL website. Migration probabilitiesLeave the NDL website. Computer cartography : shortest route programsLeave the NDL website. Contact systems and regional developmentLeave the NDL website. The temperature climate of potato cropsLeave the NDL website. Experiences of erst-1 imagery in geographical studiesLeave the NDL website. Deglaciation of the highland of South Sweden . Recent, subglacial and lateroglacial pothole-erosion : evorsionLeave the NDL website. State, cooperatives, and rural changeLeave the NDL website. Appendix to Theoretical geographyLeave the NDL website. Photography and temperature measurements from a remotely piloted vehicleLeave the NDL website. Pendelwanderungen in die Industriorte in Südschweden, 1750-1955 : eine Studie über die Möglichkeiten der Fabriken die Reservarbeitskraft des Umlandes auszunutzenLeave the NDL website. An assessment of woody biomass, community forests, land use and soil erosion in Ethiopia : a feasibiligy study on the use of remote sensing and GIS-analysis for planning purposes in developing countiresLeave the NDL website. Information systems for regional development : a seminar : general papersLeave the NDL website. Multiple location analysisLeave the NDL website. Spatial aspects of social change : a social geography of the KikuyuLeave the NDL website. A migration schema : theories and observationsLeave the NDL website. Retroreflection of light from drop-covered surfaces and an image-producing device for registration of this lightLeave the NDL website. Quelques problèmes concernant la représentation de la densité des habitations rurales : exemples pris en EstonieLeave the NDL website. The stratigraphy and genesis of stoss- and lee-side morainesLeave the NDL website. Optical processing for pattern propertiesLeave the NDL website. Migration in Sweden : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Routing methods : principles for handling multiple travelling salesman problemsLeave the NDL website. Behavior and location : foundations for a geographic and dynamic location theoryLeave the NDL website. Ground level development : NGOs, co-operatives and local organizations in the Third WorldLeave the NDL website. People in information space : the mental maps and information surfaces of SwedenLeave the NDL website. Die glaziale Felsskulptur und die jüngsten Eisströme über Südschonen-NordbornholmLeave the NDL website. Thermal patterns in the landscape recorded with infrared technique and simulated in model experimentsLeave the NDL website. Deep weathered rock material and sand grains under the scanning electron microscopeLeave the NDL website. Methods for demarcation of cities comparedLeave the NDL website. Physical studies of nature by thermal mappingLeave the NDL website. Travel demand, transport systems and regional development : models in co-ordinated planningLeave the NDL website. Theoretical geographyLeave the NDL website. Food marketing and urban growth in Dar Es SalaamLeave the NDL website. Time resources, society and ecology : on the capacity for human interaction in space and time in preindustrial societiesLeave the NDL website. Problems of census interpretation in developing countries : the Western Nigeria caseLeave the NDL website. The lower Kvismar valleyLeave the NDL website. Über die ersten absoluten Punktkarten der Bevölkerungsverteilung : Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der thematischen KartographieLeave the NDL website. Theoretical geographyLeave the NDL website. Population trends and urbanization in Sweden, 1911-1950Leave the NDL website. Measurings and casts in morphoanalysis of rocksLeave the NDL website. Deglaciation models from the Swedish West CoastLeave the NDL website. Location of areal data for computer processingLeave the NDL website. Studies in rural-urban interactionLeave the NDL website. Theoretical geographyLeave the NDL website. Modelling cold air patternsLeave the NDL website. Dewbows and fogbows in divergent lightLeave the NDL website. Investigations of sand movements using radio-active sandLeave the NDL website. Physical environment and its significance for economic development : with special reference to EthiopiaLeave the NDL website. Anthropo-ecological decision-making : on the analysis of implicit assumptions intervening between biological and economic approachesLeave the NDL website. Sandstorm effects on arable land as seen on air photos : a study of a wind eroded area in the Vomb valley, Scania, SwedenLeave the NDL website. An integrated study of desertification : applications of remote sensing, GIS and spatial models in semi-arid SudanLeave the NDL website. Ein Innovationsverlauf in Europa, dargestellt in einer vorläufigen Untersuchung über die Ausbreitung der EisenbahninnovationLeave the NDL website. Distribution and chronology of relict polygon patterns of the Laholm Plain, the Swedish West CoastLeave the NDL website. Computer cartography range mapLeave the NDL website. Schonische "Bolskiften"Leave the NDL website. Studies on ground water in the quaternary deposits of the Kristianstad plainLeave the NDL website. A type of circular lakes in northernmost NorwayLeave the NDL website. Geographers of Norden : reflections on career experiencesLeave the NDL website. Marginal deposits in south-eastern Sweden : with special reference to the osesLeave the NDL website. On fragmentation and coherence in regional researchLeave the NDL website. The use of stress situations in vegetation for detecting ground conditions on aerial photographsLeave the NDL website. Periglacial wind and frost erosion at Klågerup, S.W. ScaniaLeave the NDL website. Brief fluctuations of temperature in and over a potato field and over fallow ground : results and discussion of some measurements with a galvanometer oscillographLeave the NDL website.

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Also published by Gleerup; Lund University Press
Related Material
Soil temperatures and light, wind and air humidity conditions of potato crops
Observations on icelandic polygon surfaces and palsa areas : photo interpretation and field studies
Central places and functional regions in Denmark : factor analysis of telephone traffic
Transport costs as a location factor for manufacturing industry : a method to calculate in data machine the regional variations in transport costs for different types of manufacturing industries
National drought impact monitoring : a NOAA NDVI and precipitation data study of Ethiopia
Population, regional hospitals, transport facilities, and regions : planning the location of regional hospitals in Sweden
The upper Kvismar valley
County of London : population changes 1801-1901
Quelques points de vue comparatifs sur les problèmes d'irrigation dans les trois oasis libyennes de Brâk, Ghadamès et particulièrement Mourzouk
Glacifluvial estuaries on the Närke Plain
Desertification or climate? : investigation regarding the relationship between land degradation and climate in the central Sudan
On the formation of biographies in space-time environments
On the spatial organization of the landscape
Die Glazialschrammen auf Hallands Svartskär und der Verlauf des Würmzeitlichen Eisrandes längs der Küste Nordhallands, Westschweden : Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion über das Kattegatt-Eis
Creativity and context : a seminar report
Proceedings of the IGU symposium in urban geography Lund, 1960
The demarcation of comparable city areas by means of population density
Contributions to "social physics" : a programme sketch with special regard to national planning
An analysis of automobile frequencis in a human geographic continuum
Die älteren skandinavischen Ackermasse : ein Versuch zu einer zusammenfassenden Theorie
Everyday life : women's adaptive strategies in time and space
The wake of Erasmus : saints, scholars, and studia in mediaeval Norden
Method for exact characterizing of denudation surfaces, especially peneplains, as to the position in space
Granite quarrying and the landscape : a comparative photogeographical study of the Malmön Island, the Swedish west coast
Polygonal ground and solifluction features : photographic interpretation and field studies in northernmost Scandinavia
Die Beziehungen zwischen Hüttenwerken und ihrem Umland in Südschweden von 1750-1950
The upper cave at Björkliden, the Torneträsk region
Space and time in geography : essays dedicated to Torsten Hägerstrand
Methods of describing physical access to supply points
The propagation of innovation waves
Migration and the spread and growth of urban settlement
Die Vermessungsmethoden der schwedischen Patagonien-Expedition und ihre Auswertung
A methodical study of an ancient hinterland : the iron factory of Finspong, Sweden
Plastic casts in the examination of glacial striation
Studies on the thermal structure of a pals
Windgeschliffenes Gestein im südlichsten Schweden und auf Bornholm
Diffusion dynamics : a review and revision of the quantitative theory of the spatial diffusion of innovation
Computer cartography point in polygon programs
A reconstruction of an ancient folding in pre-Cambrian
Systems of cities and information flows : two essays
The function and growth of bus traffic within the sphere of urban influence
Verteilung der Altersklassen und Geschlechter in den verschiedenen Gesellschaftsgruppen im südöstlichen Schweden von 1800-1910
Paths in space-time environments : a time-geographic study of movement possibilities of individuals
The electorate in the country districts of Scania, 1911-1948
Orientation of pebbles in running water : a laboratory study
Migration probabilities
Computer cartography : shortest route programs
Contact systems and regional development
The temperature climate of potato crops
Experiences of erst-1 imagery in geographical studies
Deglaciation of the highland of South Sweden . Recent, subglacial and lateroglacial pothole-erosion : evorsion
State, cooperatives, and rural change
Appendix to Theoretical geography
Photography and temperature measurements from a remotely piloted vehicle
Pendelwanderungen in die Industriorte in Südschweden, 1750-1955 : eine Studie über die Möglichkeiten der Fabriken die Reservarbeitskraft des Umlandes auszunutzen
An assessment of woody biomass, community forests, land use and soil erosion in Ethiopia : a feasibiligy study on the use of remote sensing and GIS-analysis for planning purposes in developing countires
Information systems for regional development : a seminar : general papers
Multiple location analysis
Spatial aspects of social change : a social geography of the Kikuyu
A migration schema : theories and observations
Retroreflection of light from drop-covered surfaces and an image-producing device for registration of this light
Quelques problèmes concernant la représentation de la densité des habitations rurales : exemples pris en Estonie
The stratigraphy and genesis of stoss- and lee-side moraines
Optical processing for pattern properties
Migration in Sweden : a symposium
Routing methods : principles for handling multiple travelling salesman problems
Behavior and location : foundations for a geographic and dynamic location theory
Ground level development : NGOs, co-operatives and local organizations in the Third World
People in information space : the mental maps and information surfaces of Sweden
Die glaziale Felsskulptur und die jüngsten Eisströme über Südschonen-Nordbornholm
Thermal patterns in the landscape recorded with infrared technique and simulated in model experiments
Deep weathered rock material and sand grains under the scanning electron microscope
Methods for demarcation of cities compared
Physical studies of nature by thermal mapping
Travel demand, transport systems and regional development : models in co-ordinated planning
Theoretical geography
Food marketing and urban growth in Dar Es Salaam
Time resources, society and ecology : on the capacity for human interaction in space and time in preindustrial societies
Problems of census interpretation in developing countries : the Western Nigeria case
The lower Kvismar valley
Über die ersten absoluten Punktkarten der Bevölkerungsverteilung : Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der thematischen Kartographie
Theoretical geography
Population trends and urbanization in Sweden, 1911-1950
Measurings and casts in morphoanalysis of rocks
Deglaciation models from the Swedish West Coast
Location of areal data for computer processing
Studies in rural-urban interaction
Theoretical geography
Modelling cold air patterns
Dewbows and fogbows in divergent light
Investigations of sand movements using radio-active sand
Physical environment and its significance for economic development : with special reference to Ethiopia
Anthropo-ecological decision-making : on the analysis of implicit assumptions intervening between biological and economic approaches
Sandstorm effects on arable land as seen on air photos : a study of a wind eroded area in the Vomb valley, Scania, Sweden
An integrated study of desertification : applications of remote sensing, GIS and spatial models in semi-arid Sudan
Ein Innovationsverlauf in Europa, dargestellt in einer vorläufigen Untersuchung über die Ausbreitung der Eisenbahninnovation
Distribution and chronology of relict polygon patterns of the Laholm Plain, the Swedish West Coast
Computer cartography range map
Schonische "Bolskiften"
Studies on ground water in the quaternary deposits of the Kristianstad plain
A type of circular lakes in northernmost Norway
Geographers of Norden : reflections on career experiences
Marginal deposits in south-eastern Sweden : with special reference to the oses
On fragmentation and coherence in regional research
The use of stress situations in vegetation for detecting ground conditions on aerial photographs
Periglacial wind and frost erosion at Klågerup, S.W. Scania
Brief fluctuations of temperature in and over a potato field and over fallow ground : results and discussion of some measurements with a galvanometer oscillograph
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