

Icons representing 図書


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Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
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30 cm
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Table of Contents

  • A filter diagonalization for generalized eigenvalue problems based on the Sakurai-Sugiura projection method

  • Loop-free link-traffic in optimal routing for multi-class networks

  • Polymorphic delimited continuations

  • Dirichlet mixtures in text modeling

  • A numerical method for polynomial eigenvalue problems using contour integral

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Material Type
Author Heading
筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科コンピュータサイエンス専攻 ツクバ ダイガク ダイガクイン システム ジョウホウコウガク ケンキュウカ コンピュータサイエンス センコウ
30 cm
Alternative Title
CS Technical report
Technical report CS-TR
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Continues: ISE-TR
Related Material
A filter diagonalization for generalized eigenvalue problems based on the Sakurai-Sugiura projection method
Loop-free link-traffic in optimal routing for multi-class networks
Polymorphic delimited continuations
Dirichlet mixtures in text modeling
A numerical method for polynomial eigenvalue problems using contour integral
A conical branch-and-bound algorithm for a class of reverse convex programs
A polynomial space finite algorithm for solving a class of reverse convex programs
Comparison between constrained mutual subspace method and orthogonal mutual subspace method
A parallel eigensolver using contour integration for generalized eigenvalue problems in molecular simulation
A simplicial branch-and-bound algorithm conscious of special structures in concave minimization problems
Fairness in non-convex systems
A simplicial algorithm for concave minimization and its performance as a heuristic tool
Development of evaluation system for numerical algorithms to solve liner equations