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Deutsche literatur in den Deutschbüchern des Schwedischen Gymnasiums 1905-1970Leave the NDL website. Per Jönson Rösiö : "The Agrarian prophet" : a charismatic leader's attempt to rejuvenate small agriculture and create a commitment to a cultural revolt against industrialism in Sweden, 1888-1928Leave the NDL website. Place names in Kauguri county, Latvia : a synchronic-structural analysis of toponyms in an ancient Indo-European and Finno-Ugric contact areaLeave the NDL website. Recurrent education, earnings, and well-being : a fifty-year longitudinal study of a cohort of Swedish menLeave the NDL website. Boris Pasternak : essaysLeave the NDL website. On fundamental measurement in psychologyLeave the NDL website. Sense developments : a contrastive study of the development of slang senses and novel standard senses in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Акцентологическая характеристика севернорусской рукописи XVII века = An accentological study of a 17th century North Russian manuscriptLeave the NDL website. The Editing of theological and philosophical texts from the Middle Ages : acts of the conference arranged by the Department of Classical Languages, University of Stockholm, 29-31 August 1984Leave the NDL website. A. Blok's The snow mask : An interpretationLeave the NDL website. On building-related causes of the sick building syndromeLeave the NDL website. Stolbcy by Nikolaj Zabolockij : analysesLeave the NDL website. Navies and nations : warships, navies, and state building in Europe and America, 1500-1860Leave the NDL website. Messianic movements : a comparative analysis of the Sabbatians, the People's Temple, and the Unification ChurchLeave the NDL website. Nattens vita slavarLeave the NDL website. Palladios Lehrgebäude : Studien über den Zusammenhang von Architektur und Architekturtheorie bei Andrea PalladioLeave the NDL website. Germanistische Streifzüge : Festschrift für Gustav KorlénLeave the NDL website. Interpreting PlatoLeave the NDL website. Jumis, die Fruchtbarkeitsgottheit der alten LettenLeave the NDL website. Bailees' and lessees' protection against third parties under Swedish lawLeave the NDL website. Becoming half hidden : shamanism and initiation among the InuitLeave the NDL website. Some factors of significance in the formation of sedimentary metal sulphidesLeave the NDL website. Vegetalismo : Shamanism among the Mestizo population of the Peruvian AmazonLeave the NDL website. Parti av ny typ? : skapandet av ett svenskt kommunistiskt parti 1917-1933Leave the NDL website. A steady flameless light : the phenomenology of realness in Dorothy Canfield Fisher's The Brimming Cup, Her Son's Wife, and Rough-HewnLeave the NDL website. Kingship, religion, and rituals in a Nigerian community : a phenomenological study of Ondo Yoruba festivalsLeave the NDL website. Die Sprachmischung in Luthers Tischreden : Studien zum Problem der ZweisprachigkeitLeave the NDL website. The phonology of Jacques Bellot's Le maistre d'escole Anglois (1580) : together with readings of the anonymous editions of 1625, 1639, 1647, 1652, 1657, 1670, 1679, and 1695Leave the NDL website. Med demokratin som insats : politiskt-konstitutionellt maktspel i 1930-talets Estland : mit einer Zusammenfassung in deutscher SpracheLeave the NDL website. Kreugerkoncernen och krisen på svensk aktiemarknad : studier om svenskt och internationellt riskkapital under mellankrigstidenLeave the NDL website. Die Schwedischen Ostseeprovinzen Estland und Livland im 16.-18. JahrhundertLeave the NDL website. Senonian and maestrichtian ostracodaLeave the NDL website. Aleksej Gastev : proletarian bard of the machine ageLeave the NDL website. Schutzgeister und Gottheiten des Wildes (der Jagdtiere und Fische) in Nordeurasien : eine religionsethnographische und religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung jägerischer GlaubensvorstellungenLeave the NDL website. Die Kontakte zwischen Ostbaltikum und Skandinavien im frühen Mittelalter : internationale Konferenz, 23.-25. Oktober 1990, RigaLeave the NDL website. Journalistik på osäkra villkor : den liberala Afton-Tidningen och dess föregångareLeave the NDL website. Igor' Severjanin : letters to Augusta Baranova, 1916-1938Leave the NDL website. Deutschsprachige Belletristik in schwedischer Übersetzung, 1870-1979 : Bibliographie und KommentarLeave the NDL website. Moral development : the validity of Kohlberg's theoryLeave the NDL website. The crisis in the 1420'sLeave the NDL website. Étude sur la morphologie des plus anciennes chartes languedociennesLeave the NDL website. The disputed assignment of Memoirs of an English officer to Daniel DefoeLeave the NDL website. The paradox of self-love : Christian elements in George Eliot's treatment of egoismLeave the NDL website. Spätantike ArchitekturdarstellungenLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Menschwerdungsthematik in Irmtraud Morgners Leben und Abenteuer der Trobadora Beatriz nach Zeugnissen ihrer Spielfrau Laura : Roman in dreizehn Büchern und sieben IntermezzosLeave the NDL website. Reading in early childhood : A linguistic study of a Swedish preschool child's gradual acquisition of reading abilityLeave the NDL website. Remarques sur la construction dite causative : faire (laisser, voir, entendre, sentir) + infinitifLeave the NDL website. Der Wassergeist und der Sumpfgeist : Untersuchungen volkstümlicher Glaubensvorstellungen bei den Völkern des ostbaltischen Raumes und bei den OstslavenLeave the NDL website. Eroticism, ethics and reading : Angela Carter in dialogue with Roland BarthesLeave the NDL website. Criteria of school readiness : factor structure, predictive value and environmental influencesLeave the NDL website. Ministären Hammarskjöld : tillkomst-söndring-fall : Studier i svensk politik 1914-1917Leave the NDL website. Emanicipation and interdependence : the Baltic States as new entities in the international economy, 1918-1940 : symposium organized by the Centre for Baltic Studies, Stockholm University, 15-17 October 1992Leave the NDL website. Vita mössor under röda fanor : vänsterstudenter, kulturradikalism och bildningsideal i Sverige 1880-1940Leave the NDL website. Settlement through negotiation of disputes on the application of collective agreementsLeave the NDL website. In my childhood : a study of Arabic autobiographyLeave the NDL website. A Keynesian model extended by explicit demand and supply functions for investment goodsLeave the NDL website. Does land degradation matter? : perspectives on environmental change in north-eastern BotswanaLeave the NDL website. Self-evaluation and rejection in groups : three experimental studies and a conceptual outlineLeave the NDL website. A child is a child, you know : the inversion of father and daughter in Dickens's novelsLeave the NDL website. Die 'aquae medicinales' des mittelniederdeutschen Gothaer ArzneibuchesLeave the NDL website. Grundprobleme der Übersetzungstheorie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung schwedisch-deutscher ÜbersetzungsfälleLeave the NDL website. Social insurance and tort liability in SwedenLeave the NDL website. Runsvenska namnstudierLeave the NDL website. Systemskifte : en studie av tröghet vid fyra brytpunkter inom svensk välfärdspolitikLeave the NDL website. Från borgarståndets storhetstid : statsbudgeten som partiskiljande fråga i den sena ståndsriksdagenLeave the NDL website. Agrar fattigdom i Sydsverige under 1800-taletLeave the NDL website. Epistulae s. desiderii cadurcensis : sociis seminarii latini stockholmiensis adiuvantibus edidit et commentario instruxitLeave the NDL website. Xlebnikov and carnival : an analysis of the poem PoėtLeave the NDL website. Auditorium and palatium : a study on assembly-rooms in Roman palaces during the 1st century B.C. and the 1st century A.DLeave the NDL website. Alice's adventures in wonderland and Gravity's rainbow : a study in duplex fictionLeave the NDL website. Position of objective personal pronouns : a study of word order in modern RussianLeave the NDL website. Das arzneibuch des Johan van SegenLeave the NDL website. Die Brüder Grimm, Erbe und Rezeption : Stockholmer Symposium 1984Leave the NDL website. Studie zur Entwicklung der Herrscherdarstellung in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 9.-12. JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Papers from the Third Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation, Stockholm, May 11-12, 1985Leave the NDL website. Reactions to non-native English : native English-speakers' assessments of errors in the use of English made by non-native users of the languageLeave the NDL website. Alien places in late Soviet science fiction : the "Unexpected Encounters" of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky as novels and filmsLeave the NDL website. English pronunciation according to Peter Moberg (1801 ff.) and other Swedes before 1900Leave the NDL website. The agrarian economy of sixteenth-century SwedenLeave the NDL website. A Keynesian model extended by explicit demand and supply functions for investment goodsLeave the NDL website. The gross domestic product of Sweden and its composition 1861-1955Leave the NDL website. Genesis & exodusLeave the NDL website. The attraction of peyote : an inquiry into the basic conditions of the diffusion of the peyote religion in North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The local sense of the prepositions over, above, and across studied in present-day EnglishLeave the NDL website. Contact or isolation? : Soviet-Western relations in the interwar period : symposium organized by the Centre for Baltic Studies, October 12-14, 1989, University of StockholmLeave the NDL website. A study on the winged angel : the origin of a motifLeave the NDL website. Ecclesiasticus 48.6 - Baruch 3.20Leave the NDL website. Якобсон-будетлянин : сборник материаловLeave the NDL website. Centralbygd-randbygd : strukturella, ekonomiska och administrativa huvudlinjer i mellansvensk yngre järnålderLeave the NDL website. Die Verbindungen zwischen Skandinavien und Ostbaltikum : aufgrund der archäologischen Quellenmaterialen : 1. Symposium der Sowjetestnischen und Schwedischen Archäologen, Tallinn 12.-15. Oktober 1982Leave the NDL website. The standardization process in Latvian : 16th century to the presentLeave the NDL website. Studies in 20th century Russian proseLeave the NDL website. Measurement of learning : a study of verbal rote learningLeave the NDL website. Beginners read aloud : high versus low linguistic levels in Swedish beginners' oral readingLeave the NDL website. Der mystische Ruto in der samischen Mythologie : eine religionsethnologische UntersuchungLeave the NDL website. Vladimir Majakovskij : memoirs and essaysLeave the NDL website. Anonyma alkoholister i SverigeLeave the NDL website. The English tag question : a study of sentences containing tags of the type isn't it?, is it?Leave the NDL website. Growth, accumulation, crisis : with new macroeconomic data for Sweden 1800-2000Leave the NDL website. Les religions des Indiens primitifs de l'Amérique : essai d'une synthèse typologique et historiqueLeave the NDL website. Die Relativität der Werte im Frühwerk des EuripidesLeave the NDL website. At versus on, in, by : on the early history of spatial at and certain primary ideas distinguishing at from on, in, byLeave the NDL website. The transformations of AmphitryonLeave the NDL website. Das Problem David Richter : Studien in der Kunstgeschichte des SpätbarocksLeave the NDL website. Die Künstlerische Entwicklung Heines im Buch der Lieder : Struktur-und StilstudienLeave the NDL website. Det förhistoriska kulturlandskapet i östra Östergötland : HallebyundersökningenLeave the NDL website. A Corpus of Shetland EnglishLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of psychological predicates in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Old Russian derived nominals in -nie, -tie : a syntactical studyLeave the NDL website. Scandinavia in great power politics 1905-1908Leave the NDL website. Deutsche Opposition gegen Hitler in Presse und Roman des Exils : eine Darstellung und ein Vergleich mit der historischen WirklichkeitLeave the NDL website. Historical patterns of globalization : the growth of outward linkages of Swedish long-standing transnational corporations, 1890s-1990sLeave the NDL website. Resource allocation and the credit market : a problem of second bestLeave the NDL website. Sweden's relations with Nazism, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust : a survey of researchLeave the NDL website. Von allen Seiten gleich schön : Studien zum Begriff der Vielansichtigkeit in der europäischen Plastik von der Renaissance bis zum KlassizismusLeave the NDL website. Die regionale und chronologische Einteilung der jüngeren Bronzezeit im Nordischen KreisLeave the NDL website. Der Schirmherr des Hofes im Volksglauben der Letten : Studien über Orts-, Hof- und HausgeisterLeave the NDL website. Der andere Blick : Studien zur deutschsprachigen Literatur der 70er JahreLeave the NDL website. Measuring income inequalityLeave the NDL website. Maṇicūḍāvadānoddhṛta : a Buddhist re-birth story in the Nevārī languageLeave the NDL website. Prose rhythm in medieval Latin from the 9th to the 13th centuryLeave the NDL website. Jordmagnater landbönder och torpare i sydöstra Södermanland 1800-1880Leave the NDL website. The English modal auxiliaries : a stratificational accountLeave the NDL website. The Novgorod Kabala Books of 1614-1616 : text and commentaryLeave the NDL website. Some aspects of vyāpti and upādhi in the NyāyalīlāvatīLeave the NDL website. Rilkes Duineser ElegienLeave the NDL website. Russian romanticism : studies in the poetic codesLeave the NDL website. Struktur, aktör eller kultur? : arbetstidspolitik i det industrialiserade SverigeLeave the NDL website. Formal education and adult earnings : a longitudinal study on the economic benefits of educationLeave the NDL website. A history under siege : intensive agriculture in the Mbulu highlands, Tanzania, 19th century to the presentLeave the NDL website. The production system of the Swedish economy : an input-output studyLeave the NDL website. The Baltic countries 1900-1914 : proceedings from the 9th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, Stockholm, June 3-6, 1987Leave the NDL website. A study of TEFL vocabularyLeave the NDL website. French book illustration 1880-1905Leave the NDL website. On the use, meaning and syntax of English preverbal adverbsLeave the NDL website. Arbetsorganisationen vid Motala verkstad 1822-1843 : den engelska tidenLeave the NDL website. Studies in anglisticsLeave the NDL website. The concept "valid law"Leave the NDL website. Doktorsdisputationens tredje opponentLeave the NDL website. The administration of justice in conflict cases involving refugeesLeave the NDL website. On doubting the reality of reality : Moore and Wittgenstein on sceptical doubtsLeave the NDL website. The Polyphemus and Scylla groups at SperlongaLeave the NDL website. Esdras - Ecclesiasticus 48.6Leave the NDL website. Yes/no-questions in Bulgarian and Macedonian : formLeave the NDL website. Fornsvenska verbalsubstantiv på -an, -ning och -elseLeave the NDL website. Mechanisms of language change in LatinLeave the NDL website. Dialogues in Turgenev's novels : speech-introductory devicesLeave the NDL website. On Church Slavonic accentuation : the accentuation of a Russian Church Slavonic Gospel manuscript from the fifteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Politik och finansväsen från 1815 års riksdag till 1830 års realisationsbeslutLeave the NDL website. On suicide in European countries : some theoretical, legal and historical views on suicide mortality and its concomitantsLeave the NDL website. Old English place-names and field-names containing lēahLeave the NDL website. Richard Hodges's The English primrose (1644) : a study of the strong-stressed vowels and diphthongs with some regard to A special help to ortographie (1643), The plainest directions (1649), Most plain directions for true-writing (1653)Leave the NDL website. The ode and the odic : essays on Mandelstam, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva and MayakovskyLeave the NDL website. King Henry's Bible, MS Bodley 277 : the revised version of the Wyclif BibleLeave the NDL website. John Hart's works on English orthography and pronunciation, 1551, 1569, 1570Leave the NDL website. The alternatives and consequences of actions : an essay on certain fundamental notions in teleological ethicsLeave the NDL website. Viking Eggeling 1880-1925 : Artist and film-maker, life and workLeave the NDL website. British and American scouting and guiding terminology : a lexo-semantic studyLeave the NDL website. Aphrodite KallipygosLeave the NDL website. Education and society : the geographerʾs viewLeave the NDL website. Tun : Machen : Bezeichnungen für die kausative und die periphrastische Funktion im Deutschen bis um 1400Leave the NDL website. Tempusgebrauch und Aktionsartenbildung in der modernen HindīLeave the NDL website. Studien zu Luthers Freiheitstraktat : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Verhältnis der lateinischen und der deutschen Fassung zu einander und die Stilmittel der RhetorikLeave the NDL website. The Baltic in international relations between the two world wars : symposium organized by the Centre for Baltic Studies, November 11-13, 1986, University of Stockholm, FrescatiLeave the NDL website. Capital accumulation and workers' struggle in Indian industrialisation : the case of Tata Iron and Steel Company 1910-1970Leave the NDL website. Crime and punishment?Leave the NDL website. Alexander Gill's Logonomia anglica (1619)Leave the NDL website. Politik utan partier : studier i Sveriges politiska liv, 1726-1727Leave the NDL website. The language of color in the Mediterranean : an anthology on linguistic and ethnographic aspects of color termsLeave the NDL website. Ein Stockholmer mittelniederdeutsches Arzneibuch : aus der zweiten Hälfte des 15. JahrhundertsLeave the NDL website. Psykologisk socialhistoriaLeave the NDL website. The bright lights grow fainter : livelihoods, migration and a small town in ZimbabweLeave the NDL website. Über Präsuppositionen zusammengesetzter Sätze im DeutschenLeave the NDL website. Latvian declinable and indeclinable participles : their syntactic function, frequency, and modality : a synchronic study based on Latvian fiction of the 1960s and 1970sLeave the NDL website. Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies : Hässelby, Sept 25-27, 1986Leave the NDL website. Nevārīgītīmañjarī : religious and secular poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu ValleyLeave the NDL website. Förmyndarräfstens huvudskede : en studie i Stora kommissionens historiaLeave the NDL website. A study of production, trade and allocation of resourcesLeave the NDL website. "Du Solst wissen es ist aus keinem stein gesogen" : Studien zu Jacob Böhmes : Aurora oder Morgen Röte im auffgangLeave the NDL website. The Russian imaginistsLeave the NDL website. A late Middle English treatise on horsesLeave the NDL website. Unorthodox spelling in American trademarksLeave the NDL website. Formal or structural studies of traditional tales : the usefulness of some methodological proposals advanced by Vladimir Propp, Alan Dundes, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Edmund LeachLeave the NDL website. The supernatural owners of natureLeave the NDL website. A study of economic growth and international tradeLeave the NDL website. From socialism to labourismLeave the NDL website. Peasant destinies : the history of 552 Swedes born 1810-12Leave the NDL website. Bolzano's logicLeave the NDL website. External economies in productionLeave the NDL website. The "new" theory of credit control in the United States : an interpretation and elaborationLeave the NDL website. Förmyndarräfstens ekonomiska resultatLeave the NDL website. Township and territory : a study of rural land-use and settlement patterns in Åland c. A.D. 500-1550Leave the NDL website. The Epistles etc. edited from Ms Christ Church 145Leave the NDL website. Tropes de l'Agnus DeiLeave the NDL website. Splittrad gemenskap : kontakter och samarbete inom nordisk socialdemokratisk arbetarrörelse 1931-1945Leave the NDL website. Tradition och reform i västra Södermanlands jordbruk 1810-1890 : agrar teknik i kapitalismens inledningsskedeLeave the NDL website. The one-eyed goddess : a study of the Manasā maṅgalLeave the NDL website. Art, society, revolution : Russia, 1917-1921Leave the NDL website. The increasing frequency of the preposition about during the modern english period : with special reference to the verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and SpeakLeave the NDL website. Papers from the Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation, Stockholm, May 18-19, 1979Leave the NDL website. Real estate transfer deeds in Novgorod, 1609-1616 : text and commentaryLeave the NDL website. Mellan Åkarp och Saltsjöbaden : en studie av arbetsfredsfrågan i minoritetsparlamentarismens Sverige 1923-1928Leave the NDL website. The hospitality of presence : problems of otherness in Husserl's phenomenologyLeave the NDL website. Natural deduction : a proof-theoretical studyLeave the NDL website. Enigmatic origins : tracing the theme of historicity through Heidegger's worksLeave the NDL website. The legal character and sources of international lawLeave the NDL website. Die semantische Struktur desubstantivischer Bildungen auf -mässig : eine synchronisch-diachronische StudieLeave the NDL website. Aspects of the burden of proofLeave the NDL website. --so ists Symmetrie und Schönheit gewesen-- : zu Vorlagen und Struktur von Friedrich Schillers Schauspiel Die RäuberLeave the NDL website. Anti-Kriegsliteratur zwischen den Kriegen (1919-1939) in Deutschland und SchwedenLeave the NDL website. Adlig partipolitik vid 1800-talets mittLeave the NDL website. Erik Dahlbergh och Carl X Gustafs KrigshistoriaLeave the NDL website. Ceramics in context : proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on Ancient Pottery, held at Stockholm, 13-15 June 1997Leave the NDL website. Plain : A study in co-text and contextLeave the NDL website. What kind of theory is music theory? : epistemological exercises in music theory and analysisLeave the NDL website. The art of hunting : 1327Leave the NDL website. Mary Wollstonecraft's journey to Scandinavia : essaysLeave the NDL website. Old English verbs in -sian : a semantic and derivational studyLeave the NDL website. Pipe, Bible, and peyote among the Oglala Lakota : a study in religious identityLeave the NDL website. Development and stress in Navajo religionLeave the NDL website. Remarques sur la syntaxe et la sémantique des pseudo-adjectifs dénominaux en françaisLeave the NDL website. Das Bildnis des Philetairos von Pergamon : Corpus der MünzprägungLeave the NDL website. Sakkunskap och politisk rationalitet : den svenska flottan och pansarfartygsfrågan, 1918-1939Leave the NDL website. A methodological studyLeave the NDL website. The relevance of metaethics to ethicsLeave the NDL website. The Gospels, edited from MS Christ Church 145Leave the NDL website. Pragmatic expressions in English : a study of you know, you see, and I mean in face-to-face conversationLeave the NDL website. Textgestaltung - TextverständnisLeave the NDL website. Zur Stellung des Adjektivs in der älteren griechischen Prosa : die Motive der Voran-bzw. Nachstellung in ihren HauptzügenLeave the NDL website. Energy and security in the Baltic Sea region : research papers in international relationsLeave the NDL website. Blurring the colonial binary : turn-of-the-century transnational entertainment in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Le nid prav- dans son champ sémantique : recherches sur le vocabulaire slaveLeave the NDL website. Der griechische Alexanderroman : Rezension βLeave the NDL website. Analysis and reconstruction of early modern Japanese phonologyLeave the NDL website. Genesis & ExodusLeave the NDL website. The "new" theory of credit control in the United States : an interpretation and elaborationLeave the NDL website. Osip Mandelʹštam : five poemsLeave the NDL website. نزهة الألباء في طبقات الأدباءLeave the NDL website. Ecclesia Lincopensis : studier om Linköpingskyrkan under medeltiden och Gustav VasaLeave the NDL website. Frauengestalten im Frühwerk Heinrich Manns : Interpretationen im WerkzusammenhangLeave the NDL website. Colour : a study of its position in the art theory of the Quattro- & CinquecentoLeave the NDL website. Work in voluntary welfare organizations : a sociological study of voluntary welfare organizations in SwedenLeave the NDL website. Factors influencing the placement of English adverbs in relation to auxiliaries : a study in variationLeave the NDL website. Studies in Čechov's narrative technique : 'The steppe' and 'The Bishop'Leave the NDL website. The Baltic countries under occupation : Soviet and Nazi rule 1939-1991Leave the NDL website. Le Gītagovinda : tradition et innovation dans le kāvyaLeave the NDL website. An African focus : a study of Ayi Kwei Armah's narrative AfricanizationLeave the NDL website. Text and context : essays to honor Nils Åke NilssonLeave the NDL website. Die Sprache der lettischen juristischen Dokumente vom Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts : ein Beitrag zur lettischen SprachgeschichteLeave the NDL website. Shakespearean plant names : identifications and interpretationsLeave the NDL website. The Gonds and their religion : a study of the integrative function of religion in a present, preliterary, and preindustrial culture in Madhya Pradesh, IndiaLeave the NDL website. From qualitative to quantitative probabilityLeave the NDL website. The Montana Cree : a study in religious persistenceLeave the NDL website. Studien zur polychromie der plastikLeave the NDL website. Settlement and farming systems in the early Iron Age : a study of fossil agrarian landscapes in Östergötland, SwedenLeave the NDL website. Natural deduction : a proof-theoretical studyLeave the NDL website. Gender dimensions in family life : a comparative study of structural constraints and power in Sweden and JapanLeave the NDL website. Diminutive im LettischenLeave the NDL website. Swedenborg en FranceLeave the NDL website. What else can I tell you? : a pragmatic study of English rhetorical questions as discursive and argumentative actsLeave the NDL website. Eine niederdeutsche Birgitta-Legende aus der Mitte des XV. Jahrhunderts : (Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek, Hamburg, Cod. Convent 10)Leave the NDL website. Swedish tax reforms 1971-77 -why so many?Leave the NDL website. Mythological tales and the Allegany Seneca : a study of the socio-religious context of traditional oral phenomena in an Iroquois communityLeave the NDL website. Native-speaker reactions to Swedish pronunciation errors in English : recognition, intelligibility and attitudeLeave the NDL website. From Common Market to social Europe? : paradigm shifts and institutional change in European Union policy on food, asbestos and chemicals, and gender equalityLeave the NDL website. Leviticus - Judges 7.13Leave the NDL website. On the use of the perfect and the pluperfect in Modern GreekLeave the NDL website. Man, landscape and society : an information systemLeave the NDL website. Talkative banquets : a study in the Peacockian novels of talkLeave the NDL website. Excavations at Berbati : 1936-1937Leave the NDL website. Regularized English : an investigation into the English spelling reform problem with a new, detalied plan for a possible solutionLeave the NDL website. The be/have variation with intransitives in English, with special reference to the late modern periodLeave the NDL website. A role : O'Neill's Cornelius MelodyLeave the NDL website. The earlier version of the Wycliffite Bible : Baruch 3.20 - end of OT edited from MS Christ Church 145Leave the NDL website. Monetary and fiscal policy under uncertaintyLeave the NDL website. Iranians in Sweden : economic, cultural and social integrationLeave the NDL website. Evidence and the declarative sentenceLeave the NDL website. A critical edition of De recta et emendata linguae Graecae pronuntiatione (Lutetiae 1568)Leave the NDL website. Zu den Bedingungen des Befreiers : Kollaboration und Freiheitsstreben in dem von Deutschland besetzten Estland 1941 bis 1944Leave the NDL website. The pastoral careLeave the NDL website. Beyond the noise of time : readings of Marina Tsvetaeva's memories of childhoodLeave the NDL website. Ein treuer Ketzer : Studien zu Manès Sperbers Romantrilogie "Wie eine Träne im Ozean"Leave the NDL website. Paroemiarion, triodion, psalter : a text editionLeave the NDL website. Western economic warfare 1947-1967 : a case study in foreign economic policyLeave the NDL website. Granatschmuck und Gemmen aus nordischen Funden des frühen MittelaltersLeave the NDL website. Social change in 19th-century Swedish agrarian societyLeave the NDL website. Dialektelemente in deutscher und schwedischer Literatur und ihre Übersetzung : von Schelch zu eka, von ilsnedu zu bösartigLeave the NDL website. Nicht nur Strindberg : kulturelle und literarische Beziehungen zwischen Schweden und Deutschland 1870-1933Leave the NDL website. Studier i modern språkvetenskapLeave the NDL website. Gesetze als Quellen : mittelalterlicher Geschichte des NordensLeave the NDL website. Deutschsprachige publikationen in schwedischer übersetzung 1870-1933Leave the NDL website. Introduction à l'étude de la versification latine médiévaleLeave the NDL website. Becoming Jinja : the production of space and making of place in an African industrial townLeave the NDL website. Modernizm Witolda Gombrowicza : wybrane zagadnieniaLeave the NDL website. A theory of history and society with special reference to the Chronographia of Michael Psellus : 11th century ByzantiumLeave the NDL website. Der Faustroman Trobadora Beatriz : zur Goethe-Rezeption Irmtraud MorgnersLeave the NDL website. Factors related to reading disabilities in the first grade of the elementary schoolLeave the NDL website. Papers from the Second Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation,Stockholm, May 15-16, 1982Leave the NDL website. The prose rhythm of Sallust and LivyLeave the NDL website. Text and content : a text linguistic interpretation of a major aspect of "content" in Vladimir Tendrjakov's novella "Črezvyčajnoe"Leave the NDL website. An analog of short-period economic changeLeave the NDL website. Zola et la joie de vivre : la genése du roman, les personnages, les idéesLeave the NDL website. The forgotten symbols of GodLeave the NDL website. The plane of uncreatedness : a phenomenological study of Anita Brookner's late fictionLeave the NDL website. Die Welt erklären : Geschichte und Fiktion in Lion Feuchtwangers Roman ErfolgLeave the NDL website. Effects of praise and blame : results of the class teacher's incentives upon achievement and attitudes of school-childrenLeave the NDL website. Explanation and deducation : a defence of deductive chauvinismLeave the NDL website. Human geography : postgraduate program and current researchLeave the NDL website. Women in Japan and Sweden : work and family in two welfare regimesLeave the NDL website. Le roman russe de Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé : étude préliminaireLeave the NDL website. 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Dostoevskij on realismLeave the NDL website. Türlosigkeit : Robert Musils "Törless" in Mikroanalysen mit Ausblicken auf andere Texte des DichtersLeave the NDL website. Fedor Sologub as a short-story writer : stylistic analysesLeave the NDL website. Accent paradigms of the present tense in south Slavonic : east and central south SlavonicLeave the NDL website. Winds from the East : a study in the art of Manet, Degas, Monet, and Whistler, 1856-86Leave the NDL website. The logic of life : Heidegger's retrieval of Aristotle's concept of logosLeave the NDL website. Developments in the terminology of physics and technologyLeave the NDL website. Mein Vater, mein Vater, warum hast du mich verlassen? : Männergestalten in deutschsprachiger Frauenliteratur 1973-1982Leave the NDL website. A graveyard of themes : the genesis of three key works by Iurii OleshaLeave the NDL website. Starets Zosima in The Brothers Karamazov : a study in the mimesis of virtueLeave the NDL website. Extending the tracks : a cross-reductionistic approach to Australian aboriginal male initiation ritesLeave the NDL website. The limits of freedom of speech : prose literature and prose writers in Egypt under Nasser and SadatLeave the NDL website. Messianism i staten Israel : en studie om Messiastankens nutida förekomst, form och funktion bland ortodoxa judarLeave the NDL website. Educational environment and student achievement : a multivariate study of the contributions of the home, the school and the peer group to change in mathematics and science performance during the first year at secondary schoolLeave the NDL website. Three Russians consider America : America in the works of Maksim Gorʾkij, Aleksandr Blok, and Vladimir MajakovskijLeave the NDL website. Theater and literature in Russia, 1900-1930 : a collection of essaysLeave the NDL website. The "Russian menace" to Sweden : the belief system of a small power security élite in the age of imperialismLeave the NDL website. The English plant names in The grete herball (1526) : a contribution to the historical study of English plant-name usageLeave the NDL website. Partiliv i ståndsriksdagen : adel och borgare 1850-1865Leave the NDL website. Staat und Ständegesellschaft in Schweden zur Zeit des Überganges vom Absolutismus zum Ständeparlamentarismus 1718-1720Leave the NDL website. Antedatings and additions for OED from the catalogue of prints of political and personal satire in the British MuseumLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the historical study of English syntaxLeave the NDL website. Le passé simple : son emploi dans le discours journalistiqueLeave the NDL website. Social pressures and attitudes in military trainingLeave the NDL website. Die Sozialkritische Thematik im Werk Georg Büchners und ihre Entfaltung im "Woyzeck" : mit einigen Bermerkungen zu der Oper Alban BergsLeave the NDL website. Applicability of factor analysis in the behavioral sciences : a methodological studyLeave the NDL website. Arnold Zweig, ◆Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa“ : Probleme des Aufbaus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der GrischagestaltLeave the NDL website. Psychological vision and social criticism in the novels of Thomas HardyLeave the NDL website. The limits of contractual damages in the Scandinavian law of salesLeave the NDL website. Due libri di cucinaLeave the NDL website. Provability in logicLeave the NDL website. Mrs. Humphry Ward : a study in late-Victorian feminine consciousness and creative expressionLeave the NDL website. Elena Guro : selected writings from the archivesLeave the NDL website. Ibsen in RusslandLeave the NDL website. Be good sweet maid : Charlotte Yonge's domestic fiction : a study in dogmatic purpose and fictional formLeave the NDL website. Förmyndarräfstens slutskedeLeave the NDL website. Personal pronouns in Russian and Polish : a study of their communicative function and placement in the sentenceLeave the NDL website. Hus, land och län : förvaltningen i Sverige 1250-1434Leave the NDL website. Phantoms of a future past : a study of contemporary Russian anti-utopian novelsLeave the NDL website. Material, historical background, methodology and sound correspondencesLeave the NDL website. Акцентировка и акцент : акцентологический анализ служебника XV в. Chil. 323Leave the NDL website. Präst, stånd och stat : kung och kyrka i förhandling 1642-1686Leave the NDL website. Raphael studiesLeave the NDL website. Elena Guro : selected prose and poetryLeave the NDL website. Searing apparent surfaces : infernal females in four early works of William BlakeLeave the NDL website. Predicative adjectives with the copula bytʹ in modern russianLeave the NDL website. Arbetarklassen i organisationernas värld : en jämförande studie av fackföreningarnas sociala och historiska förutsättningar i Sverige och GreklandLeave the NDL website. A manual of the Wyclif Bible, including the Psalms : dedicated to the memory of Sven L. FristedtLeave the NDL website. Hume's law : an essay on moral reasoningLeave the NDL website. Studies on the use of the preposition of in 15th century correspondence : with special reference to constructions differing from present-day usageLeave the NDL website. Welfare policy and labour markets : transformations of the Japanese and Swedish models for the 21st centuryLeave the NDL website. The Kalunga concept in Ovambo religion from 1870 onwardsLeave the NDL website. Personal names in medieval Velikij NovgorodLeave the NDL website. Patterns of jobs and geographic mobilityLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Frage der linguistischen Interferenz : Lehnprägungen in der Sprache von Franz von Kazinczy (1759-1831)Leave the NDL website. Sound and symbol in the dialogue of the works of Charles Dickens : a survey of the divergencies from normally received spellings in the dialogue of Dicken's works, together with an investigation into Dicken's methods of conveying an impression of divergent sounds of speechLeave the NDL website. Expectation and pupil performanceLeave the NDL website. Universitetet och forskningen : studier tillägnade Torgny T. Segerstedt på sextioårsdagenLeave the NDL website. A study in monetary analysisLeave the NDL website. Silent speech and silent readingLeave the NDL website. Also and too : a corpus-based study of their frequency and use in modern EnglishLeave the NDL website. Construction, acquisition et communication : études linguistiques de discours contemporainsLeave the NDL website. Le débat du faucon et du lévrierLeave the NDL website. Judges 7.13 - II ParalipomenonLeave the NDL website. A comprehensive study of conceptions of locality in which English prepositions occurLeave the NDL website. Synonymous use of synthetical and analytical rection in Old Church Slavonic verbsLeave the NDL website. Переписка, 1915-1930Leave the NDL website. Cycle de NoëlLeave the NDL website. Saami pre-Christian religion : studies on the oldest traces of religion among the SaamisLeave the NDL website. Kassandrarufe : Studien zu Vorkrieg und Krieg in Christa Wolfs Erzählungen Kindheitsmuster und KassandraLeave the NDL website. International trade policy and the GATT 1947-1967Leave the NDL website. Emotional processes : engendered by poetry and prose readingLeave the NDL website. Silent submission : formation of foreign policy of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, period from mid-1920-s to annexation in 1940Leave the NDL website. Vi äro tusenden : arbets- och levnadsförhållanden inom svensk textilindustri med särskilt avseende på Gamlestadens fabrikers AB 1890-1935Leave the NDL website. 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Studies in English philology, linguistics and literature : presented to Alarik Rynell 7 March 1978Leave the NDL website. Att hålla folket på gott humör : informationsspridning, krigspropaganda och mobilisering i Sverige 1655-1680Leave the NDL website. Peasants on the world market : agricultural experience of independent Estonia, 1919-1939Leave the NDL website. Nyord i färöiskan : ett bidrag till belysning av språksituationen på FäröarnaLeave the NDL website. U-landsbilden : en undersökning av allmänna opinionenLeave the NDL website. Studien zur Phonologie des ZweitsprachenerwerbsLeave the NDL website. A critical edition of De recta et emendata linguae Anglicae scriptione, dialogus (Lutetiae, ex off. Roberti Stephani 1568)Leave the NDL website. Reformvilja eller riksdagstaktik? : junkrarna och representationsfrågan 1847-54Leave the NDL website. OpusculaLeave the NDL website. Neutralität oder Allianz : Deutschlands Beziehungen zu Schweden in den Anfangsjahren des ersten WeltkriegesLeave the NDL website. Exposure to films and school adjustment : studies in cinema attendance and film violence preference as related to emotional adjustment and school achivementLeave the NDL website. Velimir Chlebnikov : a Stockholm symposium, April 24, 1983Leave the NDL website. Das Utrechter Arzneibuch : (Ms.1355,16°,Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht)Leave the NDL website. Tropes de l'alleluiaLeave the NDL website. Mjölkstrejken i Dalarna 1942Leave the NDL website. Semantische Studien im Sinnbereich der Schnelligkeit : plötzlich, schnell und ihre Synonymik im Deutsch der Gegenwart und des Früh-, Hoch- und SpätmittelaltersLeave the NDL website. The origin of the first revision as presented in De Salutaribus DocumentisLeave the NDL website. Ascription of linguistic properties and varieties of content : two studies on problems of self-referenceLeave the NDL website. The adapter adapted : a study of Sir John Vanbrugh's comedy "The mistake" : its predecessors and successorsLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen zu den Zukunftsumschreibungen mit dem Infinitiv im Altkirchenslavischen : ein Beitrag zur historischen Verbalsyntax des SlavischenLeave the NDL website. Nonstandard varieties of language : papers from the Stockholm Symposium 11-13 April, 1991Leave the NDL website. Parti, partiväsen, partipolitiker 1731-43 : kring uppkomsten av våra första politiska partierLeave the NDL website. The birthright and the blessing : narrative as exegesis in three of Thackeray's later novelsLeave the NDL website. Studies in English transformational grammarLeave the NDL website. Laughter and derision in Petronius' Satyrica : a literary studyLeave the NDL website. Nine poems from Doktor Živago : a study of Christian motifs in Boris Pasternak's poetryLeave the NDL website. Civil law, common law and the ScandinaviansLeave the NDL website. Grasses that have no fields : from Gerald Murnane's Inland to a phenomenology of isogonic constitutionLeave the NDL website. National movements in the Baltic countries during the 19th century : the 7th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, Stockholm, June 10-13, 1983Leave the NDL website. Certaigne psalmes or songues of David, translated into Englishe meter by Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, then prisoner in the Tower of London, with other prayers and songues by him made to pas the tyme there, 1549 (B.M.MS. Royal 17 A XVII)Leave the NDL website. Socialism, participation, and agricultural development in post-revolutionary Ethiopia : a study of constraintsLeave the NDL website. Colours, forms and art : Studies in differential aesthetic psychologyLeave the NDL website. لمع الأدلة في أصول النحوLeave the NDL website. "Forsvaret främst" : tre studier till belysning av borggårdskrisens problematikLeave the NDL website. Torken : Tvångsvården av alkoholmissbrukare i Sverige 1940-1981Leave the NDL website. Industrin i Södertälje 1920-1970 : en ekonomisk-historisk studie av industriell förāndringLeave the NDL website. Roman denarii found in SwedenLeave the NDL website. Fuzzy negation in English and SwedishLeave the NDL website. The dream of rebirth : a study of Andrej Belyj's novel PeterburgLeave the NDL website. Psychological twin research : a methodological studyLeave the NDL website. Immanence and transcendence in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon : a phenomenological studyLeave the NDL website. Les séances de ḤarīrīLeave the NDL website. The Gyldenstolpe manuscript : miscellany of poemsLeave the NDL website. Reflective equilibrium : an essay in moral epistemologyLeave the NDL website. "God bless you, my dear Miss Nightingale" : letters from Emmy Carolina Rappe to Florence Nightingale 1867-1870Leave the NDL website. At the crossroads of Russian modernism : studies in Innokentij Annenskij's poeticsLeave the NDL website. Gospels : a text edition with glossaryLeave the NDL website. Law and lawyers in Elizabethan England as evidenced in the plays of Ben Jonson and Thomas MiddletonLeave the NDL website. Angloamerikanische einflüsse in DDR-Zeitungstexten : unter berücksichtigung semantischer, pragmatischer, gesellschaftlich-ideologischer, entlehnungsprozessualer und quantitativer aspekteLeave the NDL website. Le sermon sur Esaü : discours allégorique sur la chasse de Pierre de MariniLeave the NDL website. Zur Struktur der lettischen Volkslieder : "Pūt, vējiņi" ; ein Lied in Tradition und Expansion seit 1800Leave the NDL website. Sájva : föreställningar om hjälp- och skyddsväsen i heliga fjäll bland samernaLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Deutsche literatur in den Deutschbüchern des Schwedischen Gymnasiums 1905-1970

  • Per Jönson Rösiö : "The Agrarian prophet" : a charismatic leader's attempt to rejuvenate small agriculture and create a commitment to a cultural revolt against industrialism in Sweden, 1888-1928

  • Place names in Kauguri county, Latvia : a synchronic-structural analysis of toponyms in an ancient Indo-European and Finno-Ugric contact area

  • Recurrent education, earnings, and well-being : a fifty-year longitudinal study of a cohort of Swedish men

  • Boris Pasternak : essays

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On Church Slavonic accentuation : the accentuation of a Russian Church Slavonic Gospel manuscript from the fifteenth century
Politik och finansväsen från 1815 års riksdag till 1830 års realisationsbeslut
On suicide in European countries : some theoretical, legal and historical views on suicide mortality and its concomitants
Old English place-names and field-names containing lēah
Richard Hodges's The English primrose (1644) : a study of the strong-stressed vowels and diphthongs with some regard to A special help to ortographie (1643), The plainest directions (1649), Most plain directions for true-writing (1653)
The ode and the odic : essays on Mandelstam, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva and Mayakovsky
King Henry's Bible, MS Bodley 277 : the revised version of the Wyclif Bible
John Hart's works on English orthography and pronunciation, 1551, 1569, 1570
The alternatives and consequences of actions : an essay on certain fundamental notions in teleological ethics
Viking Eggeling 1880-1925 : Artist and film-maker, life and work
British and American scouting and guiding terminology : a lexo-semantic study
Aphrodite Kallipygos
Education and society : the geographerʾs view
Tun : Machen : Bezeichnungen für die kausative und die periphrastische Funktion im Deutschen bis um 1400
Tempusgebrauch und Aktionsartenbildung in der modernen Hindī
Studien zu Luthers Freiheitstraktat : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Verhältnis der lateinischen und der deutschen Fassung zu einander und die Stilmittel der Rhetorik
The Baltic in international relations between the two world wars : symposium organized by the Centre for Baltic Studies, November 11-13, 1986, University of Stockholm, Frescati
Capital accumulation and workers' struggle in Indian industrialisation : the case of Tata Iron and Steel Company 1910-1970
Crime and punishment?
Alexander Gill's Logonomia anglica (1619)
Politik utan partier : studier i Sveriges politiska liv, 1726-1727
The language of color in the Mediterranean : an anthology on linguistic and ethnographic aspects of color terms
Ein Stockholmer mittelniederdeutsches Arzneibuch : aus der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts
Psykologisk socialhistoria
The bright lights grow fainter : livelihoods, migration and a small town in Zimbabwe
Über Präsuppositionen zusammengesetzter Sätze im Deutschen
Latvian declinable and indeclinable participles : their syntactic function, frequency, and modality : a synchronic study based on Latvian fiction of the 1960s and 1970s
Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies : Hässelby, Sept 25-27, 1986
Nevārīgītīmañjarī : religious and secular poetry of the Nevars of the Kathmandu Valley
Förmyndarräfstens huvudskede : en studie i Stora kommissionens historia
A study of production, trade and allocation of resources
"Du Solst wissen es ist aus keinem stein gesogen" : Studien zu Jacob Böhmes : Aurora oder Morgen Röte im auffgang
The Russian imaginists
A late Middle English treatise on horses
Unorthodox spelling in American trademarks
Formal or structural studies of traditional tales : the usefulness of some methodological proposals advanced by Vladimir Propp, Alan Dundes, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Edmund Leach
The supernatural owners of nature
A study of economic growth and international trade
From socialism to labourism
Peasant destinies : the history of 552 Swedes born 1810-12
Bolzano's logic
External economies in production
The "new" theory of credit control in the United States : an interpretation and elaboration
Förmyndarräfstens ekonomiska resultat
Township and territory : a study of rural land-use and settlement patterns in Åland c. A.D. 500-1550
The Epistles etc. edited from Ms Christ Church 145
Tropes de l'Agnus Dei
Splittrad gemenskap : kontakter och samarbete inom nordisk socialdemokratisk arbetarrörelse 1931-1945
Tradition och reform i västra Södermanlands jordbruk 1810-1890 : agrar teknik i kapitalismens inledningsskede
The one-eyed goddess : a study of the Manasā maṅgal
Art, society, revolution : Russia, 1917-1921
The increasing frequency of the preposition about during the modern english period : with special reference to the verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak
Papers from the Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation, Stockholm, May 18-19, 1979
Real estate transfer deeds in Novgorod, 1609-1616 : text and commentary
Mellan Åkarp och Saltsjöbaden : en studie av arbetsfredsfrågan i minoritetsparlamentarismens Sverige 1923-1928
The hospitality of presence : problems of otherness in Husserl's phenomenology
Natural deduction : a proof-theoretical study
Enigmatic origins : tracing the theme of historicity through Heidegger's works
The legal character and sources of international law
Die semantische Struktur desubstantivischer Bildungen auf -mässig : eine synchronisch-diachronische Studie
Aspects of the burden of proof
--so ists Symmetrie und Schönheit gewesen-- : zu Vorlagen und Struktur von Friedrich Schillers Schauspiel Die Räuber
Anti-Kriegsliteratur zwischen den Kriegen (1919-1939) in Deutschland und Schweden
Adlig partipolitik vid 1800-talets mitt
Erik Dahlbergh och Carl X Gustafs Krigshistoria
Ceramics in context : proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on Ancient Pottery, held at Stockholm, 13-15 June 1997
Plain : A study in co-text and context
What kind of theory is music theory? : epistemological exercises in music theory and analysis
The art of hunting : 1327
Mary Wollstonecraft's journey to Scandinavia : essays
Old English verbs in -sian : a semantic and derivational study
Pipe, Bible, and peyote among the Oglala Lakota : a study in religious identity
Development and stress in Navajo religion
Remarques sur la syntaxe et la sémantique des pseudo-adjectifs dénominaux en français
Das Bildnis des Philetairos von Pergamon : Corpus der Münzprägung
Sakkunskap och politisk rationalitet : den svenska flottan och pansarfartygsfrågan, 1918-1939
A methodological study
The relevance of metaethics to ethics
The Gospels, edited from MS Christ Church 145
Pragmatic expressions in English : a study of you know, you see, and I mean in face-to-face conversation
Textgestaltung - Textverständnis
Zur Stellung des Adjektivs in der älteren griechischen Prosa : die Motive der Voran-bzw. Nachstellung in ihren Hauptzügen
Energy and security in the Baltic Sea region : research papers in international relations
Blurring the colonial binary : turn-of-the-century transnational entertainment in Southeast Asia
Le nid prav- dans son champ sémantique : recherches sur le vocabulaire slave
Der griechische Alexanderroman : Rezension β
Analysis and reconstruction of early modern Japanese phonology
Genesis & Exodus
The "new" theory of credit control in the United States : an interpretation and elaboration
Osip Mandelʹštam : five poems
نزهة الألباء في طبقات الأدباء
Ecclesia Lincopensis : studier om Linköpingskyrkan under medeltiden och Gustav Vasa
Frauengestalten im Frühwerk Heinrich Manns : Interpretationen im Werkzusammenhang
Colour : a study of its position in the art theory of the Quattro- & Cinquecento
Work in voluntary welfare organizations : a sociological study of voluntary welfare organizations in Sweden
Factors influencing the placement of English adverbs in relation to auxiliaries : a study in variation
Studies in Čechov's narrative technique : 'The steppe' and 'The Bishop'
The Baltic countries under occupation : Soviet and Nazi rule 1939-1991
Le Gītagovinda : tradition et innovation dans le kāvya
An African focus : a study of Ayi Kwei Armah's narrative Africanization
Text and context : essays to honor Nils Åke Nilsson
Die Sprache der lettischen juristischen Dokumente vom Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts : ein Beitrag zur lettischen Sprachgeschichte
Shakespearean plant names : identifications and interpretations
The Gonds and their religion : a study of the integrative function of religion in a present, preliterary, and preindustrial culture in Madhya Pradesh, India
From qualitative to quantitative probability
The Montana Cree : a study in religious persistence
Studien zur polychromie der plastik
Settlement and farming systems in the early Iron Age : a study of fossil agrarian landscapes in Östergötland, Sweden
Natural deduction : a proof-theoretical study
Gender dimensions in family life : a comparative study of structural constraints and power in Sweden and Japan
Diminutive im Lettischen
Swedenborg en France
What else can I tell you? : a pragmatic study of English rhetorical questions as discursive and argumentative acts
Eine niederdeutsche Birgitta-Legende aus der Mitte des XV. Jahrhunderts : (Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek, Hamburg, Cod. Convent 10)
Swedish tax reforms 1971-77 -why so many?
Mythological tales and the Allegany Seneca : a study of the socio-religious context of traditional oral phenomena in an Iroquois community
Native-speaker reactions to Swedish pronunciation errors in English : recognition, intelligibility and attitude
From Common Market to social Europe? : paradigm shifts and institutional change in European Union policy on food, asbestos and chemicals, and gender equality
Leviticus - Judges 7.13
On the use of the perfect and the pluperfect in Modern Greek
Man, landscape and society : an information system
Talkative banquets : a study in the Peacockian novels of talk
Excavations at Berbati : 1936-1937
Regularized English : an investigation into the English spelling reform problem with a new, detalied plan for a possible solution
The be/have variation with intransitives in English, with special reference to the late modern period
A role : O'Neill's Cornelius Melody
The earlier version of the Wycliffite Bible : Baruch 3.20 - end of OT edited from MS Christ Church 145
Monetary and fiscal policy under uncertainty
Iranians in Sweden : economic, cultural and social integration
Evidence and the declarative sentence
A critical edition of De recta et emendata linguae Graecae pronuntiatione (Lutetiae 1568)
Zu den Bedingungen des Befreiers : Kollaboration und Freiheitsstreben in dem von Deutschland besetzten Estland 1941 bis 1944
The pastoral care
Beyond the noise of time : readings of Marina Tsvetaeva's memories of childhood
Ein treuer Ketzer : Studien zu Manès Sperbers Romantrilogie "Wie eine Träne im Ozean"
Paroemiarion, triodion, psalter : a text edition
Western economic warfare 1947-1967 : a case study in foreign economic policy
Granatschmuck und Gemmen aus nordischen Funden des frühen Mittelalters
Social change in 19th-century Swedish agrarian society
Dialektelemente in deutscher und schwedischer Literatur und ihre Übersetzung : von Schelch zu eka, von ilsnedu zu bösartig
Nicht nur Strindberg : kulturelle und literarische Beziehungen zwischen Schweden und Deutschland 1870-1933
Studier i modern språkvetenskap
Gesetze als Quellen : mittelalterlicher Geschichte des Nordens
Deutschsprachige publikationen in schwedischer übersetzung 1870-1933
Introduction à l'étude de la versification latine médiévale
Becoming Jinja : the production of space and making of place in an African industrial town
Modernizm Witolda Gombrowicza : wybrane zagadnienia
A theory of history and society with special reference to the Chronographia of Michael Psellus : 11th century Byzantium
Der Faustroman Trobadora Beatriz : zur Goethe-Rezeption Irmtraud Morgners
Factors related to reading disabilities in the first grade of the elementary school
Papers from the Second Scandinavian Symposium on Syntactic Variation,Stockholm, May 15-16, 1982
The prose rhythm of Sallust and Livy
Text and content : a text linguistic interpretation of a major aspect of "content" in Vladimir Tendrjakov's novella "Črezvyčajnoe"
An analog of short-period economic change
Zola et la joie de vivre : la genése du roman, les personnages, les idées
The forgotten symbols of God
The plane of uncreatedness : a phenomenological study of Anita Brookner's late fiction
Die Welt erklären : Geschichte und Fiktion in Lion Feuchtwangers Roman Erfolg
Effects of praise and blame : results of the class teacher's incentives upon achievement and attitudes of school-children
Explanation and deducation : a defence of deductive chauvinism
Human geography : postgraduate program and current research
Women in Japan and Sweden : work and family in two welfare regimes
Le roman russe de Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé : étude préliminaire
Aspekte des Kulturaustausches zwischen Schweden und dem deutschsprachigen Mitteleuropa nach 1945
L'utopie et l'ironie : étude sur Gros-câlin et sa place dans l'œuvre de Romain Gary
Preverbal adverbs and auxiliaries : a study of word order change
Understanding quantum mechanics : a realist interpretation without hidden variables
Swedish dimensional adjectives
Den disciplinerade arbetaren : brottslighet och social förändring i Norrköping, 1850-1910
Kr̥ṣṇa-Caitanya : sein Leben und seine Lehre
Studies in Lapp shamanism
Transcendental idealism and the organism : essays on Kant
Ujamaa na dini : a study of some aspects of society and religion in Tanzania, 1961-1977
Psychophysical relations in the perception of velocity
Dostoevskij on realism
Türlosigkeit : Robert Musils "Törless" in Mikroanalysen mit Ausblicken auf andere Texte des Dichters
Fedor Sologub as a short-story writer : stylistic analyses
Accent paradigms of the present tense in south Slavonic : east and central south Slavonic
Winds from the East : a study in the art of Manet, Degas, Monet, and Whistler, 1856-86
The logic of life : Heidegger's retrieval of Aristotle's concept of logos
Developments in the terminology of physics and technology
Mein Vater, mein Vater, warum hast du mich verlassen? : Männergestalten in deutschsprachiger Frauenliteratur 1973-1982
A graveyard of themes : the genesis of three key works by Iurii Olesha
Starets Zosima in The Brothers Karamazov : a study in the mimesis of virtue
Extending the tracks : a cross-reductionistic approach to Australian aboriginal male initiation rites
The limits of freedom of speech : prose literature and prose writers in Egypt under Nasser and Sadat
Messianism i staten Israel : en studie om Messiastankens nutida förekomst, form och funktion bland ortodoxa judar
Educational environment and student achievement : a multivariate study of the contributions of the home, the school and the peer group to change in mathematics and science performance during the first year at secondary school
Three Russians consider America : America in the works of Maksim Gorʾkij, Aleksandr Blok, and Vladimir Majakovskij
Theater and literature in Russia, 1900-1930 : a collection of essays
The "Russian menace" to Sweden : the belief system of a small power security élite in the age of imperialism
The English plant names in The grete herball (1526) : a contribution to the historical study of English plant-name usage
Partiliv i ståndsriksdagen : adel och borgare 1850-1865
Staat und Ständegesellschaft in Schweden zur Zeit des Überganges vom Absolutismus zum Ständeparlamentarismus 1718-1720
Antedatings and additions for OED from the catalogue of prints of political and personal satire in the British Museum
An introduction to the historical study of English syntax
Le passé simple : son emploi dans le discours journalistique
Social pressures and attitudes in military training
Die Sozialkritische Thematik im Werk Georg Büchners und ihre Entfaltung im "Woyzeck" : mit einigen Bermerkungen zu der Oper Alban Bergs
Applicability of factor analysis in the behavioral sciences : a methodological study
Arnold Zweig, ◆Der Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa“ : Probleme des Aufbaus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der Grischagestalt
Psychological vision and social criticism in the novels of Thomas Hardy
The limits of contractual damages in the Scandinavian law of sales
Due libri di cucina
Provability in logic
Mrs. Humphry Ward : a study in late-Victorian feminine consciousness and creative expression
Elena Guro : selected writings from the archives
Ibsen in Russland
Be good sweet maid : Charlotte Yonge's domestic fiction : a study in dogmatic purpose and fictional form
Förmyndarräfstens slutskede
Personal pronouns in Russian and Polish : a study of their communicative function and placement in the sentence
Hus, land och län : förvaltningen i Sverige 1250-1434
Phantoms of a future past : a study of contemporary Russian anti-utopian novels
Material, historical background, methodology and sound correspondences
Акцентировка и акцент : акцентологический анализ служебника XV в. Chil. 323
Präst, stånd och stat : kung och kyrka i förhandling 1642-1686
Raphael studies
Elena Guro : selected prose and poetry
Searing apparent surfaces : infernal females in four early works of William Blake
Predicative adjectives with the copula bytʹ in modern russian
Arbetarklassen i organisationernas värld : en jämförande studie av fackföreningarnas sociala och historiska förutsättningar i Sverige och Grekland
A manual of the Wyclif Bible, including the Psalms : dedicated to the memory of Sven L. Fristedt
Hume's law : an essay on moral reasoning
Studies on the use of the preposition of in 15th century correspondence : with special reference to constructions differing from present-day usage
Welfare policy and labour markets : transformations of the Japanese and Swedish models for the 21st century
The Kalunga concept in Ovambo religion from 1870 onwards
Personal names in medieval Velikij Novgorod
Patterns of jobs and geographic mobility
Studien zur Frage der linguistischen Interferenz : Lehnprägungen in der Sprache von Franz von Kazinczy (1759-1831)
Sound and symbol in the dialogue of the works of Charles Dickens : a survey of the divergencies from normally received spellings in the dialogue of Dicken's works, together with an investigation into Dicken's methods of conveying an impression of divergent sounds of speech
Expectation and pupil performance
Universitetet och forskningen : studier tillägnade Torgny T. Segerstedt på sextioårsdagen
A study in monetary analysis
Silent speech and silent reading
Also and too : a corpus-based study of their frequency and use in modern English
Construction, acquisition et communication : études linguistiques de discours contemporains
Le débat du faucon et du lévrier
Judges 7.13 - II Paralipomenon
A comprehensive study of conceptions of locality in which English prepositions occur
Synonymous use of synthetical and analytical rection in Old Church Slavonic verbs
Переписка, 1915-1930
Cycle de Noël
Saami pre-Christian religion : studies on the oldest traces of religion among the Saamis
Kassandrarufe : Studien zu Vorkrieg und Krieg in Christa Wolfs Erzählungen Kindheitsmuster und Kassandra
International trade policy and the GATT 1947-1967
Emotional processes : engendered by poetry and prose reading
Silent submission : formation of foreign policy of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, period from mid-1920-s to annexation in 1940
Vi äro tusenden : arbets- och levnadsförhållanden inom svensk textilindustri med särskilt avseende på Gamlestadens fabrikers AB 1890-1935
Group psychotherapy : studies of processes in therapeutic groups
Mellan kung och allmoge : ämbetsmän, beslutsprocess och inflytande på 1700-talets Island
Juvenilia Б. Пастернака : 6 фрагментов о Реликвимини
Language structure and variation
The structure of the sonetti a corona of Attila József
Shallow brooks and rivers wide : a study of lexical and semantic change in English nouns denoting 'watercourse'
English in spoken Swedish : a corpus study of two discourse domains
Provability and truth
Pax et sapientia : studies in text and music of liturgical tropes and sequences in memory of Gordon Anderson
La céramique peinte ibérique de la province d'Alicante
Studies in English philology, linguistics and literature : presented to Alarik Rynell 7 March 1978
Att hålla folket på gott humör : informationsspridning, krigspropaganda och mobilisering i Sverige 1655-1680
Peasants on the world market : agricultural experience of independent Estonia, 1919-1939
Nyord i färöiskan : ett bidrag till belysning av språksituationen på Färöarna
U-landsbilden : en undersökning av allmänna opinionen
Studien zur Phonologie des Zweitsprachenerwerbs
A critical edition of De recta et emendata linguae Anglicae scriptione, dialogus (Lutetiae, ex off. Roberti Stephani 1568)
Reformvilja eller riksdagstaktik? : junkrarna och representationsfrågan 1847-54
Neutralität oder Allianz : Deutschlands Beziehungen zu Schweden in den Anfangsjahren des ersten Weltkrieges
Exposure to films and school adjustment : studies in cinema attendance and film violence preference as related to emotional adjustment and school achivement
Velimir Chlebnikov : a Stockholm symposium, April 24, 1983
Das Utrechter Arzneibuch : (Ms.1355,16°,Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht)
Tropes de l'alleluia
Mjölkstrejken i Dalarna 1942
Semantische Studien im Sinnbereich der Schnelligkeit : plötzlich, schnell und ihre Synonymik im Deutsch der Gegenwart und des Früh-, Hoch- und Spätmittelalters
The origin of the first revision as presented in De Salutaribus Documentis
Ascription of linguistic properties and varieties of content : two studies on problems of self-reference
The adapter adapted : a study of Sir John Vanbrugh's comedy "The mistake" : its predecessors and successors
Untersuchungen zu den Zukunftsumschreibungen mit dem Infinitiv im Altkirchenslavischen : ein Beitrag zur historischen Verbalsyntax des Slavischen
Nonstandard varieties of language : papers from the Stockholm Symposium 11-13 April, 1991
Parti, partiväsen, partipolitiker 1731-43 : kring uppkomsten av våra första politiska partier
The birthright and the blessing : narrative as exegesis in three of Thackeray's later novels
Studies in English transformational grammar
Laughter and derision in Petronius' Satyrica : a literary study
Nine poems from Doktor Živago : a study of Christian motifs in Boris Pasternak's poetry
Civil law, common law and the Scandinavians
Grasses that have no fields : from Gerald Murnane's Inland to a phenomenology of isogonic constitution
National movements in the Baltic countries during the 19th century : the 7th Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia, Stockholm, June 10-13, 1983
Certaigne psalmes or songues of David, translated into Englishe meter by Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, then prisoner in the Tower of London, with other prayers and songues by him made to pas the tyme there, 1549 (B.M.MS. Royal 17 A XVII)
Socialism, participation, and agricultural development in post-revolutionary Ethiopia : a study of constraints
Colours, forms and art : Studies in differential aesthetic psychology
لمع الأدلة في أصول النحو
"Forsvaret främst" : tre studier till belysning av borggårdskrisens problematik
Torken : Tvångsvården av alkoholmissbrukare i Sverige 1940-1981
Industrin i Södertälje 1920-1970 : en ekonomisk-historisk studie av industriell förāndring
Roman denarii found in Sweden
Fuzzy negation in English and Swedish
The dream of rebirth : a study of Andrej Belyj's novel Peterburg
Psychological twin research : a methodological study
Immanence and transcendence in Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon : a phenomenological study
Les séances de Ḥarīrī
The Gyldenstolpe manuscript : miscellany of poems
Reflective equilibrium : an essay in moral epistemology
"God bless you, my dear Miss Nightingale" : letters from Emmy Carolina Rappe to Florence Nightingale 1867-1870
At the crossroads of Russian modernism : studies in Innokentij Annenskij's poetics
Gospels : a text edition with glossary
Law and lawyers in Elizabethan England as evidenced in the plays of Ben Jonson and Thomas Middleton
Angloamerikanische einflüsse in DDR-Zeitungstexten : unter berücksichtigung semantischer, pragmatischer, gesellschaftlich-ideologischer, entlehnungsprozessualer und quantitativer aspekte
Le sermon sur Esaü : discours allégorique sur la chasse de Pierre de Marini
Zur Struktur der lettischen Volkslieder : "Pūt, vējiņi" ; ein Lied in Tradition und Expansion seit 1800
Sájva : föreställningar om hjälp- och skyddsväsen i heliga fjäll bland samerna
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