
An historical account of all the voyages round the world : performed by English navigators; including those lately undertaken by order of His present Majesty. The whole faithfully extracted from the journals of the voyagers. Drake, undertaken in 1577-80; Cavendish, 1586-88; Cowley, 1683-86; Dampier, 1689-96; Cooke, 1708-11; Rogers, 1708-11; Clipperton and Shelvocke, 1719-22; Anson, undertaken in 1740-44; Byron, 1764-66; Wallis, 1766-68; Carteret, 1766-69; and Cook, 1768-71. Together with that of Sydney Parkinson ... and the voyage of Mons. Bougainville ... To which is added, an appendix. Containing the Journal of a voyage to the North pole, by the Hon. Commodore Phipps, and Captain Lutwidge ...

Icons representing 図書

An historical account of all the voyages round the world : performed by English navigators; including those lately undertaken by order of His present Majesty. The whole faithfully extracted from the journals of the voyagers. Drake, undertaken in 1577-80; Cavendish, 1586-88; Cowley, 1683-86; Dampier, 1689-96; Cooke, 1708-11; Rogers, 1708-11; Clipperton and Shelvocke, 1719-22; Anson, undertaken in 1740-44; Byron, 1764-66; Wallis, 1766-68; Carteret, 1766-69; and Cook, 1768-71. Together with that of Sydney Parkinson ... and the voyage of Mons. Bougainville ... To which is added, an appendix. Containing the Journal of a voyage to the North pole, by the Hon. Commodore Phipps, and Captain Lutwidge ...

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Henry, Davidほか
Printed for F. Newbery
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22 cm
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Vol. 3-4 dated 1773"The first two volumes were compiled by David Henry; the third and fourth by another hand; to which, in 1775, Mr. Henry added a fif...

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22 cm
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