
Routledge studies in energy policy

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Routledge studies in energy policy

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Table of Contents

  • Energy security and cooperation in Eurasia : power, profits and politics

  • Governing shale gas : development, citizen participation and decision making in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe

  • Energy policy in China

  • Our energy future : socioeconomic implications and policy options for rural America

  • International energy and poverty : the emerging contours

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Related Material
Energy security and cooperation in Eurasia : power, profits and politics
Governing shale gas : development, citizen participation and decision making in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe
Energy policy in China
Our energy future : socioeconomic implications and policy options for rural America
International energy and poverty : the emerging contours
Energy security and natural gas markets in Europe : lessons from the EU and the United States
Russia's foreign energy policy : resources, actors, conflicts
Energy, cities and sustainability : an historical approach
Making electricity resilient : risk and security in a liberalized infrastructure
Climate policy integration into EU energy policy : progress and prospects
Energy policies and climate change in China : actors, implementation, and future prospects
Wind power and public engagement : co-operatives and community ownership
Fossil fuel subsidy reforms : a guide to economic and political complexity
Nuclear power in stagnation : a cultural approach to failed expansion
Climate policy integration into EU energy policy : progress and prospects
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
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