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Chowkhamba Sanskrit series は別書誌<BA07522074>The Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan series は別書誌<BA42320646>Publisher varies...

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Kālidāsa apocryphaLeave the NDL website. Buddhist philosophy in India and CeylonLeave the NDL website. The Dhvani theory in Sanskrit poeticsLeave the NDL website. A prose English translation of Mahanirvana tantramLeave the NDL website. Nidāna-sthāna, Sārira-sthāna, Chikitsa-sthāna and Kalpa-sthānaLeave the NDL website. The aesthetic experience according to AbhinavaguptaLeave the NDL website. Nidāna-sthāna, Sārira-sthāna, Chikitsa-sthāna and Kalpa-sthānaLeave the NDL website. Panca karma therapy : ancient classical concepts, traditional practices, and recent advancesLeave the NDL website. Rādhā-Dāmodara Gosvāmī's Chandaḥ-kaustubha : the jewel of prosodyLeave the NDL website. The Atharvaveda-Prātiśākhya, or, Śaunakīyā CaturādhyāyikāLeave the NDL website. श्रीकालिदासविरचितमभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलं नाम नाटकम् = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven actsLeave the NDL website. Abhinavagupta : an historical and philosophical studyLeave the NDL website. Nalopākhyānam = Story of Nala : an episode of the Mahā-Bhārata : the Sanskrit text, with a copious vocabulary and an improved version of dean Milman's translationLeave the NDL website. Agni Purānam : a prose English translationLeave the NDL website. Dr. Satkari Mookerji felicitation volumeLeave the NDL website. The Hymns of the ṚgvedaLeave the NDL website. Sārīra sthānaLeave the NDL website. Glossary of vegetable drugs in BṛhattrayīLeave the NDL website. A functional analysis of Indian thought and its social marginsLeave the NDL website. The Sarva-darśana-saṃgraha or review of the different systems of Hindu philosophyLeave the NDL website. Concept of agni in āyurveda : with special reference to agnibala parīkṣāLeave the NDL website. Studies in Jainism and Buddhism in MithilāLeave the NDL website. Elements of the comparative grammar of the Indo-Germanic languages : a concise exposition of the history of Sanskrit,..Leave the NDL website. शुद्धाद्वैतमार्तण्ड = śuddhādvaita mārtaṇḍa : the sun of pure-non-dualismLeave the NDL website. The archaeology of Kumaon, including Dehradun : a comprehensive account of the cultural heritage of modern Garhwal and Kumaon divisionsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on tanmātras and pancamahābhūtasLeave the NDL website. Sūtra-sthānaLeave the NDL website. The religions of IndiaLeave the NDL website. The Sarva-dars'ana-saṃgraha or review of the different systems of Hindu philosophyLeave the NDL website. Vaiśeṣika philosophy : according to the Daśapadārtha-śāstraLeave the NDL website. Śārṅgadhara saṃhitā of Śārṅgadharācārya : text, English translation, notes, appendix etc.Leave the NDL website. Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikāLeave the NDL website. Kamandakiya nitisara, or, The elements of polity (in English)Leave the NDL website. Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhita : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇidatta's Āyurveda dīpikāLeave the NDL website. A study of Hindu art and architecture : with especial reference to terminologyLeave the NDL website. Indian medicine in the classical ageLeave the NDL website. Uttara-tantraLeave the NDL website. The Ramayan of ValmikiLeave the NDL website. A critical study of Sanskrit phoneticsLeave the NDL website. Lectures on Tanmātras and PancamahābhūtasLeave the NDL website. Haridra(Turmeric) : antibacterial potntialLeave the NDL website. A critical study of Vāmana's KāvyālaṅkārasūtrāṇiLeave the NDL website. Trade and commerce in ancient India : (from the earliest times to c. A.D. 300)Leave the NDL website. Second book of Sanskrit : a treatise on grammar with exercisesLeave the NDL website. Studies in the development of ornaments and jewellery in proto-historic IndiaLeave the NDL website. Kālidāsa-kośa : a classified register of the flora, fauna, geographical names, musical instruments, and legendary figures in Kālidāsa's worksLeave the NDL website. The aesthetic experience according to AbhinavaguptaLeave the NDL website. Puṣpasūtram : sāmaprātiśākhyaṃLeave the NDL website. The Pañchasiddhāntikā : the astronomical work of Varāha MihiraLeave the NDL website. Uttara-tantraLeave the NDL website. Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikāLeave the NDL website. The political & socio-religious condition of Bihar, 185 B.C. to 319 A.D.Leave the NDL website. Pāṇini : his place in Sanskrit literature, an investigation of some literary and chronological questions which maybe settled by a study of his workLeave the NDL website. Studies in Vedic interpretation, on the lines of Sri AurobindoLeave the NDL website. The Hūṇas in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Vaṅgasena saṃhitā, or, Cikitsāsāra saṁgraha of Vaṅgasena : text with English translation, notes, historical introduction, comments, index and appendicesLeave the NDL website. Somnāth mahātmyam : Sanskrit poem on Lord Somnatha : with English translation & four stone-inscriptionsLeave the NDL website. AryàsaptàsatiLeave the NDL website. A critical study of the philosophy of RāmānujaLeave the NDL website. The Ramayan of ValmikiLeave the NDL website. KavyaprakashLeave the NDL website. Question bank for Ayurvedic P.G. entrance tests & competitive examinations & viva voce of degree examinationLeave the NDL website. The hymns of the AtharvavedaLeave the NDL website. Mints and minting in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Caraka Saṃhitā : Anvaya (Natural Word order), transliteration, annotation along with, English equivalents, translation & commtentary in English based on Cakrapāṇī's Āyurveda DīpikāLeave the NDL website. Viṣṇudhvaja or Qutb ManārLeave the NDL website. The Atharva-Veda Prātiśākhya, or, Śaunakīyā CaturādhyāyikāLeave the NDL website. Glossary of vegetable drugs in BrhattrayīLeave the NDL website. Inscriptions of AśokaLeave the NDL website. Uttara-tantra [i.e. Sutrasthanam]Leave the NDL website. A practical grammar of the Sanskrit language : arranged with reference to the classical languages of Europe for the use of English studentsLeave the NDL website. Viṣṇusmr̥tiḥLeave the NDL website. श्रीकालिदासविरचितमभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलं नाम नाटकम् = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven actsLeave the NDL website. The Hymns of the ṚgvedaLeave the NDL website. Nidāna-sthāna, Sāriri-sthāna, Chikitsta-thāna and Kalpa-sthānaLeave the NDL website. Agni-Pūraṇa : a studyLeave the NDL website. Rig-Veda-Samhitā : the sacred hymns of the Brāhmans : together with the commentary of SāyanāchāryaLeave the NDL website. The hymns of the SamavedaLeave the NDL website. Tripurā-Rahasya (Jñānakhanda)Leave the NDL website. Historical and literary inscriptionsLeave the NDL website. The S'amkhya aphorisms of Kapila : with illustrative extracts from the commentariesLeave the NDL website. Sūtra-sthānaLeave the NDL website. The pañchasiddhāntikā : the astronomical work of Varāha MihiraLeave the NDL website. A critical study of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa : with special reference to bhaktiLeave the NDL website. Three lectures on the Vedânta philosophy : delivered at the Royal Institution in March, 1894Leave the NDL website. Dictionary, English and SanskritLeave the NDL website. Suśruta saṁhitā : text with English translation, a full and comprehensive introduction, additional text, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and platesLeave the NDL website. The mythology of the Aryan nationsLeave the NDL website. A grammar of the Sanskrit languageLeave the NDL website. Hindu music from various authorsLeave the NDL website. Sūtra-sthānaLeave the NDL website. Pānini : his place in Sanskrit literature, an investigation of some literary and chronological questions which maybe settled by a study of his workLeave the NDL website. Indo-Aryan literature and culture (origins)Leave the NDL website. A history of Vedic literatureLeave the NDL website. The Megha dūta : or, Cloud messenger : a poem in the Sanskrit languageLeave the NDL website. Concept of poetic blemishes in Sanskrit poeticsLeave the NDL website. Uttara-tantraLeave the NDL website. The texts of the White YajurvedaLeave the NDL website. वरदाम्बिका-परिणय-चम्पूः : प्रोफेसर-सूर्यकान्तशास्त्रिरचित-भूमिका-आङ्ग्लभाषानुवाद-टिप्पणीभिः संवलिताLeave the NDL website. Buddhism in its connexion with Brāhmanism and Hindūism, and in its contrast with ChristianityLeave the NDL website. The history of Indian LiteratureLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of the concepts of space and time in Indian thoughtLeave the NDL website. कविश्रीमयूरभट्टविरचितम् सूर्यशतकम्Leave the NDL website. Kautilya's political ideas and institutionsLeave the NDL website. The six systems of Indian philosophyLeave the NDL website. Indian wisdom ; or, examples of the religious, philosophical, and ethical doctrines of the Hindūs : with a brief history of the chief departments of Sanskrit literature, and some account of the past and present condition of India, moral and intellectualLeave the NDL website. The cult of BrahmāLeave the NDL website. Harsha and his times : a glimpse of political history during the seventh century A.D.Leave the NDL website. सर्वमङ्गळेशस्य संस्कृतपद्धतिः : नडिमिन्टि सर्वमङ्गळेश्वरशास्त्रि (1759-1839) कृता, नूतनव्याकरणव्याख्या एवं आड्ग्लटीका सहितः संस्कृतपाठ्यग्रन्थश्च = Sarvamaṅgalẽśa's Sanskrit learning methodology : Nadiminty Sarvamaṅgalẽśvara Śāstry's (1759-1839) Sanskrit grammar textbook, revised & with newly devised grammatical explanations in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Śabda-Sāgara or a comprehensive Sanskrit-English Lexicon : chiefly based on professor Horace Hayman Wilson's Sanskrit-English dictionary and compiled from various recent authorities for the use of schools collegesLeave the NDL website. Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikāLeave the NDL website. Dictionary, English and SanskritLeave the NDL website. Tarka-sangrahaLeave the NDL website. Manusmṛti : a literal prose English translationLeave the NDL website. The Vaiśeshika philosophy : according to the Daśapadārtha-śāstraLeave the NDL website. Great tradition and little traditions : Indological investigations in cultural anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Śārṅgadhara saṃhitā of śārṅgadharācārya : text, English translation, notes, appendix etc.Leave the NDL website. Yājñavalkya smṛti : with the commentary of Vijñāneśvara called the Mitākṣrā and notes from the Gloss of Bālambhaṭṭa : translated into English by Late Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vidyarnava : along with text and Mitākṣarā Sanskrit CommentaryLeave the NDL website. [Śrīkālidāsaviracitamabhijñānaśākuntalaṃ nāma nārṭakam] = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven actsLeave the NDL website. The Purāṇa text of the dynasties of the Kali ageLeave the NDL website. Śrī Bhagavatpāda ŚaṅkarācāryaLeave the NDL website. Ashtanga Samgraha : multiple choice questions for degree examination & postgraduate entrance textsLeave the NDL website. कौषीतकि-ब्राह्मणोपनिषत् : शङ्करानन्दकृतदीपिकासहिता = The Kauṣītaki-Brāhmaṇa-Upaniṣad : with the "Dīpikā" commentary of ŚaṅkarānandaLeave the NDL website. Kākacaṇḍīśvarakalpatantra : text with English translationLeave the NDL website. The hymns of the SāmavedaLeave the NDL website. The hymns of the SāmavedaLeave the NDL website. The Vrātyas in ancient IndiaLeave the NDL website. Morphology : stem-formation and inflexionLeave the NDL website. Lectures of M.M Gananath Sen Sarawati on hindu medicine : the scientific basis of Āyurveda glory of ĀyurvedaLeave the NDL website. Western æstheticsLeave the NDL website. The socio-religious condition of North India (700-1200 A.D.) : based on archaeological sourcesLeave the NDL website. Sanskrit compounds : a philosophical studyLeave the NDL website. Abhinavagupta : an historical and philosophical studyLeave the NDL website. The study of Indian artLeave the NDL website. The Licchavis of VaiśālīLeave the NDL website. A history of ancient Sanskrit literature so far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the BrahmansLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra : a treatise on Ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionicsLeave the NDL website. Abhinavagupta : an historical and philosophical studyLeave the NDL website. Surgical ethics in ĀyurvedaLeave the NDL website. On the origin of the Indian Brāhma alphabetLeave the NDL website. Sutra-sthānaLeave the NDL website. Nāṭyaśāstra : ascribed to Bharata-MuniLeave the NDL website. Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution : a critical and comparative study of the Indian and Western theories of evolution with special reference to Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of evolutionLeave the NDL website. Suśruta saṁhitā : text with English translation, a full and comprehensive introduction, additional text, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and platesLeave the NDL website. Dramas; or, A complete account of the dramatic literature of the HindusLeave the NDL website. Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad : with the commentary of Śrī Madhvācārya called also ĀnandatīrthaLeave the NDL website. Suśruta saṁhitā : text with English translation, a full and comprehensive introduction, additional text, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and platesLeave the NDL website. The bhakti cult in ancient IndiaLeave the NDL website. A Sanskrit-English dictionary : based upon the St. Petersburg lexiconsLeave the NDL website. Indian aestheticsLeave the NDL website. The laws and practice of Sanskrit drama : (an investigation into the canons of Sanskrit dramaturgy and their application to some principal plays in Sanskrit)Leave the NDL website. Epistemology of the Bhāṭṭa school of Pūrva MīmānsāLeave the NDL website. Nidāna-sthāna, Sāriri-sthāna, Chikitsta-thāna and Kalpa-sthānaLeave the NDL website. Prose English translation of VishnupuranamLeave the NDL website. The PrasastapâdabhâshyamLeave the NDL website. Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts by Kālidāsa : the Devanagari recension of the textLeave the NDL website. A manual of Buddhism : in its modern developmentLeave the NDL website. An introduction to Buddhist esoterismLeave the NDL website. Surgical ethics in ĀyurvedaLeave the NDL website. The story of King Udayana as gleaned from Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit sourcesLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the grammar of the Sanskrit language : for the use of early studentsLeave the NDL website. Yuganaddha : the Tantric view of lifeLeave the NDL website. Nidāna-sthāna, Sārira-sthāna, Chikitsa-sthāna and Kalpa-sthānaLeave the NDL website. First book of Sanskrit : being an elementary treatise on grammar, with exercisesLeave the NDL website. The Vedanta philosophy : in English wit original sutras and explanatory quotations from Upanishads, Bhagavad Gitā etc. and their English translationsLeave the NDL website. Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikāLeave the NDL website. Romance with Sanskrit : an easy approach to Sanskrit learning = संस्कृत-सुबोधाLeave the NDL website. Yuganaddha : the Tantric view of lifeLeave the NDL website. Viṣṇudhvaja or Qutb ManārLeave the NDL website. Indian medicine in the classical ageLeave the NDL website. The Sāmkhya phorisms of Kapila : with illustrative extracts from the commentariesLeave the NDL website. Outlines of Sanskrit poeticsLeave the NDL website. Uttara-tantraLeave the NDL website. History of Muslim rule in Tirhut, 1206-1765, A.D.Leave the NDL website. System of plant nomenclature in AyurvedaLeave the NDL website. श्रीकालिदासविरचितमभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलं नाम नाटकम् = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven actsLeave the NDL website. Universal history of music : compiled from divers sources, together with various original notes on Hindu musicLeave the NDL website. Women in ancient India : moral and literary studiesLeave the NDL website. The Garuḍa-purāṇamLeave the NDL website. Non-R̥gvedic citations in the Āśvalāyana śrautasūtra : a studyLeave the NDL website.

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The Chowkhamba Sanskrit studies
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Chowkhamba Sanskrit series は別書誌<BA07522074>
The Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan series は別書誌<BA42320646>
Publisher varies
PUB: Varanasi : The Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office
Related Material
Kālidāsa apocrypha
Buddhist philosophy in India and Ceylon
The Dhvani theory in Sanskrit poetics
A prose English translation of Mahanirvana tantram
Nidāna-sthāna, Sārira-sthāna, Chikitsa-sthāna and Kalpa-sthāna
The aesthetic experience according to Abhinavagupta
Nidāna-sthāna, Sārira-sthāna, Chikitsa-sthāna and Kalpa-sthāna
Panca karma therapy : ancient classical concepts, traditional practices, and recent advances
Rādhā-Dāmodara Gosvāmī's Chandaḥ-kaustubha : the jewel of prosody
The Atharvaveda-Prātiśākhya, or, Śaunakīyā Caturādhyāyikā
श्रीकालिदासविरचितमभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलं नाम नाटकम् = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts
Abhinavagupta : an historical and philosophical study
Nalopākhyānam = Story of Nala : an episode of the Mahā-Bhārata : the Sanskrit text, with a copious vocabulary and an improved version of dean Milman's translation
Agni Purānam : a prose English translation
Dr. Satkari Mookerji felicitation volume
The Hymns of the Ṛgveda
Sārīra sthāna
Glossary of vegetable drugs in Bṛhattrayī
A functional analysis of Indian thought and its social margins
The Sarva-darśana-saṃgraha or review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy
Concept of agni in āyurveda : with special reference to agnibala parīkṣā
Studies in Jainism and Buddhism in Mithilā
Elements of the comparative grammar of the Indo-Germanic languages : a concise exposition of the history of Sanskrit,..
शुद्धाद्वैतमार्तण्ड = śuddhādvaita mārtaṇḍa : the sun of pure-non-dualism
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Lectures on tanmātras and pancamahābhūtas
The religions of India
The Sarva-dars'ana-saṃgraha or review of the different systems of Hindu philosophy
Vaiśeṣika philosophy : according to the Daśapadārtha-śāstra
Śārṅgadhara saṃhitā of Śārṅgadharācārya : text, English translation, notes, appendix etc.
Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikā
Kamandakiya nitisara, or, The elements of polity (in English)
Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhita : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇidatta's Āyurveda dīpikā
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A critical study of Vāmana's Kāvyālaṅkārasūtrāṇi
Trade and commerce in ancient India : (from the earliest times to c. A.D. 300)
Second book of Sanskrit : a treatise on grammar with exercises
Studies in the development of ornaments and jewellery in proto-historic India
Kālidāsa-kośa : a classified register of the flora, fauna, geographical names, musical instruments, and legendary figures in Kālidāsa's works
The aesthetic experience according to Abhinavagupta
Puṣpasūtram : sāmaprātiśākhyaṃ
The Pañchasiddhāntikā : the astronomical work of Varāha Mihira
Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikā
The political & socio-religious condition of Bihar, 185 B.C. to 319 A.D.
Pāṇini : his place in Sanskrit literature, an investigation of some literary and chronological questions which maybe settled by a study of his work
Studies in Vedic interpretation, on the lines of Sri Aurobindo
The Hūṇas in India
Vaṅgasena saṃhitā, or, Cikitsāsāra saṁgraha of Vaṅgasena : text with English translation, notes, historical introduction, comments, index and appendices
Somnāth mahātmyam : Sanskrit poem on Lord Somnatha : with English translation & four stone-inscriptions
A critical study of the philosophy of Rāmānuja
The Ramayan of Valmiki
Question bank for Ayurvedic P.G. entrance tests & competitive examinations & viva voce of degree examination
The hymns of the Atharvaveda
Mints and minting in India
Caraka Saṃhitā : Anvaya (Natural Word order), transliteration, annotation along with, English equivalents, translation & commtentary in English based on Cakrapāṇī's Āyurveda Dīpikā
Viṣṇudhvaja or Qutb Manār
The Atharva-Veda Prātiśākhya, or, Śaunakīyā Caturādhyāyikā
Glossary of vegetable drugs in Brhattrayī
Inscriptions of Aśoka
Uttara-tantra [i.e. Sutrasthanam]
A practical grammar of the Sanskrit language : arranged with reference to the classical languages of Europe for the use of English students
श्रीकालिदासविरचितमभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलं नाम नाटकम् = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts
The Hymns of the Ṛgveda
Nidāna-sthāna, Sāriri-sthāna, Chikitsta-thāna and Kalpa-sthāna
Agni-Pūraṇa : a study
Rig-Veda-Samhitā : the sacred hymns of the Brāhmans : together with the commentary of Sāyanāchārya
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Tripurā-Rahasya (Jñānakhanda)
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The S'amkhya aphorisms of Kapila : with illustrative extracts from the commentaries
The pañchasiddhāntikā : the astronomical work of Varāha Mihira
A critical study of the Bhāgavata Purāṇa : with special reference to bhakti
Three lectures on the Vedânta philosophy : delivered at the Royal Institution in March, 1894
Dictionary, English and Sanskrit
Suśruta saṁhitā : text with English translation, a full and comprehensive introduction, additional text, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and plates
The mythology of the Aryan nations
A grammar of the Sanskrit language
Hindu music from various authors
Pānini : his place in Sanskrit literature, an investigation of some literary and chronological questions which maybe settled by a study of his work
Indo-Aryan literature and culture (origins)
A history of Vedic literature
The Megha dūta : or, Cloud messenger : a poem in the Sanskrit language
Concept of poetic blemishes in Sanskrit poetics
The texts of the White Yajurveda
वरदाम्बिका-परिणय-चम्पूः : प्रोफेसर-सूर्यकान्तशास्त्रिरचित-भूमिका-आङ्ग्लभाषानुवाद-टिप्पणीभिः संवलिता
Buddhism in its connexion with Brāhmanism and Hindūism, and in its contrast with Christianity
The history of Indian Literature
A comparative study of the concepts of space and time in Indian thought
कविश्रीमयूरभट्टविरचितम् सूर्यशतकम्
Kautilya's political ideas and institutions
The six systems of Indian philosophy
Indian wisdom ; or, examples of the religious, philosophical, and ethical doctrines of the Hindūs : with a brief history of the chief departments of Sanskrit literature, and some account of the past and present condition of India, moral and intellectual
The cult of Brahmā
Harsha and his times : a glimpse of political history during the seventh century A.D.
सर्वमङ्गळेशस्य संस्कृतपद्धतिः : नडिमिन्टि सर्वमङ्गळेश्वरशास्त्रि (1759-1839) कृता, नूतनव्याकरणव्याख्या एवं आड्ग्लटीका सहितः संस्कृतपाठ्यग्रन्थश्च = Sarvamaṅgalẽśa's Sanskrit learning methodology : Nadiminty Sarvamaṅgalẽśvara Śāstry's (1759-1839) Sanskrit grammar textbook, revised & with newly devised grammatical explanations in English
Śabda-Sāgara or a comprehensive Sanskrit-English Lexicon : chiefly based on professor Horace Hayman Wilson's Sanskrit-English dictionary and compiled from various recent authorities for the use of schools colleges
Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikā
Dictionary, English and Sanskrit
Manusmṛti : a literal prose English translation
The Vaiśeshika philosophy : according to the Daśapadārtha-śāstra
Great tradition and little traditions : Indological investigations in cultural anthropology
Śārṅgadhara saṃhitā of śārṅgadharācārya : text, English translation, notes, appendix etc.
Yājñavalkya smṛti : with the commentary of Vijñāneśvara called the Mitākṣrā and notes from the Gloss of Bālambhaṭṭa : translated into English by Late Rai Bahadur Srisa Chandra Vidyarnava : along with text and Mitākṣarā Sanskrit Commentary
[Śrīkālidāsaviracitamabhijñānaśākuntalaṃ nāma nārṭakam] = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts
The Purāṇa text of the dynasties of the Kali age
Śrī Bhagavatpāda Śaṅkarācārya
Ashtanga Samgraha : multiple choice questions for degree examination & postgraduate entrance texts
कौषीतकि-ब्राह्मणोपनिषत् : शङ्करानन्दकृतदीपिकासहिता = The Kauṣītaki-Brāhmaṇa-Upaniṣad : with the "Dīpikā" commentary of Śaṅkarānanda
Kākacaṇḍīśvarakalpatantra : text with English translation
The hymns of the Sāmaveda
The hymns of the Sāmaveda
The Vrātyas in ancient India
Morphology : stem-formation and inflexion
Lectures of M.M Gananath Sen Sarawati on hindu medicine : the scientific basis of Āyurveda glory of Āyurveda
Western æsthetics
The socio-religious condition of North India (700-1200 A.D.) : based on archaeological sources
Sanskrit compounds : a philosophical study
Abhinavagupta : an historical and philosophical study
The study of Indian art
The Licchavis of Vaiśālī
A history of ancient Sanskrit literature so far as it illustrates the primitive religion of the Brahmans
Nāṭyaśāstra : a treatise on Ancient Indian dramaturgy and histrionics
Abhinavagupta : an historical and philosophical study
Surgical ethics in Āyurveda
On the origin of the Indian Brāhma alphabet
Nāṭyaśāstra : ascribed to Bharata-Muni
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution : a critical and comparative study of the Indian and Western theories of evolution with special reference to Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of evolution
Suśruta saṁhitā : text with English translation, a full and comprehensive introduction, additional text, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and plates
Dramas; or, A complete account of the dramatic literature of the Hindus
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad : with the commentary of Śrī Madhvācārya called also Ānandatīrtha
Suśruta saṁhitā : text with English translation, a full and comprehensive introduction, additional text, different readings, notes, comparative views, index, glossary and plates
The bhakti cult in ancient India
A Sanskrit-English dictionary : based upon the St. Petersburg lexicons
Indian aesthetics
The laws and practice of Sanskrit drama : (an investigation into the canons of Sanskrit dramaturgy and their application to some principal plays in Sanskrit)
Epistemology of the Bhāṭṭa school of Pūrva Mīmānsā
Nidāna-sthāna, Sāriri-sthāna, Chikitsta-thāna and Kalpa-sthāna
Prose English translation of Vishnupuranam
The Prasastapâdabhâshyam
Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts by Kālidāsa : the Devanagari recension of the text
A manual of Buddhism : in its modern development
An introduction to Buddhist esoterism
Surgical ethics in Āyurveda
The story of King Udayana as gleaned from Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit sources
An introduction to the grammar of the Sanskrit language : for the use of early students
Yuganaddha : the Tantric view of life
Nidāna-sthāna, Sārira-sthāna, Chikitsa-sthāna and Kalpa-sthāna
First book of Sanskrit : being an elementary treatise on grammar, with exercises
The Vedanta philosophy : in English wit original sutras and explanatory quotations from Upanishads, Bhagavad Gitā etc. and their English translations
Agniveśa's Caraka saṃhitā : text with English translation & critical exposition based on Cakrapāṇi Datta's Āyurveda dīpikā
Romance with Sanskrit : an easy approach to Sanskrit learning = संस्कृत-सुबोधा
Yuganaddha : the Tantric view of life
Viṣṇudhvaja or Qutb Manār
Indian medicine in the classical age
The Sāmkhya phorisms of Kapila : with illustrative extracts from the commentaries
Outlines of Sanskrit poetics
History of Muslim rule in Tirhut, 1206-1765, A.D.
System of plant nomenclature in Ayurveda
श्रीकालिदासविरचितमभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलं नाम नाटकम् = Śakuntalā : a Sanskrit drama, in seven acts
Universal history of music : compiled from divers sources, together with various original notes on Hindu music
Women in ancient India : moral and literary studies
The Garuḍa-purāṇam
Non-R̥gvedic citations in the Āśvalāyana śrautasūtra : a study
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