
Religions in the Graeco-Roman world

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Religions in the Graeco-Roman world

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Broek, R. van denほか
E.J. Brill
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"Formerly Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'Empire romain."Edited by R. van den Broek, H.J.W. Drijvers, and H.S. Versnel

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Paroles d'Apollon : pratiques et traditions oraculaires dans l'Antiquité tardive (IIe-VIe siècles)Leave the NDL website. Votives, places, and rituals in Etruscan religion : studies in honor of Jean MacIntosh TurfaLeave the NDL website. Inscribing devotion and death : archaeological evidence for Jewish populations of North AfricaLeave the NDL website. Dionysos in archaic Greece : an understanding through imagesLeave the NDL website. Religious practices and Christianization of the late antique city (4th-7th cent.)Leave the NDL website. Magic and ritual in the ancient worldLeave the NDL website. Sacred thresholds : the door to the sanctuary in late antiquityLeave the NDL website. Traditions of the Magi : Zoroastrianism in Greek and Latin literatureLeave the NDL website. The variety of local religious life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman periodsLeave the NDL website. Romanising oriental Gods : myth, salvation, and ethics in the cults of Cybele, Isis and MithrasLeave the NDL website. Helios megistos : zur synkretistischen Theologie der SpätantikeLeave the NDL website. Individuals and materials in the Greco-Roman cults of Isis : agents, images, and practices : proceedings of the VIth International Conference of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6-8, 2013-Liège, September 23-24, 2013)Leave the NDL website. The Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres the magicians : P. Chester Beatty XVI (with new editions of Papyrus Vindobonensis Greek inv. 29456+29828 verso and British Library Cotton Tiberius B. v f. 87)Leave the NDL website. Instructions for the netherworld : the Orphic gold tabletsLeave the NDL website. Dionysos in classical Athens : an understanding through imagesLeave the NDL website. The Pythagorean Golden verses : with introduction and commentaryLeave the NDL website. Isis on the Nile : Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : proceedings of the IVth International Conference of Isis Studies, Liège, November 27-29, 2008 : Michel Malaise in honoremLeave the NDL website. Divine images and human imaginations in Ancient Greece and RomeLeave the NDL website. The religious life of NabataeaLeave the NDL website. Trophonios de Lébadée : cultes et mythes d'une cité béotienne au miroir de la mentalité antiqueLeave the NDL website. Sabbath and synagogue : the question of sabbath worship in ancient JudaismLeave the NDL website. Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL)Leave the NDL website. Twice Neokoros : Ephesus, Asia, and the cult of the Flavian imperial familyLeave the NDL website. The supreme gods of the Bosporan Kingdom : celestial Aphrodite and the most high GodLeave the NDL website. La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-EmpireLeave the NDL website. Coping with the gods : wayward readings in Greek theologyLeave the NDL website. Aegyptiaca Romana : nilotic scenes and the Roman views of EgyptLeave the NDL website. Provincial cultLeave the NDL website. My lots are in thy hands : sortilege and its practitioners in late antiquityLeave the NDL website. Guide to the study of ancient magicLeave the NDL website. The Jews in late ancient Rome : evidence of cultural interaction in the Roman diasporaLeave the NDL website. New aspects of religion in ancient Athens : honors, authorities, esthetics, and societyLeave the NDL website. Roman gods : a conceptual approachLeave the NDL website. Cybele, Attis, and related cults : essays in memory of M.J. VermaserenLeave the NDL website. Hellenic religion and Christianization, c. 370-529Leave the NDL website. Isis and Sarapis in the Roman worldLeave the NDL website. Where dreams may come : incubation sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman worldLeave the NDL website. The early amazons : modern and ancient perspectives on a persistent mythLeave the NDL website. The religion of the Nabataeans : a conspectusLeave the NDL website. The provincial priesthoodLeave the NDL website. Priests, tongues, and rites : the London-Leiden magical manuscripts and translation in Egyptian ritual (100-300 CE)Leave the NDL website. The Nile mosaic of Palestrina : early evidence of Egyptian religion in ItalyLeave the NDL website. Terres cuites et culte domestique : bestiaire de l'Égypte gréco-romaineLeave the NDL website. Corinth : the first city of Greece : an urban history of late antique cult and religionLeave the NDL website. Worlds full of signs : ancient Greek divination in contextLeave the NDL website. The provincial centre ; Provincial cultLeave the NDL website. Isis Pelagia : images, names and cults of a goddess of the seasLeave the NDL website. La splendeur des dieux : quatre études iconographiques sur l'hellénisme égyptienLeave the NDL website. Sensorivm : the senses in Roman polytheismLeave the NDL website. Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL2)Leave the NDL website. De Memphis à Rome : actes du Ier Colloque international sur les études isiaques, Poitiers-Futuroscope, 8-10 avril 1999Leave the NDL website. Études sur les hymnes orphiquesLeave the NDL website. Hellenic religion and Christianization, c. 370-529Leave the NDL website. New Testament, early Christianity, and magicLeave the NDL website. Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine : étude historique des realia talmudiques (Ier-IVème siècles)Leave the NDL website. Alexandros oder der LügenprophetLeave the NDL website. Institution and evolutionLeave the NDL website. The city of the moon god : religious traditions of HarranLeave the NDL website. Pilgrimage and holy space in late antique EgyptLeave the NDL website. Ancient angels : conceptualizing angeloi in the Roman EmpireLeave the NDL website. La raison des signes : présages, rites, destin dans les sociétés de la méditerranée ancienneLeave the NDL website. The tradition of Hermes Trismegistus : the Egyptian priestly figure as a teacher of Hellenized wisdomLeave the NDL website. From temple to church : destruction and renewal of local cultic topography in late antiquityLeave the NDL website. Power, politics, and the cults of Isis : proceedings of the Vth International Conference of Isis studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, October 13-15, 2011Leave the NDL website. Cretan sanctuaries and cults : continuity and change from Late Minoan IIIC to the Archaic periodLeave the NDL website. Greek religious terminology : telete & orgia : a revised and expanded English edition of the studies by Zijderveld and Van der BurgLeave the NDL website. The Palmyrenes of Dura-Europos : a study of religious interaction in Roman SyriaLeave the NDL website. Portraits of spiritual authority : religious power in early Christianity, Byzantium and the Christian OrientLeave the NDL website. Life and loyalty : a study in the socio-religious culture of Syria and Mesopotamia in the Graeco-Roman period based on epigraphical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Mantikê : studies in ancient divinationLeave the NDL website. A Local history of Greek polytheism : gods, people, and the land of Aigina, 800-400 BCELeave the NDL website. Nemesis, the Roman state, and the gamesLeave the NDL website. Nile into Tiber : Egypt in the Roman world : proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, May 11-14, 2005Leave the NDL website. Hiera kala : images of animal sacrifice in archaic and classical GreeceLeave the NDL website. Hellenic religion and Christianization, c. 370-529Leave the NDL website. Kykeon : studies in honour of H.S. VersnelLeave the NDL website. Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman EastLeave the NDL website. Attis : between myth and history : king, priest and GodLeave the NDL website. Isis en occident : actes du IIème Colloque international sur les études isiaques, Lyon III 16-17 mai 2002Leave the NDL website. Magical practice in the Latin West : papers from the international conference held at the University of Zaragoza, 30 Sept.-1 Oct. 2005Leave the NDL website. Studies in historical method, ancient Israel, ancient JudaismLeave the NDL website. Ancient magic and ritual powerLeave the NDL website. Panthée : religious transformations in the Graeco-Roman EmpireLeave the NDL website. Athena Itonia : geography and meaning of an ancient Greek war goddessLeave the NDL website. Mystery cults in visual representation in Graeco-Roman antiquityLeave the NDL website. Guide to the study of ancient magicLeave the NDL website. Pilgrimage and economy in the ancient MediterraneanLeave the NDL website. La splendeur des dieux : quatre études iconographiques sur l'hellénisme égyptienLeave the NDL website. Urban rituals in sacred landscapes in Hellenistic Asia MinorLeave the NDL website. Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre : béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternitéLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Paroles d'Apollon : pratiques et traditions oraculaires dans l'Antiquité tardive (IIe-VIe siècles)

  • Votives, places, and rituals in Etruscan religion : studies in honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa

  • Inscribing devotion and death : archaeological evidence for Jewish populations of North Africa

  • Dionysos in archaic Greece : an understanding through images

  • Religious practices and Christianization of the late antique city (4th-7th cent.)

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Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'Empire romain
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Note (General)
"Formerly Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'Empire romain."
Edited by R. van den Broek, H.J.W. Drijvers, and H.S. Versnel
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Votives, places, and rituals in Etruscan religion : studies in honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa
Inscribing devotion and death : archaeological evidence for Jewish populations of North Africa
Dionysos in archaic Greece : an understanding through images
Religious practices and Christianization of the late antique city (4th-7th cent.)
Magic and ritual in the ancient world
Sacred thresholds : the door to the sanctuary in late antiquity
Traditions of the Magi : Zoroastrianism in Greek and Latin literature
The variety of local religious life in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman periods
Romanising oriental Gods : myth, salvation, and ethics in the cults of Cybele, Isis and Mithras
Helios megistos : zur synkretistischen Theologie der Spätantike
Individuals and materials in the Greco-Roman cults of Isis : agents, images, and practices : proceedings of the VIth International Conference of Isis Studies (Erfurt, May 6-8, 2013-Liège, September 23-24, 2013)
The Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres the magicians : P. Chester Beatty XVI (with new editions of Papyrus Vindobonensis Greek inv. 29456+29828 verso and British Library Cotton Tiberius B. v f. 87)
Instructions for the netherworld : the Orphic gold tablets
Dionysos in classical Athens : an understanding through images
The Pythagorean Golden verses : with introduction and commentary
Isis on the Nile : Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : proceedings of the IVth International Conference of Isis Studies, Liège, November 27-29, 2008 : Michel Malaise in honorem
Divine images and human imaginations in Ancient Greece and Rome
The religious life of Nabataea
Trophonios de Lébadée : cultes et mythes d'une cité béotienne au miroir de la mentalité antique
Sabbath and synagogue : the question of sabbath worship in ancient Judaism
Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL)
Twice Neokoros : Ephesus, Asia, and the cult of the Flavian imperial family
The supreme gods of the Bosporan Kingdom : celestial Aphrodite and the most high God
La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire
Coping with the gods : wayward readings in Greek theology
Aegyptiaca Romana : nilotic scenes and the Roman views of Egypt
Provincial cult
My lots are in thy hands : sortilege and its practitioners in late antiquity
Guide to the study of ancient magic
The Jews in late ancient Rome : evidence of cultural interaction in the Roman diaspora
New aspects of religion in ancient Athens : honors, authorities, esthetics, and society
Roman gods : a conceptual approach
Cybele, Attis, and related cults : essays in memory of M.J. Vermaseren
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Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world
Where dreams may come : incubation sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman world
The early amazons : modern and ancient perspectives on a persistent myth
The religion of the Nabataeans : a conspectus
The provincial priesthood
Priests, tongues, and rites : the London-Leiden magical manuscripts and translation in Egyptian ritual (100-300 CE)
The Nile mosaic of Palestrina : early evidence of Egyptian religion in Italy
Terres cuites et culte domestique : bestiaire de l'Égypte gréco-romaine
Corinth : the first city of Greece : an urban history of late antique cult and religion
Worlds full of signs : ancient Greek divination in context
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La splendeur des dieux : quatre études iconographiques sur l'hellénisme égyptien
Sensorivm : the senses in Roman polytheism
Greek sacred law : a collection of new documents (NGSL2)
De Memphis à Rome : actes du Ier Colloque international sur les études isiaques, Poitiers-Futuroscope, 8-10 avril 1999
Études sur les hymnes orphiques
Hellenic religion and Christianization, c. 370-529
New Testament, early Christianity, and magic
Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine : étude historique des realia talmudiques (Ier-IVème siècles)
Alexandros oder der Lügenprophet
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The city of the moon god : religious traditions of Harran
Pilgrimage and holy space in late antique Egypt
Ancient angels : conceptualizing angeloi in the Roman Empire
La raison des signes : présages, rites, destin dans les sociétés de la méditerranée ancienne
The tradition of Hermes Trismegistus : the Egyptian priestly figure as a teacher of Hellenized wisdom
From temple to church : destruction and renewal of local cultic topography in late antiquity
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Greek religious terminology : telete & orgia : a revised and expanded English edition of the studies by Zijderveld and Van der Burg
The Palmyrenes of Dura-Europos : a study of religious interaction in Roman Syria
Portraits of spiritual authority : religious power in early Christianity, Byzantium and the Christian Orient
Life and loyalty : a study in the socio-religious culture of Syria and Mesopotamia in the Graeco-Roman period based on epigraphical evidence
Mantikê : studies in ancient divination
A Local history of Greek polytheism : gods, people, and the land of Aigina, 800-400 BCE
Nemesis, the Roman state, and the games
Nile into Tiber : Egypt in the Roman world : proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, May 11-14, 2005
Hiera kala : images of animal sacrifice in archaic and classical Greece
Hellenic religion and Christianization, c. 370-529
Kykeon : studies in honour of H.S. Versnel
Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East
Attis : between myth and history : king, priest and God
Isis en occident : actes du IIème Colloque international sur les études isiaques, Lyon III 16-17 mai 2002
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Panthée : religious transformations in the Graeco-Roman Empire
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Guide to the study of ancient magic
Pilgrimage and economy in the ancient Mediterranean
La splendeur des dieux : quatre études iconographiques sur l'hellénisme égyptien
Urban rituals in sacred landscapes in Hellenistic Asia Minor
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