
Roman literature and its contexts

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Roman literature and its contexts

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Feeney, D. C.ほか
Cambridge University Press
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Table of Contents

  • Engendering Rome : women in Latin epic

  • Redeeming the text : Latin poetry and the hermeneutics of reception

  • The shadow of Callimachus : studies in the reception of Hellenistic poetry at Rome

  • Inconsistency in Roman epic : studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan

  • Empire and memory : the representation of the Roman Republic in imperial culture

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Series editors, Denis Feeney and Stephen Hinds
Related Material
Engendering Rome : women in Latin epic
Redeeming the text : Latin poetry and the hermeneutics of reception
The shadow of Callimachus : studies in the reception of Hellenistic poetry at Rome
Inconsistency in Roman epic : studies in Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan
Empire and memory : the representation of the Roman Republic in imperial culture
Texts, editors, and readers : methods and problems in Latin textual criticism
Allusion and intertext : dynamics of appropriation in Roman poetry
Freud's Rome : psychoanalysis and Latin poetry
The arts of love : five studies in the discourse of Roman love elegy
Writing Rome : formations of the city
Writing Rome : textual approaches to the city
Latin language and Latin culture : from ancient to modern times
Slavery and the Roman literary imagination
The epic successors of Virgil : a study in the dynamics of a tradition
Literature and religion at Rome : cultures, contexts, and beliefs
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